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Letter from Carl Meinhof to Wilhelm Wundt
NA Wundt/III/601-700/632/147-150 · Akt(e) · 1907-02-17
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

Send him an essay by A[rnod] van Gennep for evaluation. Thanks for "Peoples Psychology." Agrees above all with the concept of soul depth. Rejects Wundts interpretation of the resurrection idea with reference to Paul. Reported from work [Diedrich] Westermanns.

Letter from Carl Meinhof to Wilhelm Wundt
NA Wundt/III/601-700/629/129-136 · Akt(e) · 1905-04-18
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

Thanks for "people psychology", which in his opinion corrects some wrong ideas, especially in linguistics. Together with his friend [Diedrich] Westermann he made discoveries about the relationship of Sudanese languages. Makes remarks about sound pictures in the Bantu. Has begun work on a Bantu grammar. In contrast to Wundt, he does not necessarily see the cause for sound shifts in cultural progress and refers to his own essay on the subject.

NA Wundt/III/1001-1100/1026/97-126 · Akt(e) · 1911-08-16
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

Sends drawings of a donkey that African condos have made at his missionary pupil in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a . Is disappointed by the drawings ("only poor traces of nature observations"), since with the Konde hut painting is actually common, but mostly women's work. Send photo of the 12 draughtsmen.

NA Wundt/III/1001-1100/1027/127-130 · Akt(e) · 1911-08-31
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

On the drawings of 12 condescents [cf. NA Wundt/III/1001-1100/1026/97-126]: Finds Wundts thesis interesting that the condescents can draw better from memory; wants to pass this on to his missionary pupil. Woundert's thesis that the Konde paint from right to left because they are influenced by Arabic contradicts this. Sees cause for it in other models or in the absence of models, which lead to the natural movement of the right hand to the left. Next year he travels to East Africa and offers Wundt to do research for him there.

Letter from Siegfried Passarge to Ernst Meumann
NA Wundt/III/701-800/753/329-338 · Akt(e) · 1913-11-27
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

After the rejection of the Senate's university bill, it will be examined how the Hamburg Colonial Institute can be expanded. Question to Meumann what would require the foundation of a philosophical institute. Possibility for Meumann to use the relevant funds partly for educational-psychological research.

Letter from Wilhelm Wundt to Carl Meinhof
NA Wundt/III/601-700/633/151-152 · Akt(e) · 1907-02-18
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

Send several copies of his new article (presumably "Schallnachimungen und Lautmetaphern in der Sprache", published as a supplement to the "Allgemeine Zeitung"). Ask to forward a copy to [Diedrich] Westermann.

Letter from Wilhelm Wundt to Carl Meinhof
NA Wundt/III/601-700/633a/153-154 · Akt(e) · 1907-02-18
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

Sends several copies of his new article (presumably 'Schallnachahmungen und Lautmetaphern in der Sprache', published as a supplement to the 'Allgemeine Zeitung'). Requests that a copy be forwarded to [Diedrich] Westermann.