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RMG 2.635 a · File · 1841-1967
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Oldest travel reports of the RMG about Southwest Africa (transcript from the Monatsblatt d. Norddeutscher Missionsgesellschaft, 2. Jg., p. 146-155), 8 p., ms., double available, 1841; extracts from letters of Friedr. Simon Eggert, Scheppmansdorf, ms.., 1859-1868; Request of Jonas and Jacobus Boois to Franz Heinrich Kleinschmidt for e. Missionary (2 original letters, afrikaans), 1861; Peter Heinrich Brincker: I. Die Ovaherero, II. Die Missionsarbeit unter d. Herero, 90 p., hs, 1876; Defense of the defamation of Dr. Theophil Hahn against the Damra missionaries, deputation of the RMG, Dr., 1884; Hendrik Witbooi's request to Inspector Dr. August Schreiber for e. Missionary (Original, afrikaans), 1895; Hendrik Witbooi's request to Francois for ammunition and rifles, (copy), 1893; P. Kunze, Sülldorf, about Hendrik Witbooi, 1906; Die Geschichte d. "Kowese volk" written down by e. members of the people themselves in Afrikaans, 8 p., hs. u. Kopie, N. N., no year; suggestions for missionary work in South West Africa, by Heinrich Vedder, 19 p., ms., c. 1910; excerpt from "Beitrag zur Geschichte d. Kowesi-Stammes, 1897", Johannes Olpp, 7 p., 1906; overview of the work of the RMG in "Deutsch-Südwestafrika", 1903; "Die Religion d. Herero", August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, with remarks by Jakob Friedrich Johann Irle, 20 p., ms, 1912; The situation of the indigenous people of South Africa in social and political relations, (S.-Abdr. from "Mitteilungen aus d. deutschen Schutzgebieten", 34th vol., H. 1), Prof. Dr. G. Knothe, 1926

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.621 · File · 1910-1934
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

A visit to the Finnish missionaries in Ondonga and in our former field of work Oukuanjama, Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, c. 1930; International Unifying Force of the Gospel (Hereros in Betschuanaland), H. Pfitzinger in Ramoutsa, South Africa, c. 1932; The problem of Christian marriage among the Southwest African heathen Christians, 1922; About d. Insufficiency of the religious education of our inborn helpers and the demands arising therefrom, Heinrich Vedder, 1911; Zur Psychologie d. Glaubenslebens unserer afrikanischen Christen, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, 1913; Was d. Südwestafrikanische Aufstand d. RMG nahm und gab, Johannes Spiecker, o. J. 1911/12]; Die geistliche Bedienung d. Christen u. d. Unterweisung d. Heiden auf d. Farmen u. Eisenbahn-stationen, Friedrich A. Meier, 1922; Die Bedeutung d. RMG für d. Kolonisation Deutsch-Südwestafrikas, o. J.; Cooperation of indigenous Christian women, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann with Note von Schw. Lina Stahlhut, 1913; How must our and the evangelists preaching be in today's time? August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, 1912; What can we do to prevent the increase of great sins in our churches? Nikodemus Kido, 1912; Die Seelsorge in unseren Gemeinden, Friedrich Peter Bernsmann, 1911; Gründen d. gegen d. Einrichtung e. Zentralkasse sprechen, Friedrich A. Meier, Adolf Blecher, 1912; Die Zentralkasse, ihr für u. wieder, ist sie zeitgegemäß und wie könnte d. Einrichtung getroffen werden? Wilhelm Eich, 1911; Das Lehrverfahren im Muttersprachunterricht auf d. Unterstufe (Hereroland), Kurt Nowack, 1910; Leitsätze zur Reform unseres Missions-Schulwesens (Schulreform Hereroland), Karl Friedrich Wandres, Heinrich Vedder, Kurt Nowack, 1910; Our position and our behaviour towards our indigenous staff, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, Note by Johannes Warneck, 1934; Which methods and which goal must we pursue in the education of our indigenous assistants? Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1928; Practical proposals for the establishment and operation of the seminar to be established, Heinrich Vedder, 1910; How do we have to deal with the Roman mission and its work, Karl Friedrich Wandres, 1910; The necessity of the education of our natives to work illuminated from the Christian and social standpoint, Heinrich Johann Brockmann, 1910; (The file is enclosed);

Rhenish Missionary Society