Affichage de 4 résultats

Description archivistique
Compendium on Military Law, Berlin 1911
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 153 Nr. 4 · Dossier · 1911
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

In it: I. Military penal code of 01.12.1898 Ia. Ordinance concerning the criminal proceedings against military personnel of the Imperial Protection Forces of 02.11.1909 Ib. Rules relating to the fees of witnesses and experts of 30.06.1878, as published in the notice of 20.05.1898 Ic. Law concerning voluntary jurisdiction and other legal matters in Army and Navy of 28.05.1901 II. Military Criminal Code for the German Reich of 20.06.1872 IIa. Most highest order, concerning the class division of the military officials of the Reichsheeres and the navy of 01.08.1908 III. war article for the army of 22.09.1902 IV. Supreme Ordinance on Disciplinary Penalties for the Army of 31.10.1872 V. Complaint regulations I of 30.03.1895, II of 14.06.1894 VI. Allerhöchste Regulation about the honorary courts of the officers in the Prussian Herre of 09.04.1901, new impression 1910 VIa. The highest decree about the honorary courts of the medical officers in the Prussian Herre from 09.04.1901, new impression 1910 VIb. Most High Decree on the Honorary Courts of the Officers of the Command of the Schutztruppen in the Reichs-Kolonialamt and the Kaiserliche Schutztruppen of 15.06.1897, reprint 1910 VIc. Most High Ordinance on the Honorary Courts of the Medical Officers of the Command of the Schutztruppen im Reichs-Kolonialamt and of the Kaiserliche Schutztruppen of 07.11.1901, New Impression 1910 VII. Criminal Code for the German Reich of 15.05.1871

Seal collection Kretzdorn
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, U Sphragistik 3 Nr. 1 · Dossier
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Sheet 2: 1.) High Court Councillor Schnikel, Mannheim. 2) from Reinach, Landsberg/Niedermais. 3.) Bonol Schauenstein. 4) from Rinckh, Freiburg. 5.) Mjr. Siegel. 6) by Stoecklern, Freiburg. 7.) Anger to Bulach, Oßhausen/Elsass. 8.) Major von Weissenstein. 9.) Fretter. 10.) from Freistett. 11.) Hilpert. 12.) Hector von Stoecklern. 13) from Haber, Karlsruhe/Oberkirch. 14.) Gloker. 15.) Captain Fuchs. 16.) Alyr. 17.) Colonel. 18.) Flaw. Sheet 3: 19.) Kylio. 20.) by Arnold. 21.) de Hell. 22.) by Blorai. 23.) Ritz. 24.) Wanner. 25.) Dr. Maier. 26.) Prince of Loevenstein. 27.) from Lylia. 28.) Traiteur. 29.) Blorai. 30.) by Rubt. 31.) Cleaner. 32.) Rottberg. 236.) Reinach von Landenberg. 237.) de Bigorie, Prime Minister. 238.) by Rink. 33.-44.) without designation. Sheet 4: 45.-53.) without description. Sheet 5: 54.) by Dryk. 55.) without designation. 56.) Schulpi von Bruck. 57.) from Lylia. 58.) Abbot Sebastian von Weingarten. 59.) General von Wollzogen. 60.) Gregory of Rottberg. 61st) of Freistett. 62.) Gerster. 63.) by Setenek. 64.) from Rudt. 65.) Mockler. Sheet 6: 66.) Hochberg. 67.) Taenefels. 68.) Baron von Doler. 69.) Sprenger. 70.-73.) Rottberg. 74.) Schwedi. 75.) Mulheus, Frankfurt. 76.) Major von Weissenstein. 77.) Hochberg. 78.) Schauenburg. 79.) Lorleys. 80.) Rottberg. 81.) by Löve. Sheet 7: 82.) Zollwengern. 83.) Oettingen. 84.) from Castel, Constance. 85.) Bustle. 86.) Wundt. 87.) by Stoekler. 88.) by Schwytz. 89.) by Schauenburg. 90.) Haber. 91.) Waigel. 92.) Alyr. 93.) City priest Hank, Ehingen/Neckar, 1807. 94.) Srikel. 95.) Stempf. 96.) by Schmid. 97.) Grand Duchess Stephanie of Baden. Sheet 8: 98.) Chief Bailiff Haegelin, 1804. 99.) Srikel. 100.) Dr. Mayer. 101.) from Rudt. 102.) from Baumbach. 103.) Dr Brunn, 1786. 104.) from Horgen. 105.) Baron von Ow. 106.) Bergrat Bouginé. 107.) Rennert. 108.) Captain Ludwig. 109.) from Enzberg. 110./111.) Count von Leiningen. 112.) Reichlinn and Schilling. 113.) Count von Waldburg-Zeil. Sheet 9: 114.) Emperor of Brazil? 115.) Schlossmann von Luzern. 116.) van Dyk. 117.) War. 118.) Schoch. 119.) Gaes. 120.) Heil. 121.) from Enzberg. 122.) Seal. 123.) Count von Wolfingen, 1727. 124.) More from the mountain, Freiburg. 125.) from Thurn. 126.) Colonel von Eichroth. 127.) Kaufmann Gaesser. 128.) Baron Wingfeld. 129.) from Anvern. 130.) Virdune. 131.) from Rudt. 132.) Thurmwalgen. 133.) Israel Bachmann, 1799. 134.) by Stöklern. 135.) von Goeler. Sheet 10: 136.) Obervogt Schellenberg, 1771. 137.) Dr. med. Schanier, Freiburg. 138.) from Weiler. 139.) Joeller. 140.) Larosch. 141.) from helmet. 142.) Dean Hopp. 143.) Buzz. 144.) by Seltenek. 145.) from Loewenstein. 146.) Renner. 147.) from Loewenstein. 148.) by Rudt. 149.) Lyoder. 150.) by Hermann. 151.) Tagroid. 152.) Reichlin and tower. 153.) Gentner. 154.) from Dora. 155.) Frank Zoetter, Gerchheim. Sheet 11: 156.) by Goessler. 157.) Hype of Heilersheim, 1800. 158.) of Leine. 159.) Mohr. 160.) Jacob Handmann. 161.) Schoch. 162.) without designation, 1801. 163.) Baron de Speth. N.) Habunt. Sheet 12: Family von Reinach, Landsberg 164.) A. von Reinach and Kageneck. 165.) Joseph Benedikt von Reinach. 166.) A. von Reinach, Landenberg. 167.) from Reinach. Sheet 13: blank Sheet 14: 168-184.) without description. Sheet 15: 185-204.) without designation. Sheet 16: 205.-227.) without designation. Sheet 17: 228 - 235.) without designation. Sheet 18: Two seals without number. Sheet 19: - Baden IV Infantry Regiment of Stockhorn. - Baden Division Command of the Infantry. - Bavarian Fortress Construction Directorate Germersheim. - Austrian General Command, Brno. - Bavarian Division. - Baden Division. - Arms factory P. Kneri, Solingen. - Prussian General Command, Glatz. - Prussian Artillery Regiment, Meissen. - Badische Kommandantschaft, Kehl Sheet 20: - Badisches Infanterieregiment Markgraf Maximilian. - Baden Infantry Regiment Hereditary Prince. - Count W. von Hochberg, regimental quartermaster's office. - Prussian Provision Office, Mainz. - Baden Cavalry Brigade. - Badische Revueinspektion. - Rastatt Command. - First Dragoon Regiment Freistett. - Offenburg citizen militia. - Baden Line Infantry Regiment of Stockhorn. - Prussian artillery depot, Glogau. - Württemberg War Department. Sheet 21: - Prussian artillery depot, Luxembourg. - Arms factory from Knecht, Solingen. - Baden military magazine. - Hessian War Ministry - Section 1 - City Command Mannheim. Sheet 22: - Baden Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - Württemberg Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - Baden Ministry of Finance. - Princely Meiningen State Ministry. - Badische Bundestagsgesandtschaft, Berlin. - Badische Gesandtschaft, Vienna. Sheet 23: - Prussian legation, Karlsruhe. - Baden Legation, Berlin. - Maison de l'empereur - Chambellan de Service. Sheet 24: - Grand Duke Leopold of Baden (3 seals). - Swiss Confederation, 1815. - England. - Canton of St. Gallen. Sheet 25: - Préfecture du Bas Rhin - Cabinet du Préfet. - Préfecture de Schlettstadt. - Karlsruhe. - Buchholz. - Jerusalem. Sheet 26: - Großherzoglich-Hessische Generalpostdirektion. - Princely Thurn and Taxis General Post Office. - Electoral Hessian General Postal Directorate. - Prussian General Postal Directorate. - Prussian General Post Office. - Prussian Oberpostkasse, Berlin. - Badisches Postamt Wiesenbach. - Directorate of Maindampfschifffahrt, Würzburg. - Schaffhausen Post Office. Sheet 27: - Main cash desk of the Bavarian Ludwigsbahn. - Expedition of the Kl. Zeitung, Freiburg. - Austrian State Railway. - University of Freiburg - Versorgungsanstalt, Freiburg. - Academy Freiburg. Sheet 28: - Notary G. Becker, Molsheim. - another notary seal. Sheet 29: - Prussian Higher Administrative Court. - Royal Consistory of the Rhine Province. - R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t - Command of the Schutztruppen. - Local Court Stassfurt. - Domgymnasium Merseburg. - Saxon seal. Sheet 30: Envelope with two Hungarian seals. Sheet 31: four unmarked seals. Sheet 32: three unmarked seals. Sheet 33: Notes.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 5565 · Dossier · 1918
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains mainly: Correct. Drafts, speech text, newspaper clippings Darin: Note on [Hans von] Haeftens Information of the Federal Council on military defeats August/September 1918

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 6510 · Dossier · 1917
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The Two Ways to Germany's Defeat and the Only Way to Germany's Victory Darin: Letter from Hans Sachs [Reichskolonialamt], perhaps to Wilhelm Solf, on Parties in the Reichstag and Chancellor Change (before July 1917?)