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Certificates, congratulations
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 4 · Akt(e) · 1920 - 1941
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Certificate of the Kolonial-Wirtschaftliches Komitées about the award of the Supf-Plakette; - Certificate of Honour of the Institute for Foreign Policy; - Völkerbund-Pass; - Certificate of Honour of the German Association for Apia, Samoa; - Congratulations of the World Economic Society for the 65th anniversary of the founding of the German Society of Apia, Samoa. Hitler's letter on the occasion of his 70th birthday; - award certificate "Adlerschild des Deutschen Reiches"; - doctor's diploma; - Senator's diploma. Honorary Doctor Diploma (11) Civil Rights Certificate of Heidelberg (12)

Schnee, Heinrich
Certificates, patents, appointments
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 1 · Akt(e) · 1880 - 1922
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Censur book of the Gymnasium Nordhausen for the pupil H. Schnee; - letter of the boy H. to an uncle about his Christmas presents; - matriculation certificate; - certificate of studies and customs of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; - certificate of qualification after completion of the one-year voluntary service obligation; - certificate of leadership of the Inf.-Rgts. No 85; - leaving certificate of the Christian-Albrecht-Universität Kiel; - leaving certificate of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin; - legal examination task of the Oberlandesgericht Naumburg; - examination certificate of the OLG Naumburg; - appointment as trainee lawyer at the OLG; - transfer from Naumburg to the Landgericht Nordhausen; - doctor's diploma; - appointment as Reg.Ref. at RP Erfurt; - Patent as Secondlieutenant; - Appointment as Reg. Assessor; - Appointment to the Foreign Office, Colonial Department; - Certificate of the AA for a monthly renumeration of M 180,--; - Certificate of the AA for an increase of the renumeration to M 210,--; - Comm. Judge in the Bismarck Archipelago; - Appointed Deputy Governor in Herbertshöhe; - Appointed Speaker and Judge in Apia; - AA passport to travel to Apia; - Appointed Deputy Governor Dr Solf; - Invited to return to Germany; - Awarded Landwehr Service Badge to Lieutenant Schnee; - Stayed in Apia because of introduction of German real estate law for Samoa; - Awarded Red Eagle Order 4. Kl.; employment in the Colonial Department of the Foreign Office, Berlin; - appointment to the Legation Council; - appointment to the Advisory Board for Colonial Affairs at the Embassy in London; - travel passport of the AA for relocation to London; - appointment to the Personnel Department of the Colonial Department, Berlin, Berlin; - Lecturer at the Seminar for Oriental Languages, Berlin; - Appointed to the Effective Legation Council and Lecturer Council; - Transfer to the R e i c h s c h - K o l o n i a l a m t; - Directorial business at the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t; - Award of the commemorative coin on the occasion of the uprising in Southwest Africa, 1907; - Award of the 3rd Crown Order Kl.; - Appointment as Commissioner of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t for the Colonial Institute in Hamburg; - Certificate of Appointment to the Privy Upper Government Council; - Award of the Red Eagle Order 3. Kl.; - approval of the farewell for Lieutenant Schnee; - appointment as director with the rank of a council 1st Kl.; - appointment as deputy authorized representative at the Federal Council; - appointment as governor of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a; - travel passport of the expatriate; - appointment as deputy authorized representative at the Federal Council; - appointment as deputy authorized representative at the Federal Council; - appointment as deputy authorized representative at the Federal Council; - appointment as deputy deputy authorized representative; - appointment as deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy. The colonial commemorative coin was awarded to the colonial minister Dr. Bell on Schnee: Mrs. Ada Schnee was not allowed to travel with her to Paris for the peace negotiations; - Certificate of possession for the colonial badge.

Schnee, Heinrich
Records and reports
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 22 · Akt(e) · 1896 - 1921
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - In the Federal Foreign Office, colonial dept, later Imperial Colonial Office (26 p.); - As Imperial Judge in German New Guinea (13 p.); - First stay in Samoa (16 p.); - Second stay in Samoa (12 p.); - (unknown author:) "Dr. Schnees Samoa years" (14 p.)); - Back at the Federal Foreign Office, Kolonial-Abt (9 p.); - Colonial Advisory Council at the Embassy in London (21 p.); - Lecture by the South Pole researcher Sir Ernest Shackleton for Wilhelm II at Villa Dernburg (3 p.)); - As Governor in German East Africa (10 p.); - Characterization of the Great Admiral of Tirpitz (4 p.); - Speech of the Minister of National Defence, Smuts, in the House of Representatives in Cape Town on September 10, 1914 (6 p.); - Scout Report of the Goanese and Government employee Ribeiro on his journey from German East Africa to Germany during the war (45 p.).); - Speech by the Governor on the occasion of Wilhelm II's birthday to officers and crews of the garrison thong (2 p.); - Excerpts from the report of the government adviser, Government Building Councillor Brandes, on the activities of the civil administration during the war in German East Africa (p. 14).); - Return from East Africa (18 p.); - My relationship with Lettow-Vorbeck (46 p.); - Prince Henry of the Netherlands (1 p.); - General Groener's statements on leading personalities of the First World War. World War II (8 p.); - State Secretary Solf on Baron von Eckardtstein, former Counsellor of the Embassy in London (3 p.); - Talk with Foreign Minister Simons (5 p.); - Schnee on Wirth, Reich Minister for Reconstruction (5 p.); - Rosen, Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs (2 p.); - Admiral v. Truppel, Governor of Kiautschou (2 p.); - Violations of international law during the war in German East Africa (2 p.).

Schnee, Heinrich
Reports Vol. 1
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 24 · Akt(e) · 1921 - 1938
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: contains and others: - Prince Max von Baden (1921); - Groener's comments on Schnee's book "Weltpolitik" (1923); - Schnee on Stresemann (1924); - Snow in English on the German colonies and the League of Nations (1924); - Interparliamentary Conference in Washington (1925); - Reception by the President of the Reich, von Hindenburg (1925); - Meeting with Coudenhove-Kalergi in New York (1925); - Founding of the German National Socialist Party (Dt. Academy, Munich (1925); economic reconstruction in East Africa (1925); - Speech to the Washington Interparliamentary Conference (1925); - General Wahle on military operations in Deutch East Africa (1925); - Vice-Admiral Max Loof on the relationship between Schnee and Lettow-Vorbeck (1926); - Presidency of the Federation of Foreign Germans (1926); - Hungary and the Question of War Guilt (1926); - Carl Peters (1927); - Colonial Trade Statistics (/1927); - Mau Revolt in Samoa (1928); - Visit to Slatin Pasha in Meran (1929); - Chancellor Luther (1929); - Meeting with the Soviet ambassador couple Krestinski (1930); - Colonial Policy and Foreign Peoples (1930); - W. H. Dawson, The Future of Tanganyika. Memorandum of the English historian to the members of the lower house of parliament (1931); - Meetings with Hindenburg (1931); - Resignation from the DVP 1932); - Member of the Manchuria Commission (1932); - Meetings with General Groener (1932-1938); - Resignation of Dr. Solfs as Reich Foreign Minister (1932). As a member of the Reichstag of the German People's Party. 4 p. (31) Trip to the USA for the Interparliamentary Conference in Washington. 2 p. (32) Reception by the President of the Reich, von Hindenburg. 4 p. (33) Meeting in New York with Coudenhove-Kalergi. 3 p. (34) Some things from the Federal Foreign Office. Individual recordings. 28 S. (35) Foundation of the German Academy in Munich. - The Social Democrats and the war guilt lie. 4 p. (36) General Böhm on the Crown Prince. 1 p. (37) On economic reconstruction in East Africa. 11 S. (38) Return of Germans to the former German territory in East Africa. 7 pp. (39) Snow speech in Washington at the Interparliamentary Conference. 3 and 5 S. (40) The German Economic Situation and Foreign Trade. 8 S. (41) Report by General Wahle on military operations in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a. 9 p. (42) Vice-Admiral Max Loof's statement on the relationship between Schnee/Lettow-Vorbeck. 4 p. (43) The former Vice President of the Reichsbank on the creation of Rentenbank. 2 p. (imperfect) (44) As President of the Federation of Foreign Germans. 8 S. (45) Hungary and the question of war guilt 9 pp. (46) Creation by the Carnegie Institute of the foundations for a conference of historians. (author Schnee or Lutz) 3 p. (47) Characteristic Dr. Carl Peters. Pinned Procedure Ausw. Amt. 19 S. (48) Notes on Carl Peters. 15 S. (48) Conversation with General Hoffmann, e.g. on the danger of Bolshevism. 5 p. (50) Colonial trade statistics. 8 p. (51) Wilhelm II and Dernburg. 2 p. (52) Meeting with Count von der Goltz, Prince August Wilhelm, General von Hutier, Admiral Scheer, and Hitler - "a still young, sympathetic-looking man"- 2 p. (53)

