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ADM 344/960 · Pièce · 1820 Jan 01 - 1878 Dec 31
Fait partie de The National Archives

Africa, W Coast: Bight of Benin: Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria: Keta to Lagos; three items on one sheet: item 1, 'Quitta (Kitta) NW1/2N 35 Miles', 'Town of Little Popoe N by E 25 Miles', 'Whydah Forts', 'Porto Novo Hill', 'Mount Badagary', 'Lagos' and 'Appearance of Termination of Sandy Strand', annotated; item 2, 'Elmina Chica N by W3/4W 3 Miles' from HMS Danae, 1878; item 3, 1870, annotated.

ADM 101/132/1 · Pièce · 1861
Fait partie de The National Archives

Folio 1: William Willis, aged 24, Gunner's Mate; disease or hurt, gunshot wound, right great toe. Put on sick list, 4 January 1861. Discharged, 14 January 1861. While cleaning a colt revolver it accidentally went off. Folios 1-3: Mr Horatio Somerville, aged 29, Assistant Paymaster; disease or hurt, fever. Put on sick list, 9 February 1861, off Lagos. Died, 10 February 1861. He had been on shore many times while the ship had been employed at Fernando Po and in the rivers Cameroon, Malimba, Old Calabar or Bonny, he had been exposed to the sun and had also slept on deck. He had 'long been addicted to habits of intemperance'. He was a personal friend of Mr Keenan's, who felt his loss greatly. Folios 3-4: Jack Stuart, aged 26, Krooman; disease or hurt, amputation of the little toe. Put on sick list, 15 January 1861, in the Old Calabar River. Discharged, 12 February 1861. He had been in the habit of applying a ligature to the middle of the 2nd phalanx of the right little toe but could give no reason for doing so. This had nearly cut off the toe and the end of it was mortified. Folio 4: Mr Thomas Lewis, aged 33, Assistant Surgeon; disease or hurt, general debility. Put on sick list, 30 December 1860, off Fernando Po. Discharged to HMS Espoir for passage to Ascension Hospital, 24 February 1861. He had suffered gout in his right great toe shortly after leaving England. Folios 4-5: Thomas Byrne, aged 26, Royal Marine Artillery; disease or hurt, colic, varicose veins and ulcers. Put on sick list, 16 January 1861, in the Old Calabar River. Discharged to HMS Espoir for passage to Ascension Hospital, 24 February 1861. As he was recovering from colic, sores broke out on his legs and ankles. Folios 5-6: Joseph [Waterson], aged 26, Able Seaman; disease or hurt, condyloma. Put on sick list, 13 March 1861, in the Bight of Benin. Discharged, 31 March 1861. He had suffered since leaving England and had been on the sick list before. Folio 6: Black Joe, aged 33, Krooman; disease or hurt, gonorrhoea and phymosis, circumcision. Put on sick list, 16 April 1861. Discharged, 15 May 1861. He had contracted gonorrhoea at Fernando Po in January. Folios 6-7: Samuel Walker, aged 22, Royal Marine Artillery; disease or hurt, chronic eczema. Put on sick list, 28 April 1861, off Badagry. Discharged to HMS Bloodhound for passage to Ascension Hospital, 21 June 1861. Folio 7: Thomas Stiles, aged 19, Boy 1st Class; disease or hurt, ulcers and naevi. Put on sick list, 14 August 1861, in the Bight of Benin. Discharged to Ascension Hospital, 12 September 1861. Folios 7-9: Robert Nevil, aged 43, Royal Marine; disease or hurt, fever followed by iritis syphillitic. Put on sick list, 20 August 1861, in the Bight of Benin. Discharged to Ascension Hospital, 12 September 1861. Folio 9: Thomas Byrne, aged 27, Royal Marine Artillery; disease or hurt, ulcer and varicose veins. Put on sick list, 12 September 1861. Discharged to Ascension Hospital, 17 September 1861. Folios 9-10: Mr George Santo, aged 38, Gunner; disease or hurt, dyspepsia. Put on sick list, 13 September 1861, at Ascension Island. Discharged, 30 October 1861. The 12th time in 13 months that he had been on the sick list with the same complaint. Folios 10-11: G T T Cheyney, aged 23, Assistant Paymaster in charge; disease or hurt, fever associated with gastric haemorrhage. Put on sick list, 25 November 1861, on passage to Fernando Po. Discharged, 12 December 1861. Folio 11: Table I, A nosological synopsis of the sick book kept during the period of this journal, in conformity with the 30th article of the Surgeon's Instructions. Folio 12: Table II, Men who have received wounds or hurts, no names entered. Folios 12-13: Table III, for the period 1 January 1861 to 31 December 1861. Mean numerical strength of the Ship’s Company 75 108/365. Folios 13-14: Table IV, as table III but not completed.

ADM 101/132/2 · Pièce · 1861
Fait partie de The National Archives

Folios 14-24: Surgeon's general remarks. The ship arrived at Fernando Po on 31 December 1860, the Kroomen carried out coaling operations. Whether Fernando Po is a healthy place for Europeans is discussed, the presence of swamps and unhealthy odours and the role of the soil in producing disease. The experience of the Spanish colony is described. The building of roads and a sanatorium in the mountains is mentioned. Improvements to Clarence Cove and an increase in population, clearing of the forests. On 7 January 1861 they sailed for Ambas Bay carrying Mr Laughland, Acting Consul, and Mr Mann, a botanist. They dropped off Mr Mann in Ambas Bay and sailed up the [Cameroens] river to Segua Town. 'Here we remained until the afternoon of the 10th January holding palavers with the native princes and chiefs; and after deposing King [Acgan] from his royal dignity – with whom the consul and English merchants could not effect a satisfactory arrangement, and nominating someone else to fill that elevated and highly responsible position, we got under weigh and proceeded down the river, anchoring again in the estuary for the night'. On 11 January, they anchored at the mouth of the Malimba River and Captain Wratislaw and the Consul set off up the river to settle a dispute over a theft from Mr Walker's factory. They got a promise of restitution but in order to guarantee the repayment took the son of one of the chiefs as a hostage. In return, the people of the town took Ordinary Seaman Samuel Robinson as a hostage. The following day, 12 January, they returned with the ship's boats fully manned and armed and demanded the immediate release of Robinson and instant payment of the debt to Mr Walker, threatening to burn down the town. Their demands were met with and they returned to the ship by mid day. Samuel Robinson was uninjured but put on the sick list with dyspepsia. They next visited Batanga, on 14 January, where they settled another dispute about thefts from Mr Laughland's store there. On 16 January they steamed up the Old Calabar River and anchored at Duke’s Town, which is described. They remained 4 days holding palavers and then returned Mr Laughland to Fernando Po. They visit the town of Bonny on the Bonny River, the town is described and it's 'jew-jew house', said to contain thousands of skulls of human sacrifices. After laying buoys in the river channel they return again to Fernando Po. The prophylactic measures taken against fever are described and the treatment of the 13 cases of fever and 8 of diarrhoea. Folio 20 lists 17 men who were lent to HMS Brune on 21 February to escort Mr Foote, Consul of Lagos, in settling a disturbance at Porto Novo, 11 of the men developed fever afterwards. Also lists 10 men sent to accompany Commodore Edmonstone in an expedition against Porto Novo on 22 April, of whom 4 developed fever and one dyspepsia. On 6 May they visited the Governor at Christiansborg and were detained overnight on shore, in spite of taking quinine Captain Wratislaw was affected with fever. From 15 May to 22 June they cruised between Lagos and Whydah and then returned to Fernando Po. On 4 July a comet was seen to the north and a little to the west, it had a very attenuated tail of about 22 degrees in length. On 8 July the surgeon was among a party visiting the shore to get fresh provisions when he was thrown in to the surf and wet through and had to go to bed immediately at Mr Tay's house while his clothes dried. The whole party was obliged to stay the night on shore and got chilled. In spite of having taken quinine, Mr Keenan suffered fever for 6 days and Mr Cheyney, who had also been present and had also used quinine, became ill 14 days later. They visited Fernando Po and St Paul de Loando [Luanda] and then went to their cruising ground off Mangue Grande. On 29 October they captured a barque carrying 870 slaves, who were found to be mostly in good health apart from some cases of 'craw craw'. The surgeon says 'The barque was well found in everything necessary for the support and comfort of the slaves, nor did they seem to be overcrowded in the vessel'. They again visited Fernando Po and St Paul de Loando [Luanda] and on 19 December cruised up the Congo as far as Pointa de Linha before returning to their cruising ground. Folios 22-24 discuss the diseases during the year and treatment. Folios 24-27: Daily sick list. Folios 28-29: Blank.

