Objekt FO 383/23 - Germany: Prisoners, including: Cases for consideration for possible exchange or release of prisoners, particularly Consular...

Bereich "Identifikation"


FO 383/23


Germany: Prisoners, including: Cases for consideration for possible exchange or release of prisoners, particularly Consular...


  • 1915 (Anlage)



Umfang und Medium

Bereich "Kontext"


Abgebende Stelle

Bereich "Inhalt und innere Ordnung"

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

Germany: Prisoners, including: Cases for consideration for possible exchange or release of prisoners, particularly Consular Officials, including: Exchange of British and German invalided civilians: Vatican agreement for arrangements to be carried out by US authorities; includes lists of names of individuals. John Audley, British invalided prisoner in Germany: proposed transfer for Richard Holzner, German prisoner detained in England. Parliamentary questions regarding exchange of prisoners, from Lord Robert Cecil and Commander Bellairs. Exchange of consuls: arrangements, and reports of present position. Hans Schuler, former German Consul at Calcutta, detained in India. Detention of Army Medical Corps: proposed exchange of prisoners. Vice-consul Eisenlohr, German consular official detained in Gibraltar: release. Exchange of consuls: twelve consular officials from UK and Mr Heym, German consul from Gibraltar. Thomas Whitehead, British Consul in Warsaw. Charles M Lawrence, secretary to the late Mr Cleator, detained in Germany: request from his mother, Mrs Annie Lawrence of Wokingham, that he might be exchanged as a consular official. Hans Josef Hein of Southend: release and return to Germany as a consular official; possible mistake for the real consul, Mr Heym, from Portsmouth. Mr Grimm, former Secretary to German Consulate, Bombay, detained in India: release and departure for Genoa; repatriation expenses. General Leman: proposed exchange for German admiral at Kiaochau. German Government proposal for exchange of Colonel Stratton and General ONeill, for Dr Schultz, late Governor of Samoa, and Captain von Diederichs. Carl Fuchs, naturalised British subject of Manchester, and distinguished professor of music, detained in Germany: proposed exchange for Otto Brix, German subject residing at Wimbledon. Mr H Bullock, late British acting Consul, Bremen: return to Sheffield following detention in Germany. Colonel Stratton and Admiral Chilcott: possible release, and exchange for German consular officials. Dr Flockemann, late German consul at Bloemfentein: departure from Cape Town for Germany via the UK. Dr Kallhardt, German prisoner in England: proposal from his brother-in-law, Professor Gjelsvik of the University of Christiania, that he may be exchanged for Captain Viscount Dalrymple, Scots Guards. Mr A Harnack, employed in German Consulate General at Cape Town and assisting Consul General of America: request that his name be added to list of officials for exchange. Departure of German consular officials, Mr Goerbert, Mr Rolfes and Mr Bruchhaus, from South Africa for Germany. Carlo B Murphy, Canadian interned at Ruhleben: request that his name be added to list of officials for exchange. E F Ottens, former German Vice-Consul in Rhodesia, interned in Durban: request for release to reside on parole in South Africa. William G Haigh, British Pro-Consul at Ghent: death in Germany. Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd: request that their officials interned in Ruhleben may be released. John Henry Lorch, British subject interned at Ruhleben: request that he be released as claiming to be a former consular official. Major Ponsonby Shaw, retired officer in Germany: request for assistance to return to England. Admiral William W Chilcott, detained in Germany: notification of his death. Paul Reinbach, former German Vice-Consul at Singapore, interned at Wakefield. Mr von Frankenburg, former resident of German South West Africa, detained in South Africa: possible exchange as a consular official. Mr de Haas, former commercial attaché at the German Consulate General, Sydney. Albert Brill, formerly Consular Agent for Germany at Madras. Mr Listemann and Mr Freudenberg, German consular officials in India and Ceylon. Winfried R Freudenberg (Reinhart Freudenberg), formerly German Consul in Ceylon: proposed removal to Australia. Mr Meinecke, Mr Gloye and Mr Julius, German consular officials. Code 1218 File 85 (papers 26550-112036).

Bewertung, Vernichtung und Terminierung


Ordnung und Klassifikation

The National Archives >> Records created or inherited by the Foreign Office >> Records of various First World War Departments >> Foreign Office: Prisoners of War and Aliens Department: General Correspondence from 1906

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