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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, A 66/1 · Fonds · (1629-) 1809-1832 (-1864)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The organisational rescript of the 26. In November 1809, the Grand Duchy of Baden was divided into ten districts named after mountains and rivers, with so-called district directorates as administrative authorities, following the example of France. The following district directories were located in the area of today's State Archives in Freiburg:Directorate of the Lake District based in Constance1809-1832Directorate of the Danube District based in Villingen1819 abolished and assigned to the Lake District; Only the offices of Hornberg and Triberg were abolished for the KinzigkreisDirektorium des Wiesenkreises with its seat in Lörrach1815 and completely assigned to the DreisamkreisDirektorium des Dreisamkreis with its seat in Freiburg1809-1832Direktorium des Kinzigkreis with its seat in Offenburg1809-1832A district director stood at the head of each directorate, who was assisted by a district council for the legal and state police as well as for the state economic area of responsibility. At the beginning, the business circle of the district directorates included the administration of civil law, supervisory activities in the financial and school administration, police tasks and the cultivation of agriculture.1832 the district directorates, which had meanwhile been reduced to six, were replaced by four district governments based in Constance (Seekreis), Freiburg (Oberrheinkreis), Rastatt (Mittelrheinkreis) and Mannheim (Unterrheinkreis). Inventory history: In the course of the inventory exchange from the General State Archive Karlsruhe in the years 2000 and 2002, the State Archive Freiburg received a total of 75.60 linear metres of files in four deliveries, which had previously been integrated into pertinence inventories there. Since August 1, 2002, Bettina Fürderer, a doctoral student, has been working part-time under the supervision of an archivist and has started to create provenance-compliant holdings for the files of accesses 2000/68, 2002/50 and 2002/57. The files of the first access 2000/40 had already been processed at an earlier point in time. Since the end of 2007 the work begun by Bettina Fürderer has been continued by the undersigned. Order and distortion work: The structure of the general records was largely based on the pre-Fackler registry order from the 19th century. In addition to files without a local reference, general files also include files that have been created for one subject for several municipalities or that concern an entire administrative district (example: district medical office in the administrative district of Lörrach). The local files were structured according to the Baden official registration order of 1905 by H. Fackler (see below), but without the Roman and Arabic numerals used there, whereby the subdivision planned for individual main points was almost always dispensed with due to the small number of file books. The municipalities are listed alphabetically. For each municipality, the respective district is indicated, according to today's status, abbreviated with the identification letters of the motor vehicles, and for municipalities that are no longer independent today, the name of the new municipality is also indicated. The person index contains the names of natural persons as well as the names of professional and lordships, and in the case of files with up to ten sheets of paper, the number of sheets was always mentioned. In the case of files with more than ten sheets of paper, "1 fascicle" (fasc.) was initially indicated as the circumference; in a later phase of distortion, it was then indicated in centimetres (cm). Freiburg, October 2009 Erdmuthe KriegThe holdings have been continuously supplemented since 2009 by files of the Dreisamkreisdirektorium found in the district and district office holdings. It now comprises 743 fascicles and measures 20.2 running metres Freiburg, March 2015 Dr. Christof Strauß Classification for the Grand Duke of Baden official registries: I.Right of residence and poor affairsII.MiningIII.ExpropriationIV.FisheriesV.ForestryVI.Municipal administration1.Municipal organisation (general)2.Municipal services3.Municipal assets4.Citizenship and enjoymentVII.Trade and commerce, tourism1. organisation of trade economy2. structure of trade economy3. promotion of trade education4. catering industry5. markets, livestock trade and itinerant trade6. prices and wages7. energy supply8. trade supervision and care for the unemployedVIII. hunting matters IX. judicial system1. civil law2. voluntary jurisdiction3. criminal lawX. churches and religious communitiesXI.CostsXII.Credit and bankingXIII.County and district associationsXIV.Arts and scienceXV.SurveyingXVI.Agriculture1.Agriculture and national culturea)General cultural care)Viticulture and vine pestsc)General pest control)Business management, cultivation and harvest statistics)Agriculture2.Animal breeding3.Property traffic4.Associations and exhibitionsXVII.Measure and WeightXVIII.Medicine1.Medical Staff2.Healthcare in General3.Food4.Diseases5.Hospitals6.Loonies7.Corpses and FuneralsXIX.Military and WarfareXX.Natural Events and AccidentsXXI.Orders and AwardsXXII.Police1.General Police Administration2.Police Criminal Matters3.Security Policea)Public Order and Security in Generalb)Defense of State Enemy Activity until 1933c)Desgl. after the "seizure of power "d)Passport and legitimation system4.Morality police5.Building industry6.Fire police and fire cases7.Associations and meetings8.Found objects9.Nature conservationXXIII.Post and telegraph systemXXIV.Press and publicationsXXV.Citizenship and emigrationXXVI.State Finance1.State Property and State Accounting2.Tax Matters3.Customs Matters4.Coin MattersXXVII.State Organization1.Reich Constitution and Reich Matters2.Grand Ducal House3.State Constitution4.State Administration5.District Administration6.State Service XXVIII.State Relations with AbroadXXIX.LandlordsXXX.StatisticsXXXI.FoundationsXXXII.PrisonsXXXIII.Roads, roads and railwaysXXXIV.Education and training1.Educational establishments2.Educational establishments3.Compulsory educationXXXV.Insurance1.Workers' insurancega)Generalb)Health insurancec)Accident insurancegd)Invalidity insurance)Unemployment insurance2.Employee insurance3.Fire insurance4.Agricultural insurancega)Hail insurancegb)Livestock insurance5.Other insuranceXXXVI. veterinary insuranceXXXVII.Water and shippingXXXVIII.Welfare facilities

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, A 69/1 · Fonds · (1785-) 1809-1815 (-1835)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The organisational rescript of 26 November 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into ten districts, named after mountains and rivers, with so-called district directorates as administrative authorities, following the example of France. The following circles emerged in the Sprengel of today's Freiburg State Archives:Directorate of the Lake District based in Constance1809-1832Directorate of the Danube District based in Villingen1819 abolished and assigned to the Lake District; only the offices of Hornberg and Triberg were transferred to the KinzigkreisDirektorium des Wiesenkreises with its seat in Lörrach1815 and completely assigned to the DreisamkreisDirektorium des Dreisamkreis with its seat in Freiburg1809-1832Direktorium des Kinzigkreis with its seat in Offenburg1809-1832A district director stood at the head of each directorate, who was assisted by a district council for the legal and state police as well as for the state economic sphere of responsibility. At the beginning, the business circle of the district directorates included the administration of civil law, supervisory activities in the financial and school administration, police tasks and the cultivation of agriculture.1832 the district directorates, which had meanwhile been reduced to six, were replaced by four district governments based in Constance (Seekreis), Freiburg (Oberrheinkreis), Rastatt (Mittelrheinkreis) and Mannheim (Unterrheinkreis). Inventory history: In the course of the inventory exchange from the General State Archive Karlsruhe in the years 2000 and 2002, the State Archive Freiburg received a total of 75.60 linear metres of files in four deliveries, which had previously been integrated into pertinence inventories there. Since August 1, 2002, Bettina Fürderer, a doctoral student, has been working part-time under the supervision of an archivist and has started to create provenance-compliant holdings for the files of accesses 2000/68, 2002/50 and 2002/57. The files of the first access 2000/40 had already been processed at an earlier point in time. Since the end of 2007 the work begun by Bettina Fürderer has been continued by the undersigned. Order and directory work: The structure of the general records was largely based on the pre-Fackler registry order from the 19th century. In addition to files without a local reference, general files also include files that have been created for a single subject for several municipalities or that concern an entire administrative district. The local files were structured according to the Baden official registration order of 1905 by H. Fackler (see below), but without the Roman and Arabic numerals used there, whereby the subdivision planned for individual main points was almost always dispensed with due to the small number of file books. The municipalities are listed alphabetically. For each municipality the respective district is indicated, namely according to today's state, abbreviated with the code letters of the motor vehicles, and with today no more independent municipalities additionally the name of the new municipality. In the case of files with more than ten sheets of paper, "1 fasc." was initially indicated as the circumference; at a later stage of indexing, this was then indicated in centimetres (cm). Freiburg, December 2009 E. KriegThe holdings have been continuously supplemented since 2009 by files of the Wiesenkreisdirektorium found in the district and district office holdings. It now comprises 132 fascicles and measures 4 lfd.m.Freiburg, March 2015 Dr. Christof Strauß

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, G 220/1 · Fonds · (1814-1924), 1894-1968
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Authority history: After the appointment of district school councillors in eleven district school districts for the middle school supervision in Baden in 1864, the district of Emmendingen belonged to the district school district of Freiburg and then, with effect from 24 June 1882, after the establishment of 13 district school visits, to the district school visitation district of Lahr. Emmendingen became the seat of a middle school supervision authority with the establishment of 18 school districts in Baden with effect from 1 October 1904. The districts of Emmendingen, Ettenheim and Waldkirch belonged to his district. On 1 May 1924 a new division into 14 school districts took place, among them the Emmendingen school district with the official districts of Emmendingen, Lahr and Waldkirch. As a result of the Act on the New Division of the Internal Administration and the State Ministerial Development of 7 November 1936, the school districts were reorganised with effect from 1 December 1936. The districts of Emmendingen and Lahr belonged to the district of Emmendingen after the dissolution of the Waldkirch office. 5 May 1964, the law on the standardisation and organisation of the school system, which came into force on 1 April 1965, turned the district school offices into state school offices, and the district school office into the state school office of Emmendingen.By ordinance of the state government of Baden-Württemberg on the seats and districts of the secondary school offices and the state school offices of 6 November 1973, which entered into force on 1 January 1974, the state school office in Emmendingen was dissolved and the district of Emmendingen was assigned to the state school office in Freiburg. Inventory history: In 1972, the Emmendingen State Education Authority delivered 36.0 m without a list of deliveries. files to the Freiburg branch of the General State Archive in Karlsruhe. The files formed the inventory "Staatliches Schulamt Emmendingen 1972/6". A paper repertory for a part of the general and local files, made by Dr. Werner Baumann, existed, as far as the undersigned remembers, already in 1974. Further organizing work on the stock in the magazine was carried out by the undersigned or under her supervision before 1980. The aim was to improve the usability of even the unlisted files by separating the various file groups: General files, local files, school service files, personal documents, teacher personal files. The personal files were classified in the L 50/1 - Personal files of teachers I under the numbers 12.908-13.393. In addition, the external sources "Bezirksbauinspektion Emmendingen", "Bezirksschulamt Molsheim" and "Kreisschulvisitatur/Kreisschulamt Lahr" were taken from the file groups of the former holdings "Schulamt Emmendingen 1972/6" to form the following holdings: G 220/1 (Generalia), G 220/2 (local files), G 220/3 (personal documents), G 220/4 (school records), Dr. Werner Baumann and inspector candidate Daniel Stihler made the file title recordings of the present inventory. The files come from two different layers of registry. This resulted in the creation of two main groups "Old Registry Plan" and "New Registry Plan" and within these main groups the classification according to the classification scheme of the respective registry plan. The undersigned was unable to determine when and why a new registry plan was introduced. After random checks, individual documents dating from 1948 were already handwritten - probably subsequently - with the new registration marks, namely with a Roman numeral in lower case that deviated from the old registration plan. The different main groups are marked with a capital letter on the file covers, and the signatory completed the process. The Findbuch was compiled with the help of the archiving program MIDOSA 95.Freiburg, January 1999Erdmuthe KriegThe present Findbuch was transferred to the archiving system SCOPE in June 2008 by the archive employee Jennifer Rißmann within the scope of the work emphasis of the conversion of handwritten and typewritten documents. In the process, the formerly separate groups of files were brought together again, with the exception of the holdings G 220/2 (local files). The existing holdings now include the former holdings G 220/1, G 220/3 and G 220/4. The holdings G 220/1 - Schulamt Emmendingen now include 228 numbers in 4.2 m. Freiburg, in July 2008Kurt Hochstuhl

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, N 200/1 · Fonds · 1917-1933
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Development of conciliation committees: With the law about the Vaterländischen Hilfsdienst of 5.12.1916, RGBl. page 1333ff, the Supreme Army Command hoped to be able to oppose the military setbacks with a home front: a second mobilization was to bring the working civilian population to the war economy. The Council of People's Representatives then also immediately repealed this law on 12.11.1918, RGBl. page 13003f. Only one provision of the law remained in force mutatis mutandis: "No one may employ an auxiliary servant employed by authorities or undertakings of importance for warfare or public utilities ... unless the auxiliary servant provides a certificate from his last employer stating that he gave up employment with his consent. If the employer refuses to issue the certificate requested by the person responsible for auxiliary service, the latter shall be entitled to lodge a complaint with a committee, which as a rule shall be formed for each district of a substitute commission and shall consist of a representative of the war office as chairman as well as three representatives each of the employers and the employees. Two of these representatives shall be permanent, the others shall be taken from the professional group to which the person responsible for auxiliary service concerned belongs. If, after examining the case, the Committee recognises that there is a serious reason for its departure, it shall issue a certificate the effects of which replace those of the employer's certificate. In particular, an adequate improvement of working conditions in the patriotic auxiliary service is to be regarded as an important reason [§ 9]. For the appointment of representatives of employers and employees to the committees ... by the War Office, lists of proposals of economic organisations of employers and employees must be obtained [§ 10]. "These committees, which were constituted from 1.1.1917 as provisional committees, then from 1.2.1917 as arbitration committees, quickly developed from their limited beginnings into one of the most important instruments of the collective bargaining parties in their political disputes over wages and working conditions. The procedural files thus reflect the social and economic development from the end of the Empire to the end of the Weimar Republic, in particular the main problems of the post-war period: the reintegration of the war participants into the work process, the economic catastrophe in the wake of the Ruhr war and inflation. With the repeal of the conciliation committees § 65 No. 7, the Law on the Order of National Labour of 20.1.1934, RGBl. page 45ff. finally eliminated the autonomy of collective bargaining, which had already been severely curtailed by the emergency ordinances. In accordance with the semi-military character of the Assistance Service Act, the competence of the conciliation committees corresponded to that of the Landwehr districts. The members of the committee were appointed by the War Office, and the institution was initially assigned to the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps. After the collapse, the ministries changed until the new administration had become well-functioning. The Ministry of Social Welfare, which later became the Ministry of Labour, merged with the Ministry of the Interior in 1924. It was only gradually that the working methods and legal responsibilities of the conciliation committees found their fixed framework. This process was concluded with the conciliation order of the Reich of 30.10.1923, RGBl. page 1043ff. The conciliation ordinance had transferred the powers of the committees to the so-called "arbitration committees". The individual disputes, legal disputes about relationships regulated per se, such as termination effectiveness, etc. were referred to the labour courts. As these did not yet exist in Baden, the conciliation committees carried out their tasks together with the older merchant and trade courts until 1927. The Freiburg Conciliation Committee: The Freiburg Conciliation Committee formed in 1917 for the area of the Freiburg District Command comprised the districts of Freiburg, Emmendingen, Staufen, Waldkirch and Breisach. After the reorganisation of the conciliation system by the decree of 30.10.1923, Freiburg remained the seat of the conciliation committee, but from now on included the districts of Lahr, Kehl; both before the conciliation committee Offenburg; Offenburg, Lörrach and Freiburg with the negotiation branches Lörrach, Lahr and at times Offenburg. The Freiburg Conciliation Committee was dissolved by decree of the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs of Baden on 4 July 1933. The dispute over the tasks, independence and legal quality of the arbitration boards in Freiburg, especially in 1921/22, was the subject of too much public controversy; the reference files of the chairman of the arbitration committee, the Freiburg Ordinary for Trade and Labour Law Heinrich Höniger, which are preserved in this collection, provide more information about this than in the parallel holdings. Order and record keeping: The files of the conciliation committees were recorded in the General State Archives by prospective inspectors for short-term training purposes and by employees within the framework of job creation measures. For the indexing, this not only resulted in the constant change of the editors, but also forced the renunciation of obvious evaluation criteria. The uniform but not complete individual case files would have allowed cassation, but this was too much for the editors. At the same time, however, files from individual disputes also contain a wealth of information that is difficult to access about local employment relationships, company sizes, the formation of works councils and the activities of trade unions, which justify the overall archiving. In the Freiburg conciliation committee, other than in the other conciliation committees, the files themselves have already been sorted according to economic sectors and tariff zones; several cases have often been stitched together to form a fascicle. The files of the Freiburg Conciliation Committee were recorded in 1979 by Iris Sonnenstuhl, a candidate archive inspector. The index was produced by Gebhard Füßler, the fair copy of an employee of a job creation scheme. Literature: Huber Rapach, Die Schlichttung von kollektiven Arbeitsstreitigkeiten und ihre Probleme unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Entwicklung. Berlin 1964. Diss. Köln 1963, Sozialpolitische Schriften 18.Dezember 1987Konrad KrimmKornelia EnnekingThe holdings bore the signature 445 in the GLA and were transferred to the Freiburg State Archives at the beginning of the 1990s in the course of the equalisation of holdings between the GLA and the StAF. The order of the order numbers was not changed, so that the naming of the preliminary signatures in the index is superfluous. The analog finding aid of the present inventory, including its introduction, was transferred by Judith Zimmermann to Scope Archiv in June 2015. The introduction was slightly shortened. The stock N 200/1 comprises 213 fascicles and measures 3.1 lfd.m.Christof Strauß

Oberkirch District Office
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 727/12 · Fonds · (1690 - 1808) 1809 - 1936 (1937 - 1952)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: As a result of the territorial upheavals in the Napoleonic period, a total of 66 sovereign and 53 rank sovereign offices were created in Baden on the basis of the organisational edict of 26 October 1809. The number of district offices (since 1939: administrative districts) and upper offices was reduced in the course of the time by merging and abolition, so that 1945 in the today's administrative district Freiburg only 16 administrative districts (Donaueschingen, Emmendingen, Freiburg, Kehl, Konstanz, Lahr, Lörrach, Müllheim, Neustadt, Offenburg, Säckingen, Stockach, Überlingen, Villingen, Waldshut, Wolfach) and - since 1939 - two city districts (Freiburg, Konstanz) existed. Apart from the offices of the rank and rank abolished in 1849 at the latest, the district offices were purely state authorities. Only by the administrative district order of 24.6.1939 they received - de facto however only on paper - also tasks of a self-administration body. They were primarily responsible for general state administration, but were also responsible for the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation (1857) - the judiciary, in particular the civil courts. As administrative authorities they were assigned to the Ministry of the Interior and subordinated to changing central authorities (district directorates, from 1832 district governments, from 1863 state commissioners); with regard to the judiciary, the court courts and the district directorates or district governments were superior to them. Inventory history: Before the beginning of the indexing work, the files of the Oberkirch District Office were distributed among the following holdings:a) B 727/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12;b) W 499. Initially, the holdings mentioned under a) were combined to form the holdings B 727/12 (new). All files of the provenance "Bezirksamt Oberkirch" from the provisional holdings W 499, which contains documents from the holdings 129 to 228 of the General State Archives Karlsruhe, which reached the State Archives Freiburg within the framework of the mutual equalisation of holdings, were also included in the work. The pre-signature 1 contains the last signature used in the Freiburg State Archives before the re-drawing and the pre-signature 2 the penultimate signature used in the Freiburg State Archives and the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe State Archives, respectively. after preparatory work on the B 727 series of the Erdmuthe Krieg, the present holdings of David Boomers, Joanna Genkova, Edgar Hellwig, Wolfgang Lippke, Jochen Rees and Christof Strauß were recorded. Edgar Hellwig was responsible for the final editing of the finding aid book and the undersigned for supervising the work. The stock B 727/12 now comprises 6159 fascicles and measures 41.5 lfd.m.Freiburg, February 2009 Dr. Christof Strauß

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, A 96/1 · Fonds · 1816-1947
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The institution of the state commissioners was created in Baden in 1863 as part of the extensive reorganization of the administration. The four Commissioners, based in Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Freiburg and Constance, were responsible for supervising the administrative and district authorities and their civil servants. The commissioners were assigned to the Baden Ministry of the Interior and over time were given a number of independent powers where they decided instead of the Ministry of the Interior. These competencies included the supervision of the police administration of the offices and municipalities, the handling of complaints against police penal orders, the ordering of police measures in the event of serious disturbances to public order, as well as questions of war performance and war damage procedures and the controlled economy during the First World War. After the war, they acted as demobilisation and district housing commissioners. In addition, the 1921 municipal regulations entrusted them with state supervision of the cities. Although in some areas the state commissioners acted as a middle instance, they were formally not a middle authority between the Ministry of the Interior and the district offices. During the National Socialist era, the institution of the state commissioners was allowed to exist despite all efforts to unify the administration in the Reich and was not replaced by government presidents. Between 1933 and 1945, however, the state commissioners were treated by the Reich as a middle instance and given corresponding tasks. After the Second World War, the state commissariats were allowed to expire due to the vacancies not being filled. The Constance State Commissioner retired in 1946 and his office was closed. Inventory history: In 1962, the files of the present inventory were transferred from the Constance District Office to the Freiburg branch of the Karlsruhe General State Archives. The inventory was recorded 1962/63 by Paul Waldherr; after a revision a finding aid book was available from 1980. In order to make this finding aid accessible for use on the Internet, it was digitized in 2005 and 2006 by Franziska Mahler and Britta Schwenkreis. For better orientation (especially in the case of local files), the respective headings to which the individual files were assigned within the headings order at that time are shown in brackets. The undersigned was responsible for supervising the work. Freiburg, May 2006 Dr. Christof Strauß