4 Treffer anzeigen

ADM 344/1826 · Objekt · 1874 Jan 01 - 1875 Dec 31
Teil von The National Archives

Pacific Ocean, Micronesia and Papua New Guinea: Bismarck Archipelago, New Guinea, N Coast, Caroline and Marianas Islands; twenty one items on one sheet: item 1, View A - Appearance of Hermit Islands from entrance of Coeran Passage, Alacrity Harbor and View B - Appearance of Hermit Islands from entrance of Sabben Passage, Alacrity Harbor, (Lt F W Sanders, 1874), showing Loof (Luf) Island (Ninigo Group - W of Manus Island); items 2-21, Guam, Ponape, Jomba Inseln, Nordlich von Bili Bili, Gazelle-Halbinsel and Teliata.

ADM 344/1827 · Objekt · 1870 Jan 01 - 1878 Dec 31
Teil von The National Archives

Pacific Ocean, Micronesia and Papua New Guinea: Bismarck Archipelago, New Guinea, N Coast, Caroline and Marianas Islands; three items on one sheet: item 1, Northern part of Baubeltaob (Artinzal?) Island (Babelthuap), by GSR, annotated; item 2, Assumption Island E by N 8 Miles (Asuncion) by CFO (Oldham), March 1870; item 3, Ansichten von Neu-Hannover, Neu-Irland & Neu Britannien - Siehe Annalen der Hydrographie Heft IX & X, 1876.

ADM 344/1823 · Objekt · 1910 Jan 01 - 1911 Dec 31
Teil von The National Archives

Pacific Ocean, Micronesia and Papua New Guinea: Caroline Islands and New Ireland, vicinity; three items on one sheet: item 1, St John Island (Lat 04 05S: Long 153 40E - Feni Islands) - Bearing N60W (T).. 22 Miles, (R J Taylor, Master 1911); item 2, Island in Lat 06 45N; Long 157 59E to be named William IV (Senyavin or Seniavina Islands - Pohnpei or Ponape Island) and Island or Group of Islets 5 Miles from above (view) in a Wly direction; item 3, Tau-an-iai (Tauenai) or Channel of Fires (?) Reef - Entrance to Ant Lagoon Taken from deck of Quiros as she is passing into open sea (Chart 981), c1910.

ADM 344/1821 · Objekt · 1879 Jan 01 - 1884 Dec 31
Teil von The National Archives

Pacific Ocean, Micronesia and Solomon Sea: Caroline Islands and Solomon Islands; four items on one sheet: item 1, Choiseul Island; item 2, Bougainville Strait both by Lt C F Oldham, HMS Lark, 1884, showing Choiseul Bay, Cyprian Bridge Island, Masamasa Island and Oema Island; item 3, Approaching Manning Straits from NW (Choiseul Island), annotated, showing Lina Island and Towra Peak; item 4, Entrance to Port Lele (Strongs Island, Kosrae or Kusaie) and Strongs Island (Peak W by S1/4S) 20 Miles by Denton H Speer, Acting Master, HMS Serpent, showing Marteus Mount.