8 Treffer anzeigen

Album of an East Asia voyage of the S.M.S. Iltis
Album of an East Asia voyage of the S.M.S. Iltis
Blanquet, Carl (Lieutenant Commander, 1895 - 1968)
Blanquet, Carl (Lieutenant Commander, 1895 - 1968)
Individual items: Other estates
Individual items: Other estates
Kiel City Archive (archive tectonics)
Kiel City Archive (archive tectonics)
Letters from the sea cadet and later Vice Admiral Hugo Zeye (1852-1909) from Kiel and on board to his family in Brandenburg
Letters from the sea cadet and later Vice Admiral Hugo Zeye (1852-1909) from Kiel and on board to his family in Brandenburg
Photo archive
Photo archive
Photos; postcards; illustrations.
Photos; postcards; illustrations.