Schnee, Heinrich
Reports Vol. 2
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 25 · Akt(e) · 1932 - 1937
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: contains and others: - Ada Schnees descent (1932); - Joined the NSDAP (1933); - Tasks after joining the NSDAP. Part 1 (1933); - Tasks after joining the NSDAP. Part 2 (1933); - My acquaintance with Schacht (1933); - Interview with Hitler (1933); - Composition of the new Reichstag (1933); - Jewish question and foreign policy: VI. Commission of the League of Nations Assembly (1933); - Negotiations of the Congress of the World Association of League of Nations Societies (1933); - Report on the treatment of the question of the government measures taken against Jewish population groups in Germany (1933); - Visit to Lord Snowden (1943); - Schnee Speech in Folkestone (1934); - England and the East African Mandate (1934); - Events of the 30th World War of Nations (1933); - Events of the 30th World War of Nations (1933); - The World War of Nations (1934); - The World War of Nations (1933); - The World War of Nations (1934); - The World War of Nations (1934); - The World War of Nations (1934); - The World War of Nations (1934) June 1934; - Schnee over Schleicher and Papen (1934); - Discussion with de Valera (1934); - Meetings of the World Association of League of Nations Societies in Geneva (1934); - Conference of the World Association of League of Nations Societies in Folkestone (1934); - Conference in Folkestone (1934); - Speech in Folkestone (hs. manuscript) (1934); - Discussion with State Secretary Vansittart from the British Foreign Office (1935); - Interview with Major v. Stephani from the "Stahlhelm" (1935); - Supervision of letter and telephone traffic and the police spying system (1935); - Ribbentrop and Rosenberg (1935); - Visit by Lord Buxton (1937); - The Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft from its foundation in 1887 until its dissolution in 1936 (1937); - A few things about the Lord Mayor, and his wifea. about Konrad Adenauer, former Lord Mayor in Cologne (1937).

Schnee, Heinrich
Schnee, Heinrich (population)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H. · Bestand · 1867-1949
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum Vitae Dr. jur.; Dr. rer. pol. h. c.; Real Privy Counsel; Governor a. D., Excellenz; MdR. Born 4.2.1871 in Neuhaldensleben. Father: District Court Councillor Hermann Schnee. Mother: Emilie, née Scheibe. - Married to Ada Adeline, née Woodhill, from New Zealand, whose father was an Englishman from Birmingham and whose mother was Irish from the old O'Donnell family. Schnee attended high school in Nordhausen, studied law and political science in Heidelberg, Kiel and Berlin, passed the bar exam in 1892 and received his doctorate in law in 1893. He then turned to the study of Swahili and colonial science at the Oriental Seminar Berlin and passed the examination as a government assessor in 1897. He joined the Foreign Office, Colonial Department, in 1898 and worked as Richter and deputy governor in German New Guinea. In 1900 he became district administrator and deputy governor in Samoa. 1904: Legation Council in the Colonial Department, 1905: Colonial Advisory Council at the Embassy in London. 1906: Lecturer Council, 1907: Conductor, 1911: Ministerial Director in the Reich Colonial Office and Head of the Political and Administrative Department. In 1912, Schnee became Real Privy Counsel with the title of Excellency. From 1912 - 1919 he was Governor of German East Africa. The Prussian Academy of Sciences awarded Schnee the Leibniz Gold Medal. He received an honorary doctorate in political science from the University of Hamburg in 1921 and was a member of the Reichstag (German People's Party) from 1924. 1925: President of the Working Committee of German Associations, 1926: President of the Association of Foreign Germans. 1930: President of the German Colonial Society. 1931: President of the German World Economic Society. As a member of the Interparliamentary Union and as a delegate of the World League of League Societies - Schnee was also president of the German League for League of Nations - he participated several times in international congresses. In 1932 he was delegated by the Foreign Office to the Manchuria Commission (Lytton Commission). In 1933, after one - the only - meeting with Hitler, Schnee resigned almost all presidential offices, unless they had been equalized or dissolved. Only he was head of the German Society for League of Nations, later renamed the "German Society for International Law and World Politics", until 1945. Heinrich Schnee's main literary works are: Pictures from the South Seas. Reimer, Berlin 1904 German East Africa at War. well

Schnee, Heinrich