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FO 367/21/118 · Objekt · 1906 January 17
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 118-122. Zanzibar: code 448, file 2113, paper 2113. Sent by Basil S Cave, the British Agency and Consulate General, Zanzibar (ref 163) on 14/12/1905. Transmits translation of extract from German newspaper published in Dar es Salaam "Deutsch Ostafrikanische Zeitung", 9 December 1905, covering native rising on mainland, including account of fighting on Ruaha River on 22 September 1905. Received on 17/01/1906. 5 folios.

FO 367/21/142 · Objekt · 1906 February 10
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 142-153. Zanzibar: code 448, file 2113, paper 4898. Sent by Basil S Cave, the British Agency and Consulate General, Zanzibar (ref 1) on 02/01/1906. Supplies further report on disturbances in German East Africa from "Deutsch Ostafrikanische Zeitung", 16 December 1905; discusses causes and mentions arrest of British Indians for selling ammunition to rebels. Received on 10/02/1906. 12 folios.

FO 367/21/188 · Objekt · 1906 March 12
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 188-192. Zanzibar: code 418, file 2113, paper 8624. Sent by Basil S Cave, the British Agency and Consulate General, Zanzibar (ref 18) on 29/01/1906. Transmits translation of latest report respecting native rising in German East Africa from "Deutsch Ostafrikanische Zeitung", 20 January 1906 covering movements and present disposition of German troops. Received on 12/03/1906. 5 folios.

FO 367/21/193 · Objekt · 1906 March 12
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 193-198. Zanzibar: code 448, file 2113, paper 8626. Sent by Basil S Cave, the British Agency and Consulate General, Zanzibar (ref 21) on 09/02/1906. Encloses translated extract from "Deutsch Ostafrikanische Zeitung", relating to measures to be adopted to increase supply of native labour in German East Africa, including a system of forced labour and increased hut tax. Received on 12/03/1906. 6 folios.

FO 367/21/207 · Objekt · 1906 July 2
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 207-249. Zanzibar: code 448, file 2113, paper 22229. Sent by Basil S Cave, the British Agency and Consulate General, Zanzibar (ref 62) on 02/06/1906. Forwards translation of report by Count von Götzen on causes of recent native rising in German East Africa, and offers his own observations; includes translation of extract from Deutsch Ostafrikanische Zeitung of 17 February 1906 and despatch from H Cavendish Venables, 26 May 1906. Received on 02/07/1906. 43 folios.

FO 367/12/491 · Objekt · 1906 July 30
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 491-498. Africa, Germany: code 418, file 25839, paper 25839. Sent by James B Whitehead, the British Embassy, Berlin (ref 71) on 26/07/1906. Transmits copy and translation of article in "National Zeitung", 18 July 1906, entitled "Indian Question in German East Africa; concerns a proposed decree regarding compulsory book-keeping on part of Indian and other coloured traders in German East Africa, as a result of reports of exploitation of natives by Indian traders and frequent cases of fraudulent bankruptcy. Received on 30/07/1906. 8 folios.

FO 367/22/89 · Objekt · 1906 February 10
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 89-92. Zanzibar: code 448, file 4899, paper 4899. Sent by Basil S Cave, the British Agency and Consulate General, Zanzibar (ref 2) on 02/01/1906. Transmits translation of report from "Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Zeitung", 16 December 1905, regarding formation in Berlin of Central African Mining Company with mining and other rights in German East Africa. Received on 10/02/1906. 4 folios.

FO 383/287 · Objekt · 1917
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Agreement for the transmission of a letter from the Knockaloe Prisoners Aid Society to the German Government. Johann Hermann Hahn: authorisation for his release to Denmark. Private Edward Pinney: investigation into the circumstances of his death at Langensalza Camp, including: Cause of death given as meningitis by the German authorities. Statements by Corporal H Drewitt and Trooper A McFarlane on the circumstances of Private Pinneys death. Memorandum to the German Government requesting an official investigation. Statements by various British prisoners (names in docket nos.50869 and 75249). Report of the German investigation. Effects of long-term internment on prisoners, including: Mrs Anna Burrows: request for the transfer to Switzerland of long-term prisoners. Depositions provided by Captain A W Colley and Lieutenant R E Barnes. Recommendation by the Admiralty for the repatriation of prisoners who had been in captivity for two years or more. Regulations on the sale and consumption of alcoholic liquor in internment camps in the UK. Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck and Mr Peto: parliamentary questions on the exchange of long-term prisoners. Memorandum on the effects of continued imprisonment. Sir Henry Lunn: extracts from a letter from his son, Hugh Lunn, interned at Karlsruhe Camp. Copy of a telegram to Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig concerning the transfer of long-term prisoners to a neutral country. Memorandum to the German Government recommending the transfer to a neutral country of prisoners interned for two years or more. Captain Button: request by his wife, Mrs Elizabeth Button, for his transfer to Switzerland. Sir John Lonsdale and Mr HumeWilliams: parliamentary questions about the response of the German Government to the proposal for the transfer of prisoners. Captain J Johnston Watson, interned at Augustabad: report that the text of the British proposal was being displayed in prison camps in Germany. Captain Graham Toler: request by his wife for his transfer to Switzerland. Request from the Italian Embassy in London for details of the proposal. Treatment of British and African prisoners in German East Africa, including: List of British prisoners released from Tabora (in docket no.9885). Reverend Ernest F Spanton: extract from an interview with him in The Times of 30 December 1916 on the ill treatment of British prisoners. Reverend H A Keats: evidence on the treatment of prisoners. Reverend Ernest F Spanton: report on the conditions of interned prisoners. Mr James Scott-Brown: report on his experiences as an interned civilian. Typescript articles from The Times and The African Mail on the ill treatment of prisoners; agreement by the German Colonial Office to investigate the charges. Sworn statements by various witnesses (names in docket no.103223). Lieutenant V Sankey, interned at Dar es Salaam: letter from his mother, Mrs May Longe, on the conditions of his internment. Riflemen Murphy and Nicholson: report on the circumstances of their deaths. Private George Flood: report of an interview with him. Rifleman Nicholson: various witness statements (names in docket no.150796) relating to the circumstances of his death. Reports on the Treatment by the Germans of British Prisoners and Natives in German East Africa , parliamentary command paper [Cd. 8689], Miscellaneous No. 13 (1917). Government Committee on the Treatment by the Enemy of British Prisoners of War: proof copy of a report on the treatment by the German authorities in German East Africa of British civilian prisoners of war. Decision not to bring charges against the German prisoner Volhamer in connection with the death of Rifleman Nicholson. Theodore Kroell, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: decision that he could not be repatriated to the USA instead of Germany. German memorandum on the typhus epidemic at Gardelegen Camp, with an article (German language) from Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung of 17 December 1916. Leutnant der Reserve Otto Schultz: report of his death at Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley. Lieutenant R F Gore-Browne, interned at Stralsund: request from his father, Mr F Gore-Browne, for his exchange for a German prisoner. Wilhelm Dröge, interned at Liverpool, New South Wales: question of compensation for an injury sustained while working in a sawmill. Mr Richard Wolf Gordon, a British subject resident in Bavaria: arrangements for the payment of his pensions from the Probate Registry and the Government of Nyasaland. Statement by various German prisoners (names in docket no.10961) on their treatment while being transported from Chinde to Beira on SS Ipu. German memorandum on the payment of relief funds to German nationals. Code 1218 Files 8591-11299.

FO 383/164 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: German prisoners in British or British Empire custody, including: Sentences passed on German prisoners at Pietermaritzburg, Union of South Africa. Ration scale at Pietermaritzburg Camp. Reports on internment camps at Alexandra Palace, London; Frith Hill, near Frimley, Surrey; Leigh, Lancashire; Dorchester; and Donington Hall, Derbyshire. Internment camp at Knockaloe, Isle of Man: adverse German press cuttings from Kölnische Zeitung of 16 July 1916 and National Zeitung of 19 July 1916. Reports by US Embassy officials on their visits from 31 August to 6 September 1916 and on 28 and 29 November 1916 (the latter including the Isle of Man Insane Asylum and the Private General Hospital, Isle of Man). Detention barracks at Trial Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Otto Mueller: his alleged ill-treatment while detained in Canada. Printed despatch from the Government of India concerning the treatment of German subjects at Ahmednagar Camp. Lieutenant Thomas von Grote: his sentence remitted by the Army Council; returned to internment in the officers camp at Holyport, Berkshire. Camp for civilian prisoners at Glendairy, Barbados, West Indies. Labour of German prisoners in Canada. Treatment of German prisoners in Jamaica and South Australia. Reports on working camps at Lentran, Inverness-shire; Nethybridge, Inverness-shire; Kinlochleven, Argyllshire; Redesdale, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Healeyfield, Castleside, Durham; Newlandside, Stanhope, Durham. Treatment of German soldiers serving punishment sentences. Report on place of internment for alien civilians at Gainsborough Road, Hackney Wick, London. Housing of German prisoners in Britain: insistence by German Government that barracks replace tents, otherwise reprisals to be taken. Medical and dental treatment of prisoners in Canada. Internment camp at Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. Treatment of German prisoners in hospitals in Britain. Restrictions on visitors interviews at Liverpool Camp, New South Wales, Australia. Report on outbreak of gastro-intestinal disorder at Lower Southern Hospital at Dartford, Kent; US Embassy visits to hospitals at Dartford and Devonport requested. Flogging of Germans at Rabaul, New Britain. Gefreiter Julius Koch and Unteroffizier Heinrich Brinkmann: their complaints about conditions of punishment for attempting to escape refuted by War Office. Internment camp at Torrens Island, South Australia. Code 1218 File 591 (papers 180902-end).