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Archival description

Agreements and treaties concerning coexistence with the Wesleyan Methodist Church of South Africa, 1930; Remarks by Johanssen on these documents, 1930; Arbitration award concerning compensation to Wesleyander, 1927; Memorandum "The Invasion of the Bishop of Tanganyika into the Missionary Territory of Bukoba, by W. Trittelvitz, 1929; Schlunk an Trittelvitz, 1929; Richtlinien für Missionskaufleute, n.J. ; Bericht über die Verhandlungen mit den Wesleyanern, 1927; Report on a conversation with Oldham in Berlin, 1931; Bertha Johanssen "Über den Ursprung Wamaras, 1934; Chairman to Bukoba-Christen (draft), 1929; personn "Unsere bisherige Baufpraxis - Art u. Berechtigung derselben, 1934; P. Scholten "Thoughts and Observations on the German Missionary Conference in Dar-es-Salaam, 1934; Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of the Missionary Council for Tanganyika, Dar-es-Salaam (with draft statutes), Berlin-Mission, 1934; Final Statutes, 1934; Minutes of the Lutheran Missionary Conferences, including Augustana Synods, 1934 u. 1936; Instruction(s) for the director(s) of the Girls' School in Kidjunja, 1936; Sundry von Lukiko, 1935-1936; Sundry von Klein-Lukiko, 1937; Gemeindeordnung, 1938; Kirchenordnung u. Kirchenzuchtordnung, 1939; Advisory Points of the Missionary Conference for the First Synod in Bukoba, 1938; Memorandum on the Missionary Situation in East Africa, by Fr. Scholten, 19 S, ms. (several times present), 1936; Map with outstations of Bukoba, 1938

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa