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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 3 · Bestand · (1667-) 1850-1946
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition The history of the Presidential Department The history of the Prussian government was divided into three or four departments, namely the Presidential Department (Department P), Administration (Department I) and Tax and Treasury (Department II). In the tradition of the presidential department two registry layers could be determined. The first layer distinguished between general files and special files with consecutive numbering. The files of this first layer were transferred to the file plan of the second layer, which was used since about 1905. The structure of the second layer represented the last state of order of the presidential registry. It consisted of 14 main groups, which roughly reflected the departments existing since 1852. Personnel files formed an additional main group. The respective main groups were marked with Roman numerals from I to XIV, the upper groups with capital letters. Only the E group, authorities and officials, in the main group I, sovereignty, was further subdivided. These bullet points are preceded by lower case letters. Within the main groups, counting was started from the beginning. The repertory of authorities in the presidential registry was designed for growth in the individual main groups, i.e. a number range was usually reserved within a main group of each upper group. From 1 January 1932, the administration of the general administration, the administration of the health service, the building construction, the interior and the district administration as well as some special areas was converted to the uniform file plan of the Prussian administration. This was based on decimal classification and replaced the thread-stitched files with mechanical standing files. In the presidential registry, however, the files were at least partially continued according to the old file plan. The repertory of the authorities contains notes on which files should be transferred from the current registry to the so-called ground registry, i.e. to the old registry, and which should be transferred to the archive. Some files contain the word "destroyed". However, these indications do not provide reliable information about the actual fate of the files. A reference to the transfer of the documents to the standing registry was found with some file titles (especially with personnel files). In various cases, files from other sections or departments or from previous authorities were included in the presidential files as previous files. Reference is made above all to the written material of the Royal Prussian Commissarius (cf. fonds Ho 231). Contents and Evaluation Principles of Registration Polish archivist Beata Waclawik from the Allenstein State Archives worked her way into the Prussian registry and file system within the framework of a scholarship from the Volkswagen Foundation from 20.4 to 15.8.1990. During her work at the Sigmaringen State Archives, she began the indexing of the presidential department. Their distortion performance flowed into the present repertory in revised form. When the inventory was recorded, the file references listed in the repertory of authorities were used as the basis for the recording. Nearly all file covers were also provided with a file subject, which largely coincided with that in the repertory. The file title was compared with the file content and, if necessary, modified and normalized. In various cases, files from other sections or departments or from previous authorities were included in the presidential files as previous files. If these were listed in the repertories of the sections and not marked with registration signatures of the presidential department, they were returned to the corresponding section. However, if they were integrated into the registration scheme of the Presidential Department, they remained there, even though they had not experienced any further growth in the Presidential Department. Laws and ordinances were not thrown out in principle. Maps and plans, as long as they were not integrated into the fascicle, were removed for conservation reasons and incorporated into the map selection. Areas and places that were no longer on German Reich territory after 1918 were identified, as far as possible, on the basis of their administrative affiliation when the file was created. The signing was done with the archival development program Midosa 95 in the years 1998 to 2000 by the undersigned. Holger Fleischer completed the final EDP work. The present stock comprises 16.1 linear metres (in unpackaged condition) and 895 units of registration, beginning with numbers 32 to 926. The numbers 1 to 31 are listed in stock Ho 235 T 2. For reasons of data protection, the 380 personnel files also contained in the inventory could not be taken into account for this online find book. Contains above all: State sovereign matters Royal Prussian House and Princely Hohenzollern House Celebrations in the presence of members of the Royal House and on feast days of members of the Royal and Princely House; other events within the families; intended acquisition of the Zollern cone by the Royal House; Title dispute between the Prussian government and the princely house - class rule Relationship of the government to the class rule Fürstenberg and Thurn und Taxis in Hohenzollern - state constitution and state colours - seizure of the Hohenzollern principalities by Prussia and the resulting constitutional changes; Contract of assignment; celebrations of homage; takeover of civil servants; colours and coats of arms of Hohenzollern; change of the name of the country; commemoration of the Anschluss an Preußen - Behörde und Beamte Organisation der Landesverwaltung Reorganisation of the administration after takeover of the principalities by Prussia; employment of a Prussian commissariat; Establishment and dissolution of an Immediatkommission (Immediate Commission); regulation of official responsibilities; administrative reforms; discussions on the possible new regulation of Hohenzollern's nationality - distribution of business and instructions for the government - business and service instructions; Fire regulations for the government building; establishment of a department for indirect taxes; business audits; office reform; business distribution plans - administrative reports - Immediate newspaper reports - civil servants - general takeover and swearing in of civil servants by the Prussian State; disciplinary investigations; Distinguishing marks on service caps; visit of ministers and senior officials to Hohenzollern; employment and training of civil servants; conduct outside the service; political conduct; support - Regierungspräsidium Verwaltung des Regierungspräsidiums - Regierungsungskollegium und Regierungsreferendare Stellenbesetzungen; Training; transfers; personal and official conditions; sketches prepared by members of the government - office, clerical and sub-official staff Recruitment; training; examination; substitution; transfer; staff reduction - archives, registries and libraries Establishment of a government archive and a Princely Hohenzollern House and Domain Archive; List of files of the presidential registry; use of the State Archives; segregation of files; library matters - district committee, district and other authorities and their officials administration of the higher offices; position of the higher officials or County councillors; Hohenzollern deputation for the homeland system; establishment of the district council or of the District Committee; District Health Insurance Fund of the Road Construction Administration; District Forestry Officers; Higher Insurance Offices; Dissolution of the Sigmaringen Main Customs Office - judicial authorities and their officials, administration and organisation of justice; State Examination of Legal Candidates; Public Prosecutor's Office; Complaints in judicial cases; judicial reform; lists of jurors; formation of courts of lay assessors; investigation against the lawyer Dopfer in Sigmaringen; service of the police attorney Ruff von Hechingen - general instructions acquisition and loss of the Prussian subject status; Authentication of documents; Flagging of public buildings; Service vehicle - legislation Real charges separation; Water cooperatives; Family fidei Kommisse; Relocation of the state border against Württemberg; Land mergers; Literature on high customs laws - statistics, topography and meteorology Orthography of the name Wehrstein; Transmission of statistical notes; Establishment and operation of a meteorological station; Communications on the Prussian Court and State Manual or to the Prussian State Calendar - Award of orders and titles - Award of orders and titles; Award of office titles; Title dispute between the government and the Princely House of Hohenzollern; Titular system; List of holders of orders - Elections of the two Prussian chambers; Elections of the House of Representatives; Political conditions in Hohenzollern; election of the Reichstag by the North German Federation and the German Reich - Official Gazette; distribution of newspapers and periodicals Official Gazettes; promotion of the distribution of periodicals; promotion of subscriptions to pictures and books - military affairs Mobilisation Execution and/or Modification of mobilization plans; protection of Hohenzollern in the event of war with Switzerland; occupation of Hohenzollern by Württemberg troops in the German-German war; wars of 1866 and 1871; demobilization; return of prisoners of war after the 1st World War. World War II - Other claim to the so-called hundredthal positions; investigation against Hohenzollern officers and crews for misconduct at the Battle of Oos in 1849; "Small Guard"; planned acquisition of the Koller Bathhouse in Hechingen for military purposes; military surveying of Hohenzollern; weapons of the former civil defence; garrisoning; Catholic military pastoral care; Memorial Day; Application by candidates for pension for the office service - municipal matters Landeskommunalverband Landeskommunalverband Landeskommunalverband and its civil servants Amtsverbände and Landeskommunalverband; employment relationships of civil servants - Kommunallandtag Bildung; election; meetings; convocations; meetings of the Landesausschuss; budgets; chairman and his deputy; treatment of the domain question - Landesausschuss Members and their swearing-in - legal regulations negotiations of the 1. Chamber on the Provincial Constitution; extension of the autonomy rights of the provinces; local self-government; implementation of the law on the extension of the powers of the Chief President and simplification of administration at the regional association of municipalities - finances - taking out loans for, inter alia, the purchase and conversion of the Hotel Schach into a country house; actions for embezzlement and other legal proceedings. a. against the President of the Regional Court (retired) Evelt; budget relations; sales of real property - supra-regional representations elections to the Prussian state council; provincial council - savings and loan fund organization - Fürst-Karl-Landesspital 50th anniversary; directors; Meetings of the Regional Commission of the Hospital - Agricultural School - Road Construction Self-administration in the field of roads - Official Associations Taking out loans; Budgets; Administrative Reports; Determination Decisions; Official Supervision of Associations - Mayors and Municipal Councils Supervision of Municipal Council Elections; Behaviour of the local councils; meeting of the mayors, local heads and bailiffs - debt repayment fund - establishment - disciplinary investigations - municipal regulations - drafts; improvements - charity support soup kitchens; support for the poor; support for the widow of the former district president Frank von Fürstenwerth - graces gifts - Stephanie Foundation for the dowry of devout virgins; Karl-Anton-Josephinen Foundation for the support of first marital unions and jubilee couples; König Wilhelm Foundation or Preußische Striftung für hilfsbedürftige erwachsene Beamtentöchter; Kaiserin-Augusta-Stiftung und Kaiserin-Augusta-Verein für deutsche Töchter - Ehrenämter des Regierungspräsidenten Chairman of the Provinzialverein des Roten Kreuzes für die Hohenzollerischen Lande; Bezirksverband der Cecilienhilfe - Bausachen und Verkehrsanstalten Bausachen Takeover of princely buildings and inventories; Construction of the Hohenzollern Castle; hall and meeting room in the government building; roads and other buildings; official residence of the district president; Hedingen grammar school in Sigmaringen - post and telegraph system Badisch-Prussian telegraph line; postage freedom for some civil servants; transfer of the postal system in Hohenzollern to Württemberg - railway railway projects; Introduction of the railway law in Hohenzollern; Hohenzollerische Landesbahn - Kultur Musik Private music lessons; anniversaries of singing associations - preservation of monuments, antiquities Acquisition and collection of antiquities and architectural monuments; conservation of monuments; inventory of architectural and artistic monuments; Landeskonservator; implementing provisions of the excavation law of 1914; Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde in Hohenzollern; archaeological research in Hohenzollern carried out by the Württemberg State Office for the Preservation of Monuments - Trade and Commerce - Stone Science; introduction of new branches of industry; raising of the trade business; training schools for craftsmen; promotion of silk breeding; cloth factories - agriculture; Formation of the Landesökonomie-Kollegium; Replacement of the real burdens; reports on the state of the seeds; central office of the Association for Agriculture and Trade; Federation of Farmers (Hohenzollerischer Bauernverein); disciplinary proceedings - police Political police investigations for treason; observation of the political activities of German refugees in Switzerland; fight against social democracy; Surveillance of the anarchic movement, political surveillance; treatment of anonymous letters; revolution in 1918; Kapp Putsch; communist activities - penal institutions supervisory personnel of the Hornstein penal institution; intended repurchase of Hornstein Castle by the Barons of Hornstein - press supervision; editor of the Hohenzollernsche Wochenblatt; State aid for the Hohenzollerische Blätter published in Hechingen for the publication of official communications - associations - monitoring of associations - fire insurance - building fire insurance; accounting of public fire insurance institutions in Prussia - medical affairs - occupation of medical civil service posts; organisation of medical administration; Private clinic in Hechingen; examination of the management of the senior medical officers - church matters General separation of the church from the state; protests of Catholic clergy against the burial of Protestants in Catholic cemeteries; festive days - Catholic Church Affairs of the Catholic Church; church disputes in the Upper Rhine and Baden areas, respectively. Kulturkampf; occupation of parish offices; conduct of priests; occupation of the archbishop's chair and cathedral chapter offices in Freiburg; planned separation of Hohenzollern from the sprinkler of the archdiocese of Freiburg; exercise of patronage law; branches of orders; relationship between church and schools; award of titles; Confirmations and church consecrations; ecclesiastical jurisdiction; blocking money use law; expenses for the diocese administration in Freiburg - supervision of asset management in the Catholic dioceses and parishes - law on asset management; election of church leaders; Service instructions for the church councils; exercise of state supervision; collection of church taxes - Protestant church - Church conditions of Protestant residents; remuneration of pastors; collections to support poor Protestant congregations and theology students; Church councils; holding and localities for the divine service; Protestant inner mission - Jewish community of faith - Jewish cult relations - School system - Secondary schools - Personnel matters; Behaviour of teachers; Relationship of the Hedingen Gymnasium to the Archbishop of Freiburg - Elementary schools - Personal matters, v. a. Disciplinary investigations; municipal education; school commissioners and school inspectors; foundation of Protestant community schools; law on the maintenance of public elementary schools - cashier's offices - cash registers and banks Planned establishment of banks; annual reports of the Stetten salt mine and revision of the salt works fund - budget, salaries and pensions - debts Memorandum on the repayment of the high customs debts of the province; raising of a state loan - disposition fund - personal files