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COPY 1/516/136 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

1) 'Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with palm trees right across picture. To the right hand a group of native houses. Titled 'By The Side Of Placid Waters''. 12cm x 16cm. 2) 'Photograph of Ocean Island native with two leaves fastened in ears, hair necklace, curly hair, teeth exposed'. 16cm x 12cm. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

MFQ 1/816/1aand1b · Objekt · 1898
Teil von The National Archives

(1a) Cover of item 1b. (1b) 'Political map of Africa, by J G Bartholomew, F.R.G.S.': also showing the Arabian peninsula. Reference table to boundaries and terrain. Printed and published by J Bartholomew and Co for the Edinburgh Geographical Institute. Insets: maps of: Ascension Island; Saint Helena; Gibraltar; Cairo, Egypt; Freetown (Sierra Leone) and environs; Cape Town (South Africa) and environs; the Gold Coast, Dagomba and Togoland (now in Ghana and Togo); Cairo; Egypt; and the British Isles. MS note to item 1a: 'Map left by French Amb[assador] June 25 1899'; MS additional boundary to item 1b.

MR 1/752 · Objekt · 1892
Teil von The National Archives

2 items (enclosures to South Africa despatch number 57, 6 February 1892) extracted from CO 417/74 (folios 128-129). British Bechuanaland (now part of Northern Cape Province, South Africa); German South-West Africa (now Namibia). 2 sketch maps of the district of Mier and surrounding areas. (1) Map of the part of British Bechuanaland between the Orange River and Rietfontein, showing the Molopo River, named land divisions, surveying markers (including trigonometrical stations), and the boundaries with the Bechuanaland Protectorate (now Botswana) and German South-West Africa. Reference note on surveying markers. Scale: 1 inch to about 4.6 miles. (2) Map of the area between the Orange River and about 25°50'S, showing the limits of the land, west of the Molopo River, claimed by Chief David Vilander (or Philander), also showing lakes, water courses, farms, wood and stone beacons, and place names. Scale: 1 inch to about 2,000 roods. Dimensions: (1) 121 cm x 53 cm; (2) 161 cm x 95 cm. Originally accompanying correspondence concerning the form of government to be adopted in the district of Mier and in that part of Vilander's country under British jurisdiction.

MPG 1/1086 · Objekt · [?1918]
Teil von The National Archives

2 items extracted from CO 691/23. (1) Sketch showing layout of customs buildings at Dar-es-Salaam (now in Tanganyika). No scale shown. Compass indicator. (2) Town plan of Dar-es-Salaam. Scale: 1:5000. 'Printed by 1st Printing Co. R.E. "B" Army Section, Daressalaam, March 1918 No 523'. Dimensions: (1) 28 cm x 40 cm; (2) 64 cm x 77 cm.

MFQ 1/906/1-2 · Objekt · 1895
Teil von The National Archives

2 maps of the area (now in Northern Cape province, South Africa) between Reetfontein and the Orange River, showing the boundaries with German South-West Africa (now Namibia) and the Bechuanaland Protectorate (now Botswana). (2) shows additional territory east of the River Molopo as far as Upington. Both also show roads, lakes, districts, beacons and triangulation markers. Reference notes on triangulation. Scale: 1 inch to 2,000 roods. (1) noted as a copy and signed: C Newman Thomas, Chief Compiler, Surveyor General's Office, 16 January, 1895. (2) dated 30 March 1895. Dimensions: (1) 98 cm x 50 cm; (2) 109 cm x 54 cm. (1) Originally accompanying a copy of a memorandum from Jon Smuts, Imperial Secretary to the Imperial German Consul General, Cape Town, 15 January, 1895; the memorandum was enclosed in Colonial Office despatch 2220: 'South Africa.Rietfontein: Boundary': 16 January 1895. (2) Originally accompanying a memorandum from the Intelligence Division, 18 Queen Anne's Gate, SW, 27 March 1895, which was enclosed in Colonial Office despatch 3779: 'South Africa. W. Boundary of B. Bechd.', 11 February 1895.

MPK 1/263/2-3 · Objekt · 1918
Teil von The National Archives

2 plans of the city of Tsingtao (Qingdao). (2) Shows contours. Compass indicator. MS additions, coloured, including a reference table (in English) to major buildings. (3) Illustrates Japanese activities in the city. Reference table (in Chinese characters). Scale: 1 cm to 100 m. Compass indicator. Dimensions: (2) 40.4 cm x 52.1 cm; (3) 43.2 cm x 33 cm.

MPK 1/98 · Objekt · 1895
Teil von The National Archives

3 items (attachments to Commissioner Johnston's report on British Central Africa for 1895-1896) extracted from FO 2/106. (1) 'Map of the Shire Highlands showing the Division of Estates 1895': the words 'Division of' have been deleted and the words 'devoted to Coffe [ sic ] Planting 1895' added after 'Estates'. Also shows place names, rivers, routes, police posts. Scale: 1 inch to 4 miles. Compass indicator. Signed by Otto L. Beringer, AMICE. (2) Tracing of part of (1) showing the estates of Messrs Buchanan Bros. (3) Tracing of part of (1) showing the estates of Mr Sharrer.

MPG 1/1061 · Objekt · 1907-1908
Teil von The National Archives

3 items extracted from CO 520/62. (1) 'Outline Map of Northern and Southern Nigeria', with reference table, January 1907. MS additions, [1908], show areas in the Eastern Province of Southern Nigeria occupied 1907-08 and to be occupied in the next year as part of a pacification programme; and area on the border with Cameroon for transfer to Northern Nigeria. (2) and (3) 2 copies of the southern part of the 'Outline Map of Northern and Southern Nigeria', showing (2) Present distribution of troops in Southern Nigeria June 1908 and (3) Proposed distribution of troops in Southern Nigeria 1908-1909. Dimensions: (1) 56 cm x 68 cm; (2) 42.5 cm x 49 cm; (3) 42.5 m x 57 cm.