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ADM 137/11/2 · Objekt · 1914
Teil von The National Archives

Folio 55: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief Mediterranean,Malta and Commander-in-Chief China, Amoy and Hong Kong 2nd August 1914 communicate with French S.N.O.[Senior Naval Officer] for combined action should war break out. Situation very critical. Be prepared for surprise attacks. Folio 56: Telegram from Sir C.Greene to Admiralty 2nd August 1914 Russian Ambassador enquiring as to probably attitude of Imperial Government and views of Japanese politicians in the event of Russia being involved in war. The general view is that Japan will support her ally in defence of her interests in Far East. Folio 57: blank. Folio 58: Telegram from Naval Agent,Shanghai to Admiralty 3rd August 1914 HMS Yarmouth left Shanghai last night. Folio 59: Telegram from Singapore to Admiralty 3rd August 1914 German collier Tannenfels six thousand tons Australian coal left yesterday without clearance papers destination unknown. Two German colliers left Newcastle, New South Wales, others preparing to leave. Telegram from Shimonoseki to Admiralty 3rd August 1914 July 30th German merchant vessel Ellen Rickmars passed outwards. German merchant vessel Ferdinand Laesz [Laeisz] returned. From Kobe to Admiralty 3rd August 1914 German merchant vessel Mark arrived. From Shimonoseki to Admiralty 3rd August 1914 German merchant vessel Ferdinand Laeisz [Laesz] left for Tsingtau. Folio 60: Telegram from Singapore to Admiralty 3rd August 1914 German Geier [gunboat] at Rhio, south of Singapore definite. Folio 61: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief China 3rd August 1914 you are authorised to take up and arm four ships as armed cruisers. Folio 62: Telegram from Sir Edward Grey to Sir C.Greene (Tokyo) August 3rd 1914 warn Japanese Government that if Hong Kong or Wei-hai wei are attacked we rely on their support. Folio 63: Telegram from Mr Brown Chunking 3rd August 1914 German ship Otter [river gunboat] arrived Chunking 1 30 this afternoon and left down river at 2pm. Note on this telegram:-Vaterland [German river gunboat] at Hankau reported crew left for Tsingtau. Folio 64: Telegram from British Embassy Manchester Massachusetts to Admiralty 3rd August 1914 mail steamer Persia reported German man of war on July 30th pm in 26.27 N. 169.17 W. Note on telegram:-probably Nurnberg [German light cruiser]. Folio 65: Telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board to Admiralty 3rd August 1914 Wireless signals intercepted by North Australia strongly indicate Scharnhorst [German cruiser], Gneisenau [German cruiser]and other Germans near New Guinea. Folio 66: Telegram from Sir C.Greene, Tokyo to Foreign Office 3rd August 1914 Japan will assist if Germans attack British interests in Far East. Folio 67: blank. Folio 71: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief Hong Kong to Admiralty 4th August 1914 Dupleix [French cruiser] arrives at Hong Kong tomorrow. Should I supply her with government Welsh coal as there is only inferior Japanese coal in the market. If France is at war I might be infringing neutrality. Reply:-Give her Welsh coal. Folio 72: Telegram to Commander-in-Chief, HMS Minotaur, Hong Kong 4th August 1914 British ultimatum to Germany expires midnight G.M.T. August 4th. Folio 73: Telegram from Commodore, Hong Kong to Admiralty 4th August 1914 four following vessels engaged as armed merchant cruisers: [Canadian Pacific Railway steamers] Empress of Asia complete August 13th. Empress of Japan due August 13th. Empress of Russia due August 21st. P

FO 371/21/30 · Objekt · 1906 Jan 8
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 258-262, China Code 10, File 958, Paper 958. Sent by Sir Ernest Satow, the British Legation, Peking. Reports conversation with German Minister respecting Tientsin Chinkiang Railway agreement between Messrs Jardine, Matheson and Company on behalf of Chinese Central Railways LTD and the Deutsch- Asiatische Bank; states HMG would stand for the recognition of the preliminary agreement as valid and binding on the Chinese Government.

FO 371/181/51 · Objekt · 1906 Aug 23
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 267-278, China: Customs Administration: Code 10, Case 308, Paper 28761. Sent by Mr C Addis, Manager, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Command Paper: Transmits agreement between the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank and Deutsch-Asiatische Bank of 27 July 1895; includes amended clause 3 [English and German].