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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, PL 502/9 · Sammlung · 1930-1945
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The district Esslingen of the NSDAP comprised the upper office and/or the district Esslingen in its respective extent. Eugen Hund, a commercial employee, acted as district leader from 1933 to 1943 and Eugen Wahler, a senior teacher and district leader in Nürtingen from 1943 to 1945, acted as district leader from 1933 to 1943. the records of the district leadership have been preserved only to a small extent, after the mass of the files had presumably been destroyed in accordance with the general order immediately before the invasion of the allied troops. The military government and the Spruchkammer in Esslingen then compiled the documents still available, mixed with those from numerous other sources, in rudimentary form according to personal subject, in order to obtain suitable examination material for denazification in this way. A smaller part of this was also formally integrated into the newly formed fascicles of the arithmetic chamber, while the larger part remained separate. This latter document arrived in the archives with the tradition of the Spruchkammer and - in a few individual pieces - of the military government and was formed here in 1974/75 according to the content assumed to be predominantly "NSDAP-Kreisleitung Esslingen" under the signature PL 502/9.After a protracted splitting into the provenances listed below, the remaining documents of the district administration were recorded in November 1988 and, since it was not possible to determine the order plans from the time of origin, they were arranged according to the scheme developed for the holdings of the NSDAP district administration in Ulm. In view of the decidedly accidental preservation of individual documents, the activities of the district management can only in a few cases be deduced from the holdings. It now comprises 66 tufts in 0.5 metres of shelving. Further material of the same provenance can, as indicated, be presumed to have been found in individual cases before the Spruchkammer. For the directly personal archive records, the restrictions on use specified in the State Archives Act must be observed until about 2015, i.e. 90 years after the birth of the younger NSDAP members.Ludwigsburg, December 1988 (signed Dr. Cordes) Outsourced foreign provenances: Ministerial Department for Secondary Schools, Personnel IndexMinisterial Department for Elementary Schools, Personnel IndexMinisterial Department for Vocational Schools, Personnel Index [Landespolizeidirektion]Oberamt/Landratsamt EsslingenAmtsoberamt StuttgartLandesarbeitsamtReichsarbeitsdienst Arbeitsgauleitung Nr. 26Reichsbahndirektion StuttgartReichsluftschutzbund Landesgruppe Württemberg-BadenReichsnährstand Landesbauernschaft WürttembergViehwirtschaftsverband WürttembergReichsstand des Deutschen Handwerks LandeshandwerksmeisterWürttemberg und HohenzhollernStadt Esslingen am NeckarGemeinden des Landkreises EsslingenNSDAP-Gauleitung Württemberg-HohenzollernNSDAP-Ortsgruppen des Kreis EsslingenSA-Gruppe SüdwestSA-Standarte 51SA-Standarte 121 und StürmeSA-Standarte R 121 und StürmeSA-Standarte 123 und StürmeSA-Standarte R 123SA-Standard 247 and StürmeSA-Reiter-Standarte 55 and StürmeSS-Standarte 63SS-Standarte 769NSFK-Gruppe 15NSFK-Standarte 101NSFK-Motorsturm M 55HJ-Gebiet 20HJ-Bann 365NS-Frauenschaft-Gaukassenverwaltung Württemberg-HohenzollernNS-StudentenbundDAF-Gauverwaltung Württemberg-HohenzollernDAF district administration EsslingenDAF court of honour and disciplinary court Gau Württemberg-HohenzollernKdF-Gaudienststelle WürttembergNS-Altherrenbund der Deutschen StudentenReichskolonialbund Gauverband Württemberg-HohenzollernAmerican military government in Esslingen

NSDAP district court Stuttgart (existing)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, PL 503/29 · Bestand · 1934-1942
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Content and Assessment The courts of the NSDAP functioned as mechanisms for maintaining party discipline, overcoming internal party conflicts, and purifying the party of racially and politically undesirable and insubordinate members. They emerged from the investigative and conciliation committees (Uschlas) of the "fighting period" and were independent of the ordinary courts, whose procedural structure, however, they followed. In the party hierarchy, they were adapted and assigned to the political organization in the form of local, district and district courts. The documents of the NSDAP district court in Stuttgart, captured by the US military, were transferred to the Ludwigsburg State Archives after the political cleansing had been completed. There it received the signature PL 503/29.