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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 290 · File · 1905 - 1909
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

292 sheets, Contains and others: - Acquisition of the library of the late interpreter Karl Georg Friedrich Julius Himly, 1905 - sending of a textbook to the general agent of the Hamburg-Amerika-Linie in Lucerne Eugen Bär, 1905 - release of the student iur. Ferdinand Lessing on his activity in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages and commissioning Hildegard Brauer from Oberglogau with auxiliary work in the seminar library, 1905 - acquisition of Arabic publications from the duplicates of the library of the Dutch-Indian Academy from the Brill´schen bookstore in Leiden, 1905 - evaluation of the personality and the scientific work of Dr. Lessing, who had been offered a position as a volunteer by the Royal Library in Berlin, and who had been asked by the Royal Library in Berlin to work in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages. Gotthold Weil, 1906 - Permission for Dr. Stephan Kekule von Stradonitz in Berlin to use the library of the Seminary of Oriental Languages for the elaboration of an expert opinion under state and nobility law, 1906 - Questionnaire for the Berlin library guide (as of May 1, 1906) - Pubblicazioni della Biblioteca Vaticana. Rome] [1905] (print) - Release of the librarian of the Department of Oriental Languages Nicolaus Theodor Georg von Rehbinder from his duties at the General Catalogue of Prussian Libraries and transfer of the same to the Library of the University of Berlin, 1906 - Provision of publications of the Seminar of Oriental Languages for the exchange of writings with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia) in Budapest, 1907 - Provision of programmes and textbooks of the Seminar of Oriental Languages to the Russian Embassy in Berlin, 1907 - Transfer of a collection of photographs of oriental antiquities to the library of the Department of Oriental Languages for permanent ownership, 1907 - Acquisition of a collection of Sanskrit manuscripts offered by Bernhard Wibelitz in Hamburg, 1907 - Acquisition of writing materials in Japanese, makassaric and malaii-arabic script from the former colonial school in Delft, 1907 - appraisal and evaluation of an Arabic manuscript offered to the antiquarian Otto Harrassowitz in Leipzig, 1907 - transfer of a Tibetan scroll captured during the 1903/04 campaign against Tibet in the city of Llassa by the major in the 8th century, 1907 - transfer of the rights to the Tibetan scroll to the antiquarian Otto Harrassowitz in Leipzig, 1907 - transfer of the rights to the Tibetan scroll by the major in the 8th century. Gurkha-Riffles-Regiment [8th Gurkha Rifles] J. A. Wilson and transfer of the scroll to the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1908 - transfer of 3 copies of the Algeciras files to the Deutsch-Marokkanische Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1908 - examination and evaluation of the documents produced by the staff doctor in the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika [.... Hellwig" by Prof. Carl Meinhof, 1908 - Acquisition of a projection and epidiascop apparatus, 1908 - Transfer of the data from natives to the Seminar for Oriental Languages at the instigation of Prof. Carl Meinhof. Dr. Carl Heinrich Becker in Hamburg to the manuscript department of the Royal Library in Berlin, 1908 - Granting of a compensation to the librarian at the Seminar for Oriental Languages Nicolaus Theodor Georg von Rehbinder, 1909 - Extension of the exchange of writings of the Seminar for Oriental Languages with the École française d'Extrême-Orient in Paris, 1909.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76, Vf Lit. P Nr. 15 · File · 1836 - 1841
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Granting of financial support, etc. for a scientific journey to Rome - Extensive travel report about the stay in Rome, 1837 - Presentation of the book Geschichte der wandalischen Herrschaft in Afrika - Research of the manuscripts of Sueton in Rome for the high school teacher Johannes von Gruber, 1837/38 - Extensive reports of his research in Italy, 1838 and 1839 - Felix Papencordt, Kritisches Verzeichnis der Handschriften des Sueton aus der Vatikanischen Bibliothek - Admission to the statutory postdoctoral lecturing program as Privatdozent at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bonn, 1841 - Appointment as Associate Professor of the University of Bonn, 1841 - Notification of Papencordt's death.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 151, IC Nr. 7144 · File · 1899-1906
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Publication of Luther's works - Publication on archaeological research by Dr. Max Ohnefalsch-Richter - Denkmäler deutscher Tonkunst des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts, including: revised list; donations to Dr. Thouret, Friedenau - library building of the monastery Monte Cassino - budget announcements of the Ministry of Culture - employment of an academic attaché at the German Embassy in Paris, 20.10.1900 - Cabinet order for the duplication and distribution of the memorial sheet produced by Prof. Döpler the Younger for the 200th anniversary of his coronation, 18.2.1901 - History of Hanover by Dr. Thimme - Journey to the exploration of the volcanic phenomena on the island of Martinique, proposal of the Prussian Academy of Sciences of 18.6.1902 - Journey of Dr. Döpler the Younger for the 200th anniversary of the coronation of the island of Martinique, proposal of the Prussian Academy of Sciences of 18.6.1902 - Journey of Dr. Döpler the Younger for the 200th anniversary of the coronation of the island of Martinique, proposal of the Prussian Academy of Sciences of 18.6.1902 - Journey of Dr. Thimme for the 200th anniversary of the coronation of the island of Martinique Schweinfurth zur Fortsetzung steinzeitlicher Forschungen in Ägypten - Rejection of a state subsidy for the Gladenbecks Bronzegieserei company in Friedrichshagen, 3.12.1902 - Overview of state-funded works, 4.12.1902 - Publication of a work "Die Burgen und Burgenreste Italiens" by Bodo Ebhardt, Berlin-Grunewald, thereby: Verlagsvertrag, 19.3.1904 - Publication of all speeches by Herren v. Bennigsen and v. Miquel by Johannes Penzler, Leipzig - expedition of Dr. Johannes Flemming to Abbessinien to search for Old Christian manuscripts, 20.12.1904 - financing of the production of a map of the island of Leukas by the archaeologist Dr. Dörpfeld, 5.12.1904 - publication of the results of the plankton expedition - purchase of the scientific East African collection of C. G. Schillings, Gürzenich - Vogelwarte zu Rossitten.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, XVII. HA, Rep. 135, Nr. 526-2 · File · 1754
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Enth. the following coloured hand drawings: 1) Principatus Münsterbergensis exhibens circulos Münsterberg et Frankstein a I. W. Wielandi diligentissima delineata in hanc fromam reducta a F. B. Wernhero ... 1754 [Map of the Principality of Münsterberg with the districts Münsterberg and Frankenstein, drawn by I. W. Wieland and F. B. Wernher brought into this form ... 1754] (Münsterberg, district / Ziebice), 29.8 cm x 24.3 cm; p. 3v-4r 2) Mappa specialis circuli Mönsterbergens[is special map of the Münsterberg district] (Münsterberg, district / Ziebice), 16.8 cm x 20.7 cm; p. 11r 3) Plan of Münsterberg (Münsterberg / Ziebice), 39.3 cm x 31.3 cm; p. 3v-4r 2; map of the Münsterberg district [is special map of the Münsterberg district], 39.3 cm x 31.3 cm; p. 4v-4r 2) 16v-17r 4) Closter Henrichau [Heinrichau] (Heinrichau / Henryków), 35 cm x 26.1 cm; sheets 20v-21r 5) Prospect of Münsterberg (Münsterberg / Ziebice), 17.5 cm x 7 cm; sheets 22r 6) Ground plan of Münsterberg (Münsterberg / Ziebice), 17.7 cm x 14.5 cm; p. 22v 7) Parish church in Mönsterberg [Münsterberg] (Münsterberg / Ziebice), 8.3 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 22v 6) 23r 8) Town hall in Mönsterberg [Münsterberg] (Münsterberg / Ziebice), 8 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 23r 9) Creutzherrn Commenda [Kreuzherrenkommende zu Münsterberg] (Münsterberg / Ziebice), 8.1 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 23v 10) Today's castle in Mönsterberg [Münsterberg] (Münsterberg / Ziebice), 9 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 23r 9) 23v 11) Ruins of the old castle in Münsterberg (Münsterberg / Ziebice), 16.6 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 24r 12) Closter Henrichau [Heinrichau] von Aufgang (Heinrichau / Henryków), 17.2 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 24r 12; ruins of the old castle in Münsterberg (Münsterberg / Ziebice), 16.6 cm x 7.5 cm 25r 13) Church at Beerdorf [Bärdorf] (Bärdorf / Niedzwiedz), 7.9 cm x 6.3 cm; p. 25v 14) [Church] at Beerwalde [Bärwalde] (Bärwalde / Niedzwiednik), 6.5 cm x 6.3 cm; p. 25v 15) Schönjonsdorf Castle [Schönjohnsdorf] in Münsterberg, belonging to the Closter Henrichau [Heinrichau] (Schönjohnsdorf / Witostowice ), 16.8 cm x 20.7 cm; sheets. 26v-26r 16) K[irche] at Krelke [Krelkau] (Krelkau / Krzelków), 7.5 cm x 7.8 cm; p. 28r 16) K[irche] at G[roß] Nossen (Groß Nossen / Osina Wielka), 7 cm x 7.8 cm; p. 28r 17) [Church at] Olbersdorf (Olbersdorf / Rososznica), 7.3 cm x 8.7 cm; p. 28v 18) [Church at] Polish Neudorf [Waldneudorf] (Polish Neudorf / Waldneudorf / Nowolesie), 8.6 cm x 8.7 cm; p. 28v 19) Castle at Seitendorf (Seitendorf / Sieroszow), 9.4 cm x 7 cm; p. 29r 20) K[irche] at Seitendorf (Seitendorf / Sieroszow), 6.4 cm x 7 cm; p. 29r 21) [Church to] Alt Henrichau [Alt Heinrichau] (Alt Heinrichau / Stary Henryków), 8 cm x 7,3 cm; p. 29r 22) K[irche] to Wiesenthal (Wiesenthal / Wadochowice), 6,6 cm x 7,3 cm; p. 29) [Church to] Alt Henrichau [Alt Heinrichau] (Alt Heinrichau / Stary Henryków), 8 cm x 7,3 cm; p. 29r 22) 29r 23) Map of Franckenst [one; Frankensteiner] Creis (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 16.6 cm x 24 cm; p. 30r 24) Ground plan of Franckstein [Frankenstein] (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 18.3 cm x 17 cm; p. 36r 25) Franckstein [Frankenstein], prospect of Mitternacht (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 17.3 cm x 8.5 cm; sheet. 37r 26) Castle of Franckstein [Frankenstein] in front of the Runinirung (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 17.1 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 38r 27) Franckstein [Frankenstein], Propect of Evening (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 17.9 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 44r 28) Prospect of the [Frankensteiner] Town Hall and Imperial Rams (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 17.7 cm x 9.2 cm; p. 50r 29) Prospect of the Ring Virtel [at Frankenstein] in front of the Schweidnitzer Thor (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 17 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 53r 30) Francksteiner [Frankensteiner] castle after the demolition (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 16.2 cm x 11 cm; sheet. 55r 31) Prospect of the first quarter in Oberlanggasse [zu Frankenstein] (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 16.2 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 58r 32) Today's castle in Franckstein [Frankenstein] (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 16.2 cm x 8.9 cm; p. 100r 33) Parish [irche] at S[ankt] Anna in Franckstein [Frankenstein] (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 9.6 cm x 8.3 cm; p. 102v 34) Kirch im Zadel (Zadel / Sadlno), 6 cm x 8.3 cm; p. 102v 35) P[atres] Dominicaner zum hei[ligen] Creutz [zu Frankenstein] (Frankenstein / Zabkowice Slaskie), 15.2 cm x 8.7 cm; p. 103r 36) Warta [Wartha], as same stood before old times (Wartha / Bardo), 29 cm x 22 cm; p. 111v-112r 37) Warta [Wartha], to be seen today (Wartha / Bardo), 32.6 cm x 24.8 cm; p. 113v-114r 38) Camentz [Kamenz] to be seen from Schrömerberg or Mittag an (Kamenz / Kamieniec Zabkowicki), 17.5 cm x 10.2 cm; p. 116r 39) Camentz [Kamenz] to be seen from midnight (Kamenz / Kamieniec Zabkowicki ), 16.7 cm x 10.6 cm; sheet. 117r 40) Camentz [Kamenz] seen from the Hopfenberg (Kamenz / Kamieniec Zabkowicki), 16.2 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 118v 41) [Church to] Altmannsdorf (Alt Altmannsdorf / Starczów), 7.8 cm x 7.6 cm; p. 119v 42) [Church to] Baumgarten (Baumgarten / Kojecin), 7.2 cm x 7.6 cm; p. 119v 43) Beitzen [Baitzen], old church [with vicarage] (Baitzen / Byczen), 12,5 cm x 5 cm; p. 119v 44) New church [to Baitzen] (Baitzen / Byczen), 4,5 cm x 5 cm; p. 119v 45) [Church at] Dittmandorf [Dittmannsdorf] (Dittmannsdorf / Brodziszów), 6.7 cm x 4.2 cm; p. 119v 46) [Church and vicarage] at Frankenberg (Frankenberg / Przylek), 10.1 cm x 9.7 cm; p. 120r 47) [Church to] Dörndorf (Dörndorf / Plonica), 5.7 cm x 9.7 cm; p. 120r 48) [Church to] Gierichswalde (Gierichswalde / Laskówka), 5.7 cm x 4.7 cm; p. 4) [Church to] Dörndorf (Dörndorf / Plonica), 5.7 cm x 9.7 cm; p. 120r 48) [Church to] Gierichswalde (Gierichswalde / Laskówka), 5.7 cm x 4.7 cm; p. 4 120r 49) Heinrichswälder [Heinrichswalde] Church and vicarage (Heinrichswalde / Laski ), 16.4 cm x 8.7 cm; p. 120v 50) [Church and vicarage to] Hemmersdorf (Hemmersdorf / Ozary), 11.4 