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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 896 · Akt(e) · 1903 - 1911, 1916
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Overview of expenditure and income of German postal institutions in the protectorates and abroad in the accounting year 1903 Qu. 26a; memorandums: on the construction of a railway from Lüderitzbucht to Kubub together with a map (Reichstag printed matter 1905 Beil I, p. 5 - 15) Qu. 39b, the continuation of the Usambarabahn from Buiko to Moschi (1909, 25 p.) Qu. 40

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 895 · Akt(e) · 1904 - 1913
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Memorandum on the use of the fund of two million marks made available for the South West African protectorate, 1904, printed matter 3 p. qu. 19; coloured map of farm damage in the Herero area 1904 qu. 32a; Wehrgesetz für die Schutzgebiete 1913 qu. 60

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/17 Bü 27 · Akt(e) · 1899-1914
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Also includes: Sending a research expedition to the protectorate of New Guinea Darin: Map of German possessions in the Pacific Ocean; R. Thurnwald: "Die eingeborenen Arbeitskräfte im Südseeschutzgebiet", 1910 (print); "Die Vermessungsschiffexpedition nach Neu-Guinea", 1914 (print)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 3/32 Bü 34 · Akt(e) · 1867-1919
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Technical literature, association publications and special editions, lectures and congress contributions by Paul Klunzinger, among others. Writings of the Donau-Verein (German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation); Communications on Inland Navigation Congresses; Association of Technicians in Upper Austria; Special editions of the Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects; Lectures on the project on the curvature of the Vienna River; Writings of the Zentralverein für Fluss und Kanalschifffahrt in Österreich (formerly Donau-Verein); Documents on Waterway Days in Vienna (for the time being: German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation); Documents on the Waterway Days in Vienna (for the time being: German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation). T. with annexes: The warehouse of the City of Vienna); tasks of hydraulic engineering and its economic connection by Rudolf Halter (with personal dedication of the author); Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London Contains also: Map of Upper Italy (left); map of the city of Vienna (right). o. Meran, left and Verona, right o. Millstätter See, right and Trieste); map of Bukowina; map of Belarus (Brest-Litowsk) Issue of the Weekly for German World and Colonial Politics 6 (1917)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 721 · Akt(e) · 1899
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Memorandum of the German Agricultural Council, Berlin, 1898, print, 38 p. Qu. 3; Memorandum concerning the archipelago of the Caroline Islands, Palau and Mariana Islands together with an overview map of the German possessions in the Pacific Ocean, Berlin, 1899, print, 5 p. Qu. 54

German Empire / Colonies
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, N 110 D 1757 · Akt(e) · 1896
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Detailed title: Southwest African Protectorate<br />Contains: Borders and languages, Ethnogr. and settlement maps <br />18 side maps: Spencer Bai, Otjimbingue, ore finds, Walfischbucht, Lüderitzbucht, ways from Lüderitzbucht to Aos and Gubub, Elisabeth Bai, Sandfischhafen, Ethnogr. map, Itschabo, Brit. Kafferland, Natal, Windhoek, Hodscha Nas, Cape Area, Burentrecks, Damra
German Empire / Colonies
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, N 110 D 1757 A · Akt(e) · 1904
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Detailed title: Kriegsschauplatz in Deutsch-Südwestafrika zum Aufstand der Herero Bondelzwarts und Ovambo Contains: 10 side maps: Spencer Bai, Otjimbingue, Erzfunde, Walfischbucht, Lüderitzbucht, Wege v. Lüderitzbucht nach Aos und Gubub, Elisabeth Bai, Sandfischhafen, Ethnogr. Karte, Itschabo

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 1281 · Akt(e) · 1899
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Darin: Denkschriften über Entwicklung von Kiautschou mit einer Bebauungsplan für die neu zu zu anlegende Stadt an der Tsingtau-Bucht (Reichstag printed matter no. 79/1899) Qu. 651, the island groups of the Caroline Islands, Palau and Mariana Islands with an overview of the German possessions in the Pacific Ocean (printed matter 5S. together with map) Qu. 670a, the equipment of a South Polar expedition (printed matter together with map) Qu. 657 p.27Law concerning the determination of the Reich budget budget for the accounting year 1899 of 25.03.1899 Qu. 655; record concerning the claims of the brothers Denhardt, Berlin, to the Swahili Sultanate ("Witu"), prepared by the Foreign Office, printed matter 33 pp. Qu. 662; draft of a law concerning the establishment of the budget budget for the protectorates for the accounting year 1900 Qu. 717; overviews of the non-commissioned officers who left the German army in the years 1894 - 1898 Qu. 742, 743, at the end of June 1897 existing and of the invalidity pension recipients (army and navy) Qu. 741 employed by them in the municipal service; proof of the military invalids of the peace status existing in Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg as well as the navy and of the pensions Qu. 739 paid to the same annually

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 Bü 282 · Akt(e) · 1888-1911
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains mainly: Submission of collections of documents on D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a; drafts of laws; Commission reports Darin: Aufzeichnung der Ansprüche der Gebrüder Clemens und Gustav Denhardt; Karte von Usambara (b/w); "Die Kolonialdeutschen aus Deutsch-Ostafrika in belgischer Gefangenschaft", published by the Reichskolonialamt, 76 p., Berlin 1918; Building and operating licence for the East African Railway Company; Satzung der Ostafrikanischen Eisenbahngesellschaft, 1 Heft, 23 p., Berlin 1901

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/18 Bü 9 · Akt(e) · 1901-1905
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: 1) Paula v. Weizsäcker (woman) (31) (1901 - 1905) thereby a letter Viktor Weizsäcker from 10 Oct. 1904 2) Ernst Weizsäcker, from Tsingtau and Wilhelmshaven (3) (1904 - 1905) 3) Viktor Weizsäcker, Tübingen, Eastbourne (3) (1904) 4) Sophie v. Weizsäcker, Tübingen (mother) (1) (1903) 5) Viktor v. Meibom (father-in-law), Leipzig (1) (1879) 6) Paul v. Bruns, Professor of Medicine, Tübingen (brother-in-law) (4) (1904 - 1805); map to v. Bruns by Helene v. Soden (1) (1906) 7) Karl Müller, Professor of Theology in Tübingen (cousin) (2) (1903 - 1904) 8) Carl Bilfinger (nephew) (1) (1904) 9) Heinrich Weizsäcker (cousin) Frankfurt, Stuttgart (6) (1903 - 1904) 10) Gottlob Egelhaaf (cousin) (2) (1903 - 1904) 11) Gustav Essig, pastor in Lustnau (cousin) (1) 1906 Darin: 1) Letters to Paula v. Weizsäcker from her husband, son Victor and sister-in-law Sophie Bilfinger (4) (1904 - 1905) 2) Last letters of Weizsäcker to his son Ernst (2) (1926)

Maps of the German colonial areas
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 3/36 a Bü 536 · Akt(e)
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Map "East Asia" from Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas page 139/40, 1 : 10.000.000, 1898, sample map; special map of the Samoa Islands together with an overview of the changes in ownership in the South Seas according to the new German-English Agreement, edited by Paul Langhans, 1900 (11 maps of various scales on one map sheet); Political-military map of East Asia to illustrate the battles in China, Korea and Japan up to the present, edited by Paul Langhans, 1900 (17 maps of various scales on one map sheet); special map of the Cameroon-Congo Agreement between the German Reich and France, edited by Paul Langhans, 1911 (3 maps of various scales on one map sheet); The Gold Coast and Togo. General map with the mission stations of the Basler- and the Norddeutsche Missonsgesellschaft, 1 : 2.500.000, after 1910; map "Middle and South Africa" from Sydow-Wagners methodischer Schulatlas Nr. 41 a, 1 : 20.000.000, before 1919

Maps, plans and drawings

Inhalt und Sonstiges Sammlung gedruckter und handschriftlicher Karten, Pläne und Zeichnungen Literatur Übersicht über die Bestände des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart. Sonderbestände. Württembergisches Hausarchiv (G), Selekte (H), Landständisches Archiv (L), Karten, Pläne und Zeichnungen (N), Deposita (P), Nichtstaatliches Archivgut (Q). 1. Auflage bearbeitet von Hans-Martin Maurer u.a. (Veröffentlichungen der Staatlichen Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg. Hrsg. von der Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg, Bd. 35, Stuttgart 1980), Einleitung S. 189 ff.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 117 · Akt(e) · 1875-1921
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from Paula Siehr about her experiences during the Russian invasion of East Prussia, handscra.., 21.11.1914 and 3.12.1914 - Letter (masch.) by Walter Simons to a protocol supplement by Haussmann on Hahn and Prince Max von Baden, 10.12.1918; on Stresemann, Haguenin, Brockdorff and Rantzau, 22.3.1919; on the signing of the peace treaty, 14.6.1919; on foreign policy issues, 5.1.1921; on the publication of his letter by Haussmann and the Upper Silesian vote, masch.., 21.3.1921; on the foreign policy situation, 30.3.1921; against joining the committee for the 60th birthday of Tagore, 13.4.1921; on a non-political meeting with Rudolf Steiner, 20.4.1921; - letter (especially masch.) Haussmanns to Walter Simons on the foreign policy situation, 8.3.1919 (handschr.); congratulations Haussmanns on his appointment as Foreign Minister, 24.6.1920; on foreign policy, 15.10.1920; on foreign policy issues and the attitude of the parties, Febr. 1921 (handschr.); with foreign policy proposals, 23.2.1921; on numerous foreign policy questions, 21.3.1921; on the foreign policy situation and reparations, 30.3.1921 (handschr.); with a recommendation of the China connoisseur Dr. Richard Wilhelm, 30.3.1921; on the mood in the economy of the Entente and on Stresemann, 14.4.1921 - letter of Dr. Krukenberg about the publication of the letter of Simons, masch.., 28.2.1921 - Letter (mach.) from State Secretary Solf about his Kiderlen obituaries, 11.2.1913; about colonial officials and colonial possession, 2.12.1914 - Letter from Haussmann to Scheidemann about his secondment to Kiel and his speech, 8.10.1919 (handschr.) - Letter (mach.) from Haussmann to Eugen Schiffer about the Erzberger case and the right-wing press, 20.1.1920; on the abatement of the strike and others, 3.9.1920 - Letter (handschr.) by Reinhart Schmidt-Elberfeld on a draft programme and on the treatment of worker protection issues therein, 19.5.1894; on the draft party programme, 21.5.1894; on a Junker brochure and the Interparliamentary Peace Conference, 29.7.1894; because of a vacation appointment, 8.8.1894; because of the program draft Quiddes, 12.9.1894; because of the uniform elementary school, 27.12.1895; because of judge's 60th birthday and a memorial article, 21.7.1898; because of a common explanation of their both parliamentary groups and a future co-operation, 13.12.1903; - letter (handschr.) Haussmanns to Reinhart Schmidt-Elberfeld on the draft of the party program, 24.5.1894; on desired changes to Quiddes program draft, 15.9.1894; Haussmanns' concept for a refusal to Schmidt because of a court invitation, (ca. 1.4.) 1895 - Writing (handschr.) by Siegmund Schott to a letter by Pfaus, 1.1.1892; on imperial messages to the Reichstag, 13.5.1893; on a speech by Haussmann, 5.6.1894; on the development of the Volkspartei, 12.1.1895 - letter (handschr.) by K. Schrader on merger negotiations and retention of separate party organizations, 26.8.1909 - letter (mainly handschr.) by Walther Schücking on the Verband für internationale Verständigung, 16.3.1912; on Haussmann's memorandum on a question of private prince law and on a meeting of an International Committee in The Hague, 19.8.1915; to the Royal General Command in Kassel on the prohibition of his publications, 10.11.1916 (mechanical); on his own publication plans and their prevention by censorship, 2.12.1916; with recommendation for a Kiel private lecturer for a trip to Russia, 10.2.1920 (mach.) - letter (mach.) of Haussmann to Walther Schücking on the Belgian question, 28.12.1915; on the war objective discussion, 6.12.1916 - letter (mach.) of Mrs. v. Stauffenberg on national taxes and other, 31.3.1891; about his own position in the Bavarian election reform debate and about the situation with the liberal parties, 22.10.1893 - Letter (masch.) Haussmanns about the commemoration for Friedrich Stoltze, 1.12.1916 - Letter Haussmanns to Gustav Stresemann about a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee, handschr.., 16.1.1922 - letter (handschr.) by August Stein to the resignation of Bülow, 9.8.1909; to the potential resignation of Bethmann, 20.2.1914 (masch.); against public discussions of war aims, 22.2.1915 (masch.) - card (handschr.) by A. Traeger with a poem, 16.8.1909; letter (handschr.) with the request for a speech in his constituency, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) by August Stein, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) with the request for a speech in his constituency, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) by Bethmann, 20.2.1914 (masch.); against public discussions of war aims, 22.2.1915 (masch.) - card (handschr.) from Rudolf Virchow to Paul Langerhans with an invitation, 21.8.1875 - letter (handschr.) from Paul Langerhans with this Virchow letter, 22.10.1902 - letter (handschr.) from Haussmann to M. Venedey because of potential party resignations, 15.1.1894 - letter (handschr.) from M. Venedey about the circumstances in the party in the lake and Black Forest district, 18.1.1894; with thanks for an election speech to the Baden elections, 10.12.1909 - letter (handschr.) from Prof. Wach about a pending case Münch, 19.2.1901; about a psychiatric examination of the case Münch in Winnenthal, 24.10.1910 - letter Haussmann sent to Arnold Wahnschaffe because of a meeting with Stegemann in Bern, 16.6.1917 (handschr.) - letter from Prof. Wach about a pending case Münch, 24.10.1910 - letter from Haussmann to Arnold Wahnschaffe because of a meeting with Stegemann in Bern, 16.6.1917 (handschr.)); about the events from 7. to 12. July 1917, 25.10.1920 (masch.) - letter by Arnold Wahnschaffe to details of the July crisis 1917, 20.10.1920 (handschr.); about Bethmann's politics in summer 1917 and possibilities for peace, 4.11.1920 (masch.) - letter (handschr.) by Paul Wallot about the petition for clemency for Maximilian Harden, 2.5.1901 - letter (masch.)) Haussmanns to Max Warburg with the request for contributions for the brochure series "Der Aufbau", 16.11.1918 - letter (masch.) by Max Warburg with proposals on minister occupations, 29.3.1920; on the position of Minister Simon, 13.2.1921; on the occupation of a post in China, 14.2.1921 - letter (handschr.) by Frhr. v. Weizsäcker on railway questions, 11.2.1914; on Kiderlen, 26.9.1914; because of the news from Bordeaux and about the probable duration of the fights in the West, 28.9.1914; because of an essay and about hatred against Western opponents, 31.10.1914; about war aims and a work Hanotaux, 14.12.1914; about news from Switzerland, 1.1.1915; Weiszäcker's business card for the return of the letter Stoskopf (Strassburg) to Haussmann about Bavarian efforts towards Alsace, 4.4.1915; because of a factory in Mühlacker, 9.11.1915; two business cards with thanks for reports about stays in Switzerland, o.D. - writing (mechanical) Haussmann to Weizsäcker with news from Antwerp, 30.9.1914; with a report from Switzerland, 26.10.1914; about waterways, Alsace and Stegemann's visit to Berlin, 10.2.1915; about Stegemann's stay in Berlin, 12.2.1915; about Swiss news concerning the Italian army, 21.6.1915; about the Alsace-Lorraine question, 9.10.1915; about Bavaria and Alsace-Lorraine, 1.11.1915; about Alsace-Lorraine, 19.11.1915; about Greetings Bethmanns, 22.7.1917 - letter (mach.) of the assessor Bilfinger with a record about the conversation Moy-Haussmann, mach.., 5.11.1915 - Letter (handschr.) from Wendorff about personnel matters of an official in Sigmaringen, 29.11.1921 - Letter (masch.) from Philipp Wieland with a recommendation for the journalist Stobitzer, 29.11.1918; about the occupation of party secretary positions and the cooperation of national liberals and Freisinniger Volkspartei, 29.11.1918 - Letter (handschr.) from Richard Wilhelm for the occupation of the envoy post in Beijing, 19.4.1921; about own and Haussmann's translations of Chinese poems, 7.6.1921 - letter (handschr.) by Wiemer about the forthcoming Morocco debate in the Reichstag and its preparation, 3.11.1911 - letter (mainly handschr.) by Theodor Wolff with the request for regular cooperation in the Berliner Tageblatt, 26.12.1908; because of some articles and about the Africa-Agreement with England, 4.3.1914; because of a regular cooperation of Haussmann, 10.4.1917 (mechanical); about an article of Haussmann, 19.5.1917, 16.9.1917; because of a discussion with English diplomats about Ruhrgebiet issues, 29.3.1920; about Simons as potential president of the Reich, 13.4.1921; with an invitation, 15.12.1921; with thanks for an article and for the occupation of the cabinet, 30.12.1921 (masch.) - letter (especially masch.)) Haussmann's to Theodor Wolff on the situation after the Easter message, on future politics and on difficulties of the parliamentary system, 14.4.1917; on his cooperation in the Berliner Tageblatt, spring 1917 (handschr.); on America and the U-boat War, 6.2.1917; on the Weimar Constitution, 2.9.1919 - letter (masch.) of Count Zeppelin because of an essay in the magazine "März", 16.3.1910

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 Bü 297 · Akt(e) · 1910-1914
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Darin:<br />City map of Heliopolis, site maps of the Prince's properties description: Darin: - City map of Heliopolis, site maps of the Prince's properties 1910-1914, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abteilung Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 Karl Fürst von Urach Graf von Württemberg (1865-1925)
Urach, Karl von