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Ernst Johanssen (1864-1934)

Private letters, 1890-1893; travelogues, diary notes, correspondence with Trittelvitz, 1905-1914; manuscripts, fragments, diaries, etc.: "The first visit of German children to Queen Msinga of Rwanda, "Back to Queen Msinga, "Observations on the Characteristics of Natives, 1907-1908; General Correspondence and Monthly Reports, 1927-1929; Bugufi calls us - Bugufi needs us, 1929; Letter of Native Christians from Bukoba to the Bishop of Central Tanzania, 1929; Impressions and thoughts during a journey into the landscapes of Mischenye u. Karagwe, 1929; Questionnaires with personal data and birth dates of 14 children, 1930; "Church Mission Society u. Bethel-Bielefeld Mission in Bukoba, German and English version by E. Johanssen, 1930; Correspondence with E. Johanssen, 1930-1933; death notice and memorial certificate, 1934; correspondence with Martha Johanssen, 1934-1940; "On the 100th birthday of E. Johanssen, 1964; "On the 100th birthday of E. Johanssen, by J. Busse, with the addition of Albrecht sen.., 1971

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Letters to Curt Ronicke from various senders, including Andrea Kyaishozi 1930, Andrea Kajejero 1932, Daniel Muhingo 1933, Joel Kibira 1929, 1930 and others. 1935, Job Kuyonga 1936, Elisabeti Nabuye, Ibwera 1937, Joshua Hermas 1935 and 1938, Emili Kilimasti 1942, Stanislaus Karumuna 1949, Jonathan Karoma, Kanyangereko 1949, Jakobo Ngombe, Lumwe 1949 u. 1950, Matia B. Lutosha 1950, Paulo Nkinda Mazimu, Bumbuli 1950; "The Journey to Rwanda by Joel Kibira, 1930; The Journey to Bukoba by Jakobo Ngombe, 1930; Letter from a Haya woman (Nyabwolo) telling about her life, 1933; Life Story of the Warden in Kamatchumu, Mfizi, 1936; Baptismal Address by Hyob K.., Mlalo 1937 and Himmefahrtsan-sprache, 1933; speech by Andrea Kajejero, 1937; joint letter from community elders

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Letters, circulars, reports from Bukoba and Kijunja by Maria Fröhlich, 1929-1935; circulars by W. Hosbach, Brothers and Sisters number 1-7 by H. Scholten, 1934; letter by Christiane Blasyo Kashasha, 1934; letter by Josua Hermas, 1934; letters and cards by Martha and Wilhelm Hosbach, 1949-1958

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa