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Archival description
8/3,2582 · File · o.D.
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Representation of: Persons "" Specific group of persons.format/ size: 9 x 12.material/ stage of origin/ form of transmission: glass plate negative.colourfulness: S-W.provenance: Institut für Geschichte der Medizin.acession: 30/ 2001.register: pictures; colonists; tropical areas.processing: SH.registration on: 18.11.2003.Accession: 30/2001.

1060 · File · 1939-1940
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains among others: shortage of material; list of employees; vacation; air-raid protection; festivities (Christmas; organ ceremony); colonial service; affiliation of the StädtischesPflegehaus to the hospitals; winter relief organization of the DAF; winter relief organization of the war; espionage; skating rink; company sport; minutes of the directors' meeting; ration coupon. provenance: Medical Academy. 51.index:Circulars; Measures; War; Lack of material; Employees; Vacation; Air-raid protection; Celebrations; Christmas party; Organ ceremony; Colonial service; Municipal nursing home; Nursing home; Winter relief organisation; War winter relief organisation; German labour front; Espionage; Ice skating rink; Company sport; Minutes; Directors' meeting; Advice note; Acession: 33/2008Employees: LHErfassung am: 15.10.2008

1072 · File · 1936
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains among other thingsCelebrations (Christmas party); book order by the DAF; film screening; four-year plan; cost-cutting measures; name of congress; list of employees; winter relief organization; treatment of Jews; anti-Semitism; Reichskolonialbund; medical report; advertising; invitation to the funeral service of Thelemann, Willy; salaries; dogs; disturbance of the peace by barking dogs; company regulations to the law for the order of work; contract between the aerocircle physician IV and the general hospitals; election of the Reich.Provenance: Medical Academy Az.: IGM No. 52.Index:Circular letter; Celebrations; Christmas party; German Labour Front; Film screening; Four-year plan; Saving measures; Congress; Employees; Winter relief organization; Jews; Anti-Semitism; Reichskolonialbund; Medical reports; Expert opinion; Advertising; Funeral service; Thelemann, Willy; Salaries; Dogs; Disorder of the peace; Company regulations; Law on the Order of Labour; Order of Labour; Contract; Air Circle Doctor IV; Reichswahl.Akzession: 33/2008.Bearbeiter: LH.Erfassung am: 17.10.2008.

Digital collections

In the Digital Collections you can view the digitized prints from the holdings of the ULB Düsseldorf and its cooperation partners free of charge. In particular, historical holdings up to around 1900 are increasingly being converted into digital form.

The estate of Elisabeth and Walter von Oettingen (1873-1944) mainly contains material for the use of the hospital train L - Crown Princess Cecilie - which the couple operated for the Red Cross during the First World War. The Oettingen estate also includes 500-600 glass plate negatives (partly coloured) from the time of the First World War and earlier. These are photographs from the various wars in which the Oettingen couple operated field hospitals (fonds 8/6).

7/39 · Fonds · 1836-1979
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Maximilian Theodor Bilharz was born on 23 March 1825 in Sigmaringen. After attending grammar school in 1843, he initially devoted himself to philosophical and scientific studies in Freiburg i. Br. before beginning his medical studies in Tübingen in 1845. There he won the 1846 prize for the blood of invertebrates. In 1849, he passed the medical state examination and for a short time was employed as a temporary prosector at the anatomy department in Freiburg. In May 1850, Bilharz, who wanted to pursue a scientific career, accepted an offer from his friend Wilhelm Griesinger, who had met him in Tübingen, to accompany him as a private assistant to Cairo, where Griesinger was to reorganise the Egyptian health system as director of the Medical College. Bilharz, who was taken over into the Egyptian civil service and supervised a clinical department, was now able to pursue his scientific projects. During his research on worm diseases, he discovered new intestinal worms, including the pathogen known as schistosomiasis, an infectious disease known as schistosomiasis, and studies on the electric organ of the tremor catfish. After Griesinger's return to Germany, Bilharz became senior physician at the surgical clinic in Cairo in 1852 and chief physician of the internal department in 1853. In 1855 he was appointed professor, and one year later he was appointed professor of descriptive anatomy. In 1862 he accompanied a travel company of Duke Ernst II of Coburg-Gotha to the Red Sea. Alfons Bilharz was born on 2 May 1836 and died there on 9 May 1862. After his first natural history studies at the University of Freiburg, he studied medicine in Heidelberg, Würzburg, Berlin and Vienna, graduating with a medical examination in 1859. After a visit to his brother Theodor in Egypt, he devoted himself to nerve physics in the Physiological Laboratory of Emil du Bois-Reymond. A short stay in America followed, before he became the leading hospital physician in Sigmaringen. There he was responsible for the expansion of the clinic, especially the lunatic department. An eye condition forced him to hand over the reins in 1907. During his practical work, numerous philosophical studies, especially about Kant's and Schopenhauer's philosophy, were developed. Alfons Bilharz died on 23 May 1925, and the collection collected by Prof. Hans Schadewaldt was transferred to the university archives via the Institute for the History of Medicine: Poems from his school days, notes and drawings on the research projects Parasites and Pisces, the family chronicle and correspondence, school notebooks, publications, drawings (especially of bilharzia) and correspondence have been preserved by Alfons Bilharz. The holdings are enriched with secondary literature (including essays by Hans Schadewaldt on Theodor Bilharz), photographs and a card index with remnants of the letters of the presumably entire estate (According to Angelika Althoff: Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel von und mit Theodor Bilharz. Düsseldorf 1980, p. 2f, the letters were recorded by the daughters of Alfons Bilharz; here also further information on the locations of the Bilharz estate).

207 · File · 1910-1933
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains:Acceptance as deposit; acquisition of colonial literature; ownership.Provenance: ULB, Dec. 5.Az.: Depositarakten 4.Vorprovenienz: LuStB.Remark:Withdrawn: Bound "Inventory of the Colonial Library", see ...IndexDeutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft; Kolonialbibliothek; Deposita.Akzession: 11/ 2002.Bearbeiter: Pl.Erfassung am: 08.07.2002.

495 · File · Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains: Inventory of the books transferred by the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l s c h a f t Abteilung Düsseldorf as deposit (hardback) Provenance: ULB, Dec. 5, Vorprovenienz: LuStB Remark: Taken from serial number 207 of the holdings 1/8th Index: Landes- und Stadtbibliothek: Geschichte; Kolonialbibliothek; Deutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft; Bücherlisten; Invententar; Deposita.Akzession: 11/2002.Bearbeiter: jz.Erfassung am: 04.12.2002.

8 · File · 1842-1843, 1850, 1855-1856, 1858-1861, 1882, 1889-1891
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains:Letters from Theodor Bilharz to his brother Alfons (especially from Cairo);Letter concepts (including Latin texts, including Eruptio Vesuvii montis);Letter from Theodor Bilharz to his parents (12th century);Letter from Theodor Bilharz to his parents (12th century).Letters from Sophie Riehl, née Reyer.Provenance: NL Theodor and Alfons Bilharz.Index:Eruptio Vesuvii montis; Riehl, Sophie née Reyer; Egypt.Accession: 30/2001.Arranger: Bü.Erfassung am: 15.02.2006.

Man, early 20th century.
8/3,2508 · File · früheres 20. Jh.
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Representation of: People "" Portrait/ Individual.Format/ Size: Different Formats.Material/ Creation Stage/ Traditional Form: Glass Plate Negative.Colour: S-W.Accession: 30/ 2001.Edit.: Pl.Entry on: 13.08.2003.

130 · File · 1927-1936
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains:Formation of German emigrant colonies abroad (1927)The South American tea Herva-Mate and its significance as a stimulant for old and young (1928)Wound treatment with mastisol and deep disinfection (1936, not published).Provenance: IGM.Preprovenence: NL Oettingen.Index:Emigrant colonies; Germans abroad; Herva-Mate; Mate; Wound treatment; Disinfection; Mastisol.Accession: 30/ 2001.Worker: Pl.Recording at the site of disinfection; Mastisol.Accession: 30/ 2001.Worker: Pl.Recording at the site of disinfection: 11.01.2002.

1/2 · Fonds · 1895–1982
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

The collection contains material files and partly personal files from the administration of the Medical Academy Düsseldorf and the administration of the hospitals. Since both were closely connected and the files were also pre-archived mixed, a separation of the two provenances was neither possible nor sensible. The files were taken from the University Administration, from the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine (which, after the founding of the University in 1965, took over parts of the tasks and thus the files of the Academy Administration) and from the Institute for the History of Medicine, which had a security function here until the founding of the University Archive. It cannot be ruled out that further files will be found in the future which can be assigned to file 1/ 2. In any case, it is a collection that has come into existence in large parts by chance, since it contains what has remained over decades and not what has been handed down through the archival evaluation of an intact registry. Gaps in the tradition are obvious. They can be closed only partially by the complementary tradition in the city archives. The duration of the stock extends until 1982 with follow-up files. However, a fundamental cut was made for the academy files in 1965 (university foundation) and for the files of the hospitals in 1973 (transition of the hospitals to the state of NRW). When researching the 1960s, it is advisable to also refer to the partially parallel holdings 1/ 5 (university administration) and 3/ 9 (administration of the university hospital). From the content: Academy as a whole; Academic affairs; Academic Council; General Student Committee (AStA); Expansion planning; Foreign students; Committees of the City of Düsseldorf; Procurement and consumption; Decision books; Occupation of chairs; Library commission; Surgical clinic; Official residences; Directors; Individual examinations; Clinical traineeships and medical internships; Celebrations, academic events and prizes; Festschriften, Denkschriften, Ausstellungen; Finances; Research; Research projects; Women's clinic; Premature birth centre; Committees; Principles for doctorate; Habilitations; Haus Himmelgeist (reserve hospital); Skin clinic; Kolpinghaus auxiliary hospital; Institute of Hygiene; Institute of Forensic Medicine; Institute for History of Medicine; Institute for Animal Experiments; Institute for Over-Microscopy/Electron Microscopy; Institute and Clinic for Medical Radiation Science; Annual reports; Clinics; Clinics and Institutes; Clinics: Construction measures; clinics: nursing and care of patients; clinics: Nursing costs; Benrath Hospital; Hospital committee; Patient statistics; War-related problems; War measures; Board of trustees; Teaching; MNO/MNR clinic; Non-scientific staff; Public relations; Orthopaedic clinic; Personnel files; Personnel matters; Nursing staff; Politics and university policy; Doctorates; Exams (without doctorate); Examination committee; Psychiatric clinic; Rector (activities, competences, external contacts); Other matters relating to non-scientific staff; Studentenwerk und Studentenhilfe; Study Regulations, Organisation of Studies; Students (Individual Cases); Student Affairs; Transfer to the State Sponsorship; University Establishment; Associations, Associations, Hospital Societies; Mixed Personnel Matters; Regulations; Various Administrative Matters; Administration of the Medical Academy and Municipal Hospitals; Administrative Reports; Election of the Rector; Scientific Staff

13 · File · 1903-1904, 1955, 1960, 1975, 1979
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains:Overview of letters from scholars and friends to Theodor Bilharz and the ArchivAlfons Bilharz (with indication of signatures);Excerpt from the catalogue of Theodor Bilharz's skull collection (the collection kept at the University of Freiburg was destroyed in World War II);Recipe cover of the Bilharz pharmacy in Sigmaringen with short biography of Theodor Bilharz;Erich Ebstein: Bürgers Gedichte in der Musik. - In: Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde 7 (1903/1904), p.177-198; From Elise Bürger's letters. (With dedications by Ebstein for Bertha Bilharz);Aus der Geisteswelt (Booklet, 1903);Up the Nile [probably: Up the Nile: a photographic excursion, Egypt 1839 - 1898, ed. by Deborah Bull and Donald Lorimer, New York 1979;Werner P. Heyd: Sum ergo cogito - In memory of Alphons Bilharz on the 50th anniversary of his death. - In: Hohenzollerische Heimat 25 (1975), p.33-37;Hans Schadewaldt: Theodor Bilharz. - In: German medical weekly 80 (1955), p.1053-1055;Hans Schadewaldt: Theodor Bilharz. Doctor and naturalist in Cairo. - In: Lebensbilder aus Schwaben und Franken 7 (1960), p.337-345.Provenance: NL Theodor and Alfons Bilharz.Index:Skull Collection; Ebstein, Erich; Bilharz, Bertha; Bilharz Pharmacy; Egypt; Heyd, Werner P.; Schadewaldt, Hans.Accession: 30/2001.Processed by: Bü.Erfassung am: 15.02.2006.