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 11.4 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 4.4 cm x 7.7 cm 121r 51) [Church at] Folmersdorf (Follmersdorf / Chwalislaw), 5.5 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 121r 52) Kaubitzer Kirch (Kaubitz / Kubice), 10.7 cm x 8.1 cm; p. 121r 53) [Church at] Töliwoda [Tepliwoda/Lauenbrunn] (Tepliwoda / Lauenbrunn / Cieplowody), 5.7 cm x 8.1 cm; p. 121r 54) Castle at Kleitsch [Kleutsch] (Kleutsch / Kluczowa), 8.3 cm x 8.2 cm; p. 122v 55) [Adelshof zu] Lampersdorf (Lampersdorf / Grodziszcze), 7.8 cm x 8.2 cm; p. 122v 56) Mayfritzdorfer [Maifritzdorfer] Kirch u[nd] Pfarrhof (Maifritzdorf / Makolno), 15.3 cm x 8.9 cm; p. 122v 57) Manor of Giersdorf (Giersdorf / Opolnica), 18 cm x 10 cm; p. 123r 58) Castle of Peterwitz (Peterwitz / Stoszowice), 16 cm x 9 cm; p. 123v 59) Protzan village (Protzan / Zwrócona), 22.3 cm x 65.5 cm; p. 124r 60) Raudnitz castle (Raudnitz / Rudnica), 17.5 cm x 9 cm; p. 125v 61) New church [with vicarage] at Reichenau (Reichenau / Topola), 11 cm x 7.9 cm; p. 125v 62) Old church at Reichenau (Reichenau / Topola), 6.5 cm x 7.9 cm; p. 125v 63) [Church and manor house at Schönwalde] (Schönheide / Przedborowa), 17.6 cm x 8.6 cm; p. 126r 64) [Church at] Peterwitz (Peterwitz / Stoszowice), 8.5 cm x 8 cm; p. 126v 65) [Church at] Schrom [Schröm] (Schröm / Srem), 7.9 cm x 7.2 cm; p. 126v 66) Chapel at Schlottendorf (Schlottendorf / Slawecin), 7.8 cm x 7.2 cm; p. 126v 67) Warta [Wartha] (Wartha / Bardo), 36.5 cm x 16 cm; p. 127v-128r 68) Giersdorf, formerly gräf[liche] Burg, now mehro gräf[lich] Chursvant (Giersdorf / Opolnica), 36.5 cm x 12.5 cm; sheet. 127v-128r 69) Lampersdorff [Lampersdorf], Mr. von Vilbach (Lampersdorf / Grodziszcze), 27.3 cm x 15 cm; p. 129v-130r 70) Schönwalde [Schönwalde], manor house (Schönwalde / Budzow), 27.3 cm x 12.5 cm; p. 129v-130r 71) Raudnitz vulg[o] Raumnitz, Lord of Haugwitz (Raudnitz / Rudnica), 26.2 cm x 20.4 cm; p. 131v-132r 72) Schräbsdorf Castle (Schräbsdorf / Bobolice), 17.5 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 133r 73) Castle and church of Stoltz (Stolz / Stolec), 16.5 cm x 8.3 cm; p. 133v 74) König[liche] freye Bergstadt Silberberg (Silberberg / Srebrna Góra), 37.8 cm x 18.3 cm; p. 18) 134v-135r 75) Church at Wolmsdorf (Wolmsdorf / Sosnowa), 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 136v 76) Church at Zadel (Zadel / Sadlno), 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 136v 77) Oelsische Schlos vorm Bres[lauer] Thor her (Oels / Olesnica), 16 cm x 9.7 cm; p. 156v 78) City of Oels on view before Trebnitzer Thor (Oels / Olesnica), 17.5 cm x 6.5 cm; p. 157r 79) Oelse [Oels] in front of Bres[lauer] Thor on view (Oels / Olesnica), 16.5 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 157v 80) Olsische Schlos vorm Trebnitzer Thor on view (Oels / Olesnica), 16.5 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 158v 81) Plan of the princely residence town of Oels (Oels / Olesnica), 36 cm x 29 cm; p. 162v-163r 82) Castle and city Parish [irche zu Oels] (Oels / Olesnica), 8.3 cm x 6.9 cm; p. 165r 83) S[ankt] Salvator [zu Oels] (Oels / Olesnica), 5.1 cm x 6.9 cm; p. 165r 84) Catho[ische] Church in Oels ad[dicta] Sanctae Trinit[atil] (Oels / Olesnica), 17.5 cm x 6.5 cm; p. 167v 85) S[ankt] Marien und [nd] Georgenkirch [zu Oels] (Oels / Olesnica), 7.2 cm x 7.3 cm; p. 167v 86) S[ankt] Anna, Begräbni[s]kirchl [to Oels] (Oels / Olesnica), 6,2 cm x 6,8 cm; p. 168r 87) S[ankt] Nicolai Kirchel [to Oels] (Oels / Olesnica), 7 cm x 6,8 cm; p. 168r 88) [View of] Hundsfeld (Hundsfeld (Breslau) / Psie Pole ), 35 cm x 18.9 cm; pp. 169v-170r 89) Das hochfürst[lich] Würtemberg-Ölsische Lust Schlos Sibyllen-Orth [Sibyllenort] (Sibyllenort / Szczodre), 26.2 cm x 25.2 cm; pp. 171v-172r 90) Plan, front Prosp[ect] of Briesa [Briese] (Briese / Brzezinka), 30,7 cm x 21,3 cm; sheet. 173v-174r 91) Briesa [Briese], high countess Promnitz Castle and Garden (Briese / Brzezinka), 29,8 cm x 25 cm; p. 175v-176r 92) Ground view of Oels (Oels / Olesnica), 17,4 cm x 20,2 cm; p. 177r 93) The country house [to Oels] with the same side of the marquetry (Oels / Olesnica), 15 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 179v 94) Rathus in Oels (Oels / Olesnica), 16.3 cm x 7.8 cm; p. 179v 181r 95) Kirch zu Hundsfeldt [Hundsfeld] (Hundsfeld (Breslau) / Psie Pole), 8.9 cm x 7.4 cm; p. 183r 96) Gr[oß] Weigelsdorf (Groß Weigelsdorf / Kielczow), 8.9 cm x 5.8 cm; p. 183r 97) Knight's seat at Hünern (Hünern / Psary), 14.2 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 183r 98) Castle at Simbsdorf [Simsdorf] (Simsdorf / Szymanow), 16 cm x 8 cm; p. 183v 99) Church at Hünern (Hünern / Psary), 9.3 cm x 5.8 cm; p. 183v 100) Church at Kabsdorf (Kapsdorf / Czernczyce), 6 cm x 5.8 cm; p. 183v 8) Church at Kabsdorf (Kapsdorf / Czernczyce), 6 cm x 5.8 cm; p. 183r 8) 183v 101) Manor house at Skarsine [Sauerbrunn] (Skarsine / Sauerbrunn / Skarszyn), 16.5 cm x 9 cm; p. 184r 102) Region of the fountain at Skarsine [Sauerbrunn] (Skarsine / Sauerbrunn / Skarszyn), 16.5 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 184r 103) Catho[lische] Church and vicarage at Lossen (Lossen / Losiów), 10 cm x 7.2 cm; p. 184v 104) Evan[gelisch] Luth[e]r[ische] K[irch] zu Lossen (Lossen / Losiów), 5.5 cm x 7.2 cm; p. 184v 105) Church at Bohrau (Bohrau / Borowa), 8.5 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 184v 106) Church of Strehlitz (Strehlitz / Strzelce), 6.4 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 184v 107) [Church of Schmollen (Schmollen / Smolna), 7.7 cm x 6.5 cm; p. 184v 108) [Church of Stampen (Stampen / Stepin)], 6.5 cm x 6.5 cm; p. 184v 109) Church at Langenwiese (Langenwiese / Dlugoleka), 17.6 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 185r 110) Klein Weigelsdorf in the Oelsisches Fürstenthum, Baron Franckenberg gehörig (Klein Weigelsdorf / Kielczowek), 29.5 cm x 20.7 cm; p. 185v-186r 111) Brusewitz Castle [Bruschewitz/Möwengrund], Graf v[on] Salisch, located halfway around Sibyllenort (Bruschewitz/Möwengrund / Pruszowice), 27.4 cm x 24.2 cm; sheet. 187v-188r 112) Peuke, castle and garden, 1 1/2 meil of Oels, Baron Haugwitz (Peuke / Byków), 27.7 cm x 26.7 cm; p. 189v-190r "113) [Weak drawing of a walled enclosure and castle outside, inscribed with ""Baumgarten""] (--- / ---), 16.2 cm x 18.2 cm; p. 190v" 114) Mappa specialis circuli Bernstadiensis [Special map of the Bernstadt district] (Bernstadt / Bierutów), 16.5 cm x 21.2 cm; p. 192r 115) Prospect of Bernstadt (Bernstadt / Bierutów), 17 cm x 7.3 cm; p. 192r 116) Grund-Ris of Bernstadt (Bernstadt / Bierutów), 17.5 cm x 14.7 cm; p. 193r 117) Fürst[liches] Schlos zu Bernstadt (Bernstadt / Bierutów), 16 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 193v 118) Schlos zu Bernstadt von Seiten der Stadt (Bernstadt / Bierutów), 16.4 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 193r 4) 195r 119) Church of Bernstadt (Bernstadt / Bierutów), 9.3 cm x 7.9 cm; p. 196v 120) Burial Church of Bernstadt (Bernstadt / Bierutów), 5.8 cm x 7.9 cm; p. 196v 121) [Church of] Kunersdorf (Kunersdorf / Brzezia Laka), 7.5 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 196v 197r 122) K[irche] at Pontwitz (Pontwitz / Poniatowice), 8 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 197r 123) Castle and Church at Juliusburg (Juliusburg / Dobroszyce), 17.3 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 17) 197r 124) Castle and Court Era of Zessel (Zessel / Ciesle), 15.4 cm x 6.9 cm; p. 197v 125) Church of Zessen (Zessel / Ciesle), 8.7 cm x 6.3 cm; p. 197v 126) Church at Gr[oß] Zöllnig (Zöllnig / Solniki Male), 6.3 cm x 6.3 cm; p. 197v 127) [Bird's-eye view of] Bernstadt, d(en) 24 augusti 1751 (Bernstadt / Bierutów), 36.8 cm x 26.4 cm; p. 198v-199r 128) Plan of Juliusburg (Juliusburg / Dobroszyce), 31.7 cm x 19.5 cm; p. 200v-201r 129) Prospect of Juliusburg (Juliusburg / Dobroszyce), 27.2 cm x 4.9 cm; sheet 200v-201r 130) Special Charte circuli Trebnicensis [Special Map of the Trebnitz District] (Trebnitz / Trzebnica), 30.5 cm x 21.2 cm; sheet 202v-203r 131) Closter Gestifft Trebnitz (Trebnitz / Trzebnica), 15.3 cm x 7.3 cm; p. 209v 132) [Bird's-eye view of] Trebnitz (Trebnitz / Trzebnica), 36.8 cm x 21.2 cm; p. 210v-211r 133) Prospect of the Stift and Stadel Trebnitz (Trebnitz / Trzebnica), 23.8 cm x 4.1 cm; p. 209v 8) 210v-211r 134) Parish church at Trebnitz (Trebnitz / Trzebnica), 8.8 cm x 7.2 cm; p. 211v 135) Burial church [at Trebnitz] (Trebnitz / Trzebnica), 6 cm x 7.2 cm; p. 211v 136) Church at Klein Graben (Klein Graben / Grabowno Male), 7.2 cm x 5.8 cm; p. 211v 211r 211r 211v 211v 211v 2.8 cm; p. 211v 211v 211v 2.2 cm; p. 211v 211v 2.2 cm; p. 211v 211v 2.2 cm; p. 211v 2.2 cm; p. 2.2 cm; p. 2.2 cm 213r 137) [Church at] Hochkirch (Hochkirch / Wysoki Kosciol), 7 cm x 5.8 cm; p. 213r 138) Herrhof at Kaschneve [Herrhofen] (Herrhofen / Kaszyce Milickie), 9 cm x 6 cm; p. 213r 139) Herrhof at Schilanowitz [Schimmelwitz] (Schimmelwitz / Siemianice), 8 cm x 6 cm; p. 213r 8) [Church at] Hochkirch (Hochkirch / Wysoki Kosciol), 7 cm x 5.8 cm; p. 213r 138) 213r 140) Castle at Gros Peterwitz (Groß Peterwitz / Piotrkowice), 10 cm x 7.3 cm; p. 213v 141) Palace at Klein Peterwitz (Klein Peterwitz / Piotrkowice Male), 8 cm x 7.3 cm; p. 213v 142) Manor house at Wiese (Wiese / Wisznia Mala), 8 cm x 7.1 cm; p. 213v 241) 213v 143) [Bird's-eye view of] Stroppen (Stroppen / Strupina), 33.5 cm x 21 cm; p. 214v-215r 144) Parish church in the Stadl Stroppen (Stroppen / Strupina), 7.3 cm x 5.4 cm; p. 214v-215r 145) Prospect of Stroppen (Stroppen / Strupina), 18.7 cm x 5.4 cm; p. 214v-215r 18.7 cm x 5.4 cm 214v-215r 146) Cathol[ische] K[irche] zu Schawaine [Schweinern/Blücherthal] (Schweinern/Blücherthal / ---), 6.8 cm x 5.4 cm; p. 214v-215r 147) [Bird's-eye view of] Bralin, 1 1/2 meil a Wartenberg (Bralin / Bralin), 32.2 cm x 20.4 cm; p. 216v-217r 148) New castle at Goschitz [Goschütz] (Goschütz / Goszcz), 16 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 217v 149) Plan of Stadel Medzibor [Neumittelwalde] (Neumittelwalde / Miedzybórz), 29.2 cm x 25.4 cm; p. 219v-220r 150) [Weak pencil sketch of a layout with lock] (--- / ---), 28 cm x 16,9 cm; sheets 220v 151) Medzibor[ische] dominion, the prince[lichen] house Oels [map] (Neumittelwalde / Miedzybórz), 13.8 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 221r 152) Constädter [Konstädter] Creis [map] (Konstadt / Wolczyn), 14 cm x 11.9 cm; p. 221v 153) Dynastia Wartenbergensis et Goschützensis [dominion of Wartenberg and Goschütz] (Wartenberg and Goschütz / Syców), 18.5 cm x 14.8 cm; sheets 222r 154) Castle church of Goschütz (Goschütz / Goszcz), 16 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 223r 155) Prayer house of Freyhan (Freyhan / Ciesków), 8.5 cm x 6.1 cm; p. 222r 154) 223v 156) Beth[aus] zu Peterwitz (Peterwitz / ), 7.3 cm x 6.1 cm; p. 224v-225r 157) Plan of [Groß] Wartenberg (Wartenberg / Syców), 35.3 cm x 26 cm; p. 224v-225r 158) [Groß] Wartenberger K[irche] (Wartenberg / Syców), 6.4 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 224v-225r 158) [Groß] Wartenberger K[irche] (Wartenberg / Syców), 6.4 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 224v-225r 6.3 cm x 8.8 cm 225v 159) Castle to [Groß] Wartenberg (Wartenberg / Syców), 9.3 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 225v 160) Origin of [Groß] Wartenberg od[er] Würtshaus Wart am Berge (Wartenberg / Syców), 17 cm x 10 cm; p. 230r 161) Prospectus [Groß] Wartenberg, as such before fire (Wartenberg / Syców), 16.5 cm x 10 cm; p. 225v 169) Castle to [Groß] Wartenberg (Wartenberg / Syców), 9.3 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 225v 160) Origin of [Groß] Wartenberg od[er] Würtshaus Wart am Berge (Wartenberg / Syców), 17 cm x 10 cm; p. 230r 161) Prospectus [Groß] Wartenberg, as such before fire (Wartenberg / Syców), 16.5 cm x 10 cm; p. 230v 162) Ground plan of [Groß] Wartenberg with implied Brandt (Wartenberg / Syców), 16.3 cm x 14.1 cm; p. 235v 163) Plan of the [Groß] Wartenberg (Wartenberg / Syców), again built, 16.6 cm x 12.3 cm; p. 235v 163) 235v 164) Castle at Goschitz [Goschütz], how such was before the fire (Goschütz / Goszcz), 16.2 cm x 8.9 cm; p. 236v 165) Goschitz [Goschütz], castle and barn (Goschütz / Goszcz), 33 cm x 21.6 cm; p. 237v-238r 166) Church at Görnsdorf (Görnsdorf / Gaszowice), 6.6 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 238v 167) Church at Münchwitz (Münchwitz / Mnichowice), 8.5 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 238v 168) Castle at Goschitz [Goschütz] before the fire (Goschütz / Goszcz), 16.7 cm x 7.1 cm; p. 238v 166) 238v 169) Church of Stron [Stronn] (Stronn / Stronia), 5.8 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 239r 170) [Church of Trembatschau (Trembatschau / Trebaczów), 4.9 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 239r 171) [Church of] Goschitz [Goschütz] (Goschütz / Goszcz), 5.7 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 239r 171) [Church of] Goschitz [Goschütz] (Goschütz / Goszcz), 5.7 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 239r 171 239r 172) [Bird's-eye view of] Festenberg (Festenberg / Twardagóra), 36 cm x 22.5 cm; p. 239v-240r 173) Large church in Festenberg (Festenberg / Twardagóra), 6.7 cm x 5.5 cm; p. 240r 174) Small church in Festenberg (Festenberg / Twardagóra), 8 cm x 5.5 cm; p. 239v-240r 174; p. 239r 172) [Bird's-eye view of] Festenberg (Festenberg / Twardagóra), 36 cm x 22.5 cm; p. 239v-240r 173) Small church in Festenberg (Festenberg / Twardagóra), 6.7 cm x 5 cm; p. 8.7 cm x 5.5 cm 240r 175) Prospect of Festenberg (Festenberg / Twardagóra), 16.3 cm x 7.2 cm; p. 240v 176) Castle of Militsch (Militsch / Milicz), 14.7 cm x 9 cm; p. 242v 177) Militzer [Militscher] Gnadenkirch (Militsch / Milicz), 15.5 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 246r 178) Freyhan, Castle and Sta(dt)el (Freyhan / Ciesków), 32,5 cm x 25,9 cm; p. 246v-247r 179) Prospect of the Castle and City of Militsch (Militsch / Milicz), 16,5 cm x 6,2 cm; p. 247v 180) Imperial Count[lich] Burghausisch[es] Town Sulau vulg[o] Zulauf (Sulau / Sulów), 33.5 cm x 24.6 cm; sheet. 