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FO 383/311 · Item · 1917
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Alleged release of British prisoners at Christmas to enable them to visit their families if they are in Germany. Request from Mrs J Rose of Southsea that her husband be transferred to Switzerland and not Holland. Representations for alleged suffering of individual prisoners in Germany. Arrangements for the exchange and internment in a neutral country of British prisoners. Notification of the names of prisoners transferred or repatriated. Suggested exchange of Sir J Irvin(e) and Mr Balfour for two German subjects, Dr Richard Kuenzer and Kapitänleutnant Franz Rintelen and the exchange of the German Consuls Listemann and Rohland for Stanley Lambert and Mr Weston. Alleged riots in internment camp at Malta. Repatriation of German women and children whose relatives have already been released from civilian detention camps in England. Transmission of notes to the value of 3956 Rupees held as security for sums advanced to six destitute ladies from Tabora. Enquiry from Netherlands Government as to whether there are any Jews among the German prisoners to be interned in Holland. Complaints of Ned Rodgers of Liverpool, and Robert R Southorn, the latter a butcher on board the SS Otaki , interned at Lubeck, concerning the rate of exchange for money received by British prisoners by German authorities. Sentence of one year's imprisonment for Flight-Sergeant Edward Alexander Boyd, Royal Naval Service, for calling German"Huns". Relief for mother of Joe V Austman of Chicago, interned at Alten-Grabow. Stationary supplied to British prisoners in Frankfurt-on-Oder depicting Prussian air-raid on an English coast. Request from Dr A Trautmann, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield, for the return of his Red Cross passport. Transmission to the German Government of a petition of H Aischmann and six other prisoners interned at Islington for transfer to a neutral country. Enquiry from mother of F A Boret, RNVR, interned at Friedrichsfeld, into his state of health and request that he be transferred to a neutral country. Transport of parcels and letters for German prisoners in UK on vessels used to transfer prisoners between Rotterdam and Boston. Request for correct addresses of working camps in Germany. Transmission of a report on the Commercial School at Knockaloe. Suggested course of action when British prisoners request: messages to be conveyed to relatives, supplies of sports material, books etc. and medicinal comforts. Behaviour of the German Red Cross towards British prisoners. Transmission of letter signed by F Prohl and Rudolf Raabe addressed to the German Transport Workers' Union on behalf of certain other prisoners. Request from Lina Buester in Swakopmund, South West Africa, for the repatriation of her husband Korporal Beuster, German prisoner of war interned in Egypt. Reciprocal agreement that civilian dentist treated in a similar way under the Hague Agreement to doctors and ministers of religion and their consequent repatriation. Lecture on the methods of ethnological investigation of prisoners in Germany and their types of idioms and folk-songs. Enquiry concerning pay and reputation of Dr Oscar Bernhard, Surgeon of Swiss Army. Request for repatriation of A Caspary, interned at Lofthouse Park Camp, Wakefield. Enquiry concerning post sent to Adam Hesse relating to a celebration at Knockaloe Camp of the 40th anniversary of the Internationaler Genfer Verband (International Geneva Foundation). Includes account of celebrations in weekly newspaper Internationale Hotel-Industrie. Request that the brothers Karl and Hermann Hain and Gustav and Adolf Weingarten should be interned in the same camp. Presence at Knockaloe of criminal and disreputable class of prisoners an suggests their segregation. Letter from F Müller, interned at Knockaloe, concerning the repatriation of ships' officers and seamen over 45 years old. Transfer of Captain von Müller interned at Keyworth Camp, Derby to Holland. Officer prisoners transferred from one camp to another without their supplies. Recommendations by the German Government for the camp school at Lofthouse Park. Exchange of British and German civilians. Request for information concerning the estate of Hermann Raydt, deceased German subject. Visits to camps in UK by Dr de Sturler of the Swiss Legation. Request from Dr F M Harms, of Stoke Newington, for permission to travel within a 10 mile radius to visit sick and dying German prisoners. List of deceased British prisoners who are difficult to identify. Request from German Government for the names of the survivors from a German submarine reported sunk in the mouth of the Tay. Request for winter clothing for Lieutenant Sidney King, 6th Cheshire Regiment and Lieutenant Mark Quale, 1st East Lancashire Regiment, interned at Diakonenanstalt Reserve Lazaret Duisberg. Request for the liberation of Fritz Gliebenberg, interned in the Isle of Man, from his brother the High Commissioner of South Africa William H Gliebenberg. Christmas gift from the German Red Cross to interned German civilians of 23,000 Marks. Letter from Oberstleutnant Hübener, interned at Malta, concerning communications between prisoners from former German East Africa and their relatives left behind in the colony. Transfer of German women and children from Nyasaland to South Africa. Repatriation of German Red Cross nurse, Lotte von Debschitz. Code 1218 Files 214119-245753.

