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Description archivistique
NLA ST, Dep. 10, Nr. 02285 · Dossier · 1905 - 1925
Fait partie de Lower Saxony State Archive, Stade Department

Publications No. 61 - 149, including reprints from periodicals (especially from: 'Der Pflanzer. Zeitschrift für Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Deutsch-Ostafrika', ed. v. Kaiserlichen Gouvernement von Deutsch-Ostafrika) with reports about his activities and research in Deutsch-Ostafrika 1904 - 1920; newspaper reports about the newly established branch Stade of the Biologische Reichsanstalt, 1921; first publications of the branch manager in journals of the region, among others in 'Krögers Ratgeber für Schrebergärtnerei im Gebiete der Niederelbe'.

NLA ST, Dep. 10, Nr. 02288 · Dossier · 1926 - 1928
Fait partie de Lower Saxony State Archive, Stade Department

Publications no. 191 - 212, among others technical reports of the branch manager in various German newspapers and magazines as well as in the 'Afrika-Nachrichten' and in 'Die Brücke zur Heimat. Journal of the German Colonial Association, Society for National Settlement and Foreign Policy'.