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In today's colonial historiography, as far as the colonial rule in Togo is concerned, two names are certainly to be emphasized: Dr. habil. Peter Sebald († 2018) and Prof. Dr. Trutz von Trotha († 2013). The research results of these two scientists offer a detailed study of German rule in Togo 1884-1914. Numerous archive sources, monographs, anthologies, courses, journal articles, lectures from their estates now serve as valuable sources of information for current research. Peter Sebald and Prof. Trutz von Trotha on the history of German colonialism and Togo in particular. The family of Peter Sebald roughly sorted out 40 metres of running files and books in around 50 cartons in order to forward them to the ZMO. The estate consists of three parts: Materials ordered by Sebald himself, disordered documents and books. In addition to these three parts, there are 11 cartons of the estate of Trutz of Trotha, which still have to be sorted, the first and most important part being the documents sorted out by Sebald himself. These were accommodated by Sebald in 149 folders and placed in a rotating shelf. These documents can be classified according to chronological, geographical-regional, thematic, authorial and archive signatures, the second part being an unsorted stack of documents devoted to a wide range of topics, from personal political views to scholarly works by other authors and final theses by students. These documents were sorted and arranged from November 2017 to April 2018. During the processing of the second part of the estate, various materials came to light: flyers, brochures and copies of published Togo literature, archival files, numerous manuscripts of his own works, newspaper articles, invitations to events related to the region, a large number of photographs from the period of colonialism to the present day, correspondence on various topics related to Togo. (Author: Leibniz Centre for Modern Oriental Studies, Library, Humanities Centres Berlin e.V.)