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Lectures at Home Missionary Conferences
RMG 591 · Akt(e) · 1912-1966
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Beisenherz: The Gospel a Godpower, ca. 1912; Beisenherz: The enemies in the Batakmission, 1913; Siegner: Mission Sermon, Acts 10:42-48, no year; Hippenstiel: How does the missionary find entrance among primitive Gentiles? ca. 1912; hipstick: God builds a house on the ruins, n.J.; Becker: Heidenmission is a highly necessary urgent work, after 1923; Schnatbaum: Mission Prayer and Sacrifice Week, 1929; Becker: The Lord gives open doors in the mission, 1936; Borutta: From idolatry to worship, after 1932; Sckär: Die Ältesten in den Ovambogemeinden, o.J.; Sckär: The Poverty of the Gentiles, n.J.; Hippenstiel: The Revival Movement on Nias, and what we can learn from it for our time, c. 1916; Pichler: The Gentiles will walk in your light, n.J.; Siegner: Salvation Desires of the Gentiles, n.J.; Eiffert: What RM achieved in almost 50 years of work in New Guinea, 1927; Schildmann: Bericht über die Arbeit d. RM auf Mentawei, n.J.; Klappert: How does the missionary see the future of the mission and the missionary of the future, 1966

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Missionary Conferences in New Guinea
RMG 3.014 · Akt(e) · 1904-1936
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

39 Lectures, sermons, travelogues[Overview in file]: - The thanksgiving offering of the Rayküsten Congregation to the RM / 1928- Gifts with a mouth / - New Guinea - a land of harvest joy / - Becker / Sermon Col. 3: 16-17 / 1909- Blum, Wilhelm / Sermon on Ps. 84, 6-8 / 1905- Diehl, Wilhelm / Sermon on 1.Kor.13,13 1904- Diehl, Wilhelm / Psychology and Ghost Worship at our Papuas / 1907- Diehl, Wilhelm / How do we involve our young Christians in financial achievements / 1909- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the founding and development of our company / Report on the history of our company / 1909- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the history of our company / 1907- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the history of our young Christians / Report on the history of our company. Development of the station Bogadjim during the first 25 years / 1912- Diehl, Wilhelm / Discussion of the language question in view of the unification of the language area Bongu-Bogadjim / 1913- Döge, Walter / Among the inhabitants of the Adalbert Mountains / 1936- Döge, Walter / An excursion to the foothills of the Bismarcksgebirge / 1931- Eckershoff, Heinrich / The collaboration of Samoan pastors in our New Guinea mission / 1921- Eiffert, Georg / The gospel and the Papuan pagan custom / 1911- George, Heinrich / Azera Reisebericht / 1924- Glitz, Gustav / Vom Bau unserer Rheno-Westfalia / 1910- Hanke, August / Which moral and religious demands do we have to make on baptized applicants and baptized Papuans? 1903- Hanke, August / On Uniform Orthography in New Guinea / 1905 / Hanke, August / The Numeric Words in the Languages of our Field of Work / 1905- Hanke, August / Casus formation of the Nomen substantivum and its meaning in the Bongus Language / 1906- Hanke, August / Report on the Development of the RM in New Guinea / 1912- Hanke, August / Sermon on Jes. 21, 11-12 / 1914- Helmich, Heinrich / The treatment of our natives by the missionary in everyday and personal intercourse / 1905 - Helmich, Heinrich / The formation of a Christian terminology in the Siar language and in the language of Siar. the associated difficulties / 1907- Helmich, Heinrich / The uniform design of our Sunday service / 1909- Helmich, Heinrich / Sermon on the 25th anniversary of the RM in New Guinea / 1912- Helmich, Heinrich / Procurement of a municipal ordinance with special consideration of what was initially required / 1913- Hoffmann, Albert / Mission u. Colonization in their mutual relationship with special consideration of New Guinea / 1902- Hoffmann, Albert / Thoughts about our mission area and the continuation of the work in New Guinea / - Kriele, Eduard / The current situation of the New Guinea mission and the resulting tasks for its continuation due to pers. Observations instead of a general report / 1909- Schütz, Friedrich / Sermon on John 13, 34-35 / 1908- Schütz, Friedrich / The subject matter and his treatment in our elementary schools / 1909- Schütz, Friedrich / Sermon on Ps. 62, 2 / 1912- Schütz, Friedrich / The cooperation of Samoan pastors in our New Guinea mission / 1921- Viering, Alfred / New Guinea / / Viering, Alfred [?] / A significant conference for our New Guinea mission / 1929- Weber, Ernst / Recruiting and training indigenous helpers / 1908- Welsch, Jakob / How can the problem of input of youth education be solved? / - Welsch, Jakob / The missionary in relation to his church / 1935- Welsch, Jakob / Some questions answered by the paper: The missionary in relation to his church / 1936- Welsch, Jakob / The Papuans are an easy-going people[&] Magic

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft