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Archival description

Statistics listing the tribes under treatment, 1928-1931 and 1939; General Correspondence, 1961-1969; Monthly and Annual Reports, some minutes of Executive Committee meetings, 1961-1970; "Bringing Better Health to Bumbuli by Robin Peters - newspaper clipping from "The Standard, March 1965; Various Building and Construction Reports". Extension projects; Hospital-Kapelle, 1964-1965; Medical-Technical Equipment, 1961-1965; Repair of old buildings, Digo project with building plans on a scale of 1 : 100, 1964-1970; Extension of the hospital, 1965-1968; New construction of Dispensary Mtimbwani with building plan, 1964-1968; NED project: Diesel engine and water supply, 1969-1970

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 1.037 · File · 1903-1926
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence; Agreement of the Hülfs-Comités f. d. Anstalten d. Innere Mission in Treffen/Carinthia (Vors. Insp. Haussleiter) and Countess La Tour (Grün-derin d. Anst.) on the employment of P. Aschoff and Dienst-weisung, 1903; Call for care for abandoned half-white children in Southwest Africa, 1907; Protocols of the Commission f. Innere Mission in d. Dt. Schutzgebieten, 1908 1913; Report on work of the Commission IN: Das Reich, July 1908; Report on the Innere Mission in d. d. d. Schutzgebieten, Dr. m. Fig. 8 p., 1912; Conference German Protestant Work Organisations, about the founding verse, 39 p., Dr., 1916; newspaper article about this, IN: Der Reichsbote Nr. 197, April 1916

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.093 · File · 1939-1941
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Günther Hecht: Colonial question and racial thought. Series of the racial policy. Amtes, H. 16, 36 p., Dr., 1939; Nine Theses of the Office of Racial Policy on Colonial Politics, copy from Prussia. Newspaper, No. 6, January 1939; Letter of the Colonial Political Office concerning the road conditions in Southwest and South Africa and reply with statement of the Addresses of local missionaries, 1941

Rhenish Missionary Society
Erhard Buchholz (1891-?)

Curriculum Vitae and copies of testimonies, 1930; Instructions and vows, 1930; Correspondence, 1930-1972; "Vom Schulwesen der Bethel-Mission in Usambara, 1931; "Erlebtes u. Beobachtetes (as a teacher in Lwandai), 1931; Circulars to the parents and friends, 1931. Friends of the school, 1931-1937; "The inauguration of the Friedrich von Bodelschwingh School in Mlalo-Lwandai, 1931; invitation to the inauguration of the new elementary school in Mlalo-Lwandai, 1932; applications for school support to English and German schools. German government offices, 1935; Invitation to the German School Festival in Lushoto, 1935; Disputes between Buchholz and Rorarius, 1935-1936; From the life of the Friedrich von Bodelschwingh School in Lwandai, 1936; Laudatio for Erhard Buchholz on his 80th birthday (a newspaper clipping), 1971

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Franz Gleiss (1868-1939)
M 218 Bd. 7 · File · 1931-1934
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Circular letter from shepherd Paulo Danga, 1931; "Changes in Land Proposals, newspaper article from The East African Standard from September 1934; basic information on missionary work in Usambara, reflections on the proposals of Dr. Müller, 1934; correspondence, reports, stories, 1931-1934

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Collection of material for the discussion of mission and the church with the leadership of the Third Reich and for forming opinions of the mission societies; consisting of correspondence, memoranda, newspaper articles, expert opinions, statements, etc., 12 fascicles (see also RMG 1.138)

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 918 · File · 1915-1919
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes, Circulars, Communications, Correspondence; On the War, Prison Camp in South Africa, North German General Newspaper, No. 135, May 1915; A. W.Schreiber: Die Kriegsarbeit der Dt. Evang. Missions-Hilfe, 6 p., Dr., July 1915; Th. Kaftan: Zur Frage der Dt. Evang. Missions-Hilfe, 8 p., Dr., August 1915; A. W.Schreiber: Kriegstagung der DEMH, 6 p., Dr., 1915; The Church Chonicle, September 1915; Allgemeine Missions-Nachrichten, Okober 1915; A. W.Schreiber: Numerical overview of the participation of missions in domestic military service until autumn 1916; H. Johannsen: Das Verhältnis d. Mission Conferences to DEMH, paper, 15 p., ms., 1917; Against the rape of German missions, flyer with demands for peace treaty, 1919

Rhenish Missionary Society

Circular of the German Women's Association to recruit new members, 1886; Correspondence with the German Women's Association, 1887-1889; advertising leaflet of a lottery for East Africa (print), 1891; statutes of the EMDOA (print); newspaper clippings on colonization and missionary work in East Africa

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 2.635 b · File · 1841-1967
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

