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Archival description

Correspondence between inspectors Ronicke u. Kittelvitz u. Sister Magdalena Hagena, mostly thank-you letters for donations, often expressed in the form of poems, 1922-1944; membership card of the Sarepta-Afrikabund, 1933; obituary for sister Magdalene Hagena, 1944; estate of sister Magdalena Hagena circulars to the members of the Afrikabund, partly printed with photos of the first baptized Tutsi, 1925-1941; letters of African Christians, u.a. by Hermann Kanafunzi, Jakobo Ngombe, Samuel Stepke, Sospater Boko, Johana Kikkule, Heilgehilfe Paulo, Elisabeth Nyaboro and many more with a photo by Sospater Boko, 1929-1938; letters from missionary sisters and missionaries from Africa, 1925-1937; letters from the Missionaries Gleiß, von der Heyden, Hosbach and Johanssen, 1924-1930

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Berlin Mission:

Correspondence, circulars, etc.; "Die Berliner Mission in Ostafrika 9 S., ms., N. N., ca. 1943; "The German and non-German Evangelical Missions in German East Africa, Rwanda, Burundi, Cameroon, Togo, German Southwest Africa, ca. 1943; "Brief overview of the Bethel Mission, 5 S. by Curt Ronicke, ca. 1944

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 725 · File · 1869-1920
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missions-Kirchenordnungen, Dr., 1869, 1875 o.J.; Agreement on the transfer of the Hakka Mission (China) to Berlin, 1882; Negotiations on a joint teacher training institution and on the ordination of colored helpers in Africa, 1903; Negotiations on the coordination of the work at the Cape, 1904; Report on the death of Insp. Sauberzeig-Schmidt in Hong Kong, Dr., 1906; J. Neitz: Report of a journey to Samuel Maherero, 13 p., 1907; Foundation of church coffers in China, Vorschlag Glüer, 1907; Satzung d. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft, Dr., 1907; Die Aufsicht über die Missionsarbeit d. Berliner Mission, 18 p., ms., ca. 1908; Admission of Miss. Behrens/Hermannsburg, 1913; Reports of fights in Tsingtau, 1914; Vertraul. Report on obstruction of missionary work by World War I, 18 p., ms., 1915; conflict with P. Theo. Fliedner/Madrid, 1920; What still holds us to the pagan mission today, pamphlet, ca. 1920

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 727 · File · 1931-1937
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on cooperation in Germany and abroad; correspondence on position on the Imperial and Confessing Church; leaflet on the "Hundred Penny Rifle" of the Aid Committee for the Berlin Mission, signed by O. Dibelius, Dr., 1933; Appeal by the Extraordinary Council of Trust of the Berlin Mission, Dr., 1934; East Prussia Agreement on Cooperation of the Berliners, Goßnerschen, Herrnhuter and RMG, 1934; Colourful handicraft sheet and postcard for the construction of a Christmas church in Johannesburg/South Africa by the Reichsverband f. Kindergottesdienst, 1936; Correspondenz hierzu, 1936; Todesanzeige Insp. L. Weichert, 1936; Settlement of donations by East Prussian working group, 1938; Heavy experiences of missionaries in Canton in the Chinese-Japanese War, 12 p., ms, 1938

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.613 a-d · File · 1871-1920
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1874-1919 in Otjimbingue, Otjikango, Omburo, Omaruru; Letters, travel and war reports, 1871-1920; Fieldpost letters from the time of the French campaign, 1871; Reports from the sea voyage to Capstadt and Walfishbay, 1873; A visit in d. Grootkloof, contribution for "Kleinen Missionsfreund", 1874; copy of e. Briefwechselels with Captain Abraham Zwartbooi, 1880; J. P. Reinhard (former blacksmith in Otjimbingue) to Peter Friedrich Bernsmann because of foster daughter Johanne Bernsmann (born 1880), 1888; Map d. "Hererolandes", M. 1: 1.250000 with marked routes and driving times for oxen, c. 1888; station reports of Otjimbingue, 1886-1888; station reports of Otjikango, 1888-1890; station reports of Omburo, 1890-1895; report of e. Journey to Ondjiva in Oukuanjama (Amboland), 1891; station report on Omburo by Traugott Kauapirura, 1891-1892; report by Asher Mutjinde on behalf of the chief Manasse Tjiseseta about his conversion, 1893; Manasse Tjiseseta to Dr. August Schreiber, contains proclamation about corn trade, 1895; Two bundles of letters from missionary Eduard Dannert and family from Omaruru, Otjimbingue and Stellenbosch, 1895-1899; private letters by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann to inspectors d. RMG, 1890-1900; Teacher Gustav Kamatoto to RMG, 1899; Speech by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann: "How can it be explained that our evangelists and school teachers have so far met little of the cherished expectations", 4 p. ms. hectographed, 1902; private action by the merchant E. Langenberg, Ombuiro against Peter Friedrich Bernsmann for insulting him, 1904; report about the black miner in the gold mines of Pretoria u. near Johannesburg, 1905; description of Herero dances with music examples, 1907; contribution by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann for e. Schullesebuch: Die natives Deutsch-Südwestafrikas u. d. Beginnings ihrer Geschichte, with the chapters:; Die Bastards; Die Herero; Die Naman; Die Bergdamara; Die Ambo, 23 S. ms.., 1914; in 1,613 c also: Eduard Heinrich Gustav Dannert, (1849-1924), see RMG 1,615;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.594 a-c · File · 1862-1881, 1882-1887, 1888-1904
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1863-1889 in Otjimbingue, Otjikango, from 1880 Augustineum, from 1889 Stellenbosch; Letters and diary reports, 1862-1904; Short news about the Augustinstift in Africa, Missionary Peter Heinrich Brincker, 10 p., Dr., 1880; Essay: "Proof that our Herero mission has not yet reached a dead end", ms, 1882; Essay: "Thoughts at the baptism of adults and their children in Otjimbingue", ms., 1882; Memorandum, concerning the Herero mission, 1886; Memorandum, concerning the housing of our brothers and sisters from Ovamboland and possibly emeritus missionaries, 1899; Verzeichnis d. Writings of Peter Heinrich Brincker, 1894

