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M 627 · Akt(e) · 1928-1970
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Statistics listing the tribes under treatment, 1928-1931 and 1939; General Correspondence, 1961-1969; Monthly and Annual Reports, some minutes of Executive Committee meetings, 1961-1970; "Bringing Better Health to Bumbuli by Robin Peters - newspaper clipping from "The Standard, March 1965; Various Building and Construction Reports". Extension projects; Hospital-Kapelle, 1964-1965; Medical-Technical Equipment, 1961-1965; Repair of old buildings, Digo project with building plans on a scale of 1 : 100, 1964-1970; Extension of the hospital, 1965-1968; New construction of Dispensary Mtimbwani with building plan, 1964-1968; NED project: Diesel engine and water supply, 1969-1970

M 118 · Akt(e) · 1889-1890
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Information about German hospital in Zanzibar and on the mainland; correspondence with Wichern and Baron von Nettelbladt; reports from Nettelbladts to EMDOA about hospitals in Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Bagamojo; correspondence with the Foreign Office and field ministers for caretakers

Diaconess Institution Kaiserswerth
RMG 1.060 · Akt(e) · 1831, 1921-1962
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence concerning education, place and type of work of missionary sisters; Agreement concerning education of missionary sisters, 1921, 1936 1949; Disselhoff: German Love Work in the Orient, Lecture, 7 p., ms., ca. 1928; Basic Regulations of the Motherhouses affiliated to the Kaiserswerth General Conference, 3 p., Dr., 1929; 100th short annual report, 20 p.., Dr., 1937; Die Verbandsschwestern d. Kaiserswerther Mutterhaus, 4 p., Dr., 1939; Draft contracts for the assignment of deaconesses in the Paulun Hospital, Shanghai, 1941; The question of the classification of missionary sisters in e. Schwesternverband, Referat, ca. 1942; Theoder Fliedner to Insp. Richter regarding collection of funds for the mission in South Africa, 1831

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Friedrich Kroeber (1900-1989)
M 306 · Akt(e) · 1926-1978
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, reports and health reports about the mission members living in Africa, 1926-1938; Instructions and vows, 1928; Pictures from the medical work in Bukobalande, 10 p., ms.., 1929; "Im Auto um den Viktoriasee, 1930; "Aus der Hospitalarbeit in Kamachumu, 1931; "Reise nach Rwanda, 17 S. ms., 1931; "Einer der Reichen im Lande (A funeral celebration), 1934; "Etwas vom Alltag, 19 S., ms., 1934; "Inderpraxis in Afrika, 9 S. ms, 1934; "Ärztliche Mission u. Regierung, 9 S. ms., 1936; "Ärztliche Mission u. Volkstum, 16 S. ms., 1936; decision of the church assembly of Buhaya to give Doctor Kröber the honorary name "Mujunangoma(= saviour of the people), 1937; testimony for Doctor Kröber, 1938; report on the work of Doctor Kröber in the service of the Bethel mission, 1938; correspondence with Doctor Kröber in Kirchen an der Sieg (also in the field) and with his family, 1938-1978; obituary for Maria Kröber, née Augustin, 1978

RMG 2.144 · Akt(e) · 1888-1900
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters and reports from Java, 1888-1890; letters and reports from New Guinea, 1890-1900; letter to Missionary Kunze about the construction of a missionary station in a newly discovered jungle region, 1897; fragment of a contract for Doctor Frobenius with the hospital Tannenhof, 1900; private letters to Inspector Spiecker u. Managing Director Schindelin, 1888-1900; private letter to relatives in Würzburg with a brief description of his medical work in Java and New Guinea, 1890[left to the archive by grandnephew Dr. Karl Weitnauer from Zell/Main 1985].

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Hand file of the chairman of EMDOA
M 170 · Akt(e) · 1887-1888
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence with authorities and persons on external and internal affairs; correspondence Diestelkamp and Büttner; minutes of board meetings of the EMDOA; house rules of the hospital in Zanzibar; agreements: Board of the EMDOA / Board of the German Women's Association for Nursing in Zanzibar; Constitution of the German Women's Association (print), 1887; proposals to amend the Constitution of the German National Women's Association; later "German Women's Association for Nursing in the Colonies

Kurt Hoffmann (1913-?)
M 251 · Akt(e) · 1937-1963
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Sermon for a hospital service by K. Hoffmann, 1937; application, medical certificate, curriculum vitae, 1937; instruction and ordination certificate, 1939; curriculum vitae and. Medical testimony by Elisabeth Menzel, 1938; engagement announcement Menzel/Hoffmann, 1938; correspondence, also with Elisabeth Menzel-Hoffmann, 1937-1947; medical report by the married couple Hoffmann, 1947; correspondence with Kurt Hoffmann in various parishes in Schleswig-Holstein, 1947-1963; "Commemoration of Pastor Franz Gleiß, essay by Kurt Hoffmann, 3 p, typescript

M 175 · Akt(e) · 1890-1896
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters from Becker; Bokermann; Diekmann, Lina; Gerdes; Greiner; Göttmann; Hoener; Hosbach; Johanssen; Kraemer; Klein, G.; Peters; Seemann; Schütte, Friederike; Winkelmann; Worms; von Wichmann, Amalie; Roggenkamp, Johanna, 1890-1896; Letters from Johannes Holst to father Bodelschwingh from Dar-es-Salaam, 1893-1896; reports and letters to father Bodelschwingh, 1893-1896 Accounts of Holst about the hospital, 1891-1894; report about an excursion to Mji Mwema in the surroundings of Dar-es-Salaam, 14 p., ms, 1894

Martha Söhlke (1903-1992)
M 372 · Akt(e) · 1928-1970
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum vitae, 1929; instructions and vows of secondment, 1930; correspondence and reports (also during internment), 1928-1970; travelogue, 1930; monthly reports, 1932-1940; map of Kijunja, drawn by Martha Söhlke, 1932; language exams and reports. Martha Söhlke assessed by W. Hosbach, 1932; reports from various African hospitals, including Stellenbosch in South-West Africa, 1948-1949; reports from work at Missionshospital Witzieshoek in South Africa, 1949-1967; medical findings, 1957

Otto Sickinger (1888-1933), in Java
M 318 · Akt(e) · 1909-1971
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum vitae, 1909; correspondence with Doctor Sickinger, 1911-1933; vow of secondment for the Salatiga mission on Java, 1922; "Aus der missionsärztlichen Arbeit der Neukirchener Mission auf Java, 28 p., ca. 1925; 3 Lichtbilder des Krankenhauses Blora (Java), 1933; report on the death of Doctor Sickinger, 1934; correspondence with Mrs. Sickinger, née Groß, mainly for care matters, 1934-1971

Samuel Miller (1893-1963)
M 305 · Akt(e) · 1925-1970
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Personalia, licence of registration, certificates, curriculum vitae, 1925; instructions and vows of secondment, 1926; correspondence, reports, etc., 1925-1937 and 1955-1970; travel diaries and reports, also by Marie Müller, née Grießbach and circulars from Bumbuli, 1926-1937; photo of the hospital staff, 1929; house rules of the Bumbuli-Hospital (print), 1929; attacks by Doctor Fregonneau against the activities of Doctor Müller, newspaper campaign u. Korrespondenz, 1933-1934; Auseinandersetzung Deutscher Bund in Ostafrika, allem wegen Schulfragen, 1934; "Grundsätzliches zur Missionsarbeit in Usambara, 12 p., ms. 1934; correspondence from the office of the president concerning Doctor Müller, 1935; "On the financial statements 1934 of the printing works in Wuga by O. Joppe, 1935; 2 newspaper clippings with reports on lectures by Samuel Müller, 1937; "My son Mika von Samuel Müller, 1937; "Basic information on mission work in Usambara by Samuel Müller and statements thereon; activity reports 1934-1937

Various Correspondences
M 67 · Akt(e) · 1890-1894
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes of the board meetings EMDOA; Letters from Pastor Hagenau, 2nd chairman of the EMDOA, to F. von Bodelschwingh, 1890-1891; Request of the DEMA to Ev. Oberkirchenrat for service of theologians in the mission (printed; written at the conference in Halle), Nov. 1890; Letter from Doctor Gustav Warneck to F. von Bodelschwingh, May 1891; Report on the planned new construction of the hospital in Zanzibar (printed with illustrations), December 1891. 1890; Minutes of the board meetings EMDOA and copies of letters from missionaries in Africa, 1890-1894; "Die Anfänge der Evangellislisationsarbeiten eines Landdiakones im Münsterland, Aufsatz, 1890; Bekämpfung der Malaria durch Luftfiltration, von Doktor K. Möller (Druck), 1890; "Vicelin, der Apostel der Wenden, Erzählung, N.N.., o.J.; travelogue of Wohlrab and Johanssen from Tanga to Mlalo in northernusambara in April 1891; song sheet "One it is, whom I love, N. N., not stated; Christmas newsletter from F. von Bodelschwingh, 1891

Wilhelm Kuhl (1899-1989)
M 307 · Akt(e) · 1930-1972
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Korrespondenz, 1930-1962; Ärztliches Gutachten für P. F. Gleiss, 1931; Ärztliches Gutachten für Schwester Friederike Schumacher, 1932; "Weihnachten im Hospital Bumbuli, 1931; Nachricht über den Tod von Gertrud Kuhl, Foto des Grabes in Lupembe, 1934; Erinnerungen an Tanga u. an Jakobo Ngombe, 1934; "Mfizi u. seine Gefährten - Geschichten aus Deutsch-Ostafrika, 24 p.., ms. 1937; "Visit to an old missionary (Hosbach), by Wilhelm Kuhl, 6 p., ms., about 1962; reports and essays, 1933; "Freizeit in Kigalama mit Fotos, 1933; "Reise von Bumbuli nach Kamachumu mit Fotos, 1932; "Fahrt zum Kilimandjaro mit Fotos, 1932; "Eine Unterrichtsstunde im Hospital, 1932; Lebensgeschichte u. Letters from the warden Mfizi from Kamachumu, 1933-1935; "Memories of black people, manuscript, 1937; "Als Arzt u. Erzieher in Ostafrika (Druck), 1936; "Tutaonana - wir werden wiederehen, Geschichten aus dem alten Afrika, o.J. ; "Bahati, Geschichte eines Mädchens, 1953
