Enthält: v.a. Deutscher Frauenverein vom Roten Kreuz für die Kolonien
Erinnerungen des Tölzers Heinrich Hiedl im 1. Weltkrieg auf dem Kriegsschiff Cormoran sowie in der Kriegsgefangenschaft: typewritten with glued-in photos, bound as a book, completed by 1935.nSchenkung von Heinrich Hiedl
AWM33 is an artificial series of records relating to the military occupation of German New Guinea by the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force during 1914-1921 and to the writing of The Official History of Australian during the War of 1914-18: Volume X, The Australians at Rabaul: the capture and administration of German possessions in the southern Pacific by Seaforth Simpson McKenzie (published 1927).While it is a composite of private donations and officially transferred records accessioned by the Memorial between 1928 and 1965, the bulk of the series consists of Department of Defence records transferred through the Official Historian between 1928 and 1940. The series date range 1914-1926 reflects the administrative context in which the records were created, rather than the subsequent composite accumulation of the records themselves.The records were initially housed together as "New Guinea campaign records" (also known as the "Holmes Collection") in a filing cabinet, and were arranged into sub-groups based on type of record and the provenance of the accessions. Divider cards separated records under the following headings:HOLMES COLLECTION(Items [1]-[8])This group seems to have been so named because of the important acquisition of Colonel Holmes' diary from the Department of Defence in 1928, and the later donation of records from Holmes' family in 1963.REPORTS AND DESPATCHES - HOLMES AND PETHEBRIDGE(Items [9]-[12/19])As with "Reports miscellaneous 1914-1918" and "Reports miscellaneous 1919-1922" below, this group contains reports and memoranda from the various Administrators of German New Guinea to the Department of Defence. All three groups of records were transferred through the Official Historian, and the separation of the Holmes and Pethebridge material is probably a reflection of S S Mackenzie's distinction between the earlier and later stages of the Administration in the Official History.REPORTS ETC. MISCELLANEOUS(Items [13]-[40])Most of the items in this group are "miscellaneous" in nature, and were donated between 1956 and 1964 by individuals who served in the AN
Description of series: Documents relating to the certificates and survey reports for all equipment and functioning of a vessel. History Prior/Subsequent to Transfer: "Prior to transfer-" The "Prinz Sigismund" a merchant vessel of 3302 tons gross and 1844 tons net register, arrived in Brisbane from Japan on 4/8/1914. The vessel was detained as an enemy (German) vessel on 5/8/1914 and seized 'in prize 'on 6/8/1914. After, she was brought before the Prize Court for adjudication; she was taken over from the Commonwealth Government by the Western Australian Government for trading on the coast of that state. She was renamed the 'BAMBRA'. In 1927 the "BAMBRA" was handed over to the United Kingdom Government and was subsequently sold to a Dutch firm of shipbreakers. Ordinarily the ship's papers would have been passed on to the Western Australian Government with the ship, but at the particular time this was overlooked and they remained in the custody of the Collector of Customs, Qld, until transfer to Archives. Subsequent to transfer - The documents are written in German, however it was ascertained that, in the main, the documents relate to: - Certificate of Seaworthiness, Docking Freeboard Certificate, Machine Certificate, Lloyds Test Certificate (Anchors), Government Surveyors Certificate of Measurements and Seaworthiness, General Licence for the Conveyance of Chinese Emigrants, Survey Certificate.
Director of Customs, Brisbane, QueenslandOffice for the Compensation of Private Property and Interests: Liquidation of Enemy Property - 1919 - 1922; Sequestres of German Property, Ban on Trade; Legislation on the Prohibition of Trade Relations with Germany and Austria-Hungary.
War damage in the territories of the AEF and Cameroon; War damage prior to 1914; Correspondence; Ngoko-Sangha Forest Company and Compagnie Fançaise de l'Ouhano et de la Nana; Texts; Dissolution of the war damage tribunal; Mede de paiement des indemnités; Liquidation.
Sequestration of enemy property; Military postal control; Military affairs, joint manoeuvres; Correspondence and telegrams
especially the donations from church coffers and schoolchildren, appeal, invoice diary and receipts
- description: Contains, among other things: Election campaign material on colonial politics, including the Herero Uprising, ca. 1907 ("Hottentot Elections"); election campaign material of the National Liberal Party, the Centre and the Social Democratic Party, 1907. Contains, among other things: Election campaign material on colonial politics, including the Herero Uprising, ca. 1907 ("Hottentot Elections"); election campaign material of the National Liberal Party, the Centre and the Social Democratic Party, 1907 1907, City Archive Düsseldorf, 0-1-21 Political Parties, Workers' and Soldiers' Council (old: fonds XXI) Political Parties, Workers' and Soldiers' Council (old: fonds XXI)
Half appeared submarine in inclined position, with two men looking out of the hatch, one of them looking through binoculars, field post from Rastatt ("I have [...] learned that you and the neighbourhood [in Karlsruhe] were spared by the French gang")
View of a tropical landscape Undescribed
Native soldier of the German Schutztruppe, with rifle and German Reich flag Undescribed
View of various southern fruits Undescribed
River landscape with a hut and natives on the bank Undescribed
A pair of ostriches, a clutch of eggs at his feet Undescribed
On a hill a group of German soldiers with a rifle at the ready, on a rock the raised imperial war flag Undescribed
In the middle portrait of Wilhelm II in a laurel wreath (head picture), above the German imperial crown, left and right soldiers with rifle (Imperial Army and Schutztruppe), below Imperial Eagle, Iron Cross, Imperial Flag and Imperial War Flag Undescribed
View of the lorry with people, banana trees hanging on the loading area, on the posters on the lorry it says "Germany, your colonies".
Contains: Includes above all: Accompanying letter to taken pieces; case of Peter Brinkmann (L 51 No. 244); payments to creditors; questions of the settlement of debts; statements of expenditure; deadly epidemic of cattle; writings and countersheets on the independence of Vianas; maintenance of the grain mill of Ameide; Marriage of Landgrave Philipp von Hessen-Philippstal and Maria von Limburg, Bronkhorst and Styrum in Vianen; lottery winnings of Detmoldern in Holland, among them [Christoph] von Piderit, Jost Hermann Schröder, Christian Bucholtz, Johann Ludwig Hilgenkamp; occupation of vacant offices; behaviour of J. F. Rappardus and referral of the case to the spiritual court of Gouda (cf. L 51 No. 255); unexpected arrival of a son of Count zur Lippe; plan to sell Noordeloos; death of H. W. Gordon; guarantee of the kings of England and Prussia for the independence of Vianen; claims of Mr. de La Claveliere; plan of minting coins in Vianen; list of mintings in Holland; plan of a military protection force for Vianen; search for a successor for H.W. Gordon as preacher; negotiations about Noordeloos; integration of books (part IV of 'Larray, Histoire'); manslaughter of hunter Nikolaus Maus (L 51 No. 210); desire for NN Temmink to be appointed preacher; acquisition of books (¿La cité mystique de Dieu¿ [from Maria de Jesús, Brussels 1715 ff.] on the instructions of the Count of Lippe); payment of the hundredth penny to Holland; search for a preacher; inheritance claims of the Solms family; interpretation of the coat-of-arms of Vianen
Contains: among others: World Exhibition 1904 in St. Louis; German Army, Marine and Colonial Exhibition 1907 in Berlin
Content:Authorities:Authorities of the Hibernia until 1935 1846-1936 (72)Authorities of the Bergwerks-AG Recklinghausen until 1935 1870-1936 (42)Authorities of the Hibernia after 1935 1935 1935-1969 (7)Purchase of the pit fields and pits of the Hibernia 1855-1935, 1960, 1970 (47)Purchase of the pits by the Bergfiskus 1872-1925 (12)Development of the Hibernia 1873 to 1935:Trade Union Hibernia 1847-1873 (3)Trade Union Shamrock 1849-1873 (4)Foundation of the Hibernia and Shamrock Mining Company 1872-1873 (3)Nationalization 1872-1873, 1904-1950 (30)Development of Bergwerks-AG Recklinghausen 1902 to 1935:Bergfiskus 1885-1932 (9)Statutory regulations 1902-1935 (7)Bergwerksdirektion 1851-1929 (41)Transformation into a joint stock company 1902-1929 (11)Management Board / Supervisory Board / General Meetings 