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Archival description
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 371-8 II · Fonds · 1844-1947
Part of State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: Preliminary remark The Deputation for Trade and Shipping replaced the Shipping and Port Deputation in 1863, from which it assumed the following tasks: shipping affairs, port administration, pilotage, light and buoyage, quarantine, rescue, general average, seamanship, examination for seafarers (navigation school). Other tasks included the business of the previous commission for ship documents (ship registration), the previous deputation to the Brokers' Rules (brokers and auctioneers), the Grain Rules and the Kempe (supervision of grain sizes), as well as the supervision of public cranes and scales. The hydraulic engineering (electricity and port construction), which was formerly subject to the shipping and port deputation, was at the same time transferred to the building deputation. Another new task was the handling of trade matters that had previously been handled by Commerzdeputation. This also included the appointment and swearing in of various experts. In 1866 the Commerzdeputation was converted into the Chamber of Commerce and determined that it had to address its applications to the Deputation für Handel und Schiffahrt and to issue expert opinions to this authority. The opinions of the Chamber of Commerce, other interest groups and individual companies in most of the files of this stock give this stock particular value. Later the deputation took over the newly created quay administration as further tasks in 1866, in 1868 the North German naval observatory, which was taken over by the Reich in 1875 as the German naval observatory, in 1870 the calibration system, in 1875 the supervision of the beach dams, in 1882 the supervision of the petroleum port as successor of the Teerhof deputation and in 1897 the mint after the abolition of the commission for the mint. In 1907 the deputation was expanded by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Detailists and renamed Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce. The deputation was taken over in 1907 by the fishing industry (Fisheries Directorate) - inland fishing matters remained with the Landherrenschaft -' 1915 the newly created Price Inspection Office (for the city area), 1918 the State Price Inspection Office superior to the three local Price Inspection Offices. After the transition of the customs system to the Reich Administration, the Deputation took over in 1920 the tasks remaining in Hamburg in the field of customs and excise duties (previously the Deputation for Indirect Taxes and Duties and the Senate Commission for Customs), the Trade Statistics Office (previously the Deputation for Indirect Taxes and Duties), the handling of the war measures against enemy enterprises and enemy property (compensation and refunds) processed since 1914 by the Deputation for Indirect Taxes and Duties, as well as the newly established Freeport Office. In 1921 the administration of waterways and navigation marks was transferred to the Reich, and in 1926 the newly created Waterway Directorate (Reichswasserstraßenverwaltung) took over the tasks in the field of waterway management still carried out by the Deputation. The deputation, on the other hand, in 1926 left the administration of the so-called "Hafenelbe" from Orthkaten to Blankenese and the port piloting. In 1928, the Deputation took over the Emigration Office (previously the Emigration Authority), the Guild Inspectorate (previously the Guild Inspectorate), the Slaughterhouse and Livestock Market Administration (previously the Slaughterhouse Deputation), the tasks of the Senate Commission for Railway Affairs and Mining (previously the Mining Inspectorate). In addition to the slaughterhouse and livestock market administration, the dyke market administration and the administration of the annual and weekly markets were added later. At the same time the nautical school was handed over to the vocational school authority. In 1930, the deputation also took over the construction of the river and port (previously the building authority) and in 1933 the World Economic Archives (previously the university authority). In 1933 the Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe was renamed Behörde für Wirtschaft; it was under the authority of the Verwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technik und Arbeit. In 1933, electricity and port construction was transferred to the Department of Technology and Labour. New tasks in 1935 were the job creation system (previously directly subordinated to the Administration for Economy, Technology and Labor) and the price formation and monitoring office. In 1936-1937 the job creation system was temporarily independent as a "job creation office", from 1958 onwards it was a department within the department "Special representative for economic development and four-year plan", which in turn formed a department of the administration for trade, shipping and industry at the time and was an independent department within the municipal administration of Hamburg from 1939 onwards. During the war, the business of this office was continued by the "Department Four-Year Plan" of the Administration for Trade, Shipping and Industry. This name has been used by the former Authority for Economic Affairs since 1938 and was again subordinated to it in 1941 for electricity and port construction. The Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry and its successor authorities delivered to the State Archives: 1927: files of the main groups I - XXX and XXXII, war files, files of the transitional economy and files of the 10th Commission of the Workers' and Soldiers' Council; 18.12.1929: files of the main group XVI customs, tax and stamp matters (together with files of the Senate Commission for the Customs Administration); 15. 3.1935: files of the main group XXVIII on personnel matters of the Imperial Administration; 11. 8.1937: the largest part of the files now combined in the holdings Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe III; 20.10.1937: Secret files from the years 1882-1919; 25. 4.1938: Files of the accounting department (RA files) and war files on the administration of hostile property; 16. 5.1938: Files with objections of individual companies against the predisposition to contributions to the Chamber of Detailists 1935-1936 with the file reference 250-02 No.1-63 (all cashed); 29. 3.1940: files on epidemic control on ships and in ports (P files); 21.10.1943 secret files from the years 1922-1935; 10. 3.1954 and 8. 5.1957: the remains of the deputation files for trade, shipping and industry still existing at the Office for Port and Shipping in 142 packages. The delivery lists from 1927-1943 are now in the attachment to H 9780/58, those from 1954 and 1957 in the business file 2112-0/2 Mat. A delivery probably already before 1914 as a special stock "Eichwesen" was put up under the - original - signature IV A, the protocols registered before as Senate files (Cl.VIII No. XLIII) under III C into this stock. The records were delivered as follows: 23. 4.1892: records of the deputation 1886-1891, 12. 7.1892: records of the deputation 1867-1872 and records of the section for shipping 1864-1866, 26. 4.1902: records of the deputation 1863-1866, 1873-1885 and records of the section for trade 1864-1866. From 1892-1929 the records were delivered annually. A total of about 100 running metres have been delivered. The 65 linear metres remaining after the cassations have now been set up as Registratures I, II Special Acts, II General Acts and III. The oldest registry, only from 1863-1867, is now 371-8 I Deputation for Trade, Shipping and. Industry I (see special preliminary remark). This is followed by the extensive and most important registry, which was established after the abolition of the two sections for trade and shipping in 1867. It's falling into general and special files. General Files This registry was established at about the same time as the Special Files, around 1868, and consisted of the same main groups I-XXIV, to which the main groups XXV to XXXII were added over time. The most recent main group XXXIII "Port and Shipping Agreements with Prussia" only exists in the General Acts. A list of authorities established after 1920, which does not yet contain the main group XXXIII, was classified under the signature III B 5.40 in the holdings Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe II Spezialakten. The older General Acts mostly consisted only of laws, ordinances, etc. in print; most of these could be cashed. Another part of the files contained only references to special files. Special files The Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce II Special files portfolio initially consisted of the main groups I-XXIV, to which the main groups XXV-XXXII were added over time. The only official register, which was sent to the State Archives in 1954, was apparently created only after customs had been taken over in 1920. As it stands, it contains only the groups of files dealing with port and maritime matters. The remaining main groups have been stapled. With the help of this directory and a collection of the associated subdirectories, an overview can be gained of the original scope of these groups of files, the war losses that occurred, the cassations that were carried out, and the files continued by the Reich Waterways Administration and the Department of Economics and Transport. Under the signature III B 5.40.1. it was classified into this stock. The files of the "Special Representative for Economic Development and the Four-Year Plan" were removed from main groups VI and XXI and now form main group XXXIII. The special registries: war files, files of Commission 10 of the Workers' and Soldiers' Council, of the Transition Economy and secret files were added to this inventory as main groups XXXIV to XXXVIII. Groups XXVII "Information" and XXVIII "Personal data" were dissolved and divided into subgroups, some of which were newly established. With the ordinal numbers 100 ff. or 200 ff. only so-called "collective files" provided with group signatures and files formed from disordered documents were appended to the subgroups. The collection Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe III (Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry III) is a compilation of various series of files that were created in addition to the main registry (Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe II Spezialakten und II Generalakten) - see special preliminary remark. 29.XI.1960 Homann Inventory Description: Volume 1: General Files Volumes 2-4: Special Files Volumes 5-6: Information Collection In addition to the tasks assumed by the Schiffahrts- und Hafendeputation in 1863 (see 371-8 I), the following were added: 1866 the handling of trade matters and the quay administration, 1868 the Norddeutsche Seewarte, 1870 the Eichwesen, 1875 the supervision of the Strandämter, 1882 the supervision of the Petroleumhafen, 1897 the Münzstätte. In 1907 the deputation was expanded by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Detailists and renamed Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce. In 1907 the fishing industry took over the deputation, in 1915 and 1918 the price inspection offices, in 1920 the tasks remaining after the transfer of the customs system to the Reich Administration near Hamburg in the area of customs and excise duties, the Trade Statistics Office and the Free Port Office, 1926 the administration of the so-called "port Elbe" from Orthkaten to Blankenese and the port piloting, 1928 the emigration office, the guild supervisory office, the slaughterhouse and livestock market administration, the tasks of the senate commission for railway affairs and mining. In 1933 the deputation was renamed the Authority for Economy and placed under the authority of the Administration for Economy, Technology and Labour. 1935 saw the addition of new tasks such as job creation and the price formation and monitoring office. In 1938 the authority for economy was renamed in administration for trade, shipping and trade. In 1938 and then again during the war, the business of the office "Special Representative for Economic Development and Four-Year Plan" was carried out. After the end of the war in 1945, in the course of the merging of state and municipal administration, the responsibilities in the business area of administration for trade, shipping and industry were newly regulated. The successor authority in 1946 was the Administration for Economics and Transport, which was renamed the Authority for Economics and Transport in 1947 (see 371-16 I). The order comprises the main registry established after the abolition of the sections in 1867 and forms the core of the economic-historical tradition of the years 1868-1946/47. It is divided into general and special files. Both file groups are organized according to the same registry plan and are divided into more than 30 main groups (partly identical with areas of responsibility). Note: 371-6, 371-9, 371-16 I, 373-4, 373-7 I, 326-2 I (Ga)

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 374-10 · Fonds · 1876-1934
Part of State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: Preliminary remark A former Senate deputation for postal, railway and telegraph services was replaced in 1867 by the Railway Commissariat for railway matters in connection with the reorganization of the distribution of tasks required by the constitution of the North German Confederation. This was replaced by the Organic Law of 1896 by the Senate Commission for Railway Matters. Technical matters were also the responsibility of a department of building deputation (Order 321-7; Ing. Dept. IV c of Section 1, Dept. for Railways of Section 1, Ing. Dept. for Transportation and Railways, Ing. Dept. for Transportation, finally Dept. for Civil Engineering). Further railway matters were dealt with by the Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe (see there Best. 371-8 Abt.XVIII as well as the police authority and 374-2 Hamburgisches Post- und Telegrafenwesen). From 1906 to 1921, there was a special Senate Commission for Urban and Suburban Railways (374-12), whose tasks and files were transferred back to the Senate Commission for Railway Matters in 1921, which in part continued to use the registry. In 1928, the Senate Commission was dissolved. It was replaced by the Department for Railway Matters in the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Trade, later combined with Motor and Road Transport to form a Transport Department. The registry of the Senate Commission was continued at the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry until the 1930s. Deliveries were made by them on 27.4. and 27.5.1929 (business file II 1087/29) and on 21.3.1940 (business file H 3345/40). The files were newly prepared by Mr. Köhlert in 1955/56 according to the old scheme of the Senate Commission, which apparently was created soon after its establishment, and subsequently recorded. The few personnel files handed over on 10.5.1928 could be destroyed. The old delivery lists lie under II 1087/29. 1.6.1956 Inventory description: The railway commission responsible for railway matters since 1867 in connection with the reorganization caused by the constitution of the North German Federation was replaced in 1896 by the senate commission for railway matters. Technical matters were also dealt with by a department of building deputation; the deputation for trade, shipping and industry and the police authority also dealt with railways. From 1906 to 1921, there was a special Senate Commission for Urban and Suburban Railways (see 374-12), whose tasks and files were transferred to the Senate Commission for Railway Matters in 1921. In 1928, the Senate Commission was dissolved. It was replaced by the Department of Railway Affairs in the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry. The registry of the Senate Commission was continued at the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce until the 1930s and then delivered to the State Archives. The files were left in the registry context and form the order, which is divided into three parts: General railway matters, Hamburg railway matters as well as the creation of a central station and a freight bypass. (Ga)