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Contains among other things: Overview of expenditure and income of German postal institutions in the protectorates and abroad in the accounting year 1903 Qu. 26a; memorandums: on the construction of a railway from Lüderitzbucht to Kubub together with a map (Reichstag printed matter 1905 Beil I, p. 5 - 15) Qu. 39b, the continuation of the Usambarabahn from Buiko to Moschi (1909, 25 p.) Qu. 40
Content: Colonial Policy - Colonial Legislation - Protectorate Act - Reichskolonialamt - Colonial Service - Colonial Procurement - Schutztruppe - Togo, Cameroon, D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a, D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Herero Uprising - Railway Construction - Colonial and Settlement Societies - Kiautschou/Tsingtau - Caroline Islands, Palau Islands and Mariana Islands - Colonial Policy and Research under National Socialist Rule - Position of Bremen in the Colonial Movement, especially Institute of Colonial Research
History of the inventor: In 1884 the German Reich took over the protection of the Bremen merchant Franz Adolf Eduard Lüderitz by acquiring land; in 1885 the German administration was established; the German colonial society, founded in 1895, expanded the German sphere of influence; in 1915 the Schutztruppe surrendered to the armed forces of the South African Union and the German administration ended. Inventory description: Inventory history At the end of the 1930s, the Reichsarchiv took over the files of the Colonial Administration of D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a, in some cases with considerable gaps in their transmission. After the relocation caused by the war, they were transferred to the Central State Archive in Potsdam in 1945. Here, the classification of the holdings into the central administration of Windhoek, the local administrations and the special administrations (justice, police, mining, railways) with their substructures, which had already been carried out in the Reich Archives, was preserved. The few volumes of files kept in the Federal Archives in Koblenz were assigned to the holdings after the reunification of Germany. Archive evaluation and processing In addition to the factual files of the most varied areas and administrative levels, the personnel files of the inspection of the state police as well as the railway administration and railway construction authorities form the most extensive groups of files with about 80 per cent of the transmission. The classification of the stock was carried out largely in accordance with the classification shown in the provisional finding aid, which was based on the registry scheme valid at the time. Only in a few individual cases were volumes assigned to a different classification. The order and titles of the volumes remained essentially unchanged. An index of persons, objects and places has been omitted, so that searches are only possible via the online version of this finding aid book. Content characterisation: Central administration; governorate in Windhoek; commissioner of the former governorate in Windhoek; local administration; district offices; district offices; administration of justice; high court in Windhoek; district courts; mountain authorities; registration aids. State of development: Findbuch 1942; Online-Findbuch 2002 Citation method: BArch, R 1002/...
'Mutation des Soldats Haoussa du Togo à Yaoundé afin d'y établir un contact avec les caravanes de marchands Haoussa de l'Adamaoua et leur redirection vers la côte du Protectorat du Cameroun. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères
Contains also: Advertisement for the Twin Disc Torque Converter - Advertisement for Mosinee Industrial Paper. * Includes: among others: Benguela Railway - Indian Pacific Express - The Overland - Prospector - Zig Zag Railway - "The Fish" Railway - Bagad Railway - Bahia Minas Railway - "Super Continental" - Beijing-Moscow Railroad - Chu-Kuang Express - Hedschasbahn - "Pink City Express" - Sanyo Electric Railway - "Hikari" - "Orient-Express" - Tokaido-Express - "Sumatra Railway" - Aqaba Railway - Trans-Cameroon Railway - "Polar Bear Express".- "Sand and Mine Railways in Canada-Labrador".- "Gasolene".- Notes and report on the railways in the Congo area with related publications in "The Railway Specialist".- Transiranian Railway.- Uhuru Railway - "Union-Limited" - Trans-Arab Railway - Padang Railway - Lomé-Blitta Railway - Trans-Saharan Railway - California Zephyr - "Aerotrain" - New York Central Railway - Vista Dome Car.
'Yaoundé. - Tasks of the 'fortress' of Yaoundé to be manned by a division of the police force with regard to the takeover of further military districts in South Cameroon into civil administration. - Memorandum by Captain Dominik
'The North German Missionary Society in Bremen avoids the mission territory in Togo. - Report by the Grade Secretary for the attention of the Foreign Office - Including: - Presentation of the situation by the German Missionary Society in West Africa by the Foreign Office according to information from Mission Inspector Zahn
'Exploratory Expedition to the North-East of the Togo Hinterland (1889 Staff Doctor Dr. Wolf). Report from Imperial Commissioner von Puttkamer to von Bismarck