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Archival description

Correspondence between inspectors Ronicke u. Kittelvitz u. Sister Magdalena Hagena, mostly thank-you letters for donations, often expressed in the form of poems, 1922-1944; membership card of the Sarepta-Afrikabund, 1933; obituary for sister Magdalene Hagena, 1944; estate of sister Magdalena Hagena circulars to the members of the Afrikabund, partly printed with photos of the first baptized Tutsi, 1925-1941; letters of African Christians, u.a. by Hermann Kanafunzi, Jakobo Ngombe, Samuel Stepke, Sospater Boko, Johana Kikkule, Heilgehilfe Paulo, Elisabeth Nyaboro and many more with a photo by Sospater Boko, 1929-1938; letters from missionary sisters and missionaries from Africa, 1925-1937; letters from the Missionaries Gleiß, von der Heyden, Hosbach and Johanssen, 1924-1930

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Aimee Linder (1880-1956)

Correspondence, 1912-1956; testimony for Aimee Linder, 1921; request of an African child to return from Aimee Linder to Mlalo, 1925; travel report by Aimee Linder, 1926; medical report, 1944; care matters, 1944-1945; death announcement for Aimee Linder, 1956

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Curriculum Vitae and copies of testimonies, 1939; Vow of Deputation and Tropical Certificate, 1939; Curriculum Vitae and Tropical Certificate for Anna Epple (his bride), 1939; Correspondence with Albert Heinzelmann, 1938-1941; Message of Heinzelmann's death in Russia, 1941; Correspondence with Hanna Heinzelmann, née Epple, 1941-1954; Marriage Notice Hanna Heinzelmann with Heinrich Lampmann, 1952

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Anna Heinz (1902-1976)

Curriculum vitae, vows of secondment and instructions, 1932; correspondence, 1931-1968; reports from work in Africa, 1935-1938 and 1952-1960; curricula vitae, 1951; medical certificates, 1956-1957 and, 1964

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Annemarie Fabian (1905-1989)

Curriculum vitae and vows of secondment, 1938; Correspondence, 1937-1970; "Unterricht auf einer Außenstation, 1939; Ärztliche Befunde, 1947 u. 1968; Ausbildungsvertrag, Curriculum vitae vor ihrer Wiederausfahrt nach Makumira, 1959

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Annie Boesch (1898-?)

Reifezeugnis Bibelhaus "Malche für Annie Boesch, 1926; curriculum vitae, 1928; vows of secondment and instructions, 1929 and 1934; correspondence, reports and circulars to friends, 1928-1952; "Sitten der Küstenleute Ostafrikas u. the mountain dwellers of Usambara, 1931; photos from Lwandai, 1932; medical testimonies, 1933; photos from Kashasha, 1935; paper silhouettes of typical skulls of the Haya, Mbondai and Shambala, 1937; "African school methods, 1938

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
August Kraemer (1862-1896)

Testimony on Theological Examination, 1888; Engagement Notice, 1888; Equipment List for Africa and Newspaper Report on the Farewell at the Port, 1888; Correspondence and Diary Excerpts, 1888-1895; Reports on "Rekognoszierungsreise behufs Anlegung einer neuen Station (Tanga), 1889; "Bilder aus Tanga, 1890; "Which difficulties oppose an emigration to East Africa? (Lecture), 1893; Report on the death of A. Kraemer in Egypt, 1896; Correspondence with Martha Kraemer, née Wegener, 1896-1901

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Berlin Mission:

Correspondence, circulars, etc.; "Die Berliner Mission in Ostafrika 9 S., ms., N. N., ca. 1943; "The German and non-German Evangelical Missions in German East Africa, Rwanda, Burundi, Cameroon, Togo, German Southwest Africa, ca. 1943; "Brief overview of the Bethel Mission, 5 S. by Curt Ronicke, ca. 1944

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Bertha Johanssen (1897-1985)

Korrespondenz, 1930-1969; Vow of Deputation, 1933; Arbeitsberichte, 1930-1932; Zwei Briefe von einheimischen Christen (Bitte um Trombone), 1931; Tagebuchblätter aus dem Gemeindeleben in Kigarama, 1932; "Komm u. see How I Die, 1933; "Magambo - small pictures from a large community, 1934; "About the Origin of Wamara - narrated by an old Kisibamann, 1934; "We Go There and Walk, 1935; "From Community Life in Kigarama, 1936; "A Royal Mother in Hayaland, 1937

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa