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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 235 Nr. 48313 · File · 1923-1940
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Applications for an award by the Grand Duke and the deferral or non-granting of such an award (1), the appointment of a Hofrat (2) or a Musikdirektor (3) or Professor (4), the awarding of the Zähringer Löwenorden (5) and the obtaining of the consent of the competent government in the case of nationals of other countries, such as B. the conductor Karl Beines from Prussia in Freiburg and the agreement of the Baden region with the foreign award of Badeners, such as Max Adolf Peter Frey as a teacher at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Dresden, Dr. Albert Osterieth as a writer and editor in Berlin and Dr. Albert Osterieth as an editor in Berlin. Wilhelm Schäfer as Director of the Statistical Office of the City of Dresden as well as the suspensions of the Baden professor title by the gynaecologist Dr. Albert Fränkel in Badenweiler by Baden or Prussia by the Berlin Police Headquarters, the appointment of the garden architect Dr. Albert Fränkel by the Berlin Police Headquarters and the appointment of the garden architect Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer as the director of the Dresden Statistical Office. Brahe von Mannheim to the Prussian garden inspector, the regulation of the classification of academic university teachers in a new edition of the Court and State Manual of 30 June 1904 and the principles on the award of the title of music director and professor to musicians from 7 January 1908 to Berlin Darin: 1.) Festblatt des Schuldirektors Dr. Carl Löschhorn zum am Ostersonntag, 15. April 1900, in Leipzig celebrated 25th anniversary of Dr. Max Oberbreyer (printed matter, 4 pages) 2.) Brochure of the garden architect Fr. Brahe in Mannheim (brosch., illustrated)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 233 · Fonds · [1701] 1803-1945 [1948]
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of tradition: The Badisches Staatsministerium as the highest state authority was established in 1817. It replaced the State Council, which was formed only in 1811, and which in turn emerged from the Ministerial Conference established in 1809. The State Ministry, to which the State and other ministers and other senior officials listened, served primarily to advise the sovereign and had no legislative or administrative powers of its own. From 1820 to 1825, the Ministry of State performed additional functions for the Ministry of Justice. In the years 1871 to 1893 the abolition of the Ministry of the Grand Ducal House and Foreign Affairs brought him a clear increase in competence, which at times made him a small specialist ministry himself. 1919 after the foundation of democracy the government elected by the Landtag according to the new Baden constitution of 21 March 1919 bore the name State Ministry. The documents of the Baden State Ministry cover a period from the emergence of the Grand Duchy at the beginning of the 19th century to the immediate post-war period; in individual cases it covers the margraviate of Baden in the Old Reich and the Electorate of Baden as well as the time of the emergence of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg. The tradition of the Baden State Ministry is indispensable for understanding the modern territorial state in the 19th century; it complements the holdings of the Baden Justice, Culture, Interior, Finance and War Ministries (holdings 234 to 138) and the Baden State Parliament (holdings 231 and 231a) in a select manner. Processing: The previous card index was retroconverted from 2013 to 2015 as part of a DFG project. Spelling and reading errors were corrected and terms and formulations modernised to make the title recordings easier to understand. Unclear or obviously incorrect signatures were corrected, duplications resolved and missing and incorrect running times added or improved in order to achieve better clarity of the holdings and simplify future searches. 1997-68 access was resolved and integrated into the holdings or the finding aid. Karlsruhe, December 2015Dr. Peter Exner

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 69 Baden, Sammlung 1995 D · Collection · 1800-1922
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Inventory history: "Saved for Baden" in 1995, a rare source genre in Germany, 923 so-called homage addresses, previously unknown evidence of the lively participation of the citizens of the country in the fortunes of their princely house, were saved from the New Castle Baden-Baden. They could be acquired as an almost closed collection; only a few were sold at auction in 1995 or were excluded from sale and remained in the possession of the margravial family. Most of the addresses date from the reign of Grand Duke Friedrich I (1852-1907). During this period of constitutional monarchy, the distance between the now mature subjects and their sovereign had decreased. Above all as representatives of cities, associations, professional associations, political, cultural and charitable institutions of the country or countries connected with Baden and even individually, they paid their respects to this and his wife Luise, born Princess of Prussia, especially for weddings, birthdays and other anniversaries of their house. Due to her extensive charitable activities and as the daughter of Emperor Wilhelm I, the Grand Duchess herself also received homages. The addresses of the military associations, which honour the Grand Duke in his capacity as the supreme commander of the country, are particularly numerous and magnificent, and the connection between the two houses of Baden and Prussia is reflected both in the artistic design of the addresses and in their texts. Thus, the Grand Duke's appreciation of his role as the father of the country can sometimes evoke themes from the history of the Reich, such as Baden's relationship with Prussia, the imperial unit whose patrons included the Grand Duke, colonialism or increasing militarism. A large number of the addresses united in this collection and their containers are elaborately designed and give an impression of the craftsmanship of the time, whereby the historicist style predominates. Among them are some works of the Karlsruhe professors for decorative painting at the school of arts and crafts, Hermann Götz and Karl Eyth; the portfolios are headed by the Durlach company of Eduard Scholl and his successor, and numerous old signatures bear witness to the fact that the addresses of homage also attracted attention among their recipients. They were inventoried several times and kept in the library or in the natural history cabinet. These earlier signatures are also noted in our repertory. Among the older ones are the handwritten signatures of the Hofbibliothek Karlsruhe on rhombus-shaped labels (inventory and holdings since 1995 in the Badische Landesbibliothek; our abbreviation: H). The handwritten or stamped signatures on rectangular labels can be traced back to later inventories since the 1880s by the gallery inspector Dr. Karl Kölitz (our abbreviation: K), Richter (our abbreviation: R) and probably Count Schweinitz as well as Albert Hartmann, Baden-Baden (our abbreviation: B). Lydia Filaus took over their input into the computer program Bismas. The remaining title recordings were made by Dr. Hansmartin Schwarzmaier and after preliminary work by Hiltburg Köckert the undersigned. Since the addresses are already cited in the literature with provisional signatures during the indexing, a concordance of these and the now valid signatures is added to the repertory. The current number sequence of the addresses corresponds to their storage according to formats in the magazine. Since the title entries of the addresses in the find book are structured according to their occasions, these numbers jump there. The 11 addresses remaining in the castle Salem were taken up with the designation Salem 1ff. in the repertory and described after slides taken in the new castle Baden-Baden 1995. Older "congratulations" for the margraves of Baden (18th century) can be found in the manuscript collection of the Großherzogliches Haus-Fideicommisses, others in the collection 69 Baden, collection 1995 G. Karlsruhe, March 2002Dr. Jutta Krimm-Beumann Conversion: The online finding aid for the present inventory is a result of the project "Conversion of old finding aid data" of the General State Archive Karlsruhe, which was carried out by Guido Fögler in 2006/2007. The project was supervised by Alexander Hoffmann and Hartmut Obst.Karlsruhe, in June 2007Dr. Martin Stingl

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 69 Baden, Sammlung 1995 F I · Collection
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Origin and tradition: The Grand Ducal photo collection from the reign of Frederick I and his wife Luise probably originated from gifts, orders and acquisitions (e.g. while travelling). It is not yet possible to say to what extent there was a real will to collect, but the collection was carefully preserved, partly noted in inventory lists and probably moved from Karlsruhe Castle to the New Palace in Baden-Baden in 1919. There, even after the death of Grand Duchess Luise, he occasionally grew. When the castle inventory of 1995 was dissolved, the State of Baden-Württemberg was able to acquire the entire photo collection for the General State Archives; a selection of family photos and some magnificent volumes remained the property of the House of Baden. He also owns an essential part of the photo collection of the last Grand Duke, Frederick II, who fortunately was not kept in the Freiburg Palais after 1919. Content: The medium of photography was highly valued and consciously used at the Baden court as a modern form of princely representation. The distribution of portrait series to the public can be reconstructed and the long reign of Frederick I enabled the presence of the "father of the country" or the "parents of the country", as can be found among the Hohenzollern, the Wittelsbachers or the Habsburgs. Documents from these photo commissions to the court photographers make up a not insignificant part of the collection. The proportion of gifts and souvenir pictures received after anniversaries, celebrations, manoeuvres, exhibitions, inaugurations, etc. is greater; the handing over of portraits of foreign visitors also belonged to this group, especially in the context of the summer stays in Baden-Baden. One of the most important gifts are probably the works with which photographers wanted to attract attention, acquire the title of court photographer or receive further commissions; in this way, works from the early days of photography came into the Grand Duke's possession: signed prints by Charles Clifford, the Upper Italian and Southwest German series by Jakob August Lorent in 60x80 format already admired at the time of their creation (Lorent also left to the Grand Duke a detailed description of his recording and development process) or, to name regionally effective photographers, photographs by Richard/Heidelberg, Tillman-Matter/Mannheim, Th. shoe man

General Adjutant (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 59 · Fonds · 1827-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Tradition and order: The General Adjutant's Office delivered older documents itself at the end of 1918, younger ones to the Margrave's Chancellery in Baden-Baden, from there to the Army Museum and in 1946 to the General State Archives. Since in 1909 no repository had been planned for the files of the General Adjutant's Office - with good reason, because it belonged to the "military state" of the Grand Duke, not actually to the court authorities - they were stored in 1918 in the files of the Haus- und Staatsarchiv following the Haus- und Hofsachen; in 1939 the inventory was given the number 59. Julius Kastner produced the present find book in 1964 on the basis of older card indexes. The basic lists and personnel reports about officers in Baden regiments 1858-1870 (59/618-639) and the list of names of the officers buried in the old cemetery in Karlsruhe 1870-1871 (59/404) were dispersed; both indexes are today in the thematic inventories of the General State Archive. In 2009, Kastner's search book was converted into an online search book with funds from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and then edited by Christoph Florian and Alfred Becher. Within the framework of the conversion, however, it was not possible to revise the unsatisfactory state of order. In the future, for example, confusing large categories such as "Rank and Quarter Lists, Personnel Changes, Basic Lists, Personnel Reports, Personnel Sheets", in which several series were mixed together, are to be diffused more clearly; the separation of series, which was caused by the common distinction between peacetime ("military matter") and wartime ("wartime matter"), also has a negative effect; the treatment of the meritorious, but very detailed indices of Julius Kastner remained problematic in the conversion to an online finding aid. For the collection in SCOPE archive the in-depth entries of Kastner were difficult, the result remained unsatisfactory; the indices must be worked on completely again. Since this was not possible within the scope of the finding aid conversion, only a Word version is available for the time being in the printed find book copies of the General State Archives; it was created by Christoph Florian from the typewritten template. Full text search is recommended for online searches. History and content: No written material seems to have survived from the older General Adjutant's Office in Baden, which was abolished in 1832. Grand Duke Leopold confined himself to hiring personal adjutants, some of whom - like Heinrich Krieg von Hochfelden - also had quite different non-military tasks to perform. In 1852 Frederick I, as Prince Regent in the restoration phase after the Revolution, re-established a General Adjutant's Office as the Prince Regent; it formed the link between the Grand Duke, as supreme warlord, and the Baden Army as well as the War Ministry, and after 1871 the XIV (Baden) Army Corps of the Prussian Army. Accordingly, questions of military personnel and contact with troops are at the heart of the tradition. However, since the General Adjutant's duties also included dealing with the military ceremony, the collection also provides information on the bestowal of orders, visits by emperors and princes, anniversaries, unveilings of monuments and other occasions of representation which had a major influence on the increasingly militarised everyday life of the empire. Karlsruhe, October 2009Konrad Krimm

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 48 · Fonds · 1539-1932
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Origin and editing: During the formation of the large selection stock "Haus- und Staatsarchiv" in the 1870s and 1880s, the group "Staatssachen" was formed as Section III. The editor Ludwig Dietz mainly assembled files from the Margravial Archives, the Foreign Ministry (Diplomatic Section), Secret Cabinets, the War Ministry, and the Baden Army Commandos, and, as an exception, from the conversion, it seemed advisable to intervene editorially in order to make the online finding aid more user-friendly and clearer, at least in wording and textual form, without being able to make a new indexing: The title recordings were streamlined and provided with an additional "Contains" note. Also, in the area of name and location details in particular, clarifications had to be made. The expressly mentioned provenance data were noted in the field "Final provenance". Content: The originally so-called "Secret State Archives" mainly comprise the main and state actions of the state of Baden. Foreign policy and the war and military affairs of the early modern period and the 19th century form a focal point here. In addition to the files on the German Confederation, particular attention should be paid to those on the acquisition of the state and the territorial and succession issue. Reference should also be made to the group of treaties. Transitions to stocks I. Personalia (46) and II. Household and farm objects (47) of the Haus- und Staatsarchiv, the Großherzogliches Familienarchiv, the Geheimer Kabinett (60), the Staatsministerium (233) and the Kriegsministerium (238) are fluid. Usage: The stock is microfilmed. Use only via microfilm. Literature: Hansmartin Schwarzmaier/Hiltburg Köckert, The holdings of the General State Archive Karlsruhe, Part 3, Haus- und Staatsarchiv sowie Hofbehörden (46-60), Stuttgart 1991, pp. 38-50.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 49 · Fonds · 1774-1933 (1944)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of the Baden embassies: Until 1871 Baden had maintained its own missions to the German Confederation, in Bavaria, Belgium, France, Hanover (until 1866), Hesse (Grand Duchy of Hesse), Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Prussia, Saxony, Switzerland and Württemberg, as well as numerous overseas consulates (8 in the USA alone). The same states were also represented in Baden. With Baden's entry into the German Reich, his foreign powers were transferred to it and all Baden embassies were dissolved; only the embassy in Berlin remained in existence until 1918 or 1945. The legations in Stuttgart and Munich were re-established in Munich in 1894 in personal union and functioned until 1919. Conversely, in Karlsruhe after 1871, there were still legations from Bavaria, Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain (chargés d'affaires), Prussia, Russia and Spain, albeit with smaller personnel and fewer competences. Furthermore, numerous consulates remained as before, most of which were based in Mannheim. Tradition: The files of the legations dissolved in 1871 were handed over by the State Ministry to the General State Archives in 1887 with the condition that they be kept as a whole, i.e. not to be torn apart. Friedrich von Weech therefore established a "Gesandtschaftsarchiv" at the Haus- und Staatsarchiv as its abbot IV in accordance with the provenance. In 1934, the files of the Baden legations in Berlin were submitted from 1884 and Munich from 1894 onwards, others followed until 1951. Development: In 1907-1909, the legation files submitted until then were recorded, renumbered after 1950 and copied by typewriter in 1966; in 2010, Ms Sigrun Gees produced an online version of them. Parallel holdings: holdings 48, here: Diplomatic correspondence (counter tradition of the Baden government), embassies, consulates, fonds 233, here: Legations, especially no. 34795-34836 (reports of the Baden legation in Berlin 1874-1933) and no. 34863-34871 (reports of the Baden legation in Munich and Stuttgart 1894-1919). Literature: Günther Haselier, Die Badenische Gesandtschaft in München, in: Archivalische Zeitschrift 73 (1977), p. 99-111; Hansmartin Schwarzmaier/Hiltburg Köckert, Die Bestände des Generallandesarchivs Karlsruhe, Teil 3, Haus- und Staatsarchiv sowie Hofbehörden (46-60), Stuttgart 1991, p. 51-56; Jürgen Schuhladen-Krämer, accredited in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Darmstadt ... Baden envoy between 1771 and 1945, Karlsruhe 2000.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 3127 · File · 1887-1895
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Disease and treatment of the crown prince and emperor Friedrich III. Darin: Dankbriefe [der Gattin?] Elisabeth von Winterfeld, née von Scholten, and [der Schwiegertochter?] Hanna von Winterfeld, née von Rotenhan, among others because of the admission of a son sick in southwest Africa to the Luisenheim in St. Blasien

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 69 Baden, Mainau · Fonds · 1729, 1818-1952, 1982
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of the possession of the island Mainau: After the abolition of the Kommende of the Teutonic Order on the island Mainau in 1805, the Kommenden possession first fell to the Baden state; today the Kommenden archive in the General State Archives consists mainly of the holdings 5 (documents Mainau) and 93 (files Mainau). After a rapid change of ownership - 1827 from Baden to Prince Nikolaus von Esterhazy, 1827 from his son Nikolaus Freiherr von Mainau to Katharina Gräfin Langenstein - Grand Duke Friedrich I of Baden bought the island from Langenstein¿schem in 1853 with funds from the private box and made the Teutonic Order palace a secondary residence. With advancing age, the stays of the Grand Duke and his wife Luise became increasingly frequent; the park owes its design largely to Frederick's initiative. In 1907 the Grand Duke of Mainau died. After her death in 1923, the widow's residence of the Grand Duchess was transferred to her son Frederick II, and from him to his sister Victoria, Queen of Sweden. In 1930, their grandson Lennart, now Count Bernadotte, took possession of the Mainau. History and notes on tradition: The Schlossarchiv, which was handed over to the General State Archives in 1997 as a deposit of Blumeninsel Mainau GmbH, depicts the history of possession and the court holdings of the Grand Ducal couple rather fragmentarily. Only the planned stock has survived as a closed overdelivery complex. After the death of Frederick I, Grand Duchess Luise decided that neither the castle nor the park could be altered in any way, so the plans provide a good overview of the conversion of the old Kommende buildings and the layout of the park from the Grand Ducal period to the Bernadotte era. Almost all the plans came from the architects of the Grand Ducal Court Building Office (Dyckerhoff, Hemberger, Amersbach), a few from the Court Garden Centre, from commissioned companies and from the Constance District Building Inspectorate. Outside the island, only the St. Katharina estate near Litzelstetten and a park bench near Constance are documented. The plans were recorded in detail by Ms. Kreyenberg before they were handed over to the General State Archives; her index continues to serve as a finding aid for the plan inventory, while the file part of the archive consists only of fragments. There are internal and external reasons for this. The changing courtly style between Karlsruhe, Baden-Baden, Badenweiler and Mainau may have brought with it a transport of written documents, which in all residences allowed half site-related, half accidentally left behind layers of files to emerge. In many respects, the Mainau holdings correspond almost perfectly to the files that have been kept in the General State Archives since 1995 from the tradition in the New Palace in Baden-Baden: Here and there the boundaries between the files of the court authorities, the daily ceremony and the personal, princely estate can hardly be drawn exactly, here and there correspondence and telegram series, diaries and notebooks, private entries and greeting addresses, documents of the wide-ranging charity work of Grand Duchess Luise and much more can be found. (cf. GLA 69 Baden, Collection 1995 A, B, D, F I, FII, G , K). In a nutshell, the Mainau collection - insofar as it does not directly refer to the Mainau court - microscopically depicts the Baden-Baden manor; both collections relate primarily to Grand Duchess Luise, and only in the second to her husband and children. As in Baden-Baden, the Mainau collection also includes a large group of photographs documenting, among other things, the close ties to relatives of the imperial family. Unlike in Baden-Baden, however, the fragmentary character of the Mainau archive also seems to be due to unintentional interventions. In the summer of 1945, the castle served as a military hospital for former concentration camp prisoners; during this time, they are said to have burned the archives, the bookkeeping and the more recent documentation of the island and to have taken documents with them when they were released in September (Alexander and Johanna Dées de Sterio, Die Mainau, Stuttgart / Zürich 1977 p.93). It will no longer be possible to reconstruct exactly what kind of archive this was; in any case, it must have been the written records of the goods administration which were taken over by the successors of the Teutonic Order and continued through the 19th century. Only fractions of files from this area have actually survived in today's inventory. Editor's report: Because of the difficult history of tradition, the order of the remaining holdings was not easy either. A separation according to personnel and court office conveniences would have made little sense and would also have been hardly possible in view of fragments that could hardly be allocated. Thus special occasions (such as birthdays and anniversaries) and special source genres (such as notebooks or telegrams) now form the highest order criteria, then the reference to persons or events and finally, within a unit of records, the chronological order; however, most of these units of records had to be formed first, since at the time the inventory was taken over any order of parts was not recognizable; as a rule they were loose, connected sheets.In August and September 1998, in the context of the training for the Higher Archive Service, the holdings were arranged by Claudia Maria Neesen and Christof Strauß under the guidance of the undersigned and recorded and indexed with the help of the MIDOSA programme package of the Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg. Karlsruhe, June 1999Konrad Krimm Conversion: The finding aid was converted in 2015. The final editing was carried out by Sara Diedrich in April 2016. The plans and building drawings were added under the inventory designation 69 Baden, Mainau K to the inventory 69 Baden, Mainau and listed under the signatures 69 Baden, Mainau K 1 to 69 Baden, Mainau K 209.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA · Fonds · 1686-1930
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Content and Evaluation Selected documents on the members of the Protestant line of the House of Baden since the late 17th century. Currently, the online inventory only provides information on Grand Duchess Luise and Prince Max of Baden. The documents relating to the other members of the House of Baden will be successively incorporated. The handwritten finding aids from the early 20th century can be consulted in the General State Archives.

Secret Cabinet (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 60 · Fonds · 1803-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Tradition and order: On 25 October 1848, the Grand Ducal Secret Cabinet commissioned the Ludwig Law Office of the General State Archives to organize the files in the cabinet's registry, whereby "those papers which are suitable for storage in the General State Archives or in the registries of the various ministries were to be handed over there". He found the files, which dated back to the first reign of Margrave Karl Friedrich, "in seven overcrowded boxes". Law Firm Councillor Ludwig divided the files into four main parts: a) files for the older and b) files for the current registry of the cabinet c) files for the Großh. Haus- und Familienarchiv d) files for the Großh. StaatsarchivIn the year 1860, these administrative tasks were completed and the files mentioned under c) and d) had already been submitted to the General State Archives in 1850. In the years 1879, 1881, 1882 and 1885 further deliveries took place. Insofar as these files were not incorporated into the family archives or assigned to the various holdings of the General State Archives, they were kept in a special cabinet. When the holdings of the General State Archives were divided into repositories in 1888, the files submitted by the Privy Cabinet received Repositur II, 2. Nevertheless, the previously practised division procedure was retained for the consignments of 1891, 1907 and 1908. With the abolition of the Privy Cabinet in 1919, almost all of the remaining registry was transferred to the General State Archives. The Badisches Ministerium des Auswärtigen retained only those files which it needed to continue the business of the Order Chancellery; these files are now held by the Staatsministerium 233. Individual inventories can be found partly in GLA 68/778 and partly in GLA 450/403 and 1200. This finding aid was created in 1964 on the basis of older card indexes. In 2009, it was converted into an online find book with funds from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and then edited by Christoph Florian and Alfred Becher. According to the requirements of Scope-Archiv, numerous collective title recordings in particular had to be resolved. However, the individual titles and the differentiation according to individual runtimes and deviations in content led in some cases to the creation of very extensive headings in which the chronological order is no longer clearly discernible. The further subdivision would have been consistent; as a fundamental intervention in order and category sequence, this could not be achieved within the framework of the search instrument conversion. The conversion to online finding aids remained problematic in the treatment of Julius Kastner's meritorious but very detailed indices. For the collection in SCOPE archive the in-depth entries of Kastner were difficult, the result remained unsatisfactory; the indices must be worked on completely again. Since this was not possible within the scope of the finding aid conversion, only a Word version is available for the time being in the printed find book copies of the General State Archives; it was created by Christoph Florian from the typewritten template. Full text search is recommended for online searches. History: A cabinet government in the proper sense, as it existed in Prussia, for example, hardly ever existed in Baden. The system of government of Margrave Karl Wilhelm, which could at best be described as a cabinet government, did not continue under his grandson. Margrave Karl Friedrich founded the Privy Cabinet in 1783, which formed only a committee from the Privy Council and was not comparable with the Prussian institution of the same name. Simultaneously with the abolition of the Privy Council College in 1808 and the division of the central administration into five ministerial departments, the Grand Duke determined: "Around Our Highest Person We Form a Cabinet Council" (Regierungsblatt 1808 p. 187). This Cabinet was one of the Supreme State Authorities and was assigned the following business area: 1. Processing of all letters addressed to the Grand Duke 2. All Systematica, establishing and prescribing the general constitutional and administrative and principles 3. All Family and House Affairs 4. All Court, Order and Civil Uniform Affairs 5. All Court and State Ceremonial 6. The Directorate of the General State Archives 7. Supervision and Management of the State Handbook to be published annually 8. The Affairs of the Art Institutions belonging to the Court (= Reg. Bl. 1808 S.193But already in the following year, as a result of the organizational edict of 26 November 1809, this "Cabinet Ministry" was abolished again as a special department. The "Cabinets Minister" remained "the organ through which the requests of the Ministries to Us and Our Resolution go to them" (= Reg. Bl. 1809 p. 397). On 21 September 1811 the Grand Duke appointed the State Councillors Brauer, Hofer and Wielandt as Secret Cabinet Councils, the Legation Council Ring as Secret Expedition Council and the Expeditor Weiß as Secret Cabinet Secretary (= Reg. Bl. 1811 p. 108). The "Geheimen Cabinets-Referate" (Secret Cabinets) thus created were abolished on 15 June 1817. For the objects to be processed in the Secret Cabinet a State Secretary was appointed, who at the same time became a member of the State Ministry and the State Council (= Reg. Bl. 1817 p.65). Thus the Secret Cabinet lost its central importance, which had been intended in 1808, early on; what remained was the role of a secretariat for the personal government actions of the sovereign. Towards the middle of the 19th century the Secret Cabinet consisted of a board of directors, a registrar and a chancellor's list. After a separate Court Secretariat had been set up on 24 May 1854 to deal with the Court's administrative affairs (= Reg. Bl. 1854 p. 256), the Privy Cabinet processed: 1. all ideas, complaints, petitions and other submissions directly addressed to the Grand Duke, insofar as they did not belong to the business circles of the Court's offices and were not purely matters of support; 2. the Court's administrative office was set up on 24 May 1854 (= Reg. Bl. 1854 p. 256); 3. the Court's administrative office was set up on 24 May 1854; 3. the Court's administrative office was set up on 24 May 1854 (= Reg. Bl. 1854 p. 256); 3. the Court's administrative office was set up on 24 May 1854. Execution of highest orders in matters of state administration; 3. appointment to upper court and court batches; 4. drafting of highest hand letters; 5. affairs of the order secretariat. On 14 April 1919 the ministry of state ordered the abolition of the secret cabinet. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (= Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt 1919 p. 245) was responsible for handling the business of the Order's Chancellery. Content: Although the holdings cover almost all areas of politics, economics, culture, confessions, court and military, they often contain a richer and more complete tradition that can be found in the respective specialist authorities. Because of the many pencil-written concepts of Grand Duke Friedrich I he nevertheless occupies a central place among the court documents. Since the applications for immediate assistance are mostly requests for support, gifts, addresses, etc., numerous artists, writers and associations are represented here.Julius Kastner 1964 / Hansmartin Schwarzmaier 1991Konrad Krimm 2009

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 507 · Fonds · 1933-1945 (-1981)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: After the National Socialists seized power, special courts were added to the existing criminal courts on the basis of the decree of the Reich government of 21 March 1933 (RGBl. I p. 136). The legal basis for this was Chapter II of Part Six of the 3rd Ordinance of the Reich President of 6 October 1931 on Securing the Economy and Finance and Combating Political Violence (RGBl. I p. 565). The special courts were formed for the Higher Regional Court districts and were composed of a chairman and two assessors. The special court rulings were not subject to appeal. By decree of 27 March 1933 on the formation of special courts (Bad. Justizministerialblatt Nr. 6 vom 28.3.1933, p. 47), Mannheim was designated as the seat of the special court for the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court district. The public prosecutor's office at the Mannheim Regional Court was the prosecuting authority. The registry of the Mannheim Regional Court was also the registry of the Special Court. The allocation of business to the Special Court was made by the President of the Long Court. With effect from 1 November 1940, a separate special court was formed at the Freiburg Regional Court for the districts of Freiburg, Constance, Offenburg and Waldshut. The jurisdiction of the special courts was generally governed by the following provisions:1. § 8 of the Law against Betrayal of the German National Economy of 12.6.1933 (RGBl. I p. 360);2nd Ordinance of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State of 28.2.1933 (RGBl. I p. 83);3rd Ordinance of the Reich President for the Defence against Insidious Attacks against the Government of the National Survey of 21.3.1933 (RGBl. I p. 135);4. law against insidious attacks on state and party and for the protection of party uniforms of 20.12.1934 (RGBl. I p. 1269);5. law for the guarantee of the right peace of 13.10.1933 (RGBl. I p. 723);6. law for the protection of the party uniforms of 13.10.1933 (RGBl. I p. 723);6. law for the protection of the party uniforms of 20.12.1934 (RGBl. I p. 1269) 134 b Reichsstrafgesetzbuch according to the ordinance of the Reich government of 24.9.1935 (RGBl. I p. 136);7. § 134 a Reichsstrafgesetzbuch according to the ordinance of the Reich government of 5.2.1936 (RGBl. I p. 97);8. ordinance of 20.11.1938 (RGBl. I p. 1632) for crimes that belonged to the jurisdiction of the jury court or a lower court if immediate conviction appeared necessary;9th Ordinance on Extraordinary Broadcasting Measures of 1.9.1939 (RGBl. I p. 1683);10. § 1 of the War Economy Ordinance of 4.9.1939 (RGBl. I p. 1609);11. § 1 of the Ordinance Against Popular Pests of 5.9.1939 (RGBl. I p. 1679);12. §§ 1, 2 of the Ordinance Against Violent Criminals of 5.12.1939 (RGBl. I p. 2378);13. § 239 a Reichsstrafgesetzbuch;14. Law against road theft by means of car traps of 22.6.1938 (RGBl. I p. 651);15. § 5 of the War Special Criminal Law Ordinance of 17.8.1938 (RGBl. I p. 1455): according to decree of the Reich Ministry of Justice of 27.5.In 1940, after the jurisdiction of the Wehrmacht courts to convict civilians for criminal offences under § 5 of the War Special Criminal Law Ordinance had been transferred to the general courts, the prosecuting authorities were instructed to bring charges before the Special Court in all significant cases.16Furthermore, charges could be brought before the Special Court for violations of the Act Implementing the Four-Year Plan of 29 October 1936 and of the Ordinance on Penalties and Criminal Proceedings for Violations of Price Regulations of 3 June 1939. History: The establishment of the special court in Mannheim as a department of the regional court there was not without difficulties. The frequent change of court referees had an effect on the conduct of official business. This had a negative effect not least on file management. The office was located in Heidelberg during the war. The court partially met in Karlsruhe. As a result of the district events, the special court files were partially destroyed. Many files were sent to other judicial authorities at the end of the war. During the occupation of the court building in Heidelberg in the spring of 1945, the files of the special court registry were thrown into the cellar, all lacings were loosened and so disordered that the context of the individual case-related documents no longer existed. Some of the files were outsourced by the occupying power in various places. In the summer of 1948, the written material was successively returned to the public prosecutor's office at the Mannheim Regional Court and, from 1976 onwards, several partial deliveries were made to the General State Archives. Order and distortion: The present collection is divided into two main parts. The first part lists the procedural and investigative files. From the years 1933 and 1934, only the reference files of the trial files have survived; of the investigation files, with a few exceptions, the years 1933 to 1935 are completely missing. Since, however, the process and investigation registers recorded in the second part of the finding aid have been preserved, at least the activity of the court can be reconstructed. The entries in the register are shown in a selection in this finding aid (cases for which no files are available). 1976 Mr. Wilhelm Steinbach began with the title entries. The completion or revision was carried out by the undersigned.Karlsruhe, in January 1993Manfred Hennhöfer[slightly revised version of the preface from 1993] Conversion: In 2015, the indexing data were converted to fonds 507 and processed into the available online finding aids. For technical reasons, the structure of the data and the structure of the data records had to be changed. However, the content of the indexing information was retained in its entirety. Alexander Hoffmann was responsible for the conversion and data import, while Dorota Wendler and the undersigned, Karlsruhe, were responsible for editorial work related to the import. In February 2016, Dr. Martin Stingl, published references to the literature: Hans Wüllenweber: Special dishes in the Third Reich. Forgotten crimes of justice. Frankfurt a.M. 1990.Christiane Oehler: The jurisdiction of the special court Mannheim 1933¿1945. Berlin 1997.Homepage of the Arbeitskreis Justiz Mannheim e.V.: .