FO 383/58 · Item · 1915
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Exchange of incapacitated prisoners and medical personnel, including: Dr Otto Glantz, physician in medical service of German Government and the German Army, interned in New Zealand: application for release (docket nos. 162432, 164927, 169633, 182659). Schedule of disabilities for incapacitated exchange. Return of British incapacitated prisoners from Germany. Repatriation of wounded German prisoners. Representations for release of prisoners of war. Repatriation of German sanitary personnel from South Africa. Capt Cecil Morley, wounded prisoner, interned at Mainz: enquiry from his wife, Mrs Morley of Southsea (docket no. 169680). Exchange of incapacitated prisoners in overseas possessions. Colonel Earle, wounded prisoner in Germany: enquiries from his brother, Lionel Earle of Westminster (docket nos. 173507, 175804, 201194). Repatriation of German medical personnel from South West Africa. Wounded British prisoners in Germany. Incapacitated prisoners of war: question of exchange of 2nd Lieut Gerard Goschen, Grenadier Guards (docket nos. 175064, 177383, 178080, 189188). Capt Henry Talbot, 11th Hussars, wounded prisoner at Wurzburg: enquiry from his father, Edmund Talbot of London, regarding possible exchange for Baron von Freyburg, prisoner at Donnington Hall (docket no. 177520). Dr Hugo Zieschank, German doctor in Samoa: application to return to Germany; also applications from other Germans in Samoa, including Ludovica Schultze (docket no. 178838). Oberarzt Schweizer, German medical officer, repatriated from South Africa: possible exchange for Surgeon E C Holtom (docket nos. 180348, 190645). Dr Ernst Strauss, German Naval doctor, interned at Holyport: application for exchange for three Royal Army Medical Corps officers detained by Germans (docket no. 180644). Capt Ion Barry George, prisoner at Crefeld: assistance towards release, having missed previous repatriation train due to a fit; enquiry from his sister, May Knox-Browne of County Mayo, Ireland (docket no. 182931). Exchange of incapacitated German prisoners now interned in Australia. Repatriation of German civilian doctors. Detention of German medical personnel on board ss Rufidji. Johannes Hagemann, prisoner of war at Lofthouse Park: claim for release as member of German sanitary personnel (docket no. 183941). Lieut Ernst Kieckhoefer, German colonial force of German East Africa, severely wounded prisoner in Ahmednagar (docket no. 183954). Capt D A Laird, Royal Army Medical Corps, prisoner of war at Gütersloh (docket no. 189076). Major H E Priestley and Capt Vidal, Royal Army Medical Corps, detained at Wittenburg (docket nos. 189248, 197674). Detention of British medical officers in Germany. German sanitary officers in UK. Cost of repatriation of German medical and sanitary personnel from South Africa. Repatriation of German civilian doctors. [ NOTE : several dockets include lists of prisoners, or make reference to individuals, including docket nos. 179848, 182436 (all German), and 199105]. Code 1218 File 35580 (papers 162432-end).