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MPG 1/1034/2 · Objekt · 1897
Teil von The National Archives

Map of West Africa titled 'Ubersichtskarte der Expedition des Deutschen Togo Komitee's unter Dr. Gruner; Dr. Döring u. Pr. Lt. v. Carnap 1894-1895. Und der französischen Expeditionen unter Toutée, Decoeur und Baud im Hinterlande von Togo'. Reference table. Scale: 1 inch to about 87 miles. The map is page 154 of the Deutsche Kolonialzeitung , 1897; page 153, the reverse, gives further details of the territory.

FO 608/216/5 · Objekt · 1919
Teil von The National Archives

Native' races: Future of former German colonies, containing: Petition from the 'Association of Loyal Negroes' to British Government protesting against the claims of France and other nations to the former German colonies in Africa, and urging that these territories be reassigned to native African rule. Treatment of native and other populations in the colonial possession of England and Germany.

CO 323/808/45 · Objekt · 1919 Mar-1919 Apr
Teil von The National Archives

Naval Prize Tribunal: request for Order of Detention for the SS Leda in the Supreme Court of Bermuda and proceedings and judgments regarding the steamships Derfflinger, Pindos, Rostock, Helgoland, Achaia, Concadoro , Marquis Bacquehem Aline Woermann, Lome, Anna Woermann, Max Brock, Arnfried, Paul Woermann, Fullah, Henriette Woermann, Haussa, Jeanette Woermann, Mungo, Kamerun, Herzogin Elizabeth and Kuka ; includes Lloyds List publication of proceedings 31 March 1919 and 7 June 1919. Original Correspondence From: Colonial Office. Folio(s): 314-328.

MFQ 1/289/3-4and6 · Objekt · 1904-1906
Teil von The National Archives

Nigeria, Cameroon. 'Nigeria-Kamerun Boundary Commission Survey': sheets 1-3 of a map covering the area from Lake Chad south to the Alautika Mountains, showing Anglo-German boundary; relief, rivers, types of vegetation, towns and villages. Reference table. Two sheets each 55cm x 67cm, one sheet 45cm x 63cm. (Signed) G F A Whitlock, Captain Royal Engineers, and [Hugo] Marquardson, 3 April 1904. Signed by Eric Barrington, Louis Jackson, Captain, Royal Engineers, G H S Pearson, Charles Strachey, Heinrich Schnee, Sylvester Stieber and Marquardson, 19 March 1906.

MPG 1/985/5 · Objekt · 1904
Teil von The National Archives

Nigeria-Kamerun Boundary Commission Survey'. Map of Africa showing area from Lake Chad south to the Alautika Mountains showing the proposed boundaries between Cameroon and Nigeria, with relief, rivers, types of vegetation, towns and villages. Lithographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, October 1904. This map is a reduced copy, on a single sheet, of IDWO 1902 (MPG 1/985/1-3).

MPG 1/985/1-3 · Objekt · 1904
Teil von The National Archives

Nigeria-Kamerun Boundary Commission Survey'. Three maps of the Nigeria -Cameroon boundary covering the area from Lake Chad south to the Alautika Mountains, showing relief, rivers, types of vegetation, towns and villages, and the proposed boundaries, with reference table. Signed by G F A Whitlock, Captain RE, and Oberleutnant [Hugo] Marquarsden, 3 April 1904. (1) Sheet 1, from Lake Chad (about 13°N) to Bama (11°30'N). (2) Sheet 2, from 11°30'N to 10°N. (3) Sheet 3, from 10°N to about 8°20'N. The title, reference table, scale and signatures appear on sheet 1 only.

MPHH 1/413/4 · Objekt · 1898
Teil von The National Archives

North East and Central Africa. 'General Map of the Nile Valley from Berber to Victoria Nyanza Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office 1898. Note. This map is based on I.D.W.O. N o 332. ': showing tribal regions, towns, rivers, lakes, mountains and frontiers. Inset: 'Plan of Meshra Er Rek'; scale: 1:500,000. IDWO 1319: photozincographed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, 1898; published by Edward Stanford for the War Office. MS colouring of water. Although note cited IDWO 332, this map was actually published as IB 332.

ADM 137/9/2 · Objekt · 1914
Teil von The National Archives

Page 52: L Marques to Admiralty 4 August 1914: German ships Crown prince and Admiral leaving L Marques. President, Lieutenant, Linda, Woerman, Adjutant in Beira. Khalifa in Mozambique. Page 53: general telegram from Admiralty 4 August 1914: war telegram will be issued midnight. Germans may open fire before. Be ready. Page 54: Admiralty to Durban and Simonstown 4 August 1914: Advise all British ships to abandon regular tracks and complete voyages without bunkering. Page 55: Mathew in St Helena to Admiralty 4 August 1914: intercept message Luderitz to German Eber. five o'clock alongside shipping office. Page 56: all ships general telegram from Admiralty 4 August 1914 at 11pm: commence hostilities against Germany. Handwritten confirmation of acknowledgements from recipients, Commander in Chief Cape, Simonstown, Astraea. Page 57: handwritten paraphrase of telegram from Cardeaux Gov St Helena to S-of-S Colonies 4 August 1914 concerning offer of services from general population of island and formation of volunteer force. Page 58: History section précis of correspondence concerning militia on St Helena on 30 July and 4 August 1914 (M - no number). Original papers in HS8 pp213-219. Pages 59-61: Handwritten notes from U S-of-S Colonies to Sec Admiralty concerning telegram 4 August 1914 (paraphrased) from De Villiers Gov Gen Cape about withdrawal of part of Imperial troops from Cape. Page 62: Copy of Foreign Office general note to Consular Officers 4 August 1914: warn all British Merchant ships not to proceed or enter German ports. British ships in German ports being detained. Page 63: general Admiralty telegram to Senior Naval Officers Sydney, Cape Town, Gibraltar 5 August 1914: Directions to be passed to all armed merchant vessels on receipt of ammunition. Pages 64-65: Laurenco Marques to Admiralty 5 August 1914: German ships Admiral, Crown Prince, H of at L Marques. President left Beira 4 August. Khalifa off Mozambique. Pages 66-67: handwritten précis of telegrams between Cardeaux Gov St Helena and Harcourt S-of-S Colonies 5 August 1914 concerning volunteers on St Helena. Page 68: decipher from L Marques 5 August 1914 concerning Portuguese Government neutrality and stopping of coaling by ships in L Marques. Page 69: Extract from Proceedings of sub-committee of Imperial Defence 5 August 1914 concerning strategic and political advantages of capture of German South West Africa. Page 70: Harcourt S-of-S Colonies to Officer Administering Government of South Africa 6 August 1914: Acceptance of offer of release of Imperial Troops from SA and views on taking of German areas of Southern Africa. Page 71: Admiralty to Cape 5 August 1914: confer with GOC on arrangements for bringing troops to England. Page 72: George Lambert to Lord Rothschild 6 August 1914: warning of German cruisers between SA and England and suggesting shipments of gold be suspended. Page 74: handwritten note of message from Dartmouth 7 August 1914: leaving Bombay for Zanzibar. Page 75: Admiralty request and reply on which armed merchant vessels have been supplied with ammunition 7 August 1914, (Wiltshier, Ceramic, Afric, Tropic). Page 76: Commander in Chief Cape to Admiralty 7 August 1914: Disposition of squadron, Astraea, Pegasus, Hyacinth. Trying to locate Konigsberg. Proposed handwritten reply appended. Page 77: Commander in Chief Cape to Admiralty 7 August 1914: have sent message to Bombay and Colombo for Dartmouth; lost touch Konigsberg, proceeding Aden then Zanzibar to try and locate. Page 78: Copy of note from U S-of-S Colonies to ? 7 August 1914 concerning proposal from Togoland for neutrality. Page 80: Handwritten note by Harcourt to CO Union Of South Africa concerning troops in South Africa. Page 81: to Admiralty 8 August 1914: positions of Dartmouth. Page 82: all ships general from Admiralty 8 August 1914: commence hostilities against Austria. Negation of this instruction. Situation critical. Page 83: Handwritten note (author unknown) 8 August 1914 on proposals for cable to Gov South Africa on capture of Swakopmund. Pages 84-86: Sir HBJ’s naval notes 8 August 1914 on expedition to German SW Africa. Page 87: Zanzibar to Admiralty 8 August 1914: From Astraea, report on hostilities at Dar-es-Salaam. Page 88: Extract from proceedings of Sub-committee of Imperial General Staff 8 August 1914 re communications with Union of SA Government on operations against German SW Africa. Page 90: Admiralty to Commander in Chief Cape 9 August 1914:Pegasus to stay on coast. Kinfauns Castle leaves Cape Town today. Leaves for St Helena when situation permits. Page 91: Handwritten transcript by Harcourt of telegram from CO to Gov Gen South Africa 9 August 1914 concerning possible coastal expedition. Pages 92-93: between Capt Suptg Equipment Southampton and Admiralty 9 August 1914 concerning Kinfauns Castle. Page 94: Admiralty to Commander in ChiefEast Indies via Colombo 9 August 1914: Swiftsure and Dartmouth to return Bombay forthwith and convoy troops to Aden. All armed Indian Marine vessels to assemble at Bombay. Page 95: Admiralty notice to Intelligence officers 9 August 1914 notifying capture of ciphers M and G by the Germans. Page 96: Lagos to Admiralty 9 August 1914: British steamer Sokoto arrived. Risk of native rising in Kameruns. Food scarce. German cruiser Dresden expected Duala. Page 97: Admiralty to Senior Naval Officer Zanzibar 9 August 1914: query from FCD Sturdee on Astraea’s report on harbour floating dock. Page 98: History Section précis of correspondence on 9 and 19 Aug 1914 concerning various situations in Africa (M – no numbers). Original papers in HS10 p63. Page 100: Cape town to Admiralty 10 August 1914: German ship detained (no name). Hyacinth arrives Cape of Good Hope. Also handwritten copy of note from Capt Supdt Equipment Southampton to Admiralty concerning Armadale and Kinfauns Castle.