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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 462 Zugang 1994-38 · Bestand · 1891-1990
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of authorities and traditions: On the basis of the social legislation of the Reich, an "Insurance Institution for Invalidity and Old Age Insurance" was founded in Karlsruhe on 2 June 1890 for the Grand Duchy of Baden, which shortly afterwards received the name "Landesversicherungsanstalt Baden". Until its move to the Beiertheimer Feld, it had its headquarters in the specially erected administrative building Kaiserallee 8 (today owned by the city administration). With up to 8 of its own sanatoriums and supervision of the insurance offices (at the district offices) and higher insurance offices (Constance, Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Mannheim), the LVA became one of the most important control and monitoring bodies in the field of medical care and social insurance. During the 2nd World War the LVA was also responsible for occupied Alsace. On 1 January 2005, it was merged with the LVA Württemberg to form the LVA Baden-Württemberg with its registered office in Karlsruhe. The former Landesversicherungsamt Baden, which had already been established in 1888 as an appeal authority for controversial health insurance issues and was dissolved in 1936, is to be distinguished from the Landesversicherungsanstalt; the competences were transferred to the higher insurance offices and the social courts respectively. In the General State Archives, however, the files of these two different provenances were given the common stock signature 462. The files of the Landesversicherungsamt therefore now form the basic stock 462 and the access 1980-50 (both previously inventoried in a paper repertory), while the administrative files of the Landesversicherungsanstalt are to be found only in the present access 1994-38. In addition to personnel files and files on the Hirschlanden sanatorium (access 1992-50), all other accesses mainly consist of exemplary archived individual case files of the Landesversicherungsanstalt. Inventory history: The access was evaluated in 1994 by archive officers under the guidance of Dr. Jürgen Treffeisen and recorded by volunteers under the guidance of Dr. Peter Rückert. It reflects almost the entire administrative action of an institution under public law, both internally and externally. However, the tradition only begins densely after the First World War; for the period before that, the multiple parallel tradition of the State Insurance Office can be used in some cases. The final editing was done by the undersigned. The access includes 551 fascicles in 10 running meters. The longest blocking period runs until 2045.Karlsruhe, August 2005Konrad Krimm

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 69 Bad. Schwesternschaft Nr. 951 · Akt(e) · 1. Jan. - 15. Dez. 1905
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Volume contains alphabetical table of contents Also contains: Report on the work of the Badischer Frauenverein in Deutsch-Südwestafrika (special print from No. 9 of the XXVIII. and No. 4 of the XIX. year of the Badischer Frauenverein; special pages No. 3 and 5 of the Mitteilungen des Gesamtvorstands des Badischen Landesvereins vom Roten Kreuz); report from the meeting of the tuberculosis committees in Karlsruhe (Supplements to No. 14 and 15 of the XIX volume of the Badischer Frauenvereins); report from the meeting of the tuberculosis committees of the sea region in Konstanz (Supplements to No. 21 and 22 of the XIX volume of the Badischer Frauenvereins); report from the VI Congress of the Badischer Frauenvereins). Landes-Tuberkuloseversammlung des Badischen Frauenvereins (Supplements to No. 23 and 24 of the XIXth year of the Badischer Frauenverein)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, F-S Wochenschau · Bestand · 1917-1918
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Tradition: Donation by Mrs. Maria Fink from Ettlingen to the General State Archive Karlsruhe in 2014. Adaptation: The collection comprises 255 propaganda photographs from the years 1917 and 1918, probably from the Bild- und Filmamt (Bufa), which was founded by the Supreme Army Command at the beginning of 1917. The undated photos were arranged in chronological order according to the photo and serial numbers as well as the image content. The exact chronological classification is difficult because it is often unclear in which context the picture was created and exactly when it was presented to the public. The pictures were probably used in the context of a "newsreel" or a "documentary film" as a poster photo. For the use of the cinematograph see also picture no. 10. Content: The German military successes of the years 1917 and 1918 occupy special space: the breakthrough in Eastern Galicia, the 12th Battle of Isonzo, the peace negotiations in Brest-Litowsk and the spring offensive in 1918 in the West (Operation Michael). Also spectacular individual acts like the return of the auxiliary cruiser "Wolf" to Kiel in February 1918 are mentioned. A personnel focus is placed on reporting on the emperor as well as Hindenburg and Ludendorff. In addition to pictures of the economic efforts on the home front, ethnologically seeming depictions of the Balkans, Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia, but also of the lost German colonies, appear. There are also calls for the drawing of the 8th and 9th War Bonds. Grand Duke Friedrich II of Baden appears at the welcoming of exchange prisoners in Constance (no. 196), Prince Max of Baden on the occasion of his appointment as Reich Chancellor in October 1918 (no. 255).