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.611 a-b · File · 1872-1880, 1867-1871,; (1990)
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1870-1872 teacher at the Seminar d. RMG, 1873-1880 in Otjimbingue, 1880-1887 pastor in Königsberg, 1887-1889 inspector of the East Africa Mission and lecturer at the Oriental Seminar Berlin III; Letters and Reports, 1872-1880; Protocoll about the abolition of the forging of the Mission Colony Otjimbingue, 1874; Regen im Damralande, 7 p., hs., 1875; Löwengeschichten, 10 p. hs..., 1875; Sociale Verhältnisse im Hereroland, 36 p., hs., 1876; Die Bergdamra, 16 p., 1877; Wege im Damaraland, 16 p., 1877; 2 letters of J. Chr. Goliath from d. Augustineum, 1877; The Augustineum in Otjimbingue, 5 p.., hs., 1877; school visit in Hererolande, 20 p., hs., 1879; church consecration in Scheppmannsdorf, 10 p., 1879; September 1990 preserved: Personal Diarium of Büttner from the years 1867-1871; biographical material on Büttner (copies) by Prof. Ernst Hans Dammann;[Büttner's letters contain interesting information on the Mission Trade Society and on political conditions in Southwest Africa, see also Bethel Mission];

Rhenish Missionary Society

Correspondence from Rorarius, 1929-1934; Correspondence concerning the return of mission property, 1930; Draft of a Land Order of the Bethel Mission, 1931; So-called "Landsache, July 1934; Draft of an Order for the Usambara Church Treasury, 1934

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 1.037 · File · 1903-1926
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence; Agreement of the Hülfs-Comités f. d. Anstalten d. Innere Mission in Treffen/Carinthia (Vors. Insp. Haussleiter) and Countess La Tour (Grün-derin d. Anst.) on the employment of P. Aschoff and Dienst-weisung, 1903; Call for care for abandoned half-white children in Southwest Africa, 1907; Protocols of the Commission f. Innere Mission in d. Dt. Schutzgebieten, 1908 1913; Report on work of the Commission IN: Das Reich, July 1908; Report on the Innere Mission in d. d. d. Schutzgebieten, Dr. m. Fig. 8 p., 1912; Conference German Protestant Work Organisations, about the founding verse, 39 p., Dr., 1916; newspaper article about this, IN: Der Reichsbote Nr. 197, April 1916

Rhenish Missionary Society

Preparation of the conference, invitations, list of participants, programme; "Structure and task of the indigenous church with theses sheet 28 p., ms. by P. Scholten; "Interrelation between family and community as well as tribal world of K. Wohlrab; "Some information from the mission printing plant in Wuga by O. Joppe; letters to Professor Doktor Ihmels

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
conference transcripts

Minutes of the missionary conference in Wuga, September 1904; Minutes of the missionary conference in Mlalo, January 1905; Minutes of the missionary conference in Hohenfriedeberg, April 1905 with visitation report by W. Trittelvitz, April 1905; Minutes of the missionary conference in Wuga, August 1905; Minutes of the missionary conference in Hohenfriedeberg, August 1906; Minutes of the missionary conference in Hohenfriedeberg, April 1907; Minutes and. Resolutions of the Protestant Mission Conference in Marangu in German and English, September 1928; conference documents, October 1929; minutes of the Conference of German Protestant Missions in Dar-es-Salaam, January 1934

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Protest of the North German Mission to start a mission in Bremen against plans of EMDOA in Togo; letters from Zahn and Vietor; letters from A. Schreiber, Barmen and Rundbrief der Deputation; letters from L. Dieselkamp, Dr. Latrille, Paul Wohlrab and L. Beyer; contract between the Bielefelder Anstalten and EMDOA for the training of mission personnel; contract between EMDOA and Neuendettelsau for leaving missionaries, 1886

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
M 66 · File · 1893; 1897-1898
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

A letter from Winkelmann from Zanzibar, 1893; Minutes of the General Assembly and Board meetings, 1897-1898; Minutes of the Mission Conferences in Dar-es-Salaam, 1897-1898; Chronicles of Hohenfriedeberg and Bethel, 1897-1898; Copies of letters from missionaries in East Africa

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

List of Ronicke's written works up to and including 1942; "Von Träumen u. Gesichten der Neger, 26 S., ms., o.J.; "Von theologischen Fragen in der Mission, 37 S., ms., n.J.; "Africa Observations, Then and Now", 20 S., ms., 1954; Obituary for Gerhard Jasper sen., 2 S., ms., 1970

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa