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A XVII 199 · Item · 1914 -1935
Part of Stadtarchiv Bad Tölz

Erinnerungen des Tölzers Heinrich Hiedl im 1. Weltkrieg auf dem Kriegsschiff Cormoran sowie in der Kriegsgefangenschaft: typewritten with glued-in photos, bound as a book, completed by 1935.nSchenkung von Heinrich Hiedl

B 452 · Item · um 1910
Part of Stadtarchiv Bad Tölz

Kopie eines handschriftlichen Vortrag-Manuskripts, dazu Scann eines Fotos von Jungmayr als Militärarzt in Kamerun bei den deutschen Kolonialtruppen; Scann eines Zeitungsausschnittes von der Hochzeit der Jungmayr-Tochter Trudl mit Knut Eckener (Sohn des Zeppelin-Piloten Hugo Eckener) in Wackersberg;

VN 171,1 · File · 1906 - 1913
Part of Stadtarchiv Bad Tölz

Sammelmappe - Notizen und Korrespondenz mit Stadtmagistrat und Korrespondenz zu verschiedenen Themenbereichen, Beschwerden, Anzeigen, Verordnungen: Driving (petrol supplies, Much), pavement tolls, municipal decrees and ordinances, police (Schutzmannschaft, road traffic, 'Reinlichkeitspolizei', security police), local beautification and spa operations, bridges and roads, hygiene and rubbish, disturbance of the peace (woodcutters), stream cleaning, illegal use of public land, disturbance of the public peace, religious life (foot washing on Maundy Thursday), labour law (dismissal), request for drivers for the army ('geheim!'), flood notification (1912), eviction and rent, burial permits, Bavarian trade show 1912, raft alley at Flecker Wehr, bank protection, honouring soldiers in colonial wars, timber transport by raft masters, sick notes for the military, Refusal ofnservice certificates by Balthasar Steigenberger, haulage trade association, billboards, posting of traffic signs 'Motor vehicles - 15 km', orders to report for duty and passport system, Blomberg gymnastics festival (Bad Tölz gymnastics club),nProhibition of Gratler wagons, Suttner home right, trade regulations, bathing tax, Tölz prison (supply), misuse of municipal equipment, motor vehicle traffic, log auction in Fall, dog keeping, closure of the Ibelherr private maternity centre, animal exchange, determination of the front garden line for the Bruckfeld, Issuance of local police regulations on beautification and enforcement of building regulations, tax and insurance, local police regulationsnzum Leonhardifest, telephone accident reporting service, slaughter certificate, collection for the disabled in Attel

A11832 · Fonds · 01 Jan 1914 - 31 Dec 1932
Part of National Archives of Australia

A set of very roughly kept dossier type files each one of which is normally broken up into many parts. The files normally commence with papers regarding the department's part in the seizure of the ship; this is followed by papers relating to the prize court proceedings, and the file then consists of papers regarding the disposal of cargo and the arranging of payments for expenses incurred during disposal.
