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Archival description
Carpenter, Karl (inventory)
BArch, N 521 · Fonds · 1808-1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Generalmajor Description of the Inventory: Mainly diary entries and letters mainly from his service as commander of the Imperial Protection Forces for Cameroon before and during World War I; records of the Cameroon campaign (1914-1916); lecture manuscripts citation method: BArch, N 521/...

Letters and correspondence, 1898-1909; Personal correspondence by Dr. Philipps and a letter by Pastor von Bodelschwingh, 1911, and a newspaper clipping, 1912; family letters, 1914-1919; testimony for Pastor Rösler, 1921; letters from African Christians to Rösler "New Letters from Usambara, 1922

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

among others part of a typoscript with memories of the history of airplanes (aerobatics world champion cup, this is how the 'Storch' was created); copies of newspaper articles: Two thousand kilometers over the desert. German fighter planes advance to the oasis Kufra, wedding flight in the desert storm; various correspondence Wilhelm Sachsenberg, list with obituaries. Contains also: 1 strip of color negatives of private photos of a celebration. corporations: German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics e.V., Alte Adler.Personen: Katzenstein, Kurt; Nitschke, Gerhard; Blaich, Theo; Bücker, Carl Clemens. 1 folder.

Plan of record groups

Der Kaufmannsladen der Familie Wittke wurde im November 1850 vom Kaufmann G.F. Wittke als Material-, Tabak-, Cigarren- und Destillations-Geschäft eröffnet, der von dessen Sohn Johannes (Tod 1928) als Kolonialwarenladen - und schließlich von der Enkeltochter als Lebensmittelgeschäft bis 1974 betrieben wurde. Die Kaufleute verzichteten auf einschneidende Modernisierungen. Somit blieben das Mobiliar der Gründerzeit, aber auch unzählige Warenbehälter, Verpackungen, Flaschen, Büchsen und Werbeträger sowie die nostalgische Verkaufstechnik erhalten. Darüber hinaus gibt es ein Konvolut von Briefen Wittkes.

Plan of record groups

Vor allem Unterlagen zu Kolonialwarenläden, einzelne Auswandererakten/-briefe und Fotos von Soldaten um 1915 insbesondere vor einem Denkmal für Gefallene.

Aberle, Anna (1876- )
RMG 1.748 · File · 1910-1911
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

in Okahandja, taken over by the Miechowitz sisters; letter from Sister Eva von Thiele-Winkler, 1910; letter from the deaconess house Friedenshort in Miechowitz, 1910; instruction for Sister Anna Aberle, 1910; letter from Sister Anna Aberle, 1911;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Diehl, William
RMG 3.530 · File · 1902-1945
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Correspondence, papers, travel report, 1902-1934; Vol. 2; Letters from and to mission colleagues, also Papua Christians, 1917-1935; Vol. 3; Family Letters, 1904-1945; Vol. 4; Diary 1906-1913 and some letters, all photocopies

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.596 · File · 1856-1873, 1928-1929
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1862-1869 in Pella, Concordia; Curriculum Vitae (written on entering the seminary), 1856; Letters and diary reports, 1861-1869; Letters of his widow Friederike Kupferbürger, née Schröder, reused Juffernbruch, 1869, 1873; Correspondence with Caroline (Lina) Kupferbürger (daughter), 1928-1929;

Rhenish Missionary Society