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Estate of Adolf ten Hompel (continued existence)
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, A 511 · Bestand · 1887-1940
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)

About the person: Adolf ten Hompel *15.6.1874 in Recklinghausen, 5.12.1943; brother of the centre politician Rudolf ten Hompel; parents: August ten Hompel and Henriette Wicking (Wicking-Zementwerke!). Education at the Humanistische Gymnasium Recklinghausen, Universities of Freiburg, Würzburg, Berlin, Göttingen; Dr. jur.; lawyer and notary in Münster; married to Maria Strunk, children: Adolf, Maria, Elisabeth, Carl-Gregor. Writer and journalist activity, also under the pseudonyms Wahroder ten Hompel, Hermann Wahroder, Dr. Alpha, Athanasius, Wicking ten Hompel. Cf. Kürschners German Literature Calendar.1925. Degener "Wer ist's" VII Edition (1914). The collection: Most of the written material dates from the years 1900-1940, in addition to correspondence and manuscripts, these are mostly collections of magazines and newspapers (Deutsche Bergwerks-Zeitung, Kölnische Volkszeitung, Der Tag, Germania, Münstersche Zeitung, Westfälische Landeszeitung, Münsterischer Anzeiger and others). Existing file formations were retained, some boxes of loose sheets were either re-formed or reassigned. Loose adjacent posters are now in the poster collection under the signatures SP 962-968. The collection comprises the numbers 1-493 (No. 179 is not documented). Zgg. 32/1942 vom 22.6.1942 Münster, in October 1981 Kiessling The finding aid book was transferred to VERA in 2006.