FO 383/32 · Pièce · 1915
Fait partie de The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Prince Blücher and family: decision that they should leave Herm island and reside in UK. Adolf Kauffmann, naturalised British subject in New Zealand: endorsement of naturalisation certificate. Hans Paulsen, German subject employed by Manihot Rubber Plantations Ltd, now interned at Pietermaritzburg in South Africa: question of payment of outstanding salary. German officials from the Cameroons interned at Queensferry prisoners camp, Chester: question of despatch of money to them, and possible improvements to camp; includes lists of prisoners (in docket nos. 5890 and 28600). Crew of ss Torfrey interned at Ruhleben: request for despatch of money to them. Countess Marie Bismarck, German subject of English mother (née Williams-Wynn), staying in England: desire to return to her home in Switzerland; question of travel through France. Detention camps in England: visit by member of German Embassy. Lt Hans Wolf, German reserve officer interned at Dorchester: question of payment of salary as an officer of the German Army. German officer prisoners at Durban: treatment. German prisoners in Canada: request for inspection by US representatives. German prisoners at Gibraltar: treatment; later file includes inspection report (in docket no. 47192). Mrs Edith Hering (née Henkel), German subject, widow of Lt Kurt Hering: arrest and imprisonment in Edinburgh; includes authenticated copy of affidavit, in German (in docket no.10593). Lt Paul Albert Julius Bruegelmann, 60th German Infantry Regiment, prisoner of war at Dorchester: request for officer privileges. Internment of Germans in Hong Kong: protests made by German residents against their internment in prisoner of war camp; includes lists of individuals (in docket no. 12422); report of camp inspection by George E Anderson, US Consul-General (in docket no. 17001). Allowance for a prisoner of war in Trinidad for personal requirements: question of whether an officer or soldier. German prisoners on island of Rottnest, Western Australia: conditions of internment. German prisoners at Trinidad: alleged ill-treatment. Pay and parole privileges of enemy officers interned at Durban. Payment of enemy officers, prisoners of war, in UK. Officers and crews removed from enemy merchant vessels, brought to England as prisoners of war: ss Diana and tug Apapa ; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 26673). Treatment accorded to interned non-commissioned officers: basis of agreement, subject to reciprocity. Visit to German internment camps in UK: request for permission for Major Mossberg, Military Attaché to Swedish Legation, London, to visit Donington Hall and other camps. Scales of pay for officer prisoners of war. Otto Johannsen, German Vice-Consul at Newcastle, Australia: internment on suspicion of trading with the enemy. Missionary prisoners in German New Guinea: wish of Lutheran bodies to send relief. Treatment of German prisoners in colonial possessions. Treatment of German officers from prisoner submarines. German subjects sentenced in Samoa: claims of excessive sentences inflicted, and disparity of sentences given against Germans with English sounding names. Isle of Man camps: reports of unsatisfactory food and accommodation. Pay and treatment of prisoners promoted after capture. Reprisals on British officer prisoners for treatment of submarine crews. Treatment of German prisoners at Halifax, Nova Scotia. German prisoners interned in Natal. Personal effects of German soldiers interned in South Africa; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 47787). Treatment of German prisoners in West Africa. German missionaries: transportation to Lagos. Code 1218 File 127-263 (to paper 51533).

BT 26/612/59 · Pièce · 1915 Dec 25
Fait partie de The National Archives

Liverpool: RMS Abosso (African Steamship Company Ltd) travelling from West Africa to Liverpool. Embarking at Calabar, Douala, Bonny, Forcados, Lagos, Lomé, Accra, Sekondi, Grand Bassam, Sierra Leone, Dakar and Las Palmas. Official Number: 135176. List of passengers disembarking at Plymouth and Liverpool.

