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COPY 1/435/158 · Pièce · 1898 March 4
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of Livingstonia (late Kondowe) head quarters Free Church of Scotland Mission, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa, (showing caves)". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form completed 4 March 1898. Registration stamp: 9 March 1898.

COPY 1/435/80 · Pièce · 1898 March 4
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of outdoor mission school classes (Free Church of Scotland Mission) (five figures in foreground are blind scholars) Bandawe, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form completed 4 March 1898. Registration stamp: 9 March 1898.

COPY 1/393/129 · Pièce · 1888 July 26
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of Bishop C A Smythies, standing full face holding pastoral staff in right hand, and wearing cope and mitre." Copyright owner of work: Universities Mission to Central Africa, 14 Delahay St, Westminster, London. Copyright author of work: Samuel Alexander Walker, 230 Regent St, London. Form Completed 26 July 1888. Registration stamp: 26 July 1888.

COPY 1/435/137 · Pièce · 1898 March 4
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of Blantyre Mission Church (interior), (Established Church of Scotland Mission) Blantyre, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form completed 4 March 1898. Registration stamp: 9 March 1898.

COPY 1/435/136 · Pièce · 1898 March 4
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of Blantyre Mission Church front view, (Established Church of Scotland Mission) Blantyre, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form completed 4 March 1898. Registration stamp: 9 March 1898.

COPY 1/435/150 · Pièce · 1898 March 4
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of graves of pioneer missionaries (1877) Free Church of Scotland Mission, Livingstonia, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa, (medallion of Doctor Black on rock, left hand of photo)". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form completed 4 March 1898. Registration stamp: 9 March 1898.

COPY 1/393/130 · Pièce · 1888 July 26
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of Bishop C A Smythies, standing three quarter face holding pastoral staff in right hand and wearing cope and mitre." Copyright owner of work: Universities Mission to Central Africa, 14 Delahay Street, Westminster, London. Copyright author of work: Samuel Alexander Walker, 230 Regent Street, London. Form Completed 26 July 1888. Registration stamp: 26 July 1888.

COPY 1/435/170 · Pièce · 1898 March 4
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of SS 'Charles Jansen', Universities mission to Central Africa (UMCA) steamer, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form completed 4 March 1898. Registration stamp: 9 March 1898.

COPY 1/435/151 · Pièce · 1898 March 4
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of Livingstonia Mission Station (Free Church of Scotland Mission) Bandawe, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form completed 4 March 1898. Registration stamp: 9 March 1898.

COPY 1/435/139 · Pièce · 1898 March 4
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of Blantyre Mission Church (side view), (Established Church of Scotland Mission) Blantyre, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form completed 4 March 1898. Registration stamp: 9 March 1898.

COPY 1/435/157 · Pièce · 1898 March 4
Fait partie de The National Archives

Photograph of Livingstonia (late Kondowe) head quarters Free Church of Scotland Mission, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa (showing main road)". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form completed 4 March 1898. Registration stamp: 9 March 1898.

MPK 1/256 · Pièce · 1883
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item (enclosure to Lord Aberdare's letter of 1 January 1883) extracted from FO 84/1654. Map of west Africa (covering parts of what are now Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Togo) Scale: 1 inch to about 95 miles. Printed for the National African Company, Ltd; [produced by] Stanford's Geographical Establishment.

MFQ 1/547 · Pièce · [1899]
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item (enclosure with Major Gibbons's report to R T Coryndon, Barotseland, 8 June 1899) extracted from CO 417/319. South-West Africa (now Namibia): Caprivi Strip. 'Map to accompany report by Major Gibbons on question of boundary between Lewanika's and Sekgome's countries': showing the routes taken by Major Gibbons and Captain Hamilton, and the southern boundary of [King] Lewanika's territory; also showing rivers, villages, terrain and tribal areas. Reference table and notes. Scale: 1 inch to 10 geographical miles.

