Showing 26 results

Archival description
A: Büttner
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 94, Nr. 917 · File · 1885
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains, among others: a) Bieber, German Consul General in Cape Town, to C. G. Büttner, 1885 (4 letters - 1 of which 19.6.1885, excerpted copy, transcribed in typescript, 4 sheets, 4°) b) C. G. Büttner to Reich Chancellor (Bismarck), 1885 (draft report, transcript, typescript, 4 sheets, 4°) c) C. G. Büttner to Reichstag (report, typescript, 4 sheets, 4°) d) C. G. Büttner (biographical information, typescript, 7 sheets, 4°) e) (group photograph) Southwest Africa, 3 - 25.10.1885 (1 photograph); 36/1959

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Meinecke, F., Nr. 22 · File · 1893 - 1949
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Enth.: - Lenel, Otto (103-109), 1911-1927 - Lenel, Paul (110-117), 1896-1915 - Lenel, Walter (118-147), 1908-1924 - Lennhoff, Ernst (148-150), 1910-1915 - Lennox, Richmond (151-162), 1918-1925 - Lenz, Friedrich (163-167), 1897-1948 - Lenz, Max (168-186), 1893-1924 - Leptien, Hans (187), 1946 - Lerche, Dr. (188), 1947 - Lettow-Vorbeck, Oskar v. (189-193), 1893-1894 - Leverkühn, August (194), 1893 - Levisohn, Wilhelm (195), 1911 - Lewald, Theodor (196-198), 1942-1945 - Lewalter, Ernst (199-200), 1947 (see also: "Kurier", Berlin) - The Liberal International, (World-Liberal-Union) (201-205), 1947 - "Liberal Association" (206-209), 1925 (see also: Pachnicke, Hermann; Schiffer, Eugen) - Liberaler Verein Charlottenburg (210), 1915 - Liberaler Verein Freiburg (211), 1919 - Lichtenberger, Henri (212), 1922 - Love, Georg (213-214), 1893 - Lieber, K., "Fraternity Saravia" (215-221), 1908-1915 - Liebermann, Felix (222), 1893 - Liebert, Arthur (223-228), 1912-1923 - Liessmann, Elisabeth (229), 1926 - Lietzmann, Hans (230-232), 1908-1925 - Lindner, Theodor (233-234), 1893 - Linnebach (235), 1910 - Linvald, Theodor (236), 1923 - Lipgens, Walter (237-238), 1946-1949 - Lippischer Lehrer-Verein (239), 1922 - Lippmann, Rose of (240), 1915 - Lithuanian legation (241), 1923 - Lithuanian chancellery (242) (see also: Timm, Ernst) - Littmann, Enno (243-244), 1913 - Litzmann, Berthold (245), 1895.

Bieberstein - Flower stone
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Gneisenau, A. N. v., Nr. 7 · File · 1804 - 1827, ohne Datum
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

No. 1-23, Contains: - Bieberstein, from, Lieutenant Colonel a. D., Elder of the county Glatz; Eisersdorf near Glatz, 4.3.1819 - Biedersee, by, born von Kropf, widow; Cammin, 1809, 1811 (2 letters; see No. 718, 741, and 742) - Biermann, [Friedrich], Staff Captain 1 Department 2nd Upper Silesian Prov. Invalidity Company; Leobschütz, 21.11.1814 - Biermann, Captain 9th Invalidity Company (1st West Prussia); Bunzlau, 5.9.1820 - Biermann, Friderice, widow cavalry master; Klein Bartelsee, 30.5.1826 - Biesenthal, from; Breslau, 24.7.1825 - Biesten; Straupitz, 7.10.1804 - Biewald, regimental quartermaster; Breslau, 31.12.1808 - Birckhahn, by, née von Pomhoff, Hauptmannswitwe; Greifenberg, 23.9., 30.10.1824 - Bischoff, Joseph, former soldier; Glogau, 16.7.1827 - Bischoff, Lieutenant a. D., History painter, restorer of paintings; Berlin, December 1826, n.d. (3 letters, last original in Gneisenau's reply, 2.1.1827) - Bitkow, Carl Theodor Reinhard; no D. - Blanc, le, lieutenant colonel and commander of garrison battalion no. 22; Cologne, 5.1.1818, with annexes: Request for transfer of lieutenant secretary Christian Nettelbeck - Blanckensee, by, Major a. D., Postmaster in Fehrbellin; Berlin or Fehrbellin, 1819-1825 (9 letters) - Blanckensee, Adolf von, son of the Major; Berlin or Fehrbellin, 1819-1824 (7 letters) - Blan(c)kenburg, F. by, Lieutenant Colonel and Commander of the 4th Dragoner Regiment; Aschersleben resp. Cantonization Quarter Rübenach, 1824, 1825, (3 letters, the last two with answer drafts by Gneisenau) - Blesson, L., Ingenieur-Hauptmann, military writer; Berlin, 1825, 1827 (2 letters; cf. C. von Decker) - Bliesener, A. Fr., Königlicher Kammermusikus; Berlin, 18.5.1822 - Blomberg, L. S. Freiherr von, auf Iggenhausen (near Lemgo, Lippe-Detmold), Hauptmann a. D., last in the 18th Infantry Regiment]: his brother Alexander Freiherr von Blomberg "poetic writings" [Berlin, 1820], who died on 20.2.1813 at the Bernauer Tor in front of Berlin, the "first victim in the German freedom struggle" (Staatsbibliothek Berlin Yc 9326) 3.9.1820 - Blücher, Gustav, Major 2nd Brandenburg Hussar Regiment: Nachricht von Beförderung, Berlin, 21.12.1808 - Blume; Fr., 2.12.1811 - Blumenau, G. A. W., Economic inspector; Sommerschenburg, 2.6.1825, administrator, bailiff; 1826, cf. Breitmeier - Blumenbach, Joh. Friedrich, Hofrat, Prof. der Medizin und Naturwissenschaften; Göttingen, 12.6.1815, with copy of Gneisenaus answer, Koblenz, 7.1.1816 (printed by Pick 308, 363) - Blumenstein, by, Major; 29.8.1811 (printed by Pick 80) - Blumenstein, by; Conradswaldau, 23.12.1824..;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 1042 · File · 1884 - 1908, ohne Datum
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  • 1884 - 1908, without date, Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T. Althoff, Friedrich Theodor* description: Contains: - Geodesy and Geology: - - - Farmer's Enemy, Karl Maximilian v., Feldafing: - Replacement of the Prussian Geodetic Institute 12.9.1885 - - Hauchecorne, Wilhelm, Geologische Landesanstalt und Bergakademie, Berlin: - Director Bansa belongs to the Belgian Society in Stolberg near Aachen 8.2.1887 - - Helmert, Friedrich Robert, Potsdam: - Registration of his visit 12.8.1894, - transmission of the necrology (obituary) about the Lieutenant General Dr. Schreiber 17.2.1906 - - Kayser, Prof. Emanuel, Marburg: - Request for ministerial aid for participation in the Geological Congress in America 1.4.1891 - - Koenen, Prof. Dr. Adolf von, Göttingen: - Stud. Hann and the Göttingen beer riots 27.6.1884 - - Seibt, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm, Berlin: - New Year's greetings 31.12.1886 - - Geography and history: - - Below, Georg v., Prof. der Geschichte, Königsberg: - Thanks for the remuneration 8.12.1890 - - Bezold, Friedrich v., Historian, Bonn: - Announcement of his visit to Berlin 22.1.1903 - - Bresslau, Prof. Harry, Berlin: - Submission of his Handbook of the Doctrine of Documents 20.3.1889 - - Brode, Prof. Reinhold, Halle/Saale: - Application for leave to work at the historical institute in Rome 27.7.1907 - - Baumgarten, Prof. Dr. Hermann, Strasbourg: - Historical Station in Rome 6.12.1885 (see Kaufmann) - - Boor, Prof. Dr. Hermann, Strasbourg: - Historical Station in Rome 6.12.1885 (see Kaufmann) Dr. C. de, Breslau: - sending of his work 'Excerpta historica Vol. III' and acknowledgement of the aid 22.10.1905 - - Brugsch-Pascha Heinrich Karl, Cairo: - Purchase of previously unknown papyrus leaves from the Roman Empire 7.5.1891 - - Credner, Prof. Dr. Rudolf, Greifswald: - Transmission of the VIIth Annual Report of the Geographical Society and Acknowledgment for the Red Eagle Order 10.10.1900, - Letter of 6. October 1900, - Letter of 6. October 1900, - Letter of 10. October 1900, - Letter of 10. October 1900, - Letter of 10. October 1900, - Letter of 10.6.1908 - - Delbrück, Hans, Charlottenburg: - Sending a letter from Freiherr Binder v. Krieglstein (copy) about the strategist Friedrich the Great 16.9.1899 - - Delitzsch, Prof. Dr. Friedrich, Charlottenburg: - sending of his writing "Babel und Bibel" 1.3.1904 - - Drygalski, Erich v., Berlin: - Farewell before departure for the South Polar Expedition 18.7.1901 - - Droysen, Prof. Dr. Gustav, Halle/Saale. - historical teaching profession 9.7.1884 - - Duncker, Max, Karlsbad: - refusal of the offered professorship because of completion of his historical work 22.8.1884 - - Dove, Alfred, Leipzig, (Munich): - deceased Hertz from Breslau and sending his Rankeschen Werk published by him 4.1.1894 - - Dove, Alfred, Freiburg/Breisgau: - Congratulations for the appointment to "Excellency", thanks for the picture of Mommsen, communication about his intention to submit the farewell because of a stroke 15.11.1904 - - Dümmler, Prof. Ernst, Berlin: - Continuation of the Monumenta Germaniae 12.6.1891 - - Drygalski, Erich v., Berlin: - Acknowledgment for his new position in Munich 15.8.1906 - - Egelhaaf, Prof. Dr. Gottlob, (Karlsgymnasium), Stuttgart: - Submission of his latest historical works 14.7.1888 - - Erler, Prof. Dr. Gottlob, (Karlsgymnasium), Stuttgart: - Acknowledgment for his new position in Munich 15.8.1906 Dr. Georg, Münster/Westphalia: - sending of his writing "Leipziger Magisterschmäuse im 16. - 18. Jahrhundert" 21.1.1906 - - - Falk, Friedrich, Berlin: - sending of his newest historical studies without D. - Finke, Heinrich, Münster/Westphalia. - Send the illustrated biography of Carl Müller and the older Düsseldorf Christian art 3.6.1896 - - Fischer, Theobald, Prof. der Geographie, Marburg: - Acknowledgment for the travel support combined with the hope of good successes regarding the knowledge of the Mediterranean countries 6.4.1899 - - Friedensburg, Walter, Königlich prußisch-historisches Institut, Rome: - Acknowledgements for the Order 27.4.1893 - - Gerland, Prof. Dr. Georg, Strasbourg/Elsaß: - Thanksgiving for the congratulation 12.2.1903 (missing) - - Glagau, H., Privatdozent der Geschichte, Marburg: - sending of the 1st volume of his Hessian state parliament files 19.6.1901 - - Goerke, Franz, Director of the Urania Society, Berlin: - thanks for the Red Eagle Order 27.4.1906 - - Grauert, Hermann, Prof. der Geschichte, Munich: - Acknowledgment for the Order of the Knight's Cross of the Crown Order III. 5.6.1894 - - Greim, Prof. Dr., Darmstadt: - transmission of his latest works 27.7.1906 - - Herrmann, Dr. Paul, senior high school teacher, Torgau. - Transmission of his latest historical works on the Nordic countries 4.9.1903 (missing) - - Hintze, Prof. Dr. Otto, Berlin: - Application of the raven leg name "the Great" 2.1.1902 - - Hüffer, Prof. Dr. H., Bonn: - successful eye operation, hope for soon completion of his historical works 9.7.1888, - naming of the still present teachers of His Majesty, peace treaty of the students, torchlight procession 30.4.1891 - - Hanssen, G., (agricultural historian), Göttingen: - his bust created by Harzer 20.10.1887 (missing) - - Imelmann, J., Berlin: - transmission of his newest historical works 30.11.1905, - letter of 27.3.1906 - - Jastrow, Prof. Dr. Ignaz, Berlin: - transmission of the newest annual report of the historical science 6.8.1891 - - Kaufmann, Dr. Georg, Strasbourg: - Sending an original letter from the Professor of History Baumgarten from Strasbourg 8.12.1885 - - Kiepert, Heinrich, Berlin: - geographical institute in Weimar 23.1.1892 - - Kirchhoff, Alfred, Prof. Geography, Halle: - transmission of the latest research, distribution of the Volapük (mixed Aposteriori plan language) 23.9.1887, - transmission of the latest publications of the Central Commission 16.4.1889 - - Quiver, Prof. Dr., Historian, Hanover: - transmission of an essay on economic history 4.1.1898 - - Krauske, Prof. Otto, Göttingen: - transmission of his latest historical writings 9.12.1901 - - Lamprecht, Dr. Karl, Prof. der Geschichte, Leipzig: - Visitor registration in Berlin 20.2.1907, - Transmission of his latest volume "German History" 22.11.1907 - - Lindner, Theodor, Halle/Saale: - sending of his 4th volume "Weltgeschichte seit der Völkerwanderung" 19.10.1905 - - Lohmeyer, Prof.., Königsberg: - sending of his latest historical publications 6.6.1885 - - Lorenz, Ottokar, Prof. der Geschichte Dr., (Zurich), Jena: - Planning of the work by the chief president of Möller 30.11.1900 - - Lossen, W., Königsberg. - Sending of his newest historical writings 4.8.1902 - - Meister, Prof. Aloys, Münster: - Sending of his newest historical work "Die Geheimschrift im Dienste der Papstlichen Kurie" 23.5.1906 - - Mirbt, Prof. Dr. Karl, Marburg: - Send his latest work " The Prussian Legation at the Pope's Court" 6.11.1898 - - Naudé, Albert, Berlin: - Acknowledgement for the title "Extraordinarius" 25.2.1891 - - Naudé, Wilhelm, Berlin: - Acknowledgement for Althoff's participation in the death of Naudé's brother 23.12.1896, - obituary 7.1.1904 - - Oncken, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm, Gießen: - visit to Berlin, transmission of his latest historical essays 12.9.1886 - - Pflugk-Harttung, Prof. Dr. Julius v., Berlin: - Please discuss 27.5.1897, - Send a map to his lecture about "The Battle of Mars la Tour" 20.11.1893 - - Pietschmann, Richard, Göttingen: - sending of his newest writing "Geschichte des Inkareiches von Pedro Sarmiento" 20.10.1906 - - Pyl, Prof. Dr. Theodor, Greifswald: - Transmission of his latest historical work "History of Greifswald Churches" 10.7.1885 - - Quidde, Prof. Dr. R., Munich: - transmission of his newest historical writings, announcement of visit in Berlin July 9.6.1889, - incorrect data of the German Journal of Historical Science and its correction 25.3.1894 - - Rachfahl, Prof. Dr. Felix, Königsberg: - sending of his work "Wilhelm of Orange and the Dutch Uprising" 29.6.1906 - - - Richthofen, Freiherr v., Berlin: - transmission of the commemorative publication published by the Gesellschaft für Erdkunde 12.11.1892 - - Rohlfs, Gerhard, Weimar: - interview 8.9.1888, - letter of 10.6. o. J. - Seeck, Prof. Dr. Otto, Greifswald: - Communication of the ability to read auxiliary sciences of ancient history 28.4.1895 - - Sybel, Prof. Ludwig v., Marburg: - sending of his 1st volume "Christliche Antike, Katakomben" 11.10.1906, - sending of his rectorate speech "Die klassische Archäologie und die altchristliche Kunst" 26.10.1906 - - Sybel, Heinrich v.: - subsidy for Quiddes historical magazine 11.3.1889, - inquiry for the address of Schottmüller 19.2.1892, - Casus Busse in Marburg because of Quiddes Exmission 13.6.1894 - - Schweinfurth, Georg, Berlin: - Send a draft letter and ask for permission to use the name Althoffs 22.10.1894, - Collections of Emin Pasha 23.12.1889 - - Treitschke, Prof. v., Berlin: - Schwenninger case and drawing of parallels with Lord Clive, Mirabeau and York 22.2.1885, - return of the Königsberg address to the 25th anniversary of the emperor 22.1.1886 - return of a book by Prof. Dr. Hermann Schwenninger Lagarde by Prince Wilhelm 5.5.1886 (missing) - postponement of lectures 7.10.1891 (missing) * Contains: <br /><br />geodesy and geology: <br />- Bauernfeind, Karl Maximilian v., Feldafing: <br />Replacement of the Prussian Geodetic Institute 12.9.1885 <br />- Hauchecorne, Wilhelm, Geologische Landesanstalt und Bergakademie, Berlin: <br />Director Bansa belongs to the Belgian Society in Stolberg near Aachen 8.2,1887 <br />- Helmert, Friedrich Robert, Potsdam: <br />Registration of his visit 12.8.1894, <br />Sending of the necrology (obituary) via Lieutenant General Dr. Schreiber 17.2.1906 <br />- Kayser, Prof. Emanuel, Marburg: <br />Please for ministerial aid for participation in the Geological Congress in America 1.4.1891 <br />- Koenen, Prof. Dr. Adolf von, Göttingen: <br />Stud. Hann and the Göttingen beer riots 27.6.1884 <br />- Seibt, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm, Berlin: <br />New Year's greetings 31.12,1886 <br /><br />Geography and history: <br />- Below, Georg v., Prof. der Geschichte, Königsberg: <br />Thanks for Remuneration 8.12.1890 <br />- Bezold, Friedrich v., Historian, Bonn: <br />Announcement of his visit to Berlin 22.1.1903 <br />- Bresslau, Prof. Harry, Berlin: <br />Sending his Handbook of Doctrine 20.3,1889 <br />- Brode, Prof. Reinhold, Halle/Saale: <br />application for leave to work at the historical institute in Rome 27.7.1907 <br />- Baumgarten, Prof. Dr. Hermann, Strasbourg: <br />historic station in Rome 6.12.1885 (see Kaufmann) <br />- Boor, Prof. Dr. Hermann, Strasbourg: <br />- Boor, Prof. Dr. Hermann, Strasbourg: <br />- Historic station in Rome 6.12.1885 (see Kaufmann) <br />- Boor, Prof. Dr. Hermann, Strasbourg Dr. C. de, Breslau: <br />Shipment of his work 'Excerpta historica Vol. III' and acknowledgement of the aid 22.10.1905 <br />- Brugsch-Pascha Heinrich Karl, Cairo: <br />Acquisition of previously unknown papyrus leaves from the Roman Empire 7.5.1891 <br />- Credner, Prof. Dr. Peter Brugsch-Pascha Dr. Rudolf, Greifswald: <br />Sending of the VIIth Annual Report of the Geographical Society and Acknowledgment for the Red Eagle Order 10.10.1900, <br />Letter of the 6th Annual Report of the Geographical Society of Greifswald, Germany6.1908 <br />- Delbrück, Hans, Charlottenburg: <br />Transmission of a letter from Freiherr Binder v. Krieglstein (copy) about the strategist Friedrich the Great 16.9.1899 <br />- Delitzsch, Prof. Dr. Friedrich, Charlottenburg: <br />Sending of his writing "Babel and Bible" 1.3.1904 <br />- Drygalski, Erich v., Berlin: <br />Farewell before departure for the South Polar Expedition 18.7.1901 <br />- Droysen, Prof. Dr. Gustav, Halle/Saale. <br />historical teaching profession 9.7.1884 <br />- Duncker, Max, Karlsbad: <br />refusal of the offered professorship due to completion of his historical work 22.8.1884 <br />- Dove, Alfred, Leipzig, (Munich): <br /> deceased Hertz from Breslau and sending his Rankeschen Werk published by him 4.1.1894 <br />- Dove, Alfred, Freiburg/Breisgau: <br />Gratulation for the appointment to "Excellency", thanks for the picture of Mommsen, communication about his intention to submit