248v-249r 181) Castle at Zulauf [Sulau], back part (Sulau / Sulów), 16 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 249v 182) Castle at Freyhan (Freyhan / Ciesków), 15.6 cm x 8.6 cm; p. 252r 183) Prospect of the Austrian Habsburg family house [Habsburg] (Habsburg / ---), 15.5 cm x 11 cm; p. 270r 184) [Map of the Principality of Schweidnitz] (Schweidnitz / Swidnica), 34 cm x 31.5 cm; p. 276v-277r 185) [Map of the] Schweidnitzer Creis(es) (Schweidnitz / Swidnica), 16.3 cm x 26 cm; p. 299r 186) [Bird's eye view of the] Stadtl Waldenburg (Waldenburg / Walbrzych), 34.5 cm x 21.8 cm; p. 276v-277r 176) [Bird's eye view of the] Stadtl Waldenburg (Waldenburg / Walbrzych), 34.5 cm x 21.8 cm; p. 276v-277r 189) [Bird's eye view of the] Stadtl Waldenburg (Waldenburg / Walbrzych), 34.5 cm x 21.8 cm 300v-301r 187) Zobten (Zobten / Sobótka), 34 cm x 15,2 cm; p. 302v-303r 188) [manor house] Gurcke [Gurke] (Gurke / ---), 33 cm x 13 cm; p. 302v-303r 189) Plan of the castle Fürstenstein (Fürstenstein / Ksiaz), 35,5 cm x 24,4 cm; p. 314v-315r 190) Plan of Freyburg [Freiburg] (Freiburg / Swiebodzice), 33 cm x 28.9 cm; p. 316v-317r 191) Plan of Stattel Friedland (Friedland / Mieroszów), 34 cm x 25.5 cm; p. 318v-319r 192) Plan of Stattl Gottsberg [Gottesberg] (Gottesberg / Boguszów), 32.5 cm x 18.2 cm; p. 316v-319r 320v-321r 193) Place, where the king [lich] Prussian army confessed the 14 [.] December [1745, before the battle at Kesselsdorf], as they came from the defilée at Meyssen [Meissen; battle at Kesselsdorf] (--- / ---), 13 cm x 23,3 cm; sheet. 321v 194) [bath] Charlottenbrunn under [er] Baron Seer [seer] (Charlottenbrunn / Jedlina-Zdrój), 31 cm x 20.8 cm; p. 322v-323r 195) Plan of Altwasser Baad, Altwasser under Tit[el] Mr Baron Chamare (Altwasser (bath) / Stary Zdrój), 30 cm x 23.4 cm; p. 324v-325r 196) Plan of Conradswalde Castle [Conradswaldau] (Konradswaldau / Mrowiny), 35 cm x 21.3 cm; p. 326v-327r 197) [Bird's-eye view of Schönfeld Castle] Schönfeld, Heren Baron Seher [Seherr], Jost the Younger (Schönfeld / Siedlimowice), 31 cm x 21.2 cm; p. 328v-329r 198) Plan of the castle Domantzke [Domanze] (Domanze / Domanice), 35,5 cm x 20,1 cm; p. 330v-331r 199) [Bird's eye view of] Striegau (Striegau / Strzegom), 37 cm x 27,8 cm; p. 336v-337r 200) Langen Oels [Langenöls], castle ... and splendid Lust und Ziergarten (Langenöls / Olszyna), 37.5 cm x 31.3 cm; p. 338v-339r 201) Landshutter [Landeshuter] Creis Schweidnitzer Fürstenthums [map] (Landeshut / Kamienna Góra), 16.8 cm x 26.3 cm; p. 340r 202) Church of Grace before Landshutt [Landeshut] (Landeshut / Kamienna Góra), 17.7 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 342r 203) [Bird's-eye view of] Landshut [Landeshut] (Landeshut / Kamienna Góra), 36.5 cm x 29 cm; p. 343 v-344r 204) Plan of the Clostergestifft Grüssau (Grüssau / Krzeszów), 32.5 cm x 26.5 cm; l. 349v-350r 205) [Bird's-eye view of Grüssau monastery from the east] (Grüssau / Krzeszów), 16.8 cm x 28.2 cm; p. 351r 206) Plan of Hohenfriedberg [Hohenfriedeberg] (Hohenfriedeberg / Dobromierz), 35.5 cm x 23 cm; p. 354v-355r 207) [Bird's-eye view of] Krausendorf (Krausendorf / Debrznik), 26 cm x 11 cm; p. 356v-357r 208) Mertzdorfer [Merzdorfer] Herr Hof (Merzdorf / Marciszów), 26 cm x 13 cm; p. 356v-357r 209) Plan of Schweinhaus Castle (Schweinhaus / Swiny), 32 cm x 23.2 cm; p. 358v-359r 210) Blumenau, belonging to the seminary soc[ietatis] Iesu [Jesuits] after Schweidnitz (Blumenau / Jedlinka Górna), 3 cm x 15,2 cm; pp. 360v-361r 211) Schweinhaus von der Seithen von Polckenhain [Bolkenhain] the 29th century. Augusti 1748 (Bolkenhain / Bolków), 3 cm x 11,5 cm; p. 360v-361r 212) Rudelsdorfer Kupfer Bergwerk [Rudelstadt] (Rudelstadt / Ciechanowice), 3 cm x 23,4 cm; p. 362v-363r 213) Nimmersat [Nimmersath], Baron Czetteritzer [Czettritzer] dominion, the 19th century Octob[ris] 1749 (Nimmersath / Plonina), 29 cm x 25 cm; p. 364v-365r 214) Schömberg in the Swabian [and] other Prospekt [von Schömberg] (Schömberg / Chelmsko Slaskie), 33.3 cm x 25.4 cm; p. 366v-367r 215) Reichenbach[er] Creis im Schweid[nischen] Fürstenthum [map] (Reichenbach / Dzierzoniów), 16.2 cm x 19.5 cm; p. 368r 216) Reichenbach im Schweidnitzen (Reichenbach / Dzierzoniów), 37.5 cm x 26.5 cm; p. 371v-372r 217) Ronstock [Rohnstock] under title] Gen[eral] Counts of Hohberg (Rohnstock / Roztoka), 35 cm x 24,5 cm; pp. 373v-374r 218) Ronstock [Rohnstock] under Tit[el] Mr Counts of Hohberg to be seen from Oriente (Rohnstock / Roztoka), 35 cm x 23,9 cm; pp. 375v-376r 219) Lauterbach [Ober Lauterbach], Gen[eral] from Schweinitz (Oberlauterbach / Jastrowiec), 29 cm x 20,8 cm; l. 377v-378r 220) Rudelsdorf, Baron von Schweinitz (Rudelsdorf / Radzików), 35,5 cm x 20 cm; p. 379v-380r 221) Bolckenhayn [Bolkenhain] (Bolkenhain / Bolków), 38 cm x 21,7 cm; p. 383v-384r 222) [Fragment of the Peterswaldau Castle] (Peterswaldau / Pieszyce), 17,3 cm x 26 cm; p. 388r 223) Kirchl in der Peile [Peilau] (Peilau / Pilawa), 5.8 cm x 3.7 cm; p. 388r 224) Kirchl zu Piltzen [Mushrooms] (Mushrooms / Bolescin), 4.9 cm x 3.7 cm; p. 388r 224) 388r 225) [Fragment of Liebau] (Liebau / Lubawka), 27.5 cm x 1.5-7.6 cm; p. 389r 226) Schwarzwalde [Schwarzwaldau] under Baron Czettritz [Czettritz] (Schwarzwaldau / Czarny Bór), 18.5 cm x 23.5 cm; p. 390r 227) Neudorff [Neudorf bei Reichenbach] (Neudorf bei Reichenbach / Nowizna), 16.2 cm x 8.3 cm; p. 391r 228) Delinatio der Gnaden Paile [Peilau/Gnadenfrei] (Peilau / Oberpeilau / Gnadenfrei / Pilawa / Pilawa Górna), 25.5 cm x 15.3 cm; p. 395r; 13/1959

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, XVII. HA, Rep. 135, Nr. 526-3 · File · 1758
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Enth. the following coloured hand drawings: 1) Principatus Silesiae Lignicensis in suos circulos Goldbergensem, Haynaviensem et Lubensem partiti ac a I. W. Wieland geometra ... Emensi ... Iam in minorem formam reducta a F. B. W. del[ineata] locumtenente anno 1758 [Silesian principality Liegnitz with the districts Goldberg, Haynau and Lüben published by I. W. Wieland and reduced in 1758 by lieutenant F. B. W.] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 36.1 cm x 38.4 cm; p. 2r 2) S[ankt] Johanniskirch der Patres Societatis Iesu [Jesuits of Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 16.3 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 2r 2; p. 2r 23r 3) Bishop[lich] Bres[lich] Bres[lauischer] court and church in Lignitz [Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 15.9 cm x 9.1 cm; p. 24r 4) Virgo[lein] Closter zum Hei[ligen] Creutz Benediktiner Ordens [zu Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 15.9 cm x 9 cm; p. 24v 5) Franciscan monastery in front of Ligitz [Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 16,7 cm x 9,1 cm; p. 25r 6) Town hall in Lignitz [Liegnitz] together with toasting [em] purchase [house] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 15,9 cm x 9,9 cm; p. 26v 7) Prospect of a part of the Marckts in Lignitz [Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 15,5 cm x 11,3 cm; pp. 33v 8) Jesuvitter Garten vor der Stadt Lignitz [Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 17.3 cm x 10.3 cm; pp. 34v 9) Mertschitz [Mertschütz], Baron Schweinitz, 1 1/2 Meil a Jauer (Mertschütz / Legnica), 36.2 cm x 21.5 cm; pp. 39r 10) The princely residence castle at Lignitz [Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 16.2 cm x 12.1 cm; p. 40r 11) Sancti Peter and Paul Kirch in Lignitz [Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 15 cm x 12.2 cm; p. 40r 2) 40r 12) Kirch zu U[nser] L[ieben] Women in Lignitz [Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 16.1 cm x 12.2 cm; p. 40v 13) Old Castle of Lignitz [Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 16.8 cm x 12.8 cm; p. 41r 14) Koiskau, Tit[el] Herr von Vollbrachtin, 2 1/2 Meil a Liegnitz, in the same circle (Liegnitz / Legnica), 29 cm x 21 cm; p. 42v-43r 15) Academia regia Iosephina equestris Lignic [Royal Josephin Academy of Knights of Liegnitz] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 16 cm x 13.6 cm; p. 48r 16) Tabula geographica specialis Lignicensis circuli I et territorii Parchwitz [Special map of the I. Liegnitz district with the Parchwitz region] (Parchwitz / Prochowice), 15.5 cm x 21.2 cm; sheets 52r 17) Church at Blumerode (Blumerode / Kwietno), 7.2 cm x 8 cm; p. 55v 18) [Church at] Greibnig (Greibnig / Grzybiany), 7.5 cm x 8 cm; p. 55v 19) Church at Koiskau (Koiskau / Kosiska), 7.5 cm x 7.9 cm; p. 55v 9) 56r 20) Kirch zu Berndorf (Berndorf / Biernatki), 7 cm x 7.9 cm; p. 56r 21) Kirch zu Royn (Royn / Ruja), 7.5 cm x 8.1 cm; p. 56v 22) [Kirche zu] Rausse [Rauße] (Rauße / Rusco), 7.5 cm x 8.1 cm; p. 56v 23) [Manor of] Panzkau (Panzkau / P?czków), 58 cm x 311 cm; p. 57r 24) [Church of] Leschwitz (Leschwitz / Lisowice), 6 cm x 5.9 cm; p. 59v 25) Tabula geographica specialis circli II Lignicensis ... [Special map of the Second Liegnitz Circle] (Liegnitz / Legnica), 15.2 cm x 24.2 cm; p. 60r 26) Church of Oyes [Oyas] (Oyas / Gniewomierz), 7.9 cm x 7.9 cm; p. 7) 64r 27) Church of Steudnitz (Steudnitz / Studnica), 8 cm x 7.9 cm; p. 64r 28) [Fragment of the view of Wahlstatt monastery,] 1 1/2 meil of Liegnitz ... Belonging to Braunau in Bohemia (Wahlstatt / Legnickie Pole), 17 cm x 24.5 cm; p. 66r 29) Tabula geographica specialis circuli Goldbergensis (Special map of the Goldberger Kreis] (Goldberger Kreis / Z?otoryja), 16.3 cm x 24 cm; p. 67r 30) The old Goldberg (Goldberg / Z?otoryja), 16 cm x 7.8 cm; p. 72r 31) Prospect of the town of Goldberg (Goldberg / Z?otoryja), 17.7 cm x 9 cm; p. 72v 32) Parish church in Goldberg (Goldberg / Z?otoryja), 15.4 cm x 9.2 cm; p. 73r 33) Franciscan monastery in Goldberg (Goldberg / Z?otoryja), 16.2 cm x 9.1 cm; p. 74r 34) In front of the Eisenberg the Hummelgebürg [Hummelgebirge] to be seen (Eisenberg / ---), 16 cm x 8 cm; p. 75r 35) The Grätzberg [Gröditzberg] to be seen from the Eisenberg (Gröditzberg / Grodziec), 16 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 74r 8) 75r 36) Prospect behind Eisenberg against the Giant Mountains [Giant Mountains] (Eisenberg / ---), 16 cm x 9 cm; p. 75r 37) [Bird's-eye view of] Goldberg, 7 Septembris 1748 (Goldberg / Z?otoryja), 37.5 cm x 29.5 cm; p. 76v-77r 38) Gröditzberg, old prospect (Gröditzberg / Grodziec), 17 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 78r 39) Ruins of the Walfartskirch in Haynwald [Hainwald] (Hainwald / Hejnice), 16.7 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 80v 40) Church in Altzenau [Alzenau] (Alzenau / Olszanica), 6.6 cm x 6.7 cm; p. 81v 41) S[ankt] Nicolai K[irche] in front of Goldberg (Goldberg / Z?otoryja), 7.1 cm x 6.7 cm; p. 81v 42) Pilgramsdorf (Pilgramsdorf / Pielgrzymka), 16.7 cm x 6 cm; p. 81v 43) Grätzberg [Gröditzberg], high count Franckenberg[ische] dominion in the Liegnitz dynasty (Gröditzberg / Grodziec), 35.5 cm x 25.5 cm; pp. 82v-83r 44) Hermsdorf in the Liegnitz dynasty, Goldberg[idschen] Creises, Herr von Schindel (Hermsdorf / Jerzmanice Zdrój), 30 cm x 23.7 cm; pp. 84v-85r 45) Tabula geographica circuli Haynaviensis specialis [Special map of the Haynauer Kreis] (Haynau / Chojnów), 15.7 cm x 19.3 cm; p. 86r 46) Parish church in Haynau (Haynau / Chojnów), 7.9 cm x 7.3 cm; p. 88v 47) Haynau Castle (Haynau / Chojnów), 8.5 cm x 7.3 cm; p. 88v 48) [Weak pencil drawing of a manor house in late baroque style] (--- / ---), 17 cm x 31.5 cm; p. 89r 49) [Bird's-eye view of] Haynau (Haynau / Chojnów), 35.5 cm x 28.5 cm; p. 89v-90r 50) Prospect of Haynau (Haynau / Chojnów), 35.5 cm x 7 cm; p. 35) [Weak pencil drawing of a manor house in late baroque style] (--- / ---), 17 cm x 31.5 cm; p. 89r 89v-90r 51) Conradswälder [Konradswaldauer] Herrhof (Konradswaldau / Kondratów ), 16.1 cm x 8 cm; p. 91r 52) Kirch zu Cunradswalde [Konradswaldau] (Konradswaldau / Kondratów), 6 cm x 6.9 cm; p. 91v 53) Kirch zu Steinsdorf (Steinsdorf / Osetnica), 8,2 cm x 6,9 cm; p. 91v 54) Die Herrnhöfe [von Räder und von Wende] zu Steinsdorf (Steinsdorf / Osetnica), 16,2 cm x 5,8 cm; p. 91v 55) Tabula geographica specialis circuli Lubenensis [Special map of the Lübener Kreis] (Lüben / Lubin), 17 cm x 22 cm; p. 91v 54) 95r 56) Prospect of turnips (turnips / Lubin), 18 cm x 5.5 cm; p. 95r 57) Parish church of turnips (turnips / Lubin), 15 cm x 8 cm; p. 96v 58) [Bird's eye view of] Parchwitz (Parchwitz / Prochowice), 36.5 cm x 22.2 cm; p. 103v-104r 59) Plan of Brieg, of the Principality of Hauptstatt (Brieg / Brzeg), 45 cm x 28.5 cm; p. 122r 60) Ground plan of Brieg (Brieg / Brzeg), 36 cm x 28.5 cm; p. 123v-124r 61) Mappa geographica specialis circuli Bregensis [Special map of the district of Brieg] (Brieg / Brzeg), 17.6 cm x 21.2 