1925-1936 (10)Development of Hibernia 1935 to 1970:Merger of Hibernia and Bergwerks-AG Recklinghausen 1933-1936 (5)Reorganization by the military government 1945-1951 (14)Laws 27 and 75 1948-1952 (8)Reestablishment of Hibernia 1933-1957 (2)Development of VEBA and Ruhrkohle AG:Foundation of VEBA 1928-1971 (8)Reorganization of the entire company 1966-1969 (9)Reorganization of the mining industry 1966-1968 (22)Foundation of Ruhrkohle AG 1968-1969 (10)Reorganization of VEBA / Conversion of Hibernia to VEBA 1923-1940, 1955-1971 (12)Corporate bodies:Articles of Association / Commercial Register Entries 1873-1965 (5)Annual General Meetings 1873-1968 (86)Supervisory Board 1873-1969 (97)Executive Board 1873-1969 (86)General Administration:Internal Organization of Hibernia 1855-1969 (39)Circulars of the Executive Board and the Administration 1935-1970 (33)Directors' Meetings 1918-1959 (12)Personal Data (and other information) a. William Thomas Mulvany) 1855-1974 (19)Administration by departments:Technical Department 1919, 1933-1966 (6)Training 1910-1927, 1952-1969 (10)Accident Prevention 1877-1968 (27)Staff / Works Representation 1868-1972 (70)Mine Surveying / Mining Damage 1861-1932 (22)Traffic Issues 1879-1944, 1957 (55)Housing industry / construction of worker colonies 1888-1967 (98)Mine access railways / ports 1859-1935 (78)Correspondence with the mining authority and other authorities 1863-1928 (10)Telephone systems 1881-1947 (7)Public relations / statistics:Public Relations / Advertising 1933-1970 (24)Press clipping collection 1857-1892, 1937-1972 (322)Hibernia in numbers 1926-1969 (29)Finances:Share capital 1878-1935, 1951-1952 (22)Bonds 1892-1945, 1958-1964 (49)Balance sheets 1903-1925, 1935-1948 (17)Audits / revisions 1927-1965 (25)Taxes / levies 1874-1934 (43)Financial reports 1911-1925, 1945-1965 (5)Property matters:General Property Matters 1904-1973 (112)Hibernia Mine 1854-1939 (66)Shamrock Mine 1/2 1856-1944 (160)Shamrock Mine 3/4 1889-1942 (266)Wilhelmine Victoria Mine 1887-1940 (108)Schlägel Mine 1887-1940 (108)Schlägel Mine
"The future of the colonies by the emperor. Letter of safe conduct
Pregnancies and childbirth. - 25th anniversary of the reign of the emperor and king of Prussia. - Friedrichs marriage to Adelheid v. Lippe-Biesteritz. - Intercession for the German troops fighting in China (Boxeraufstend). - Intercession for the German troops who were sent there because of the uprising in Deutsch-Südwestafrika (1904).
Period: 1473 - 1938 Scope: 25.5 linear metres = 924 units of description Cataloguing: ordered and indexed, index (2005) Citation method: AHR, No. ... or AHR, Mayor and Council: Warfare, No. ... Contents: 1st Military Organization General, including shipping in wartime, arrival of an English fleet under Admiral Nelson (1551-1873, 9 VE), city fortifications (1526-1849, 11 VE).- Armament (1488-1852, 16 VE) - War registers (1510-1574, 9 VE) - City soldiers (1510-1850, 11 VE) - City guard, quarters, citizen flags (around 1560-1848, 32 VE) - Citizen guard, flag corps (1847-1873, 21 VE).- war chest, ticket and service money (1625-1864, 14 units) - advertising, desertions (1563-1807, 20 units) - quarters (1665-1930, 9 units) - disputes with military personnel (1744-1858, 10 units).- Mecklenburg Garrison, Füsilierregiment No. 90 (1731-1930, 31 VE) - Mecklenburg Military Affairs (1473-1905, 21 VE) - Military Affairs of the German Reich (1868-1938, 32 VE) - Warnemünde Airfield (1912-1918, 30 VE). 2nd wars Thirty Years War (1613-1670, 74 VE) - Swedish licence duty in Warnemünde after the end of the Thirty Years War (1632-1747, 18 VE) - Swedish wars (1657-1681, 16 VE) - Nordic War (1702-1749, 22 VE).- Imperial execution against Mecklenburg (1719-1741, 4 units) - Seven-year war (1758-1798, 38 units) - Napoleonic wars (1805-1820, 235 units) - Franco-German war (1870-1879, 9 units) - First World War (1913-1922, 232 units). Overview: The fortified wall belt with the city gates and towers provided the city with effective military protection. The citizens were obliged to work fortification, to guard and defend the town, had to pay taxes for military purposes. The craft offices had to provide fixed contingents of crew and weapons for the citizen contingent. In times of war, the armed forces were increased by recruited mercenaries under noble leaders, who were used in particular for foreign undertakings. Since the 16th century, the dukes of Mecklenburg Rostock have