the farewell because of a stroke 15.11.1904 <br />- Dümmler, Prof. Ernst, Berlin: <br />Continuation of the Monumenta Germaniae 12.6.1891 <br />- Drygalski, Erich v., Berlin: <br />Acknowledgment for his new position in Munich 15.8.1906 <br />- Egelhaaf, Prof. Dr. Gottlob, (Karlsgymnasium), Stuttgart: <br />Shipment of his latest historical works 14.7.1888 <br />- Erler, Prof. Dr. Georg, Münster/Westphalia: <br />Shipment of his writing "Leipziger Magisterschmäuse im 16. - 18. Jahrhundert" 21.1.1906 <br />- Falk, Friedrich, Berlin: <br />Shipment of his newest historical studies without D. <br />- Finke, Heinrich, Münster/Westphalia. <br />Sending of the illustrated biography of Carl Müller and the older Düsseldorf Christian art 3.6.1896 <br />- Fischer, Theobald, Prof. der Geographie, Marburg: <br />Acknowledgment for the travel support combined with the hope of good results regarding the knowledge of the Mediterranean countries 6.4.1899 <br />- Friedensburg, Walter, Royal Prussian Historical Institute, Rome: <br />Thanks for the Order 27.4.1893 <br />- Gerland, Prof. Dr. Georg, Strasbourg/Elsaß: <br />Thanks for congratulating 12.2.1903 (missing) <br />- Glagau, H., Privatdozent der Geschichte, Marburg: <br />Sending of the 1st volume of his Hessian Landtag files 19.6.1901 <br />- Goerke, Franz, Director of the Urania Society, Berlin: <br />Thank you for the Red Eagle Order 27.4.1906 <br />- Grauert, Hermann, Prof. der Geschichte, Munich: <br />Thanks for the Order of the Knight's Cross of the Crown Order III. 5.6.1894 <br />- Greim, Prof. Dr., Darmstadt: <br />Submission of his latest works 27.7.1906 <br />- Herrmann, Dr. Paul, Gymnasialoberlehrer, Torgau. <br />Sending of his latest historical works about the Nordic countries 4.9.1903 (missing) <br />- Hintze, Prof. Dr. Hintze Dr. Otto, Berlin: <br />Application of the Regent leg name "the Great" 2.1.1902 <br />- Hüffer, Prof. Dr. H., Bonn: <br />successful eye operation, hope for soon completion of his historical works 9.7.1888, <br />naming of the still present teachers of His Majesty, conclusion of peace by the students, torchlight procession 30.4.1891 <br />- Hanssen, G., (agricultural historian), Göttingen: <br />his bust created by Harzer 20.10.1887 (missing) <br />- Imelmann, J., Berlin: <br />Send of his latest historical works 30.11.1905, <br />Letter of 27.3.1906 <br />- Jastrow, Prof. Dr. Ignaz, Berlin: <br />Submission of the latest annual report on history 6.8.1891 <br />- Kaufmann, Dr. Georg, Strasbourg: <br />Sending an original letter from the Professor of History Baumgarten from Strasbourg 8.12.1885 <br />- Kiepert, Heinrich, Berlin: <br />Geographisches Institut in Weimar 23.1.1892 <br />- Kirchhoff, Alfred, Prof. Dr. Peter B., Berlin, Germany of Geography, Halle: <br />transmission of the latest research, distribution of the Volapük (mixed Aposteriori planned language) 23.9.1887, <br />transmission of the latest publications of the Central Commission 16.4.1889 <br />- Quiver, Prof. Dr.., Historian, Hanover: <br />Sending of an essay on economic history 4.1.1898 <br />- Krauske, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. H. Krauske, Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Krauske, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. H. Krauske, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Krauske, Prof. Otto, Göttingen: <br />transmission of his newest historical writings 9.12.1901 <br />- Lamprecht, Dr. Karl, Prof. Dr. Karl, Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl, Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl, Prof. Dr. Karl. der Geschichte, Leipzig: <br />Registration for visit to Berlin 20.2.1907, <br />Transmission of his latest volume "Deutsche Geschichte" 22.11.1907 <br />- Lindner, Theodor, Halle/Saale: <br />Sending of his 4th volume "Weltgeschichte seit der Völkerwanderung" 19.10.1905 <br />- Lohmeyer, Prof.., Königsberg: <br />Sending his latest historical publications 6.6.1885 <br />- Lorenz, Ottokar, Prof. der Geschichte Dr., (Zurich), Jena: <br />planning of the work about the chief president of Möller 30.11.1900 <br />- Lossen, W., Königsberg. <br />Sending of his latest historical writings 4.8.1902 <br />- Meister, Prof. Aloys, Münster: <br />Sending of his latest historical work "Die Geheimschrift im Dienste der Papstlichen Kurie" 23.5.1906 <br />- Mirbt, Prof. Dr. Karl, Marburg: <br />Send of his latest work "The Prussian Legation at the Pope's Court" 6.11.1898 <br />- Naudé, Albert, Berlin: <br />Thanks for the title "Extraordinarius" 25.2.1891 <br />- Naudé, Wilhelm, Berlin: <br />Thanks for Althoff's participation in the death of Naudé's brother 23.12.1896, <br />Death display 7.1.1904 <br />- Oncken, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm, Gießen: <br />Berlin visit, sending of his latest historical essays 12.9.1886 <br />- Pflugk-Harttung, Prof. Dr. Julius v., Berlin: <br />Please send a meeting 27.5.1897, <br />Send a map to his talk about "The Battle of Mars la Tour" 20.11.1893 <br />- Pietschmann, Richard, Göttingen: <br />Sending of his newest writing "Geschichte des Inkareiches von Pedro Sarmiento" <br />- Pyl, Prof. Dr. Theodor, Greifswald: <br />Send of his latest historical work "History of the Greifswald Churches" 10.7.1885 <br />- Quidde, Prof. Dr. R., Munich: <br />transmission of his latest historical writings, announcement of visit to Berlin in July 9.6.1889, <br /> incorrect information of the German Journal of Historical Science and its correction 25.3.1894 <br />- Rachfahl, Prof. Dr. Felix, Königsberg: <br />Shipment of his work "Wilhelm of Orange and the Dutch Uprising" 29.6.1906 <br />- Richthofen, Freiherr v., Berlin: <br />transmission of the commemorative publication published by the Gesellschaft für Erdkunde 12.11.1892 <br />- Rohlfs, Gerhard, Weimar: <br />conversation 8.9.1888, <br />letter of 10. November 1888, <br />letter of 10. September 1888, <br />conversation 8.9.1888, <br />conversation 8.9.1888, <br />conversation 8.9.1888, <br />conversation 8.9.1888, <br />conversation 8.9.1888, <br />conversation 8.9.1888, <br />conversation 8.9.1888, <br />conversation 10.6. o. J. <br />- Seeck, Prof. Dr. Otto, Greifswald: <br />Communication of the ability to read auxiliary sciences of ancient history 28.4.1895 <br />- Sybel, Prof. Ludwig v., Marburg: <br />transmission of his 1st volume "Christliche Antike, Katakomben" 11.10.1906, <br />transmission of his speech at the rectorate "Die klassische Archäologie und die altchristliche Kunst" 26.10.1906 <br />- Sybel, Heinrich v.: <br />Subsidy for Quiddes historical journal 11.3.1889, <br />Inquiry for the address of Schottmüller 19.2.1892, <br />Casus Busse in Marburg because of Quiddes Exmission 13.6.1894 <br />- Schweinfurth, Georg, Berlin: <br />Sending a draft letter and asking for permission to use the name Althoffs 22.10.1894, <br />Collections of Emin Pasha 23.12.1889 <br />- Treitschke, Prof. v., Berlin: <br />Fall Schwenninger and drawing of parallels with Lord Clive, Mirabeau and York 22.2.1885, <br />Return of the Königsberg address to the 25th anniversary of the emperor 22.1.1886 <br />Return of a book by Prof. Lagarde by Prince Wilhelm 5.5.1886 (missing) <br /> Postponement of lectures 7.10.1891 (missing).
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 94 A, Slg. Adam, Nr. Schuber 94 · File · 16 Vendemiaire an 10 e (8. Oktober 1801)
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Acquired from Arnoldi Collection in November 1954; headquarters at Bologne; Beige

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, BPH, Rep. 192 Nl Zimmermann, E., Nr. 52 · File · 25.4.1926
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains, among other things: - Thanks for interesting letter, which is not presentable for Wilhelm II. because of the last sentences - - Please to Zimmermann, to write again the "book content" from his letter copies - - Current reading material of Princess Hermine: Letters of Frederick the Great to Fredersdorf 25.4.1926, Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, BPH, Rep. 192 Nl Zimmermann, E. Zimmermann, Eugen (Dep.) Contains et al: <br />- Thanks for interesting letter, which is not presentable for Wilhelm II due to the last sentences <br />- Please to Zimmermann to write again the "book content" from his copies of letters <br />- Present reading material of Princess Hermine: Letters of Frederick the Great to Fredersdorf
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, BPH, Rep. 53, Nr. 153 · File · 11. - 15. Juni 1887
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

3 double sheets, Contains a. o.: - Lieutenant Carl von Bunsen to Wilhelm Prinz (II.): Congratulations on the position á la suite of the Sea Battalion; copy of an English letter addressed to the lieutenant on the occasion of a German fleet visit to Cape Town, South Africa, in March [1887], Berlin, 15 June 1887 (with notes) - copy of another letter to the same from Cape Town, May [1887], also on the occasion of the fleet visit on the occasion of the birthday of Emperor Wilhelm I.., Impressions and experiences, personal communication and plans of Lieutenant von Bunsen, Burtscheid, 11 June 1887; Varzin; find book GStA Dahlem [1982], packaging Borchert, entry Pistiolis, final editing Rose see also comments at BPH, Rep. 53 No. 132?

Judge - Roebel
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Gneisenau, A. N. v., Nr. 85 · File · 1808 - 1830
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Richter, Gom.-Pred.; Kolberg, 1808 (2 letters), with answer draft by Gneisenaus, 8.1.1809; 1809 - Judge, Gottfried Ernst, retired forestry official: Forstkauf bzw, Bookbinder: Stage Collection, Rudelstadt, 9.8.1820 - Judge, Lieutenant a. W.: Application for Support, Münsterberg, 20.9.1825 - Judge, Criminal Judge: Institute for the Improvement of Neglected Children, Königsberg, 10.12.1827 - Richthofen, R. Baron von; Barzdorf, 6.8.1808 - Richthofen, Friederike von, née Princess of Schleswig-Holstein-Beck; 1809, 1818, 1829 (4 letters) - Richthofen, Baron von, District Administrator; Würgsdorff, 1816, 1818 (2 letters); wife, née Nicolovius; 1820 (2 letters); son Oswald, Portepée-Fähnrich 2nd Silesian Hussar Regiment; 25.8.1816 - Richthofen, Charlotte Freiin von, née Freiin von Nordeck zur Rabenau; Conradswaldau, 10.3.1826 - Richthofen, Friedrich Daniel Freiherr von, Council of Justice; Breslau, 23.6.1819 - Ricoeur, von; Breslau, 6.2.1827 - Riedesel zu Eisenbach, Dorette von: Death of his daughter Agnes, Schlangenbad, 24.7.1822 - Riegel, F., bookseller: family tree of the House of Hohenzollern by K. von Reinhard, Potsdam, January 1826 - Ries, Ferdinand: his concert, Berlin, 22.1.1827 - Riesenthal, Ch.., Building inspector widow, née Renck; 1825, 1826 (3 letters) - Riesenthal, Jul. von, son of the previous ones; 1823, 1824, 1825 (3 letters) - Rietz: Writing about Stralsund's defence 1628, Stralsund, 30.7.1828 - Rigel, F. H.., Bat. captain: his work: The 7-year fight on the Pyrenean peninsula, Rastatt, December 1819 - Ristow, Ludwig, Gardejäger: employment in the forestry, Sagersberg, 29.8.1817 - knight; Königsberg, 15.2.1809 - knight, Prof. C.; Berlin, 28.2.1822 - knight, G. F.., Gunsmith; Oldenburg, 30.3.1826 - Robinski, NCO, Rider: dismissed from Gneisenaus Dienst, Berlin, 18.2.1818 - Roche aymon, Comte de la; pair de France, 1811, 1817, 1821 (3 letters) - Rochow, Theodor von, Major; Fischbach, 1830 (2 letters) - Rode, J. P. von, Major General; 1810, 1824 (2 letters) - Roebel, Fr. von; Berlin, 28.11.1811..;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Stoecker, A., Nr. 34 · File · 1880 - 1899
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

