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Elberfeld Missionary Society
RMG 556 · Akt(e) · 1819-1824
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Personal Records of the Kaufmanns C. F. Wetschky, member of the Elberfelder Missionsgesellschaft; Missions-Nachrichten aus aller Welt, Mitgliederlisten, Mitgliederversammlungen; Elberfelder Bibelgesellschaft, Barmer Missionsverein, Wupperthaler Tractat-Gesellschaft, Gesellschaft der Menschenfreunde; Hallisches Missionsseminar, Baseler Missions-Institut, Jänickesche Missionsschule in Berlin; New evang. Church in Barmen; London Society for the Promotion of Christianity among the Israelites; list of meetings in the area; world map of 1820, silhouettes, engravings, leaflets, Dr.; News of the expansion of the Kingdom of Jesus in general and through missionaries among the Gentiles, Vol. 5, H.4, 1819;[Diarium bound in leather, 1958 handed over to the RMG by H. Bächtold, Basel]

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
home inspector
RMG 602 · Akt(e) · 1935-1951
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Lectures and sermons of the Home Inspector; Freytag: Feast sermon (Rev 3,10) at the annual celebration of the RMG 1948; Verwiebe: Die deutsche miss. assignment today. Reply to Prof. Holsten, Protestant Theology 1947; NN: Questions of life and tasks of the RMG today; NN: Need and promise of the home service of the German evangelical mission; Eucharist[liturgy]; Weth: Knight, death and devil; Weth: D. Holy Spirit as Door Opener and Door Closer of the Church of Jesus on Earth; Weth: Acute Question of the Home Service of the RMG and its Co-workers; Weth: New Ways in the Home Work of the RM, 1935; Weth: The Church Service of the RMG and its Co-workers. Pastors as service to and in the missionary Christianity of the world; NN: The bearers of the local missionary life of the RMG in history and present; Weth (?): The service of the woman in the local missionary work

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Schröder, Sophie, née Teuffel (1839-1903?)
RMG 1.368 · Akt(e) · 1863 - o. J. (1903/4)
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

see also RMG 1.593,[the typescript bears the note "Archiv Karibib, Rheinische Mission"]; In distant worlds: Letters from a German missionary woman in d. Homeland, covering the years 1863-1903 with interesting descriptions of life at the mission stations Berseba, Keetmannshoop, Windhoek, Warmbad, Komaggas, Southwest Africa, 120 p., ms., no year;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft