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HMS/5/1 · Objekt · 1889-90
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

Miscellaneous documents relating to Emin Pasha Relief exped. Copy of translation of letters from the Administrator General Capt. Haneuse and C. Janssen, dated Brussels, 1889. Telegram from Emin to RGS dated Zanzibar May 27 1890 Letter from T. Stevens to Mrs. French Sheldon dated Zanzibar Oct 21 1889. Typewritten comment T.Stevens meeting with Stanley n.d. Ms. copy of Herbert Wards report on the Emin Pasha Relief Exped Printed map of route of Emin Pasha Relief expedition (Edward Stanford), printed for RGS Stanley Reception Meeting, 1890

JMS/1/41 · Objekt · 1854
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

no.2. Barth Dr. H. Papers concerning the Central Afrian Mission. a) Covering letter from F.O. Dated Nov 4 1854 enclosing Ms. copy (translation) of report from Barth to F.O. Dated Timbuktu Feb 28 1853-Mar 23 Ms. copy of despatch from Timbuktu from Barth to F.O. dated Nov 25 1853 b) Covering letter from F.O. dated Oct 31 1854 enclosing Ms. copy of despatch from G.F. Herman dated Tripoli Oct 3 1854 (Separate no 17) c) Covering letter from F.O. dated Dec 9 1854 enclosing Ms. copy of despatch from G.F. Herman dated Tripoli Oct 24 1854 (Separate no 18) d) Covering letter from F.O. dated April 30 1855 enclosing Ms. copy of report from Dr. Barth to F.O. dated Kano Nov 10 1854 10 double pp. foolscap e) Ms. copy of despatch from G.F. Herman dated Tripoli Mar 13 1855 (separate no 2) enclosing ms. copy of translation of a Letter from Dr. Barth to Mr. Gagliuffi, consul at Murzuk, dated nov 12 1854, Kano. f) Ms. copy of despatch from G.F. Herman to F.C. Dated Tripoli Nov 28 1854 g) Letter from F.O. to Sec. RGS dated Jun 20 1855 enclosing letter from Th. Staveley dated Jul 5 1855 to Sec. RGS (Dr. N. Shaw) enclosing h) Ms. copy of an extract from letter from Dr A. Petermann to Chevalier Bunsen dated Gotha May 25 1855 (in translation) i) Ms. copy of memo. of Dr. N. Shaw dated Jul 17 1854 re papers lent by F.O. enclosing brief note from T. Staveley to Dr. N. Shaw dated Feb 9 1856 j) Ms. copy of receipt for papers from F.O. and list of papers re Central African Mission lent to Dr. Petermann. 2 pp. foolscap. Referee report F. Galton refers to some of above The report and despatch in (a) were read to the Society Dec 11 1854. None of the above were published by the RGS.

JMS/1/125 · Objekt · 1882
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

Rogozinski, Lieut. S.S. Prospectus of an expedition to the Cameroon Ms. 4 pp. foolscap, signed by Rogozinski a) Letter from N.Prjevalsky 19/31 Jan 1882 to H.W Bates B) Letter from F. Galton dated Feb 9 1882 to Bates c) Letter from Dr. E. Behm dated Jan 21 1882 to Bates d) Two letters from Adolf Bastian dated Jan 8 1882 and n.d. to H.W. Bates Referee report Francis Galton Not published

Southon, Dr. E. J.
LMS S 25 · Objekt · 1880
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

Meteorological reports, Urambo East Africa. Correspondence with John Kirk, F. Galton, London Missionary society.

The Guy Wilson Collection
GEW · Objekt · 1902-1941
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

Uncatalogued collection of typescript Mss., maps and correspondence 1902-1950s. Brief handlist. A short account of the campaigns in East Africa: Part 1 The war in German East Africa 1914-1918; Part The Abyssinian campaign of 1940-1941. Typescript with two sketch maps.

The Rose-Troup Collection.
JRT · Objekt · 1889-1919
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

Collection of news cuttings from American and English newspapers on African subjects, and especially the Emin Pasha Expedition, made by Mrs Rose-Troup 1889-96.

The Spiro Collection.
SPI · Objekt · 1855-1892
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

Photocopies of letters to C. Geigler, Chief of Sudan Telegraphs at Khartoum, and to others, 1855-92, from S. W. Baker, R. F. Burton, Romolo Gessi, J. A. Grant, David Livingstone, C. Chaille Long, E. Schnitzer (Emin Pasha) and H. M. Stanley. Photocopies of 17 letters 1873-84 from Colonel C. G. Gordon to S. W. Baker and others.

RGS/CB7/ · Objekt · 1882-92
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

THOMSON, Joseph Letters 1882-92, including: five letters of 1882 giving detailed recommendations and information on costs for proposed expedition to Kilimanjaro and Lake Victoria; Zanzibar, Jan. 29 and Feb. 26 1883 reports on arrival in Africa and plans for proceeding; Taveta, July 5 1883, report on progress; eight letters of 1884 from Scotland chiefly concerning preparation of observations and narrative for publication and with comments from Greenock, Sunday (?Dec.) on H.M. Stanleys reception in Scotland; Paris, Dec. 1 1886, on the proposed Emin Pasha Relief expedition. Accompanied by other documents; printed copies of letters of March and November 1882 and February 1883; letters from the Foreign Office to the RGS about Thomsons 1883 expedition; telegrams from E. Africa concerning Thomsons movements in 1883 and two telegrams from Paris 1886 concerning Emin Pasha relief expedition; letters from brother, 1895-96, and from nephew, 1901

RGS/CB6/2175 · Objekt · 1876-1880
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

Thomson, Quintin W. May 3 1876, on his residence on the West coast of Cameroon Africa; Bonjongo, November 1877, reporting on a journey into the Cameroon mountains; Bonjongo Feb 18 1878, account of a second journey; Bonjongo Feb 23 1878, correcting some information on a map of W. Africa Victoria July 2 1880, refers to Mr. Combers paper on W. Africa, the journey he made in 1879 and the paper he intends to write.

JMS/1/60 · Objekt · 1858
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

Vogel, Dr. E. Central African Expedition a) Ms. copy of despatch from G.F. Herman to Earl of Clarendon dated Apr 19 1854 enclosing b) Ms. copy of despatch from Vogel to G.F. Herman (Consul in Tripoli) dated Kuka Dec 4 1855. Foolscap, 29 pp. including 4 p. of notes on the ivory trade and 2 pp. in German, description of kind of whale found with 2 duplicates of translation of this description. Referees report Francis Galton. Approx. half of above material published Proceedings vol 2

RGS/CB6/2290 · Objekt · c1878-1880
Teil von Royal Geographical Society

Waller, Gerald including: Sept 23 1878, on the road from Dar-es-Salaam to Lake Nyassa, on the use of elephants as baggage animals in Africa; Oct 26 1878, on news from Dr. Kirk, on a new species of gazelle he brought back from E. Africa; Feb 2 1880, comments on news from Thomson and, based on this information, suggests the best route from Zanzibar to the interior, for commerce; Mar 22 1880, news of intended journey by Beardall(Chief constructor of the Mackinnon-Buxton road from Dar-es-Salaam) to the Uranga river;