38 sheets, Contains: - von Pappenheim-Liebenau, Member of the Reichstag, 1895, - Count Pfeil-Hausdorf, Member of the Herrenhaus, 1885, - W. Philipps, Pastor, 1885-1899, - Baron von Plettenberg-Mehrum, 1895, - von Puttkamer, Minister, 1880, 1887, - von Puttkamer Plauth, Member of Parliament, Brother of the Minister, 1892, - von Puttkamer, Governor of Cameroon, 1885, - H. von Petersdorff, 1898.

Aggrey, James Emman Kwegyir
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 103 · File · o.D.
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

o.D., Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, VI. HA, Nl snow, H. snow, Heinrich

Preibisch - Quadt
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Gneisenau, A. N. v., Nr. 76 · File · 1805 - 1831, ohne Datum
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Preibisch, Maximilian, city musician, an von Gneisenaus son: von Gneisenau as flute player, Rawicz, 1819, 1831 (2 letters) - Prussia, Wilhelm Prince von (the elder), an von Gneisenaus son Aug.: mostly letter of condolence, 4.9.1831 - Prussia, Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm (IV. century) - Prussia, Prussia, Prussia, Prussia, Prussia, Prussia, Prussia, Prussia, Austria), an von Gneisenaus son Aug.: mostly letters of condolence, 10.9.1831 - Prussia, Wilhelm (I.) Prince von, an von Gneisenaus son Aug.: mostly letters of condolence, 29.8.1831 - Prussia, Karl Prince von, an von Gneisenaus son Aug.: mostly letters of condolence, January 1830, 2.9.1831 - Prussia, Friedrich Prinz von, an von Gneisenaus son Aug.: mostly letter of condolence, 27.3.1828, 26.10.1831 - Priesdorff, von, retired prime captain, (later major and chief of 2nd Invalidenkompagnie): request for garrison or invalidity company, Treptow/Rega, 1811 (2 letters), and son; prime lieutenant 2. Infantry Regiment, Stettin, 12.12.1826 - Prince, Ernst-Wallisch, Landwehrmann, Schwarzfärber: Request for Support, 1822 (2 letters) - Prittwitz, (by), Cousin of Gneisenaus; Conradswalde, 1805, 1808, 1811 (?), n.d. (4 letters) - Prittwitz, (from); 1809-1821 (7 letters) - Prittwitz, (from), Government director: Salary increase, Official residence, Kleve, 1816, 1818 (3 letters) - Prittwitz, Theodor (from), Brother-in-law of Gneisenaus: von Gneisenaus Erdmannsdorfer Wirtschaft, Wolmsdorf, Jauer, 1821, 1822, 1824 (3 letters) - Prittwitz, (von), Aggregated Staff Captain 2. Schlesisches Husaren-Regiment: written testimony, Glatz, 10.8.1813 - Prittwitz, (from), Commander 2nd Landwehr-Kavallerie-Regiment: his nephew, Oberjäger Graf von Dyhrn, with the hunter Detach of the Braunschweigischen Husaren-Regiments, Saatz, 8.10.1813 - Prittwitz, Aug. (from); Paris, 24.10.1815 - Prittwitz, (from), Lieutenant a. D.; Steinau/Oder, 12.2.1825 - Pritzelwitz, by, Major and Commander 1st Battalion 13th Landwehr-Infanterieregiment: Meldung von Ernennung, Potsdam, 15.7.1825, Antwortentwurf von Gneisenaus, 25th Landwehr-Infanterieregiment: Report of Appointment, Potsdam, 15th July 1825, Answer Draft von Gneisenaus, 25th Battalion of the German Army, 15th Battalion of the German Armed Forces, 15th July 1825, 15th Battalion of the German Armed Forces, 15th Battalion of the German Armed Forces, 15th July 1825, 15th Battalion of the German Armed Forces, 25th Battalion of the German Armed Forces8.1825 - Pritzelwitz, by, Colonel, and wife Henriette, née von Schladen, Berlin, 1813, 1820 (3 letters, Count von Schladen, former envoy to St. Petersburg, an von Gneisenau, 1813; illness of Captain Schirgel, 1820) - Pückler-(Muskau), Prince von; o. O., 1823, n/a. (2 letters) - Pullet, Samuel, Major General, Inspector 2nd Engineer-Insp.: Reorganization of the Corps of Engineers, Fortress Graudenz, "Calculation of the Time Required to Make 68 Defensive Places Defendable in One Strike and at the Same Time", Fortress Spandau, 1808-1811, 1825, (6 letters; printed at Pick 192,3; cf. No. 719) - Pusch, Battalion Physician: Subsidy for Studies, Berlin, 5.1.1820 - Putbus, M. Fürst zu: Pferdekauf, Berlin, 19.4.1818 - Quadt, von, Oberst und Kommandeur 28. Infantry Regiment: Report of Promotion, Cologne, 7.4.1824..;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 233 · File · 1907 - 1910
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

193 sheet, Contains and others: - Provisions for the commanding of officers to the Seminar for Oriental Languages in Berlin in preparation for the Schutztruppendienst. [Berlin] [1910] (print).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA GR, Rep. 34, Nr. 1030 · File · 1799 - 1800
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Settlement of the estate of the merchant Viktor Schlüter, who died in Surinam, 1796-1800 - Claims of Karl Wegert in Berlin to the estate of the ship auditor Christian Zencker, who died in Amsterdam, 1800 - Forwarding of a letter of the Baron von Masanel from Jamaica to King Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen, 1800 - Claims of Martin Mentz and Johann Schneysky to the estate of Georg Mentz in Amsterdam, 1800 - Settlement of the estate of Friedrich Karl Fritsch, who died in Surinam, 1800 - Kaufmann Brede ./. Kaufleute Hencken

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Witschel, M., Nr. 3 · File · 10. Dez. 1906 - 19. April 1907
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: <br />- 8 price charts with position notes <br />1) Shanghai - Nanking <br />2) Wade Island - Shanghai <br />3) Shanghai - Tsingtau <br />4) Tsingtau - Amoy <br />5) Amoy - Hong Kong <br />6) Hong Kong - Swatau <br />7) Swatau - Pagode Anchorage <br />8) Foochow - Amoy.

Witschel, Max
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Witschel, M., Nr. 4 · File · 25. April - 17. Aug. 1907
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: <br />- 5 course maps with position notes <br />1) Amoy - Tsingtau <br />2) Tsingtau - Yokohama <br />3) Yokohama - Kobe <br />4) Kobe - Tsingtau <br />5) Tsingtau - Shanghai.