MPG 1/1064 · Pièce · 1918
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from CO 536/109. 'Congo Belge'. Political and geographical map of central Africa between 10°N. and 15°S. and between 11°E. and 33°E., showing the whole of the Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the People's Republic of the Congo) and much of the remainder of central Africa. The map shows provinces and districts, and lines of communication, including railways in the Congo. Reference tables. Compiled at the Royal Geographical Society and drawn at the War Office, December 1918. The map was used in connection with a report on railway development. Imprimé à 'l'ICM' suivant arrangement avec le 'Geographical Section, General Staff, War Office', août 1912.

MPG 1/1083 · Pièce · 1917-1919
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from CO 691/29. 'Lake Victoria.' Map of part of East Africa (Africa 1:1,000,000 Sheet A36) showing most of Lake Victoria and the area to the south. The map illustrates the proposed boundary between the Belgian mandated territory of Ruanda-Urundi (now Rwanda and Burundi) and German East Africa (now Tanzania). Annotated 'Carte annexée à la proposition concernant l'attribution de la mandate dans l'est africain allemand.' Drawn and printed at the War Office 1917. 'Copie 30 mai 1919.'.

MPGG 1/99/4 · Pièce · 1914
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from CO 879/118/13. 'Sketch map showing the Native Divisions of S.W. Togoland': showing the territorial claims of the Peki and Awuna peoples, the chiefs subordinate to the Peki by the treaties of 1886-1888, and the boundary with the [British] Gold Coast; (territory covered is now in Togo and Ghana). Reference table. Lithographed by Malby and Sons. Signed: Francis Crowther, Acting Commissioner of Eastern Province, 2 November 1914. GC [?Gold Coast number] 8359.

MPG 1/1161/6 · Pièce · 1887
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from CO 879/25/6. West Africa. 'German map of Peki Territory'. Shows boundary between German and English territory (now in Togo and Ghana), and territory of recent proposals (the Chief of Peki Territory proposed in July 1886 that his territory should be taken under German protection). Reference table (in German). Lithographed by Dangerfield, Covent Garden. Originally enclosed with a print of a Foreign Office letter of 2 May 1887 to the Colonial Office.

MPG 1/1164/1 · Pièce · 1892
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from CO 879/36/2. 'Map attached to Anglo-German Boundary Commission Confidential report no. 1 of 22 Feby 1892 relating to River Aka'. Map illustrating the Gold Coast (now Ghana)-Togoland (now Togo) boundary from Keta to about 6°20'N and showing the course of the River Aka. Scale: 1 inch to 8 miles. Map initialled 'H M H'. [Lithographed by Judd

MPGG 1/102/5 · Pièce · 1893
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from CO 879/37/2. Gold Coast (now Ghana). 'Sketch showing German Road passing through English Territory': map of territory to the north-west of Lomé (now in Togo), showing roads, rivers, villages and towns. Topographical reference notes. Scale: 1 inch to about 1 mile. Compass indicator. Compass sketch by F Goldberg; lithographed by Judd and Co.

MPGG 1/102/4 · Pièce · 1893
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from CO 879/37/2. Gold Coast (now Ghana), Togoland (now in Ghana and Togo). 'Map showing Routes in Awuna and Krepi Traversed by the Anglo-German Boundary Commission': showing the Volta River, other rivers, towns, roads, and the distribution of native peoples. Based on a map by George E Ferguson; reduced by photography at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, April 1893.

MPGG 1/86/3 · Pièce · [1895]
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from CO 879/40/7 (folio 554).Southern Africa. Map of the area (now in South Africa) between the Orange River in the south and about 26°5'S in the north, showing the Molopo River, Upington, named land divisions, triangulation stations, the boundary with German South-West Africa (now Namibia) along 20°E, and part of the boundary with the Bechuanaland Protectorate (now Botswana). Reference note on surveying marks. Scale: 1 inch to 2,000 roods. Lithographed by Wyman and Sons.

MPG 1/1032/4 · Pièce · 1897
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from CO 879/50/5. Three skeleton maps of the western Sudan from Senegal to Cameroon, with the hinterland on a single sheet. (i) 'To illustrate the Distribution of the Native Races'. Inset: (at a smaller scale) 'The Great States of the Western Sudan up to the end of the XVIth Century'. (ii) 'To illustrate the Trade Routes and Distribution of Natural Products'. (iii) 'To show the Native States'. Reference tables. Lithographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, October 1897.

MFQ 1/59 · Pièce · 1892-1899
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from FO 2/193. 'Deutsch-Ostafrika Redigirt von Dr Richard Kiepert': map showing German East Africa (now Tanzania) divided into 22 districts, and parts of adjacent countries, indicating Dutch, British and Portuguese territory. Reference table. Inset: map of the southern half of Africa with reference table to railway and telegraph lines at scale 1:8,000,000.

MR 1/1821 · Pièce · 1899
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from FO 2/305 (folio 267). Central Africa Protectorate (now Malawi); Portuguese East Africa (now Mozambique). 'Chart showing Triangulation of Anglo-Portuguese Provisional Boundary Delimitation Survey 1899'. Scale: 1 inch to 4 miles. Compass indicator. Signed: Thomas Binnie, Assistant Surveyor, British Central Africa Protectorate.

MPK 1/183 · Pièce · 1901
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item extracted from FO 2/519. Map of the Uganda and East African Protectorates (now Uganda and Kenya), with parts of German East Africa (now Tanzania) and Italian East Africa (now Somalia), showing lakes, rivers, mountains, railways, towns and villages. MS additions commenting on boundaries. Scale: 1 inch to about 25 miles. Endorsed: 'With Sir C Hill's memo July 27 1901'.

MPGG 1/99/1 · Pièce · 1916
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item (formerly accompanying the print of a report on Dikwa district, 2 June 1916, which was enclosed in a despatch of 17 August 1916) extracted from CO 879/118/2. Cameroon, Nigeria Chad. Map of the area between Lake Chad and Madagali, and between Maiduguri and Fort-Lamy (now N'djamena), [French Military Territory of] Chad, showing place names, rivers, and international and inter-emirate boundaries. Reference table. [By] Ordnance Survey, December 1916.

MFQ 1/563 · Pièce · 1889-1893
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item (originally enclosed with an agreement between Great Britain and Germany respecting the Rio del Rey, signed at Berlin, 14 April 1893) extracted from FO 2/225. West Africa. 'Mündungsgebiet der Flüsse Aqua Jafe, Rio del Rey, Meta und Meme..': [sheet of a] German Admiralty Chart, showing the boundary between the Oil Rivers Protectorate and the Colony of the Cameroons; (the territory shown is now in Cameroon and Nigeria). Surveyed by A Wegner; photolithographed and published at the Hydrographic Office, Berlin, 1890; corrections to May 1890; reduced version, printed May 1893.

MFQ 1/851 · Pièce · 1889
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item (originally illustrating a Foreign Office memorandum, transmitted to the Colonial Office, 20 November 1889) extracted from CO 96/206. West Africa. 'Copie der Uebersichtskarte Deutsches Schutzgebiet Togo': map, in German, of an area (now in Ghana), east of the Volta River, showing the German government's view of the limits of the British [Gold Coast] protectorate; also showing roads and tracks. Scale: 1 inch to about 12 miles (calculated). [By] Judd and Co, September 1889; revised edition. MS additions, coloured, in English, showing the British view of the boundary between British territory and German Togoland; MS reference table. On sheet 56 cm x 38 cm.

MPK 1/517 · Pièce · 1880
Fait partie de The National Archives

1 item (referring to a boundary proposal for Turkey, discussed in a memorandum of Sir Lintorn Simmons, 17 June 1880) extracted from FO 78/3183. South-eastern Europe. 'Turco-Greek Frontier': map of the area between Berat (now in Albania), and Preveza, the Gulf of Vólos and Salonica (now Thessaloníki) (all now in Greece). Reference table. Lithographed at the Intelligence Branch, Quartermaster General's Department, May 1880. MS additions showing a boundary proposed by Sir P Armeni Brailas, Greek envoy to the Berlin Conference; the reference table (which refers to details found on another printing of the map, but omitted on this copy) is crossed through in MS.