contested the sovereignty of the armed forces and sought the right of occupation (ius praesidii). In 1565 Duke Johann Albrecht I succeeded in occupying the town and subjugating it to sovereignty. As a result, the inheritance contract of 21 September 1573 was concluded, which left Rostock the right of occupation, but granted the dukes the right to move into the city with up to 400 men in case of danger. For the defence of the country the formation of mercenaries was planned, Rostock had to provide in this case 400 men and two guns. A number of measures should protect against the looming dangers of the Thirty Years' War. From 1623, the town set up mercenary units and from 1626, in order to pay them and finance their quarters, raised service or ticket money. The urban area was divided into 18 flags. In 1626 the reconstruction of the fortification according to the plans of the Dutch architect Johann van Valckenburg began. Nevertheless, in 1628 the town had to surrender to the troops of the imperial commander Albrecht Wallenstein. In 1631 the dukes of Mecklenburg succeeded in reconquering their country with the help of the Swedish king. In return, the Swedes were granted the duty in Warnemünde. The Swedish entrenchment there was fought over and over again in the changeful constellations of the following period, Rostock was occupied several times by Brandenburg, Danish and Swedish troops. After 1631 the town had set up its own mercenary company again. In 1702 they agreed with the sovereigns on a strength of 50 men. The city militia was to serve together with ducal soldiers. Rostock gave up its occupation right with this settlement, had from now on only a co-occupation right. Since 1715 Duke Karl Leopold tried by force to obtain the full occupation right. It was not until the Convention of 1748 that the disputes could be settled. At first the city held on to the right of co-occupation and its 50 soldiers, but in the inheritance contract of 1788 they renounced it. After 1748 the dukes had begun to station their own regiments in Rostock. Triggered by the Napoleonic wars, a fundamental change in military conditions set in. After Mecklenburg's accession to the Confederation of the Rhine, contingent troops had to be set up according to the conscription system of the French army. This marked the break with the old feudal army and the change to bourgeois military rule. After the victory over Napoleon and the accession of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin to the German Confederation, this system was further developed and in 1820 the military obligation for the male population was established. In contrast to the residence cities, the military played a subordinate role in Rostock. The Neue Wache at Blücherplatz, built in 1822/25, was the seat of the ducal city commander. A special feature was the Citizen Guard set up in March 1848, which grew out of the old military organisation of flags. However, the idea of people's armament was lost again in the following flag corps. The military contingent to be provided by Mecklenburg-Schwerin in the German Confederation was strongly oriented towards Prussia, which led in 1868 to the integration into its army. The two battalions in Rostock belonged to the Grand Ducal Fusilier Regiment No. 90 according to the count used from then on. 1876 the garrison hospital was built for the regiment in St.-Georg-Straße, 1890 the barracks in Ulmenstraße were completed (thus the previous quarters were no longer needed), 1914 the machine gun company moved into the barracks in Ulmenstraße. The First World War represented a considerable burden for the population who remained at home, in particular the supply and welfare issues required a great deal of administrative effort. The Warnemünde airfield on Hohe Düne, which had been built since 1913 with the support of the Reichsmarineamt, was used by a seaplane experimental command during the war. In 1919 the Füsilier Regiment No. 90 was demobilized and a battalion of the Infantry Regiment No. 5 of the Reichswehr moved into Rostock as a garrison. In 1935, the Schützen- and Artilleriekaserne for now two battalions of the infantry regiment no. 27 of the Wehrmacht were built in the western city expansion area. Publications: Rogge, W.: Wallenstein and the city of Rostock. A contribution to the special history of the 30-year war. Appendix: The history of Rostock's fortification, in: Meckl. Vol. 51, 1886, pp. 