Witschel, Max
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T., Nr. 267 · File · 1874, 1891 - 1921
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  • 1874, 1891 - 1921, Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T. Schiemann, Theodor (partly Dep.) description: Contains: - "Goethe's 'Mahomet' and 'Tankred'" dissertation by Josef Graul, Berlin 1914 - - "Literarische Rundschau. Some New Books", "Future of the Weimar Goethe-Schiller-Archive", "Julian Schmidt the Literary Historian", "Heinrich von Treitschke's German History", "Achim von Arnim's Correspondence with Clemens Brentano" by Herman Grimm, Berlin 1894-1901 - - "Treitschke in London" by Karl Hampe, Berlin 1916 - - "An open letter to an English officer and incidentally to the English people" by Ferdinand Hansen, Augsburg 1920 - - - "Zur niederdeutschen Dietrichsage" Dissertation by Waldemar Haupt, Berlin 1914 - - - "Tsingtau. Acquisition, Bloom and Loss" by A. v. Janson, Berlin 1915 - - "Germany's True Political Mission" by Count Hermann Keyserling, Darmstadt 1919 - - Speech by Reinhold Koser (dr.), Berlin 1912 - - - "Reinhold Koser. An obituary" by M. Tangl, Hannover, Leipzig 1914 - - "Is the name Mieczko justified" by Lambert Schulte, o. O. 1916 - - "Is Spartacus defeated? Bolshevism as a World Political Problem" by E. Stadtler, Berlin 1919 - - "Zur Charakteristik von Mach's Erkenntnislehre" dissertation by Rudolf Thiele, Halle/Saale 1914 - - "Heinrich von Treitschke als Erzieher" by ?, Berlin 1891 - - "Die politischen Ideen in Heinrich von Kleist's Hermannsschlacht in ihrem Zusammenhang mit den Zeitanschauungen" by Walter Wieber, o. O. u. D. - - "Zur Frage der chemischen und physikalischen Natur des Porzellans" Dissertation by Adalbert Zoellner, Berlin 1908 - - "Beiträge zur Kenntnis der spanischen Sierra Nevada" Dissertation by Otto Quelle, Berlin 1908 - - - Memory speech on Heinrich v. Sybel and Heinrich v. Treischke by Gustav Schmoller (printed), Berlin 1896 - - "Thidrekssagra und Dietrichsepos" dissertation by Hans Friese, Berlin 1914 - - - "Le cas des Armeniens" by Diana Agabeg Apcar, o. O. 1914 - - "The German legends of the Brothers Grimm" Dissertation by Siegfried Aschner, Berlin 1909 - - Memorial speech for the fallen members of the Agricultural University of Berlin by Otto Auhagen (ed.), Berlin 1921 - - "Heinrich von Treitschke" by Paul Bailleu, Berlin 1896; therein "Briefe Heinrich von Treitschkes an Wilhelm Hofmeister" by Heinz Abel, 1903 (ZA) - - - "Heinrich von Treitschkes deutsche Sendung" by G. v. Below, o. O. u. D. - - "Ireland, Germany and the freedom of the seas and other essays" by Sir Roger Casement, Diessen before Munich 1916 - - Address for the consecration of the house in Haus Doorn by Ernst Dryander (printed in German)), Berlin 1920 - - "Psychology of Self Speech", "On Modern Monism", "Critique of the Problems in Kant's Transcendental Deduction of Categories", "Words of Memory on Leibniz", "Methodological Consequences from the Theory of Abstraction", "Orienting Remarks on the Sources of Leibniz Philosophy" by Benno Erdmann, Berlin 1914-1917 - - "The apolitical nature of the German and its overcoming" lecture by Ferdinand Fehling, Heidelberg 1919 - - "The War and Social Democracy" by Anton Fendrich, Stuttgart, Berlin 1915 - - "The Unveiling of the Treitschke Memorial" by ?Berlin 1909 - - "Historical Gaudeamus. Georgia Augusta" by ?, o. O. 1874 - - "How Russia betrayed Germany and unleashed the European War" by ?, Berlin o. D. - "Report of the German Association in Kurland", Mitau 1910. Contains: <br />- "Goethe's 'Mahomet' and 'Tankred'" Dissertation by Josef Graul, Berlin 1914 <br />- "Literarische Rundschau. Some New Books", "Future of the Weimar Goethe-Schiller-Archive", "Julian Schmidt the Literary Historian", "Heinrich von Treitschke's German History", "Achim von Arnim's Correspondence with Clemens Brentano" by Herman Grimm, Berlin 1894-1901 <br />- "Treitschke in London" by Karl Hampe, Berlin 1916 <br />- "An open letter to an English officer and incidentally to the English people" by Ferdinand Hansen, Augsburg 1920 <br />- "Zur niederdeutschen Dietrichsage" Dissertation by Waldemar Haupt, Berlin 1914 <br />- "Tsingtau. Acquisition, Bloom and Loss" by A. v. Janson, Berlin 1915 <br />- "Germany's True Political Mission" by Count Hermann Keyserling, Darmstadt 1919 <br />- Speech by Reinhold Koser (dr.), Berlin 1912 <br />- "Reinhold Koser. Ein Nachruf" by M. Tangl, Hannover, Leipzig 1914 <br />- "Is the name Mieczko justified?" by Lambert Schulte, o. O. 1916 <br />- "Is Spartacus defeated? Der Bolschewismus als weltpolitisches Problem" by E. Stadtler, Berlin 1919 <br />- "Zur Charakteristik von Mach's Erkenntnislehre" Dissertation by Rudolf Thiele, Halle/Saale 1914 <br />- "Heinrich von Treitschke als Erzieher" by ?, Berlin 1891 <br />- "Die politischen Ideen in Heinrich von Kleist's Hermannsschlacht in ihrer Zusammenhang mit den Zeitanschauungen" by Walter Wieber, o. O. u. D. <br />- "Zur Frage der chemischen und physikalischen Natur des Porzellans" Dissertation by Adalbert Zoellner, Berlin 1908 <br />- "Beiträge zur Kenntnis der spanischen Sierra Nevada" Dissertation by Otto Quelle, Berlin 1908 <br />- Memorial speech on Heinrich v. Sybel und Heinrich v. Treischke by Gustav Schmoller (printed), Berlin 1896 <br />- "Thidrekssagra und Dietrichsepos" Dissertation by Hans Friese, Berlin 1914 <br />- "Le cas des Armeniens" by Diana Agabeg Apcar, o. o. 1914 <br />- "Die deutschen Sagen der Brüder Grimm" Dissertation by Siegfried Aschner, Berlin 1909 <br />- Memorial speech for the fallen members of the Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule zu Berlin by Otto Auhagen (ed.), Berlin 1921 <br />- "Heinrich von Treitschke" by Paul Bailleu, Berlin 1896; therein "Briefe Heinrich von Treitschkes an Wilhelm Hofmeister" by Heinz Abel, 1903 (ZA) <br />- "Heinrich von Treitschkes deutsche Sendung" by G. v. Below, o. O. u. D. <br />- "Ireland, Germany and the Freedom of the Seas and Other Essays" by Sir Roger Casement, Diessen before Munich 1916 <br />- Address for the consecration of the house in Haus Doorn by Ernst Dryander (printed in German)), Berlin 1920 <br />- "Psychology of Self Speech", "On Modern Monism", "Critique of the Problems in Kant's Transcendental Deduction of Categories", "Words of Memory on Leibniz", "Methodological Consequences from the Theory of Abstraction", "Orientierende Bemerkungen über die Quellen zur Leibnizschen Philosophie" by Benno Erdmann, Berlin 1914-1917 <br />- "The apolitical nature of the German and its overcoming" lecture by Ferdinand Fehling, Heidelberg 1919 <br />- "The War and Social Democracy" by Anton Fendrich, Stuttgart, Berlin 1915 <br />- "The Unveiling of the Treitschke Memorial" by ?Berlin 1909 <br />- "Historical Gaudeamus. Georgia Augusta" by ?, o. O. 1874 <br />- "How Russia betrayed Germany and unleashed the European War" by ?, Berlin o. D. <br />- "Report of the Association of Germans in Kurland", Mitau 1910.