The missionary work in Southwest Africa according to the annual reports of 1949; Der künstliche Abortus bei d. Herero u. Ovambo, N. N., o. J.; Arigene Religion u. Christentum, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, o. J.; Foreign - and yet at the heights of Christianity, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, o. J.; As under d. Church of the Urafrikans, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n.d.; The "Old Holy Book" in Africa, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n.d.; Visiting d. Hei-//om (Buschschläfern), Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1936; Unter d. Buschmännern in Südwestafrika, Alfred Unterkötter, 1936; Ein Dankopfer, Friedrich Hermann Rust, no year; Der heute Stand d. Missionsarbeit im Waterberg-Reservat, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1936; Death Sunday in Swakopmund, Heinrich Johann Brockmann, 1937; Abendmahl u. Orunjara bei d. Herero, Friedrich Pönnighaus, n. J.; Comfort in the African earth sorrow, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n. J.; The natives of Southwest Africa, Heinrich Vedder? o. J.; Unterwegs (im Ochsenwagen), by Friedrich Pönnighaus, o. J.; Zur Frage d. finanz Selbstständmachung unserer Gemeinden oder wie erziehehehe ich meine Gemeinde zum finanz Selbstständigkeit, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1937; Ist finanzielle Selbstständmachung unserer Gemeinden in Südwestafrika möglich, u. wie?, Karl Schmitz, 1937; Zu d. Bericht d. Bruder's Karl Sckär über Ehescheidung, Johannes Georg Heinrich Heinrich Olpp, 1929; Ist d. Ausbau unserer Missionskonferenz zu e. Synod required and possible, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1937; Annunciation in the Mix of Nations of Southwest Africa, Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; The Battle with the Holy Fire, Friedrich Pönnighaus 1935; The Holy Fire (The Sacrificial Altar of Herero = okuruuo), Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; Hurus, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1932; "On African Travelling Routes", N.N..., Windhoek, 1934; World and world view of Bergdama in Southwest Africa, Heinrich Vedder, without year; Unter d. Betschuanen, Friedrich Pönnighaus, without year; Remarks to the Lecture by Pg Reinbeck on the activities of the Pagan Mission in South West Africa, Mission Director J. Warneck, 1935; Die Akazien unseres Landes, Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; The trees and shrubs of the District of Windhoek (excluding the Akazien), Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; Which duties does the Protestant Germany in South West Africa have? ca. 1910; The Jackal and the Leopard, e. Märchen aus Südwestafrika, Heinrich Vedder, without year; Das Volk hinter d. Berge, Wilhelm Loeber, 1937; A strange Christmas message, Wilhelm Loeber, o. J.; And new life blooms from the ruins, Wilhelm Loeber, no year; house building in the Heidenland (Ovamboland), N. N.?, no year; The Chief's Hunt (Mandume), N. N.., n. J.; Rasse u. Mission in Südwestafrika, N. N., ca. 1935; Between War and Crisis: On the 125th Anniversary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in South-West Africa (Rheinische Missionskirche), press release by RMG, Werner Andreas Wienecke, 1967; Südwestafrika - e. zweites Kongo?, newspaper article, General-Anzeiger Wuppertal, 08.04.1967;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Samuel Miller (1893-1963)

Personalia, licence of registration, certificates, curriculum vitae, 1925; instructions and vows of secondment, 1926; correspondence, reports, etc., 1925-1937 and 1955-1970; travel diaries and reports, also by Marie Müller, née Grießbach and circulars from Bumbuli, 1926-1937; photo of the hospital staff, 1929; house rules of the Bumbuli-Hospital (print), 1929; attacks by Doctor Fregonneau against the activities of Doctor Müller, newspaper campaign u. Korrespondenz, 1933-1934; Auseinandersetzung Deutscher Bund in Ostafrika, allem wegen Schulfragen, 1934; "Grundsätzliches zur Missionsarbeit in Usambara, 12 p., ms. 1934; correspondence from the office of the president concerning Doctor Müller, 1935; "On the financial statements 1934 of the printing works in Wuga by O. Joppe, 1935; 2 newspaper clippings with reports on lectures by Samuel Müller, 1937; "My son Mika von Samuel Müller, 1937; "Basic information on mission work in Usambara by Samuel Müller and statements thereon; activity reports 1934-1937

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Usambara Prescripts

Correspondence with the English Political Officer, 1917-1922; lists of German prisoners of war in thong, 1917; correspondence with German prisoners of war, especially with S. Delius, 1917; order of the District Political Officer for the deportation of Germans to South Africa resp. Egypt (print), November 1917; Korrespondenz mit Ehepaar R. u. A. Köstlin, formerly Kaiserlicher Bezirksamtsmann in Wilhelmstal, 1917-1918; Verordnung zur Rückführung der deutschen Zivilisation als Druck, December 1918; Statistik von Hohenfriedeberg, December 1919; Proklamation über die Repatriierung früherer Feinde, 16 p.., printed in January 1920; "Zur Weihe eingeborener Prediger 8 S., ms. von F. Gleiss, ca. 1920; 2 issues of "Tanga Post, 1919 u. 1920; 2 newspaper clippings on "Native Policy by speaker Owen in "The East African Standard, 1920

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Usambara Prescripts

Correspondence with the mission brothers and sisters and other German families living in East Africa, as well as with the official German, later British administrative offices, 1915-1916; Personal letter of thanks from the commander of the Schutztruppen von Lettow to the Mission zur Herstellung eines Feldliederbücher, 1915; "Christ der Retter ist da! by Gustav von Bodelschwingh, voluntary nurse in Feldlazarett Rwanda, 9 p.., St., Christmas 1915; Martial Law Provisions of the English General Smuts, March/April 1916; Correspondence with the English Political Officer, 1916; Orders of the English War Law for Westusambara, November 1916; Newspaper clippings from English newspapers on the events of the war, 1915-1916

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Usambara Prescripts

Correspondence on school issues, health care, reconstruction of Lwandai, printing works in Wuga etc., 1925-1927; monthly accounts, 1926; budget estimates, 1927-1928; conference protocol Mlalo, January 1927; oldest meeting of January 1927; status report on mission work(s) in Usambara by E. Johanssen, 1925; reports on the Bethel mission in "Dresdner Anzeiger, October 1927

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa