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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 151/03 · Fonds · 1812-1945, vereinzelt bis 1955
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Authority history: Almost every administrative branch has its own specific police force. King Frederick, when structuring the state administration according to departments, subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior the police which did not belong to such a certain department, but with two exceptions:1. he transferred the state police to a special police ministry;2. the censorship business was transferred from 1808-1811 to a censorship college which was first under the control of the cabinet ministry, then the police ministry, and on 30 November 1811 with the abolition of censorship ceased its activities for the time being. As a result of the Karlovy Vary decisions, a separate censorship commission existed from 1819, which was only dissolved with the decree of March 1, 1848. there are uncertainties regarding the exact origin of the business part III of the Ministry of the Interior. 1922 the business part III with the departments A (police department) and B (police command office) developed from the initially existing two ministerial departments police administration (treatment of legal questions) and order police (later police command office, as command authority of the state executive police). The business divider of 14 October 1922 states the following responsibilities:A Police department1.General information on the entire police sector2.Measures against anti-state activities3.Damage caused by civil unrest4.Freedom of movement, passports, registration5.Prisons6.Ownership and use of weapons7.Security police, customs police8.Associations9.Press police, press censorship10.Aviation police11.Ranger Corps12.State Local Police and Protection Police13.State Criminal Investigation14.Local Police15.Technical Emergency Assistance16.State and Reich Budget and Accounting ResultsB Police Command CentreI.Preparation of Technical Cooperation of the Whole Police in the Event of Unrest II.Protection Police (if Not in A)1.Affairs of Members of the Protection Police2.Medical and veterinary services3.accommodation and management of equipment, weapons, firearms, horses, vehicles and other equipment4.accommodation of closed organisations and management of the buildings, rooms and places used for this purpose5.implementation of the State budget in so far as it relates to matters B II 1-46.Participation in the state police intelligence service, insofar as the interests of the protective police are affected7. security measures before the intervention of the protective police,technical measures during their interventionWith the second amendment of the above-mentioned division of business in August 1927, division III was given the designation Police (police department), which was no longer divided into A and B. In October 1927, business part III was placed under the jurisdiction of the First Ministerial Director of the Ministry of the Interior, and in connection with the abolition of business part VII, responsibility for Wehrmacht affairs and foreign legion was transferred to the police department. The political police took over the previous tasks of the political police of the Stuttgart Police Headquarters at the same time as the State Criminal Police Office and at the same time released the police president in Stuttgart from his office. It became the general central intelligence collection point for Württemberg, the head of the political police was the general rapporteur in the Ministry of the Interior for measures against anti-state activities, the imposition, implementation and abolition of the state of emergency, defence against espionage, associations and assemblies, press police, freedom of movement, alien police, registration and passports, border traffic and expulsions for security reasons. Also in 1933, the position of commander of the Württemberg protective police was created in the Ministry of the Interior in accordance with the decree of the Police Commissioner for the State of Württemberg. He was directly subordinate to the First Ministerial Director, who was in charge of the personnel officers of the police officers and on-call officers, for training and operations, for air and gas protection, for intelligence, for weapons, ammunition and equipment, including motor vehicles, and for the two police training departments. The commander of the Schutzpolizei was an inspector of the entire uniformed State Police (cf. diagram). On 7 October 1933, the minister approved a new business division of the police department: Business Part III A: Police without business circle of the Württembergische Schutzpolizei and without political policeBusiness Part III B: Commander of the Württembergische SchutzpolizeiBusiness Part III C: Political policeIn the course of the further separation of the Landespolizei from the Schutzpolizei, it became necessary to change Business Parts III A and III B. The change of the business parts III A and III B was necessary in the course of the further separation of the Landespolizei from the Schutzpolizei. Business Part III B now received the designation Reichszwischenbefehlsstelle für die Polizei Stuttgart (RZB. Stuttgart). With the transfer of the Provincial Police to the administration of the Reich on April 1, 1935, Business Section III B was completely eliminated: Business Part III A :Police DepartmentBusiness Part III B :Staff Officer of the Police Department asDecentrant for Police DepartmentBusiness Part III C :Political PoliceBusiness Part III D :Commander of the Gendarmerie as Department for Gendarmerie DepartmentBusiness Part III E :Imperial Defence and Wehrmacht AffairsBy order of the 5th General Assembly of the German Armed Forces, the Federal Armed Forces and the German Armed Forces, the Federal Armed Forces and the German Armed Forces, the Federal Armed Forces and the German Armed Forces, the Federal Armed Forces and the Federal Armed Forces. In June 1941, the Higher SS and Police Leader was assigned to manage and handle police affairs at the Reichsstatthaltern in Württemberg and Baden in Wehrkreis V and at the head of the civil administration in Alsace, SS-Gruppenführer and Lieutenant General of the Kaul Police. His field of activity comprised the business units III A, III B, III C, III D as well as the deployment of the fire police and the fire brigades as well as the participation in affairs of the Reich defence, as far as the police was affected. The previous business unit III E remained as an independent business unit. Adapted to the business distribution plan drawn up by the Reichsführer SS, in 1943 business division VII of the Ministry of the Interior went from business division III A to business division III B to fire-fighting, fire-fighting director of the Land, fire-fighting fund of the Land to regulation and supervision of road traffic business division III C to traffic with explosives. Documents on organisation can be found in fonds E 151/01 (Ministry of the Interior, Chancellery Directorate) Büschel 284, 285 and 288. Reference is also made to the fonds of the Ministry of the Interior in the Main State Archives E 141, E 143, E 146, E 150 and E 151/... for the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, which, due to the changing specialist responsibilities within the departments of the Ministry of the Interior, partly contain processes on the same topics and should therefore be examined in parallel. For the tradition since 1945, the resistance group EA 2 (Ministry of the Interior, Provincial Police Headquarters) is to be consulted.In addition to the holdings E 151/03, the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart was able in 1995 to acquire on microfilm from the Bremen State Archives the Political Situation Reports of the Württemberg State Police Office, the Ministry of the Interior's News Collection Centre from 1922-1934 and the Situation Reports of the Baden State Police Office in Karlsruhe from 1924-1933, stored there as recipient records, which can be found under the inventory signature J 383 No. 716 a-f. Inventory history: Present repertory unites documents from the inventories:E 151 c I: Secret files from the registry IIIb concerning air-raid protection:1954 transferred from the Federal Archives Koblenz to the Main State Archives. the files had been confiscated in April 1945 in the alternative office Garmisch-Partenkirchen of the Reich Ministry of the Interior by American troops. In 1950, the American Document Center Rear in Darmstadt returned the files to the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Bonn, from where they were transferred to the Federal Archives in March 1953. The entire inventory was now transferred to E 151/03.E 151 c II: Ministry of the Interior V, Department III:1958, together with the transfer register via the Ludwigsburg State Archives to the Main State Archives.For the (new) bundle numbers E 151/03 Bü. 44-46 (Ausweisungen) and E 151/03 Bü. 707-709 as well as EA 2/301 Bü. 294-300 (Vereine) there are two special directories from 1966.inventory now complete in E 151/03 (files until 1945) Nachakte (ab 1945) in EA 2/301.E 151 c III: Akten des Geschäftsteils Rv (Reichsverteidigung):1963 vom Bundesarchiv Koblenz übergeben.It concerns a part of those files of the Württemberg Ministry of the Interior which had been transferred to the USA at the end of the war and later reached the Federal Archives as part of an extensive mixed stock from the American file depot in Alexandria. Stock now completely in E 151/03.E 151 b II: Delivery of the Ministry of the Interior:1958 to the State Archives Ludwigsburg, from there 1969 to the Main State Archives.E 151 b III: Delivery of the Ministry of the Interior:1952 to the Regierungspräsidium Nordwürttemberg, 1964 to the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, 1973 to the Hauptstaatsarchiv passed on. The two earlier holdings E 151 b II and E 151 b III are now part of E 151/02. From this the files about Wehrmacht affairs were assigned to the present holdings E 151/03. EA 2/301 (now EA 2/301): Ministry of the Interior, State Police Headquarters: Incorporated in the Main State Archives in 1979. Files up to 1945 were assigned to E 151/03, conversely documents from 1945 onwards were taken from E 151/03 and classified according to EA 2/301.EA 2/303: Ministry of the Interior, Landespolizeipräsidium:1990 arrived at the Hauptstaatsarchiv.Previous files up to 1945 were moved to E 151/03.EL 21/3: Regierungspräsidium Nordwürttemberg, Abteilung:1998 from the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg to the Hauptstaatsarchiv. Processor's report: Since no file plan is available, the structure of the stock is oriented to the file number, consisting of III, often also P.A. (for the business part of the police department) and an Arabic number (for the file subject), which is not assigned continuously, but mostly. Only occasionally is the responsible department indicated in Latin capital letters (A, B, C, D, E). After the organizational changes of 1933, the abbreviation P.P. for the Political Police is sometimes found. The files of the areas Reichsverteidigung and Wehrmachtangelegenheiten are provided with their own file numbers (Rv or VII and Arabic number due to earlier affiliation to business part VII); they are listed at the end of the inventory. Since the file numbers of these documents could only be used conditionally for a classification and several file layers were available at the same time, a temporal cut around the year 1933 was set here afterwards. The information on the size of the file tufts includes the number of quadrangles, provided that these were assigned throughout. From 1987 to 1989, Alexander Brunotte, Anita Hefele, Kurt Hochstuhl and Petra Schön made the title recordings. Wolfgang Schmierer made the first corrections in 1989. Martin Luchterhandt carried out the determination and removal or division of tufts with pre and post files, an initial classification scheme and the computer-assisted recording of title recordings in 1993. The editorial processing according to the guidelines for manuscript preparation for publications of the Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg was carried out by Signatories. The indication of the preliminary signatures, which do not appear in the present printed volume at the request of the editor, can be found in the more detailed reproduced archive repertory to the holdings E 151/03.The period of validity of the files extends from 1812 to 1945 with isolated files up to 1955.The holdings E 151/03 now comprise 1196 numbers (the tuft numbers 323, 1125 and 1139 as well as the serial number 800 are not documented) with 47.5 m length.Stuttgart, in September 1998Sabine Schnell

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 70 f · Fonds · 1806-1871, 1893-1933
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The legation of Württemberg at the Baden court, which existed before 1806, was retained after Württemberg was elevated to a kingdom and was occupied until 1848 by an envoy residing in Karlsruhe. During the revolutionary period, Württemberg was represented only temporarily by an official observer in Karlsruhe, since the resumption of relations in 1851 by a chargé d'affaires, until after the establishment of the German Reich in 1871 the legation was lifted. It was rebuilt in 1893 mainly for reasons of courtly representation. Until its final abolition on April 1, 1933, the Württemberg envoy at the Bavarian court, who was also accredited in Darmstadt, was also an envoy in Karlsruhe with headquarters in Munich. The representatives of Württemberg were in Baden:Carl August Ludwig Graf von Taube, Chief Postal Director, Privy Legation Council, Chamberlain, Extraordinary Plenipotentiary Minister (appointed 1806)Heinrich Levin Graf von Wintzingerode, District Governor of Öhringen, Chamberlain, Extraordinary Plenipotentiary Minister (1807)von Wimpfen, Major General, Chamberlain, Extraordinary Plenipotentiary Minister (1811)von Harmensen, Privy Council, Chamberlain, Extraordinary Plenipotentiary Minister (1812)Peter Graf von Gallatin, Privy Legation Council, Chamberlain, Extraordinary Minister and Plenipotentiary Minister (1812)Friedrich August Freiherr Gremp von Freudenstein, State Council, Extraordinary Minister and Plenipotentiary Minister (1817)Graf von Mülinen, Privy Legation Council, Chamberlain, Extraordinary Minister and Plenipotentiary Minister (1818)Graf von Bismarck, Lieutenant General, Extraordinary Minister and Plenipotentiary (1820) August Freiherr von Wächter, Privy Legation Council, Chargé d'Affaires (1847)Freiherr von Thumb-Neuburg, Legation Council, Chamberlain, Carrier (1851)Oskar Freiherr von Soden, Legation Council, Chamberlain, Carrier (1866)von Baur-Breitenfeld, Legation Council, Chamberlain, Carrier (1868)Oskar Freiherr von Soden, Privy Council, Chamberlain, Extraordinary Minister and Plenipotentiary Minister (1893)Karl Moser von Filseck, Privy Legation Council, Chamberlain, Extraordinary Minister and Plenipotentiary Minister (1906)Until 1871, the Minister represented Württemberg in all matters arising in relation to Baden, only for special reasons were negotiations in Karlsruhe not conducted by the Minister, but by special representatives. The volume of work was relatively high and varied in the initial period up to about 1820 - this becomes clear, for example, in the territorial negotiations at that time or in the large number of uses in private affairs - and then fell noticeably, so that envoys von Bismarck could be called upon several times for special missions to northern German courts. After 1850 the mutual consultations between the Württemberg and Baden governments on issues of major European and German policy as well as the internal problems of both countries intensified. In addition, the increased administrative intensity and urgent questions of economic legislation were now also reflected in the business volume of the legation. After the reestablishment in 1893, the envoy was given almost exclusively formal tasks and those of representation. As a rule, he spent a few days in Karlsruhe once or twice a year, usually on the occasion of the court ball or another court event. Negotiations between Württemberg and Baden authorities were usually conducted directly, no longer via the envoy, so that his correspondence - about 100 diary numbers per year - was largely limited to the transmission of congratulations, inquiries and official correspondence and occasional indirect reporting. With the end of the monarchy, these tasks were almost completely eliminated. However, the legation was formally retained and from 1926 on again entrusted with smaller commissions, such as reporting in Baden newspapers. The tradition is not homogeneous. In the first years individual case files predominate, from about 1815/1820 - as with other Württemberg legations - a purely formal classification principle, such as "concepts and reports" or "rescripts and notes" and correspondence files. Mainly new business areas were filed after 1850 by subject, such as "railway files". But it did not come to a continuous registry management, since the new fascicles were put on as required and, provided with a sequential Arabic number, were attached to the already existing files at the end. In this way, the registry consisted of 72 in 1848, 104 in 1866 and dates back to 1818. From 1893 - 1933 the entire written material was filed only according to the chronological order. The content of the written material is also very unequal. Some envoys took part of the processes, so their instruction, to their private files. A number of events only appear in the diary, as they were passed on in original form without additional documents being gathered in the legation. After 1893, for parallel enquiries to Bavaria, Baden and Hesse, often only one joint draft was produced and filed with the Bavarian registry. Some things seem to have been lost or destroyed, for example when the passport register only covers the period from 1811 to 1816. as far as can still be seen, the present collection was archived in four deliveries together with documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other legations and was added to the collection of "Legation Files" (E 70 and E 73). The documents summarised in inventory E 70 Verzeichnis (Ablieferung) 32 covered the period up to 1817, those of inventory E 70 Verzeichnis 33a the period from 1818 - 1871 and arrived after 1872. The material grown up in Munich was delivered until the year 1910 around 1920, the rest was probably incorporated immediately after the abolition of the legation in 1933 and the stock E 73 Verzeichnis 61. The reorganization could orient itself only little at the given condition. The archival records that had grown up at the legation were separated from the rest of the association and the provenance holdings "Württembergische Gesandtschaft in Baden" were newly formed. The originally planned division into two main parts, "I. 1806 - 1871" and "II. 1893 - 1933", was cancelled when the finding aid book was drawn up and all title entries were subordinated to the classification scheme prescribed by the distortion of other legations. Among them are the reports to the King or the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the general, not thematically limited correspondences with him, among others the first main group. The other files were separated according to their different subjects without regard to the previous state of order, and each of them was re-compiled into the other main groups. The breakdown of these was based on the total business volume. It was not advisable to align the plans with those of other legations, such as Berlin or Munich, which had been preserved. Certain inequalities in the distortion have remained in so far as some subjects, such as "German Question" etc., have been left out, Despite their complexity, a further subdivision was not permitted, whereas on the other hand after 1893 only individual cases still occur or until 1850 almost all affairs of private persons were classified under "Uses", but afterwards also under the subject headings such as "Reporting", "Justice - Individual Cases" and others.In the present finding aid book the indication of the registry signatures, i.e. the tuft counting with Arabic numerals, was omitted for the documents up to 1871, since they could be determined only partly without difficulties and references to these numbers are found only imperfectly in the last diaries before 1871. The previously valid archive signatures E 70 Verzeichnis 32 Faszikel 1-9 and E 70 Verzeichnis 33a Faszikel 1-33 were, however, noted in the title entries. Various old tuft numbers had to be applied when a new tuft was composed entirely or partially of old tufts. For the files from 1893 - 1933 the indication of the old archive signature could be omitted, since with the previous purely chronological storage - apart from isolated fact file beginnings - the written material from 1893 - 1899 was united in E 73 directory 61 fascicles 18 d, from 1900 - 1905 in 18 e, from 1906 - 1913 in 18 b and from 1914 - 1933 in 18 c.As diverse as the content of the title recordings may be, there are clear limits to their scientific evaluation: the continuous reporting to the king up to 1847 forms a closed whole, the other correspondence only covers partial aspects. The same often applies to the fact files, especially if minutes, excerpts or replies to enquiries were forwarded in original form. Parallel transmission is therefore of greater importance. On the Württemberg side, the holdings of the superior Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Ministry are to be mentioned primarily in the Main State Archives, on the Baden side in the General State Archives Karlsruhe the departments 47 - 49 Haus- und Staatsarchiv - II. The inventory was recorded and arranged by the signatory 1974 - 1976 with the temporary cooperation of the aspiring inspectors Bader, Gutenkunst and Kramer and comprises 724 tufts in 6.1 m. Stuttgart 1976gez. G. CordesThe completion of the present finding aid book took place with the help of the data processing on the basis of the program package MIDOSA of the national archive administration Baden-Wuerttemberg in the time from May to August 1987. For the various technical assistance is to be thanked the national archive management. The title recordings present on index cards were entered without substantial changes over screen into the system. At the same time as the inclusion of the title, the index terms were recorded, with a view to a later general index, broken down into a geographical index, a person index and a subject index. The MIDETIT method separates the indices on the basis of corresponding control characters. A concordance was not created for the following reasons: The dissolution of the old serial files and the subsequent creation of material files resulted in the fact that the archives of a former bundle are today located at up to 121 different sites. This basically calls into question the practicability of a concordance that could only have been achieved with unjustifiable effort. The relations, reports and rescripts found in Büschel 34 during the indexing of the holdings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, E 36-38, Verz. 2, were subsequently added to the holdings, and the title entries were included in the present find book. These title entries with the respective serial number and the suffix a are included in the index.Stuttgart, December 1987Kurt Hochstuhl