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FO 383/80 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Mrs W D Burnyeat, daughter of a German officer, one of batch of '14 B's' interned in the UK in the interest of the safety of the realm: procedure of enquiries for British subjects on pink forms. Enquiries from persons in the UK as to affairs in Germany. Enquiries for British prisoners made direct to US officials in Germany and Austria; enquiries addressed to James W Gerard, US Embassy, Berlin. Enquiry for mother of an English girl: daughter, aged 15 years, of a Mrs Ackroyd by first marriage to British Army officer (now deceased), now married to a German subject named Muller in Berlin; enquiry from The Central Charities Committee , London, regarding the whereabouts of Mrs Ackroyd and the welfare of the child. W H Wills, English lecturer at Munich University, called up for service in the German Army: request that enquiries be made whether he is a free agent; report that he had apparently lost his British nationality. Administration of enemy property in the UK. Frau Pfeiffer, German subject at Port of Spain, Trinidad: request from German Government that she be permitted to return to Germany to undergo an eye operation. Corporal John Wilson, 8th Durham Light Infantry, interned in Rennbahn Camp, near Munster: report of his imprisonment in Germany on charge of inciting to mutiny against working in coke ovens; request for clarification of report that he had been shot. Message for transmission to manager of Equitable Life Assurance Society in London received at US Embassy, Berlin, from Mrs Doris Hirsch on behalf of her brother Georg Henschel of Berlin. Deaths in Germany of Frederick William Sawdon and William Schweitzer, British subjects: information regarding deaths and burial particulars, and forwarding of effects; enquiry from Sawdon's widow, Mrs A Sawdon of Hull; statement from Dr Weiler concerning causes of their deaths at his sanatorium in Berlin. Italian prisoners of war interned in German East Africa: instructions to release twelve Italian subjects interned at Tabora and Morogoro. Transmission of securities to Germany: bonds, stocks and securities of diplomats. Property belonging to members of late German Embassy, left in the UK on outbreak of war: includes list of individuals with inventories of property (in docket no.186014). Letters from wounded British prisoners in Germany: arrangements for transmission of two letters by US Embassy, Berlin. Admittance of newspapers to prisoners' camps. Flogging of two German prisoners at camp at Torrens Island, South Australia. Missionaries in British East Africa. Ordained clergy as combatants in German Army. Money for German captains detained in Malta. Reciprocal release of private luggage detained in England and Germany. Christmas presents for all British prisoners of war in Germany. Treatment of certain prisoners as officers. Treatment accorded to non-commissioned officer prisoners of war. Letter for transmission to Zambesi Navigation Company, London, received at US Embassy, Berlin. Liberty on parole of German officers captured at Garoua and interned at Medea. Transfer of £300 to German prisoner at Windhuk (Windhoek), South West Africa. Mrs Schafhausen, formerly of Catford, now in the United States: despatch of personal effects and luggage. Mrs Louisa Carpenter (née Ansorge), Indian-born British subject, now in Germany: application for remittance of funds from the UK. Rev H M Williams, late Chaplain of St George's Church in Berlin: question of financial relief. Germans of Tsingtau Medical Corps detained at Knockaloe. Money surrendered in the Cameroons by L Maetze, German subject interned at Knockaloe: request for assistance for return of money. Interned German officers in the UK: request for copy of German instructions to interned officers urging them to escape. Julia E B Jacobitz, German lady resident of Bournemouth: petition for permission to continue residing in the town; issue of expulsion order. Edward Lebarron Johnson, interned in Ruhleben as a British citizen: claim to be a US citizen; includes copy of inquiry form with biographical details (in docket no.179837). Eugene Smith, interned in Ruhleben as a British citizen: claim to be a US citizen; includes copy of inquiry form with biographical details (in docket no.1798397): Proposed repatriation of German women at Belgaum. Lieut Henry Koch, German naval officer, escaped from internment at Norfolk, USA, detained as a prisoner of war in Edinburgh. Gilbert Graham, British subject at Ruhleben: promissory note regarding advance from British Relief Fund for treatment at Dr Weiler's sanatorium, Berlin, to be recovered from sickness policy of Mutual Life and Citizens Company, of Sydney, Australia. Releases from Ruhleben: list of alleged British subjects whom German Government proposed to release; enquiry whether they should be supplied with passports; includes list of individuals with biographical details (in docket no.180647, and docket no.186382). Corporal Felton, 9th East Surrey Regiment, deceased: transmission of documents relative to his will. Julius Lubinski, interned at Ruhleben, released from internment amongst a batch of invalid civilians arrived in UK: emergency passport issued by US authorities in Berlin; investigation into his nationality. Recording of illnesses incurred by German prisoners during internment: adoption of German proposal. Nathan Golding, naturalised British subject domiciled at Bloemfontein, South Africa, civilian prisoner in Germany: enquiries regarding his whereabouts. Message for Deutsche Bank, Berlin, from Planters' Association, Samoa. Major C Toogood, prisoner in Germany: enquiries from his wife, Mrs Toogood of Southsea, regarding his state of health and question of promotion to rank of colonel. Mr G Macrae, in Barcelona: enquiry regarding luggage lost in Germany. Lawrence S Ainsworth, of Wembley, Middlesex: enquiry regarding recovery of books taken from him at German frontier. Imprisonment of German sailors arriving at Bristol from Chile, for being in a prohibited area and having false passports. Code 1218 File 162400-183951.