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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2389 · File · 1885-1922
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Living with the Curtius family in Strasbourg and Heidelberg; [Johann Jakob] Jaus, missionary of the Basel Mission in Kalkultta (5.6.1916); painting for war-damaged (23.10.1916 et al.); Swiss attitude towards Germany (9.8.1919)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, U Sphragistik 10 Nr. 1 · File · 1700-1902
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Sheet 1 reverse: Imperial Customs Office St. Ludwig, o.D. Sheet 2: P. F. Schulze, Ebersdorf/Reuss, 1870. Edmund Abbot, Athens/Greece, 1868. E. Milson, Lyon, 1867. Johann von der Crone, Markkleeberg/Saxony, 1869. F. Lewthwaite, London/England, 1868. Schwarzwälder, Eimeldingen/Baden, 1730. Econome, Saloniki/Turkey, 1868. F. Lawer, Reading/America 1868. Prussian envoy, c. 1865. J. Barker, Whitehaven/England, 1868. J. De Grenier, Paris/France, 1869. A. And L. Von Berg, New York/America, 1867. Behrens, Manchester/England, 1875. F. Von Trapp, Hertwangen, 1700. Directeur Ravenel, Neuchâtel, 1870. Major Specht, Lörrach, 1885. K. Krafft, St. Blasien/Baden, 1870. two English noble coats of arms, 1875/76. R. Reinau, Kalte Herberge/Baden, 1700. Kramer, Kandern/Baden, 1700. forester Kramer, Steinen, 1750. E. Scheffelt, Steinen, 1830. sheet 3: Fred Ward, Warsaw, 1867. Grumkow, Mainz, 1865. count of Inn and Knyphausen, Hannover. 1866. Lord Fr. Ryder, London, 1867. Zant-Strübe, Auggen-Schopfheim/Baden, 1800. Sattler, Binzen/Baden, 1830. K. Von Bültzinsloewen, Wiesbaden, 1902. Scheffelt, Williamsville/America, 1849. F. Grether, Tumringen/Baden, 1850. Graf von Pexberg, Pomerania/Prussia, 1865. Pfarramt Steinen/Baden, 1860. P. J. Schulze, Petersburg. District mortgage bank Lörrach. Sheet 4: Legation of the United States of America in Switzerland, 1838. Generaladjudantur Baden, 1830. Austrian Archbishop's Coat of Arms, 1700. Evangelische Zentralkasse St. Gallen. French legation in Switzerland, 1850. Württemberg Camera Office Reutin, 1870. Württemberg Workers' Company, 1870. Main camp of the Black Forest Army in Rheinweiler, 1870. Württemberg Camera Office Crailsheim, 1870. Field Post Stuttgart. Badische Ökonomieverwaltung Karlsruhe, 1870. G. Zielke Tokarz, Lodsch. Sheet 5: Baurittel, Schopfheim/Baden, 1850. L. Dilzer, Pforzheim/Baden, 1850. Pf. Gutheil, Heidelberg, 1868. E. Grether, Tumringen, 1868. General Uh, Baltimore, 1838. Pf. Leichtlen, Emmendingen, 1869. Ortsschulrat Steinen, 1863. Gustav-Adolph-Verein, 1839. Fürstenberg Law Office, 1862. Federal Postal Administration Basel, 1859. Berlin-Hamburg Railway, 1865. Wiensthalbahn Directorate, Baden, 1864. Blankenhorn, Müllheim/Baden, 1868. Versorgungsanstalt Baden, 1854. Jakob O. Grether, Schopfheim, 1700-1800. Onoph. Grether, Tumringen. Kramer, Steinen, 1810. Ed. Tschiraz, Cincinnati/America, 1849. Sheet 6: Private seal of Manlius?, 1856 preserved. Badisches Ministerium, 1840. Badische Hausmeisterei Badenweiler, 1830. Auguste de la Fontaine, Karlsruhe, 1873. Orléans, France, 1780. Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Hirsch/Berlin in the Swedish Ministry, Department of Medical Matters. Russian stamp, 1887. community Badenweiler, 1870. king Karl der Kahle (800), 1866 excavated with stones. Main Treasury of the Reichsbank, 1889. Sheet 7: Family Favarger, Neuchâtel/Badenweiler [missing]. Comte et Comtesse de Chambrun, Paris 1889. Von Goerne, Ressburg near Deutschkrone, 1896. Moussin-Puchkin, Petersburg. Seal of a Prussian commission. Jeweller Kraus, Freiburg. Schwarz, Rheinfelden, 1845 Richards von Taschwitz, London/Dresden, 1878 Count Moussine-Puchkine, Petersburg/Kiev. Prince of Fürstenberg. Dean Brandt, Rheinbischofsheim, 1876. Von Schüyten, Dordrecht, 1876. W. Mezel, Überlingen/Lörrach, 1877. F. Madler, Steinen. Chief Executive Officer P. Thurn, Frankfurt. I. M. Scheffelt, Stones, 1818. Russian stamps, 1887 and 1884. Von Kilch, Brombach, 1860. Sheet 8: Count Moussin-Puchkin, Petersburg/Kiev. Russian coat of arms. Russian legation of Madrid, 1893 Counts Schalsberg-Thannheim family, 1880. Advance bank Lörrach. Stachelin-Burkhard, Basel. Badisches Hauptsteueramt, Basel. Prussian Regional Court Düsseldorf. Alsace-Lorraine. University of Freiburg, 1886 Comtoir of the Reichshauptbank für Wertpapiere, 1888 Black Seal of the Prussian Local Court Wattenscheid, 1888 Wetzhausen. Von Pochhammer, Berlin, 1869. Treasury, 1875. Education Department Whitehall, 1875. Inspector of Factories, 1875. Imperial German Postal Administration Badenweiler, 1877. Sheet 9: Count von Landberg, Lahr/Baden, 1870. Mecklenburg Court Hunting Department, 1893. Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, 1893. Mecklenburg Court Theatre Schwerin, 1893. General von Wolff, Karlsruhe/Badenweiler, 1900. Württemberg Local Court. Württemberg Public Prosecutor's Office. Allcard, Scotland, 1896. Speyr's banking business, Basel. Danish Royal Court, 1895. Count Plessen on Ivenack, 1894. New Guinea Company, 1893. Jeweller Kraus, Freiburg, 1880. Liebrecht-Haniel, Ruhrort-Tervoort on the Rhine, 1878. Russian Authority, 1893. Cologne Real Estate Company, 1894. F. W. Liebrecht, Ruhrort, 1880. Main Cashier of Dresdner Bank, Berlin. Russian official emblem. Sheet 10: Three coat-of-arms drawings (Hueglin, Hassler, Reichenbach). Sparkasse Müllheim. From Schönfeld, Austria. Baron von Krafft-Ebing, Baden. Ministry of Alsace-Lorraine. Board of the Baden State Association of the Red Cross. Badische district forestry Oberweiler. Catholic community Müllheim. Badisches Finanzamt Müllheim. Notary public in the district of Müllheim. Prussian main tax office Cologne. Russian seal. Baden Water and Road Administration. Baden tax collection agency Badenweiler. Badische Badanstaltenkasse Müllheim. Baden Notary Michael Huber. Badische Obereinnehmerei Müllheim. Prussian Railway Directorate Cologne. General Directorate of the Württemberg State Railways. Imperial-royal post and telegraph office Karlovy Vary. Community seal Badenweiler. Sheet 11: Municipality Zunzingen. Old town coat of arms Badenweiler, until 1898. Coat of arms of Lörrach. Municipality of Niederweiler. Badische Obereinnehmerei Müllheim. Jeweller Krauss, Freiburg. Baden State Treasury. Gemeinde Müllheim. Catholic parish Müllheim. Badisches Finanzamt Müllheim. Community Oberweiler. Gemeinde Müllheim. Municipality of Vögisheim. Grand Ducal Bath Doctor in Badenweiler. Community of Badenweiler. Freiburg Mayor's Office. Pfarramt Gersbach, 1824. Main cash desk of the Reichsbank. Braunschweig Police Headquarters. Director of the Schwerin Court Theatre, 1893.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 3127 · File · 1887-1895
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Disease and treatment of the crown prince and emperor Friedrich III. Darin: Dankbriefe [der Gattin?] Elisabeth von Winterfeld, née von Scholten, and [der Schwiegertochter?] Hanna von Winterfeld, née von Rotenhan, among others because of the admission of a son sick in southwest Africa to the Luisenheim in St. Blasien

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 G 2 · Collection · 1937-1939
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of traditions: In the mid-1930s, the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart developed the plan to create a picture archive of all officers and officials of the former XIIIth and XIVth Army Corps. In order to complete the personal data, a questionnaire was sent to the officers still alive or their families. The collection contains the pictures sent in, the questionnaires and other documents (some with CVs) of the officials and officers of the XIV Army Corps. In addition, the collection was enriched with pictures from other sources. Editing: If possible, the signatures of the corresponding personnel files or ranked lists were added to the respective comments field.

Seal collection Kretzdorn
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, U Sphragistik 3 Nr. 1 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Sheet 2: 1.) High Court Councillor Schnikel, Mannheim. 2) from Reinach, Landsberg/Niedermais. 3.) Bonol Schauenstein. 4) from Rinckh, Freiburg. 5.) Mjr. Siegel. 6) by Stoecklern, Freiburg. 7.) Anger to Bulach, Oßhausen/Elsass. 8.) Major von Weissenstein. 9.) Fretter. 10.) from Freistett. 11.) Hilpert. 12.) Hector von Stoecklern. 13) from Haber, Karlsruhe/Oberkirch. 14.) Gloker. 15.) Captain Fuchs. 16.) Alyr. 17.) Colonel. 18.) Flaw. Sheet 3: 19.) Kylio. 20.) by Arnold. 21.) de Hell. 22.) by Blorai. 23.) Ritz. 24.) Wanner. 25.) Dr. Maier. 26.) Prince of Loevenstein. 27.) from Lylia. 28.) Traiteur. 29.) Blorai. 30.) by Rubt. 31.) Cleaner. 32.) Rottberg. 236.) Reinach von Landenberg. 237.) de Bigorie, Prime Minister. 238.) by Rink. 33.-44.) without designation. Sheet 4: 45.-53.) without description. Sheet 5: 54.) by Dryk. 55.) without designation. 56.) Schulpi von Bruck. 57.) from Lylia. 58.) Abbot Sebastian von Weingarten. 59.) General von Wollzogen. 60.) Gregory of Rottberg. 61st) of Freistett. 62.) Gerster. 63.) by Setenek. 64.) from Rudt. 65.) Mockler. Sheet 6: 66.) Hochberg. 67.) Taenefels. 68.) Baron von Doler. 69.) Sprenger. 70.-73.) Rottberg. 74.) Schwedi. 75.) Mulheus, Frankfurt. 76.) Major von Weissenstein. 77.) Hochberg. 78.) Schauenburg. 79.) Lorleys. 80.) Rottberg. 81.) by Löve. Sheet 7: 82.) Zollwengern. 83.) Oettingen. 84.) from Castel, Constance. 85.) Bustle. 86.) Wundt. 87.) by Stoekler. 88.) by Schwytz. 89.) by Schauenburg. 90.) Haber. 91.) Waigel. 92.) Alyr. 93.) City priest Hank, Ehingen/Neckar, 1807. 94.) Srikel. 95.) Stempf. 96.) by Schmid. 97.) Grand Duchess Stephanie of Baden. Sheet 8: 98.) Chief Bailiff Haegelin, 1804. 99.) Srikel. 100.) Dr. Mayer. 101.) from Rudt. 102.) from Baumbach. 103.) Dr Brunn, 1786. 104.) from Horgen. 105.) Baron von Ow. 106.) Bergrat Bouginé. 107.) Rennert. 108.) Captain Ludwig. 109.) from Enzberg. 110./111.) Count von Leiningen. 112.) Reichlinn and Schilling. 113.) Count von Waldburg-Zeil. Sheet 9: 114.) Emperor of Brazil? 115.) Schlossmann von Luzern. 116.) van Dyk. 117.) War. 118.) Schoch. 119.) Gaes. 120.) Heil. 121.) from Enzberg. 122.) Seal. 123.) Count von Wolfingen, 1727. 124.) More from the mountain, Freiburg. 125.) from Thurn. 126.) Colonel von Eichroth. 127.) Kaufmann Gaesser. 128.) Baron Wingfeld. 129.) from Anvern. 130.) Virdune. 131.) from Rudt. 132.) Thurmwalgen. 133.) Israel Bachmann, 1799. 134.) by Stöklern. 135.) von Goeler. Sheet 10: 136.) Obervogt Schellenberg, 1771. 137.) Dr. med. Schanier, Freiburg. 138.) from Weiler. 139.) Joeller. 140.) Larosch. 141.) from helmet. 142.) Dean Hopp. 143.) Buzz. 144.) by Seltenek. 145.) from Loewenstein. 146.) Renner. 147.) from Loewenstein. 148.) by Rudt. 149.) Lyoder. 150.) by Hermann. 151.) Tagroid. 152.) Reichlin and tower. 153.) Gentner. 154.) from Dora. 155.) Frank Zoetter, Gerchheim. Sheet 11: 156.) by Goessler. 157.) Hype of Heilersheim, 1800. 158.) of Leine. 159.) Mohr. 160.) Jacob Handmann. 161.) Schoch. 162.) without designation, 1801. 163.) Baron de Speth. N.) Habunt. Sheet 12: Family von Reinach, Landsberg 164.) A. von Reinach and Kageneck. 165.) Joseph Benedikt von Reinach. 166.) A. von Reinach, Landenberg. 167.) from Reinach. Sheet 13: blank Sheet 14: 168-184.) without description. Sheet 15: 185-204.) without designation. Sheet 16: 205.-227.) without designation. Sheet 17: 228 - 235.) without designation. Sheet 18: Two seals without number. Sheet 19: - Baden IV Infantry Regiment of Stockhorn. - Baden Division Command of the Infantry. - Bavarian Fortress Construction Directorate Germersheim. - Austrian General Command, Brno. - Bavarian Division. - Baden Division. - Arms factory P. Kneri, Solingen. - Prussian General Command, Glatz. - Prussian Artillery Regiment, Meissen. - Badische Kommandantschaft, Kehl Sheet 20: - Badisches Infanterieregiment Markgraf Maximilian. - Baden Infantry Regiment Hereditary Prince. - Count W. von Hochberg, regimental quartermaster's office. - Prussian Provision Office, Mainz. - Baden Cavalry Brigade. - Badische Revueinspektion. - Rastatt Command. - First Dragoon Regiment Freistett. - Offenburg citizen militia. - Baden Line Infantry Regiment of Stockhorn. - Prussian artillery depot, Glogau. - Württemberg War Department. Sheet 21: - Prussian artillery depot, Luxembourg. - Arms factory from Knecht, Solingen. - Baden military magazine. - Hessian War Ministry - Section 1 - City Command Mannheim. Sheet 22: - Baden Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - Württemberg Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - Baden Ministry of Finance. - Princely Meiningen State Ministry. - Badische Bundestagsgesandtschaft, Berlin. - Badische Gesandtschaft, Vienna. Sheet 23: - Prussian legation, Karlsruhe. - Baden Legation, Berlin. - Maison de l'empereur - Chambellan de Service. Sheet 24: - Grand Duke Leopold of Baden (3 seals). - Swiss Confederation, 1815. - England. - Canton of St. Gallen. Sheet 25: - Préfecture du Bas Rhin - Cabinet du Préfet. - Préfecture de Schlettstadt. - Karlsruhe. - Buchholz. - Jerusalem. Sheet 26: - Großherzoglich-Hessische Generalpostdirektion. - Princely Thurn and Taxis General Post Office. - Electoral Hessian General Postal Directorate. - Prussian General Postal Directorate. - Prussian General Post Office. - Prussian Oberpostkasse, Berlin. - Badisches Postamt Wiesenbach. - Directorate of Maindampfschifffahrt, Würzburg. - Schaffhausen Post Office. Sheet 27: - Main cash desk of the Bavarian Ludwigsbahn. - Expedition of the Kl. Zeitung, Freiburg. - Austrian State Railway. - University of Freiburg - Versorgungsanstalt, Freiburg. - Academy Freiburg. Sheet 28: - Notary G. Becker, Molsheim. - another notary seal. Sheet 29: - Prussian Higher Administrative Court. - Royal Consistory of the Rhine Province. - R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t - Command of the Schutztruppen. - Local Court Stassfurt. - Domgymnasium Merseburg. - Saxon seal. Sheet 30: Envelope with two Hungarian seals. Sheet 31: four unmarked seals. Sheet 32: three unmarked seals. Sheet 33: Notes.

Secret Cabinet (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 60 · Fonds · 1803-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Tradition and order: On 25 October 1848, the Grand Ducal Secret Cabinet commissioned the Ludwig Law Office of the General State Archives to organize the files in the cabinet's registry, whereby "those papers which are suitable for storage in the General State Archives or in the registries of the various ministries were to be handed over there". He found the files, which dated back to the first reign of Margrave Karl Friedrich, "in seven overcrowded boxes". Law Firm Councillor Ludwig divided the files into four main parts: a) files for the older and b) files for the current registry of the cabinet c) files for the Großh. Haus- und Familienarchiv d) files for the Großh. StaatsarchivIn the year 1860, these administrative tasks were completed and the files mentioned under c) and d) had already been submitted to the General State Archives in 1850. In the years 1879, 1881, 1882 and 1885 further deliveries took place. Insofar as these files were not incorporated into the family archives or assigned to the various holdings of the General State Archives, they were kept in a special cabinet. When the holdings of the General State Archives were divided into repositories in 1888, the files submitted by the Privy Cabinet received Repositur II, 2. Nevertheless, the previously practised division procedure was retained for the consignments of 1891, 1907 and 1908. With the abolition of the Privy Cabinet in 1919, almost all of the remaining registry was transferred to the General State Archives. The Badisches Ministerium des Auswärtigen retained only those files which it needed to continue the business of the Order Chancellery; these files are now held by the Staatsministerium 233. Individual inventories can be found partly in GLA 68/778 and partly in GLA 450/403 and 1200. This finding aid was created in 1964 on the basis of older card indexes. In 2009, it was converted into an online find book with funds from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and then edited by Christoph Florian and Alfred Becher. According to the requirements of Scope-Archiv, numerous collective title recordings in particular had to be resolved. However, the individual titles and the differentiation according to individual runtimes and deviations in content led in some cases to the creation of very extensive headings in which the chronological order is no longer clearly discernible. The further subdivision would have been consistent; as a fundamental intervention in order and category sequence, this could not be achieved within the framework of the search instrument conversion. The conversion to online finding aids remained problematic in the treatment of Julius Kastner's meritorious but very detailed indices. For the collection in SCOPE archive the in-depth entries of Kastner were difficult, the result remained unsatisfactory; the indices must be worked on completely again. Since this was not possible within the scope of the finding aid conversion, only a Word version is available for the time being in the printed find book copies of the General State Archives; it was created by Christoph Florian from the typewritten template. Full text search is recommended for online searches. History: A cabinet government in the proper sense, as it existed in Prussia, for example, hardly ever existed in Baden. The system of government of Margrave Karl Wilhelm, which could at best be described as a cabinet government, did not continue under his grandson. Margrave Karl Friedrich founded the Privy Cabinet in 1783, which formed only a committee from the Privy Council and was not comparable with the Prussian institution of the same name. Simultaneously with the abolition of the Privy Council College in 1808 and the division of the central administration into five ministerial departments, the Grand Duke determined: "Around Our Highest Person We Form a Cabinet Council" (Regierungsblatt 1808 p. 187). This Cabinet was one of the Supreme State Authorities and was assigned the following business area: 1. Processing of all letters addressed to the Grand Duke 2. All Systematica, establishing and prescribing the general constitutional and administrative and principles 3. All Family and House Affairs 4. All Court, Order and Civil Uniform Affairs 5. All Court and State Ceremonial 6. The Directorate of the General State Archives 7. Supervision and Management of the State Handbook to be published annually 8. The Affairs of the Art Institutions belonging to the Court (= Reg. Bl. 1808 S.193But already in the following year, as a result of the organizational edict of 26 November 1809, this "Cabinet Ministry" was abolished again as a special department. The "Cabinets Minister" remained "the organ through which the requests of the Ministries to Us and Our Resolution go to them" (= Reg. Bl. 1809 p. 397). On 21 September 1811 the Grand Duke appointed the State Councillors Brauer, Hofer and Wielandt as Secret Cabinet Councils, the Legation Council Ring as Secret Expedition Council and the Expeditor Weiß as Secret Cabinet Secretary (= Reg. Bl. 1811 p. 108). The "Geheimen Cabinets-Referate" (Secret Cabinets) thus created were abolished on 15 June 1817. For the objects to be processed in the Secret Cabinet a State Secretary was appointed, who at the same time became a member of the State Ministry and the State Council (= Reg. Bl. 1817 p.65). Thus the Secret Cabinet lost its central importance, which had been intended in 1808, early on; what remained was the role of a secretariat for the personal government actions of the sovereign. Towards the middle of the 19th century the Secret Cabinet consisted of a board of directors, a registrar and a chancellor's list. After a separate Court Secretariat had been set up on 24 May 1854 to deal with the Court's administrative affairs (= Reg. Bl. 1854 p. 256), the Privy Cabinet processed: 1. all ideas, complaints, petitions and other submissions directly addressed to the Grand Duke, insofar as they did not belong to the business circles of the Court's offices and were not purely matters of support; 2. the Court's administrative office was set up on 24 May 1854 (= Reg. Bl. 1854 p. 256); 3. the Court's administrative office was set up on 24 May 1854; 3. the Court's administrative office was set up on 24 May 1854 (= Reg. Bl. 1854 p. 256); 3. the Court's administrative office was set up on 24 May 1854. Execution of highest orders in matters of state administration; 3. appointment to upper court and court batches; 4. drafting of highest hand letters; 5. affairs of the order secretariat. On 14 April 1919 the ministry of state ordered the abolition of the secret cabinet. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (= Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt 1919 p. 245) was responsible for handling the business of the Order's Chancellery. Content: Although the holdings cover almost all areas of politics, economics, culture, confessions, court and military, they often contain a richer and more complete tradition that can be found in the respective specialist authorities. Because of the many pencil-written concepts of Grand Duke Friedrich I he nevertheless occupies a central place among the court documents. Since the applications for immediate assistance are mostly requests for support, gifts, addresses, etc., numerous artists, writers and associations are represented here.Julius Kastner 1964 / Hansmartin Schwarzmaier 1991Konrad Krimm 2009