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Archival description
StadtA CE, SP 13, Bestand 13 C Nr. 270 a · File · 1940 - 1940
Part of City Archive Celle

among others circular 'Kolonialdienst' of the Reichsministerium des Innern v. 29. Juni 1940-II SB 2171 II/40-6755. newsprint v. 03. July 1940 on the circular 'Runderlaß Kolonialdienst'. written individual reports from civil servants of the higher and elevated service to the Lord Mayor of the city of Celle in order to gain an overview of who is willing to enter the service of the German colonies. Enclosed is a prefabricated questionnaire, letter with explanatory supplement for district administrations, Reichsgaue and provinces and other administrations with state and self-administration. Text 52 sheets

StadtA CE, SP 13, Bestand 17 C Nr. 056 · File · 1871 - 1950
Part of City Archive Celle

among other things offer and advertising letters of various companies, paper and book publishers as well as letters of Reich and Prussian Minister for Science, Education and Popular Education to the magistrate of the city Celle and the district administrator of the LK Celle as the highest school authority concerning teaching and teaching materials for schools in the city and district Celle (Bl. 116-139)./ Letter of the Landesstelle Ost-Hannover of the Reichsministerium f. Volksaufklärung u. Propaganda, Harburg-Wilhelmsburg, v. 08. June 1936 to the Landräte u. Oberbürgermeister im Gau Ost-Hannover concerning the acquisition and distribution of the wall map 'Die Aufteilung der kolonialen Rohstoffgebiete-und das Deutsche Reich' in den Schulen und bei Schulungskurse der Organisationen (Bl. 132). Text 239

StadtA CE, F 03, Nr. 1470 · File · 1900 - 1900
Part of City Archive Celle

Bahnhofstraße seen from Bahnhofsplatz. Station Hotel R. Hörning. Into the Kirchstraße. Bahnhofstraße 41A with colonial and delicatessen J. Mussehl. Carriage. Weather vane. Heinz Busch picture comes from exhibition 1994/95 by Mr. Busch. Heinz Busch details (picture)

Celle Swimming Club
StadtA CE, FA, Nr. 0034 · File · 1912 - 1912
Part of City Archive Celle

Permanent loan from the Celle Swimming Club. Contains: 1st poem: 'Swimming festival in Celle on 11 and 12 August 1934'. Second verse of the song 'Swimmer-Loreley'. 3. festival brochure '75 Jahre CSC, Celler Schwimm-Club e.V.' from 1910. 4. from festival publication: Celler Badeverhältnisse 1906-1925: Illustration of the Celler Badeanstalt 'Deutsch Kamerun' vorm. L. Schultz. 1906 Am Allerbogen Wittinger Straße, now Biermannstraße; Fig.1919 Military bathing establishment on the Lachte; Fig. 1925 Bathing establishment on the Fuhse; Fig. 1909 Celler bathing establishment with weir; Fig. Wehr. 5. from commemorative publication: 4 illustrations: Outdoor pool with indoor pool; On 16 June 1983 the new outdoor pool was opened for swimming. 6. inscription: '28. August 1985, 75 years old

StadtA CE, F 09, Nr. A 0072 · File · 1900 - 1900
Part of City Archive Celle

Created by Louis Schulz around 1899 in the northern Allerarm at the Mühlenmasch on Kl.Hehlen area. Around 1890 Schulz had directed his first river bathing establishment at Mühlenmasch near the 'Zollenpfahl' - at the confluence of the two Aller arms. Reproduction of a colored postcard around 1900. Negative handed over to the archive by the municipal building authority in February 1963. Reproduction Text Glasplatte Stadtbauamt Angaben (picture)

StadtA CE, SP 11, Best. 02 G Nr. 0243 · File · 1932 - 1956
Part of City Archive Celle

Documents too different Kolonialbünden, among others the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b a n d , 'Liste zur Eintragung von [Celler] Mitglieder des Reichskolonialbundes' (pp. 5, 7, 8, 14), invitation letter of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b a n d , Gauverband Ost-Hannover, v. 13.8.1941 to Lord Mayor Meyer: 'On 16 and 17 August, the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b e a n d i f f t holds a conference in the Union, at which the officials from 8 Gau federations come to Celle and the heads of department of the federal management will be present. [...]' (p. 15), Celler Beobachter v. 20.2.1942: 'Eine deutsch-koloniale Schau' (p. 16), also documents of the 'Forschungsstelle Niedersachsen im Ausland'. [see Best. 2 G No. 179] Text 24 sheets

StadtA CE, N 54, 0002 · File · 1891 - 1891
Part of City Archive Celle

Contains among other things: Envelope: 'Vertheilung der Lebensversicherung J. v. Bötticher 1905' Vechta, 15.01.1884: ? an E.v.H.: Hope for the 'Citation zum Examen'. Since he had not yet received any news in this regard, he could probably not take the exam before October 'and I would not be able to marry until Easter 1885'. In addition, 'the vagabonding life of auxiliary preachers with their semi-pastoral powers' no longer appealed to him. There would be no opportunity for further education, it would put him 'perhaps in the fever spreading march' and would give him 'no salary ... with which I can get along completely'. Must 'add' 300 Marks for the winter semester in Vechta, a salary supplement

internship certificates
StadtA CE, N 08, Nr. 0971 · File · 1913 - 1921
Part of City Archive Celle

Contains also: Hospitant card of the Hamburg Colonial Institute Hand written curriculum vitae Gerd Lamprecht

StadtA CE, SP 11, Best. 13 C Nr. 270 a · File · 1940 - 1940
Part of City Archive Celle

The documents of the general and superior authorities as well as primarily various reports from employees, these documents are related to a 'return of the [...] stolen colonies' after the 'final victory' (Bl. 7, Schr. of the city administration v. 13.7.1940), Stadtgartendirektor Lindemann was 'SS-Obersturmführer u. Schwadronschef' of the 2nd SS-Totenkopf-Reiterstandarte 6. Techn. Schwadron' in Lublin (p. 41, Schr. of 12.8.1940). Text 52 sheets

station square
StadtA CE, F 03, Nr. 1471 · File · 1935 - 1935
Part of City Archive Celle

Bahnhofsplatz in the direction of Bahnhofstraße. Right: Bahnhofhotel R. Hörning, then junction with Kirchstraße. Bahnhofstraße 41A with colonial and delicatessen J. Mussehl. Bahnhofsplatz 11/12. Weather vane. Icemen of Talamini. Tram. Advertising pillar. Repro. of postcard with overprint: Celle. Bahnhofstrasse. Heinz Busch picture comes from exhibition 1994/95 by Mr. Busch. Heinz Busch details (picture)