Seal collection Kretzdorn
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, U Sphragistik 3 Nr. 1 · Akt(e)
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Sheet 2: 1.) High Court Councillor Schnikel, Mannheim. 2) from Reinach, Landsberg/Niedermais. 3.) Bonol Schauenstein. 4) from Rinckh, Freiburg. 5.) Mjr. Siegel. 6) by Stoecklern, Freiburg. 7.) Anger to Bulach, Oßhausen/Elsass. 8.) Major von Weissenstein. 9.) Fretter. 10.) from Freistett. 11.) Hilpert. 12.) Hector von Stoecklern. 13) from Haber, Karlsruhe/Oberkirch. 14.) Gloker. 15.) Captain Fuchs. 16.) Alyr. 17.) Colonel. 18.) Flaw. Sheet 3: 19.) Kylio. 20.) by Arnold. 21.) de Hell. 22.) by Blorai. 23.) Ritz. 24.) Wanner. 25.) Dr. Maier. 26.) Prince of Loevenstein. 27.) from Lylia. 28.) Traiteur. 29.) Blorai. 30.) by Rubt. 31.) Cleaner. 32.) Rottberg. 236.) Reinach von Landenberg. 237.) de Bigorie, Prime Minister. 238.) by Rink. 33.-44.) without designation. Sheet 4: 45.-53.) without description. Sheet 5: 54.) by Dryk. 55.) without designation. 56.) Schulpi von Bruck. 57.) from Lylia. 58.) Abbot Sebastian von Weingarten. 59.) General von Wollzogen. 60.) Gregory of Rottberg. 61st) of Freistett. 62.) Gerster. 63.) by Setenek. 64.) from Rudt. 65.) Mockler. Sheet 6: 66.) Hochberg. 67.) Taenefels. 68.) Baron von Doler. 69.) Sprenger. 70.-73.) Rottberg. 74.) Schwedi. 75.) Mulheus, Frankfurt. 76.) Major von Weissenstein. 77.) Hochberg. 78.) Schauenburg. 79.) Lorleys. 80.) Rottberg. 81.) by Löve. Sheet 7: 82.) Zollwengern. 83.) Oettingen. 84.) from Castel, Constance. 85.) Bustle. 86.) Wundt. 87.) by Stoekler. 88.) by Schwytz. 89.) by Schauenburg. 90.) Haber. 91.) Waigel. 92.) Alyr. 93.) City priest Hank, Ehingen/Neckar, 1807. 94.) Srikel. 95.) Stempf. 96.) by Schmid. 97.) Grand Duchess Stephanie of Baden. Sheet 8: 98.) Chief Bailiff Haegelin, 1804. 99.) Srikel. 100.) Dr. Mayer. 101.) from Rudt. 102.) from Baumbach. 103.) Dr Brunn, 1786. 104.) from Horgen. 105.) Baron von Ow. 106.) Bergrat Bouginé. 107.) Rennert. 108.) Captain Ludwig. 109.) from Enzberg. 110./111.) Count von Leiningen. 112.) Reichlinn and Schilling. 113.) Count von Waldburg-Zeil. Sheet 9: 114.) Emperor of Brazil? 115.) Schlossmann von Luzern. 116.) van Dyk. 117.) War. 118.) Schoch. 119.) Gaes. 120.) Heil. 121.) from Enzberg. 122.) Seal. 123.) Count von Wolfingen, 1727. 124.) More from the mountain, Freiburg. 125.) from Thurn. 126.) Colonel von Eichroth. 127.) Kaufmann Gaesser. 128.) Baron Wingfeld. 129.) from Anvern. 130.) Virdune. 131.) from Rudt. 132.) Thurmwalgen. 133.) Israel Bachmann, 1799. 134.) by Stöklern. 135.) von Goeler. Sheet 10: 136.) Obervogt Schellenberg, 1771. 137.) Dr. med. Schanier, Freiburg. 138.) from Weiler. 139.) Joeller. 140.) Larosch. 141.) from helmet. 142.) Dean Hopp. 143.) Buzz. 144.) by Seltenek. 145.) from Loewenstein. 146.) Renner. 147.) from Loewenstein. 148.) by Rudt. 149.) Lyoder. 150.) by Hermann. 151.) Tagroid. 152.) Reichlin and tower. 153.) Gentner. 154.) from Dora. 155.) Frank Zoetter, Gerchheim. Sheet 11: 156.) by Goessler. 157.) Hype of Heilersheim, 1800. 158.) of Leine. 159.) Mohr. 160.) Jacob Handmann. 161.) Schoch. 162.) without designation, 1801. 163.) Baron de Speth. N.) Habunt. Sheet 12: Family von Reinach, Landsberg 164.) A. von Reinach and Kageneck. 165.) Joseph Benedikt von Reinach. 166.) A. von Reinach, Landenberg. 167.) from Reinach. Sheet 13: blank Sheet 14: 168-184.) without description. Sheet 15: 185-204.) without designation. Sheet 16: 205.-227.) without designation. Sheet 17: 228 - 235.) without designation. Sheet 18: Two seals without number. Sheet 19: - Baden IV Infantry Regiment of Stockhorn. - Baden Division Command of the Infantry. - Bavarian Fortress Construction Directorate Germersheim. - Austrian General Command, Brno. - Bavarian Division. - Baden Division. - Arms factory P. Kneri, Solingen. - Prussian General Command, Glatz. - Prussian Artillery Regiment, Meissen. - Badische Kommandantschaft, Kehl Sheet 20: - Badisches Infanterieregiment Markgraf Maximilian. - Baden Infantry Regiment Hereditary Prince. - Count W. von Hochberg, regimental quartermaster's office. - Prussian Provision Office, Mainz. - Baden Cavalry Brigade. - Badische Revueinspektion. - Rastatt Command. - First Dragoon Regiment Freistett. - Offenburg citizen militia. - Baden Line Infantry Regiment of Stockhorn. - Prussian artillery depot, Glogau. - Württemberg War Department. Sheet 21: - Prussian artillery depot, Luxembourg. - Arms factory from Knecht, Solingen. - Baden military magazine. - Hessian War Ministry - Section 1 - City Command Mannheim. Sheet 22: - Baden Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - Württemberg Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - Baden Ministry of Finance. - Princely Meiningen State Ministry. - Badische Bundestagsgesandtschaft, Berlin. - Badische Gesandtschaft, Vienna. Sheet 23: - Prussian legation, Karlsruhe. - Baden Legation, Berlin. - Maison de l'empereur - Chambellan de Service. Sheet 24: - Grand Duke Leopold of Baden (3 seals). - Swiss Confederation, 1815. - England. - Canton of St. Gallen. Sheet 25: - Préfecture du Bas Rhin - Cabinet du Préfet. - Préfecture de Schlettstadt. - Karlsruhe. - Buchholz. - Jerusalem. Sheet 26: - Großherzoglich-Hessische Generalpostdirektion. - Princely Thurn and Taxis General Post Office. - Electoral Hessian General Postal Directorate. - Prussian General Postal Directorate. - Prussian General Post Office. - Prussian Oberpostkasse, Berlin. - Badisches Postamt Wiesenbach. - Directorate of Maindampfschifffahrt, Würzburg. - Schaffhausen Post Office. Sheet 27: - Main cash desk of the Bavarian Ludwigsbahn. - Expedition of the Kl. Zeitung, Freiburg. - Austrian State Railway. - University of Freiburg - Versorgungsanstalt, Freiburg. - Academy Freiburg. Sheet 28: - Notary G. Becker, Molsheim. - another notary seal. Sheet 29: - Prussian Higher Administrative Court. - Royal Consistory of the Rhine Province. - R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t - Command of the Schutztruppen. - Local Court Stassfurt. - Domgymnasium Merseburg. - Saxon seal. Sheet 30: Envelope with two Hungarian seals. Sheet 31: four unmarked seals. Sheet 32: three unmarked seals. Sheet 33: Notes.