283-350 Koppmann, Karl: The Exercises of the Citizens' Guard, in: Beitr. Rost. 2nd Vol. 1899 H. 2, pp. 93-96 Krause, Karl Ernst Hermann: Rostock's Soldiers in the Thirty Years' War, in: Beitr. Rost. 2nd Vol. 1899 H. 4, S. 75-84 Vorberg, Axel: Die Disziplinar- und Strafreglements der Rostocker Bürgergarde (1848-1853), in: Beitr. Rost. 4th vol. 1905 H. 2, pp. 71-80 Koppmann, Karl: Rostock Artillery, in: Beitr. Rost. Volume 4 1907 H. 3, pp. 43-58 Krause, Karl Ernst Hermann: Rostock in the Seven Years' War, in: Beitr. Rost. 7th vol. 1913, pp. 97-111 Hofmeister, Adolph: Die Brüder Varmeier und die Ermordung des Obristen H.L. von Hatzfeld im Jahre 1631, in: Beitr. Rost. 7th vol. 1913, pp. 81-96 Krause, Ludwig: Schill in Rostock, in: Beitr. Rost. 9th vol. 1915, p. 1-32 Freyenhagen, Walter: The Wehrmacht Relations of the City of Rostock in the Middle Ages, in: Meckl. Vol. 95, vol. 1931, p. 1-102 Bachmann, Friedrich: A plan of the siege of Rostock in 1631 and the fortification of the city since about 1613, in: Beitr. Rost. 18th vol. 1933, p. 5-78 Lorenz, Adolf Friedrich: On the history of the Rostock city fortification (An attempt at reconstruction), in: Beitr. Rost. Vol. 20, 1935, pp. 27-78 Raif, Friedrich Karl: Mercenaries and soldiers of the city of Rostock from the 16th to the 18th century, in: Beitr. Rost. N.F. H. 7 1987, pp. 17-34 Keubke, Klaus-Ulrich: Mecklenburg Military History (1701-1918), Schwerin 2000 (Writings of the Atelier für Porträt- und Historienmalerei, 5) Strahl, Antje: Rostock in the First World War, Berlin 2007 (Kleine Stadtgeschichte, 6) Münch, Ernst: Honorary Doctorate and Audience. Two Rostock Variations on the Theme of Dealing with the French Occupiers in 1807, in: Manke, Matthias / Münch, Ernst (Ed.): Unter Napoleons Adler. Mecklenburg in der Franzosenzeit, S. 207-244 (Publications of the Historical Commission for Mecklenburg. Series B New episode, vol. 2)
Contains: also: Use of officials of the Kiantschou protectorate after the fall of Tsingtau.
Contains: among others: poster
Contains: Statutes.
The picture archive of the two Lemgo master photographers Fritz Ernst Ohle (1881 - 1962) and Karl Ernst Ohle (1917 - 1982) was transferred to the city archive as a deposit (reservation of title) of the association Alt Lemgo e. V. in 2013. The picture archive was sold in 1989 to the Lemgo entrepreneur Gerhard Mische, who donated the photo collection to the Alt Lemgo association in 2002. The stock consists of glass plate negatives, b/w photo prints on cardboard, photo albums (b/w), negatives (b/w and color), slides (b/w and color) as well as loose or framed photo prints (b/w and color). In the archive database, the glass plate negatives and some of the photo prints on cardboard have been indexed so far. When the picture archive was handed over, digital photos of the glass plate negatives and some of the photo prints were also delivered on cardboard, which are stored as thumbnails in the archive database and can be viewed in the reading room of the city archive via the archive database. For the remaining photo material there are partly handwritten lists, which were made by Mr. Hartmut Walter of the association Alt Lemgo. The rest is not further developed and has only partial inscriptions. The old finding aids for the glass plate negatives and the photo prints on cardboard are available for inspection in the reading room of the City Archive. Your details have been included in the archive database. In addition, B/W printouts of the digital copies can be viewed in the reading room according to the sequence of signatures. The order signatures of the stock consist of an abbreviation and a sequential number. The abbreviations shall be broken down as follows: FAK = Photo prints on cardboard GPK = Glass plates GPG = Glass plates Contents mainly photographs of houses, streets, people and events in Lemgo from the end of the 19th century to the 1960s. In the case of publications of photos from the stock, the following shall be cited: StaL N 9 Depositum Ohle (Association Alt Lemgo/Mischen) signature. Some of the glass plate negatives from the picture collection have been owned by the Westfälisches Amt für Denkmalpflege since 1979. Prints of these negatives can be found in the photo collection N 1 of the city archive.
In the presence of the German Governor Dr. Solf, Samoan women dance a traditional dance to celebrate the birthday of Emperor Wilhelm II / Photographer: Scherl