BT 26/607/39 · Pièce · 1915 Jun 7
Fait partie de The National Archives

Liverpool: RMS Abosso (African Steamship Company Ltd) travelling from West Africa to Liverpool. Embarking at Douala, Calabar, Bonny, Forcados, Lagos, Lomé, Accra, Winneba, Cape Coast, Sekondi, Grand Bassam, Sierra Leone and Las Palmas. Official Number: 135176. List of passengers disembarking at Plymouth and Liverpool.

BT 26/262/19 · Pièce · 1906 Jul 6
Fait partie de The National Archives

Liverpool: SS Akabo (British and African Steam Navigation Company Ltd) travelling from West Africa to Liverpool. Embarking at Matadi, Congo, Douala, Calabar, Bonny, Forcados, Lagos, Accra, Cape Coast, Sekoni, Axim, Sierra Leone and Las Palmas. Official Number: 115268. List of passengers disembarking at Plymouth and Liverpool.

BT 26/264/28 · Pièce · 1906 Oct 12
Fait partie de The National Archives

Liverpool: SS Akabo (British and African Steam Navigation Company Ltd) travelling from West Africa to Liverpool. Embarking at Fernando Po, Rio del Rey, Warri, Douala, Calabar, Bonny, Forcados, Lagos, Accra, Sekoni, Jacquesville, Axim, Sierra Leone and Grand Canary. Official Number: 115268. List of passengers disembarking at Plymouth and Liverpool.

BT 26/325/17 · Pièce · 1908 Aug 30
Fait partie de The National Archives

Liverpool: SS Akabo (British and African Steam Navigation Company Ltd) travelling from West Africa to Liverpool. Embarking at Axim, Sierra Leone, Las Palmas, Forcados, Cameroon, Grand Canary, Calabar, Gaboon, Lagos and Sekondi. Official Number: 115268. List of passengers disembarking at Liverpool.

BT 26/283/76 · Pièce · 1907 Apr 29
Fait partie de The National Archives

Liverpool: SS Akabo (Elder Dempster Company Ltd) travelling from West Africa to Liverpool. Embarking at Cameroon, Gabon, Douala, Calabar, Bonny, Forcados, Lagos, Accra, Sekondi, Sierra Leone, Batanga, Libreville, Las Palmas and Grand Canary. Official Number: 115268. List of passengers disembarking at Plymouth and Liverpool.

BT 26/609/8 · Pièce · 1915 Aug 3
Fait partie de The National Archives

Liverpool: SS Anversville (Elder Dempster Company Ltd) travelling from West Africa to Liverpool. Embarking at Douala, Calabar, Bonny, Forcados, Lagos, Lomé, Accra, Cape Coast, Sekondi, Sierra Leone, Bathurst and Tenerife. Official Number: [No official number listed]. List of passengers disembarking at Plymouth and Liverpool.

BT 26/606/61 · Pièce · 1915 May 22
Fait partie de The National Archives

Liverpool: SS Apapa (African Steamship Company Ltd) travelling from West Africa to Liverpool. Embarking at Douala, Calabar, Bonny, Forcados, Lagos, Winneba, Accra, Sekondi, Sierra Leone, Bathurst and Las Palmas. Official Number: 136797. List of passengers disembarking at Plymouth and Liverpool.

BT 26/611/50 · Pièce · 1915 Nov 28
Fait partie de The National Archives

Liverpool: SS Apapa (African Steamship Company Ltd) travelling from West Africa to Liverpool. Embarking at Calabar, Douala, Bonny, Forcados, Lagos, Lomé, Accra, Sekondi, Sierra Leone, Dakar and Las Palmas. Official Number: 136797. List of passengers disembarking at Plymouth and Liverpool.

BT 26/285/21 · Pièce · 1907 Jun 25
Fait partie de The National Archives

Liverpool: SS Biafra (African Steamship Company Ltd) travelling from West Africa to Liverpool. Embarking at Fernando Po, Cameroon, Batanga, Kribi, Douala, Calabar, Bonny, Forcados, Lagos, Sekondi, Axim, Sierra Leone and Las Palmas. Official Number: 108180. List of passengers disembarking at Liverpool.