cm; p. 125r 62) Prospect by Brieg from the side of the Oder (Brieg / Brzeg), 17.6 cm x 6.9 cm; p. 125r 63) Parish church ad S[anctum] Nicolaum in Brieg (Brieg / Brzeg), 15.6 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 130r 64) Sancti Peter und Paul [zu Brieg], jetzo Zeughaus (Brieg / Brzeg), 8.4 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 130r 65) Catho[lische] Begräbnis Kirchel [zu Brieg] (Brieg / Brzeg), 7 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 130r 66) Brieg vor der brandenburg[ischen Siege (Brieg / Brzeg), 17.9 cm x 8.6 cm; p. 17) 130v 67) Pars meridienalis principatus Bregensis exhibens circulos Brieg, Ohlau, Strehlen, Nimbtsch, Creutzburg et Pitschen una cum adiacente districtu Namslaviensi ad principtatum Wratislaviensem alias pertinente ... Principality of Brieg, southern part, with the districts of Brieg, Ohlau, Strehlen, Nimptsch, Kreuzburg and Pitschen as well as the adjacent princely Breslau district of Namslau]. (Brieg / Brzeg), 28,2 cm x 16 cm; p. 137v-138r 68) Pars septentrionalis principatus Bregensis exhibens circulos Brieg, Ohlau, Strehlen, Nimbtsch, Creutzburg et Pitschen una cum adiacente districtu Namslaviensi ad principatum Wratislaviensem alias pertinente ... Principality of Brieg, northern part, with the districts of Brieg, Ohlau, Strehlen, Nimptsch, Kreuzburg and Pitschen as well as the adjacent princely Breslau district of Namslau]. (Brieg / Brzeg), 32.5 cm x 16.4 cm; pp. 139v-139r 69) The Marcktseithe [of Brieg] to be seen around noon (Brieg / Brzeg), 16.4 cm x 8 cm; pp. 143v 70) Prospect of Wagnergasse [on Brieg] of Mittag to be seen (Brieg / Brzeg), 28.2 cm x 16 cm; p. 147r 71) Prospect of the country house [on Brieg] and other houses on Burggasse (Brieg / Brzeg), 16.1 cm x 9.2 cm; p. 149r 72) Brieg besieged by Sweden, 1642 (Brieg / Brzeg), 17 cm x 8.2 cm; p. 150r 73) Ring od[er] Marcktseite [to Brieg] to be seen from morning on (Brieg / Brzeg), 16.6 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 169r 8) 151r 74) Prospect of the count [lich] Picklerischen [Pücklerische] and other houses [zu Brieg] (Brieg / Brzeg), 16.6 cm x 8 cm; sheet. 152v 75) Prince[liches] Castle [at Brieg] in front of the brandenb[urgischen] Bombardir[ung] (Brieg / Brzeg), 16.1 cm x 9 cm; sheets. 153r 76) Prince [liches] castle after the bombardment (Brieg / Brzeg), 14.5 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 154r 77) Grammar school [zu Brieg] (Brieg / Brzeg), 9.8 cm x 8.2 cm; p. 155v 78) Luthr[ische] funeral K[irche zu Brieg] (Brieg / Brzeg), 9.8 cm x 8.2 cm; p. 155v 79) Church of the Fathers of the Jesuits [Jesuit Church zu Brieg] (Brieg / Brzeg), 9 cm x 7.6 cm; p. 156r 80) Preliminary chapel of the Jes[ui]t[er; Jesuit chapel of Brieg] (Brieg / Brzeg), 6.7 cm x 7.6 cm; sheets. 156r 81) S[ankt] Nicolai Pfarrk[irche zu Brieg] von der Mitternacht (Brieg / Brzeg), 15,1 cm x 8,5 cm; p. 156v 82) Town hall in Brieg to be seen from midday (Brieg / Brzeg), 15 cm x 8,6 cm; p. 157r 83) [Town hall in Brieg] von der Mitternach Seiten (Brieg / Brzeg), 15 cm x 8,5 cm; p. 157r 14) [Town hall in Brieg] von der Mitternach Seiten (Brieg / Brzeg), 15 cm x 8,5 cm; p. 157r 14) [Town hall in Brieg], 15 cm x 8,5 cm; p. 157r 83) [Town hall in Brieg] von der Mitternach Seiten (Brieg / Brzeg), 15 cm x 8,5 cm 157r 84) Spinnhaus in Brieg (Brieg / Brzeg), 15 cm x 8.1 cm; p. 159r 85) Kirch zu Bärtzdorf [Bärzdorf] (Bärzdorf / Bierzów), 7 cm x 6.5 cm; p. 165v 86) Kirche zu Briesen (Briesen / Brzezina), 7 cm x 6.5 cm; p. 165v 87) Kirche zu Grüning (Grüningen / Ziel?cice), 6.7 cm x 7 cm; p. 165v 7); p. 675; p. 675; p. 675; p. 675. 165v 88) Church at Jägendorf (Jägendorf / My?linów), 7 cm x 6.5 cm; p. 165v 89) Church at Löwen (Löwen / Lewin Brzeski), 8.3 cm x 7.2 cm; p. 166r 90) K[irche] zu Michelau (Michelau / Michalow), 6.8 cm x 7.2 cm; sheet 166r 91) Kirch zu Laugwitz (Laugwitz / ?ukowice Brzeskie), 7.2 cm x 6.8 cm; sheet 166r 92) Church at Linden (Linden / Lipki), 6.7 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 166r 93) The castle at Löwen (Löwen / Lewin Brzeski), 16.3 cm x 11.2 cm; p. 169r 94) Church at Lossen (Lossen / Lewin Brzeski), 7 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 169r 95) Church at Mollwitz (Mollwitz / Ma?ujowice), 7.5 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 169r 96) Church at Pogrel [Pogarell] (Pogarell / Pogorzela), 6.8 cm x 6.3 cm; p. 169v 97) K[irch] at Zindel (Zindel / Mlodoszowice ), 6.7 cm x 6.3 cm; p. 169v 98) Kirch zu Kreisewitz (Kreisewitz / Krzy?owice), 7.3 cm x 6.5 cm; p. 170r 99) Mappa geographica specialis circuli Ohlaviensis [Special map of the district of Ohlau] (Ohlau / O?awa), 17.2 cm x 22 cm; p. 171r 100) Prospect of the Stad Ohlau (Ohlau / O?awa), 17.7 cm x 6.2 cm; p. 171r 101) [Bird's eye view of] Ohlau (Ohlau / O?awa), 35.2 cm x 28.5 cm; sheets 176v-177r 102) Ohlau Castle (Ohlau / O?awa), 16 cm x 9.6 cm; sheets 178v 103) Ohlau Parish [irche] (Ohlau / O?awa), 6.6 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 179r 104) Town hall and region in Ohlau (Ohlau / O?awa), 10 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 179r 105) Church of Frauenhain (Frauenhain / Chwalibo?yce), 6.2 cm x 6.9 cm; p. 180r 106) Kirch zu Heidau (Heidau / Gac), 7.4 cm x 6.9 cm; p. 180r 107) Kirch zu Hermsdorf (Brieg) (Hermsdorf / Jerzmanice Zdrój), 6.3 cm x 7 cm; p. 180r 180r 108) Church at Janckau (Jankau / Janików), 6.5 cm x 7 cm; p. 180r 109) [Malteser-] Commende Klein Oels (Klein Oels / Olesnica Mala), 15.4 cm x 10.2 cm; p. 180v 110) Knight's seat at Laskowitz [Markstädt] (Laskowitz / Markstädt / Laskowice O?awskie), 15.8 cm x 9 cm; p. 181v 111) [Church at] Mertzdorf [Märzdorf] (Märzdorf / Marcinkowice), 6 cm x 6 cm; p. 181v 112) [Church at] Niemen [Niehmen] (Niehmen / Niemil), 6.3 cm x 6 cm; p. 181v 113) Church at Rosenhain (Rosenhain / Godzikowice), 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 182r 114) [Church at] Brosewitz (Brosewitz / Bro?ec), 6.8 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 182r 115) Church and vicarage of Würben (Würben / Wierzbno), 15.4 cm x 7.1 cm; p. 182r; p. 152r; p. 15.4 cm x 7.1 cm; p. 7.1) 182v 116) Church and vicarage at Zottwitz (Zottwitz / Sobocisko), 15.4 cm x 7.4 cm; p. 182v 117) [Church at] Temelfeldt [Temelfeld] (Temelfeld / Owczary), 6.8 cm x 5 cm; p. 6.8 cm x 5 cm; p. 6.8 cm x 5 cm 182v 118) [Church to] Desert Briese [Desert Briese] (Desert Briese / Brzezmierz), 6.4 cm x 5 cm; p. 182v 119) [Bird's-eye view of Ohlau] (Ohlau / O?awa), 18.5 cm x 31.5 cm; p. 183v 120) Marschwitz in the Ohlau Circle, belonging to Lord von Hubrich (Marschwitz / Marszowice), 31 cm x 24.5 cm; p. 184v-185r 121) Special Plan of Soft Image Strehlen (Strehlen / Strzelin), 15.3 cm x 16.2 cm; p. 186r 122) Prospect of Strehlen (Strehlen / Strzelin), 17.2 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 186r 123) City Parish Church S[ankt] Michaelis [to Strehlen] (Strehlen / Strzelin), 11.3 cm x 8.2 cm; p. 188v 124) S[ankt] Gotthards Church [to Strehlen] (Strehlen / Strzelin), 5.5 cm x 8.2 cm; p. 188v 125) Fathers Augustiner Barfüsser Closter [to Strehlen] (Strehlen / Strzelin), 14,7 cm x 9,4 cm; p. 189r 126) Town hall in Strehlen und] Revier (Strehlen / Strzelin), 16 cm x 8,5 cm; p. 189v 127) One side of the marquetry [to Strehlen] to be seen from noon on (Strehlen / Strzelin ), 16 cm x 6,8 cm; p. 189r 8) 189v 128) Ground plan of Strehlen (Strehlen / Strzelin), 16.4 cm x 27 cm; p. 190r 129) [Weak pencil drawing of a place] (Strehlen / Strzelin), 18.2 cm x 31.5 cm; p. 191r 130) [Bird's-eye view of] Strehlen im Briegischen (Strehlen / Strzelin), 36 cm x 26.8 cm; p. 191r 229) [Bird's-eye view of] Strehlen im Briegischen (Strehlen / Strzelin), 36 cm x 26.8 cm; p. 191r 229) [Weak pencil drawing of a place 191v-192r 131) [Weak pencil drawing of a place] (--- / ---), 18.2 cm x 31.5 cm; p. 192v 132) Plan of Stadel Löwen (Löwen / Lewin Brzeski), 33.2 cm x 24 cm; p. 204v-205r 133) Michelau des Stiffts Camentz [Kamenz] (Kamenz / Kamieniec Z?bkowicki), 31 cm x 24.7 cm; p. 206v-207r 134) [Weak pencil drawing of Michelau] (Michelau / Michalow), 18.2 cm x 31.5 cm; p. 208r 135) Cantersdorf [Kantersdorf] unter Brigisch[em] Rath (Kantersdorf / Kantorowice), 29.8 cm x 20.7 cm; p. 208v-209r 136) [Weak pencil drawing of Michelau] (Michelau / Michalow), 18.2 cm x 31.5 cm; p. 209v 137) Special plan of the soft image Nimptsch (Nimptsch / Niemcza), 15.3 cm x 25 cm; p. 210r 138) Prospect of Nimptsch (Nimptsch / Niemcza), 17.7 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 213r 139) Lock to Nimptsch in front Brand (Nimptsch / Niemcza), 15 cm x 8 cm; p. 213v 140) Parish church in Nimptsch (Nimptsch / Niemcza), 8.6 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 213v 213v 141) Town hall [zu Nimptsch] (Nimptsch / Niemcza), 7 cm x 6.6 cm; p. 213v 142) [Church zu] Rudelsdorf (Rudelsdorf / Niemcza), 6.6 cm x 7 cm; p. 213v 6) [Church zu] Rudelsdorf (Rudelsdorf / Niemcza), 6.6 cm x 7 cm; p. 213v 6) [Church zu] Rudelsdorf (Rudelsdorf / Niemcza), 6.6 cm x 7 cm; p. 213v 141) [Town hall [zu Nimptsch] (Nimptsch / Niemcza), 7 cm 215r 143) Church at Gleinitz vel Kleinitz (Kleinitz / Klenica), 6.5 cm x 7 cm; p. 215r 144) [Church at] Dürschdorf [Bad Dirsdorf] (Dirsdorf / Przerzeczyn-Zdrój), 6 cm x 6.4 cm; p. 215r 615r 615r 615r 615r 615r 615r 615r 615r 615r 615r 615r 6.4 cm; p. 215r 6.4 cm) [Church at] Przerzeczyn-Zdrój 216r 145) Church of Klein Kniegnitz (Klein Kniegnitz / Ksieginice Male), 7.8 cm x 6.4 cm; p. 216r 146) Church of Jordansmühl (Jordansmühl / Jordanów ?l?ski), 7.7 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 216v 147) Gaunitzer [Gaumitzer] Hof (Gaumitz / Gaunitz / Gunice), 7 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 216r 775) 216v 148) Zültzendorf [Zülzendorf], church and adelich house (Zülzendorf / Sulislawice), 16.3 cm x 7.9 cm; p. 218v 149) Wülckau [Groß Wilkau], Mr von Pfeil (Groß Wilkau / Wilków Wielki), 15.2 cm x 12.2 cm; p. 216v 148) 219r 150) Dürsdorf [Bad Dirsdorf] in Nimtschen [Nimptschen], H(err)n by Pfeil (Dirsdorf / Przerzeczyn-Zdrój), 15,2 cm x 11,5 cm; sheet. 219r 151) (lock closed) Mantze [Manze] (Manze / Ma?czyce), 15,2 cm x 10,5 cm; p. 220r 152) [bird's-eye view of] Nimptsch, the 26 octobris 1747 (Nimptsch / Niemcza), 38 cm x 15 cm; p. 220v-221r 153) [castle at] Silwitz [Silbitz, Herr von Netz, just now Count Hofman (Silbitz / ?elowice), 31 cm x 12.7 cm; sheets 220v-221r 154) Upper and Lower Roses [Castle] (Roses / Ro?nów), 32.7 cm x 27.3 cm; p. 223v-224r 155) [Bird's-eye view of] Schönborn [Schönbrunn] (Schönbrunn / Stru?yna), 35 cm x 26.5 cm; pp. 225v-226r 156) Special Plan of the soft images Creutzburg [Kreuzburg] and Pitschen (Kreuzburg / Kluczbork), 25 cm x 21.6 cm; pp. 227v-228r 157) Pitschen im Prospect (Pitschen / Byczyna), 17.8 cm x 10 cm; p. 231r 158) City church in Pitschen (Pitschen / Byczyna), 7.9 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 231r 159) [Church zu] Kuchelsdorf (Kuchelsdorf / Kochlowice), 6.5 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 231r 159) [Church zu] Kuchelsdorf (Kuchelsdorf / Kochlowice), 6.5 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 231r 159) 231r 160) Lord's court at Jacobsdorf [Jakobsdorf] (Jakobsdorf / Jakubowice), 15.7 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 231v 161) Reinersdorf (Reinersdorf / Komorzno), 17 cm x 16.7 cm; p. 231v 161) 231v 162) Manor of Golkowitz [Old Oaks] (Old Oaks / Golkowice), 16.5 cm x 11.4 cm; p. 232r 163) Manor of Omechau (Omechau / Miechowa), 16.5 cm x 12.3 cm; p. 231v 162) 232r 164) König[lich] freye Bergstadt Reichstein [Reichenstein] (Reichenstein / Z?oty Stok), 35,5 cm x 26 cm; sheets 233v-234r 165) Cathol[ische] Kirch in Reichstein [Reichenstein] (Reichenstein / Z?oty Stok), 7,1 cm x 8 cm; sheets 235r 166) Pfarrkirch in Reichstein [Reichenstein] (Reichenstein / Z?oty Stok), 8.8 cm x 8 cm; p. 235r 167) Floor plan of Reichstein [Reichenstein] (Reichenstein / Z?oty Stok), 17.3 cm x 11 cm; p. 235r 167; p. 235r 11) 236r 168) Cathol[ische] K[irche] zu Silberberg (Silberberg / Srebrna Góra), 6.7 cm x 9.2 cm; p. 237r 169) Pfarrk[irche] zu Silberberg (Silberberg / Srebrna Góra), 8 cm x 9.2 cm; p. 237r 169) 237r 170) [Bird's-eye view of] Silberberg (Silberberg / Srebrna Góra), 18.5 cm x 31.5 cm; p. 240r 171) The freyherl[iche] Schräbsdorf Castle (Schräbsdorf / Bobolice), 35 cm x 11 cm; p. 243v-244r 172) Creutzberg [Kreuzburg] in Prospect (Kreuzburg / Kluczbork), 17 cm x 9.5 cm; p. 246r 173) Herrhof zu Schweinern [Klein Blumenau], Herr von Fehrentheil (Klein Blumenau / ?winiary Ma?e), 17 cm x 12.5 cm; p. 246r 174) Principatus Silesiae Wolaviae in suos circulos Wohla, Wintzig, Herrstadt, Rützen, Steinau und] Rauden [Silesian Principality Wohlau with the districts Wohlau, Winzig, Herrstadt, Rützen, Steinau und Raudten] (Wohlau / Wo?ów), 26.8 cm x 27.3 cm; p. 256v-257r 175) Carmelite church and monastery [Carmelite monastery] in Wohlau (Wohlau / Wo?ów), 17 cm x 9.5 cm; p. 265r 176) Prospect of Wohlau (Wohlau / Wo?ów), 18.5 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 267v 177) Town church in Wohlau (Wohlau / Wo?ów), 15.2 cm x 9.6 cm; p. 268r 178) Town hall in Wohlau with the district (Wohlau / Wo?ów), 15 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 267v 268r 179) Grund-Ries von Wohlau (Wohlau / Wo?ów), 17,3 cm x 15,2 cm; p. 268v 180) Prospect of the castle in Wohlau (Wohlau / Wo?ów), 16,2 cm x 8,5 cm; p. 268v 181) Kirch zu Stadtl Leubus (Leubus / Wo?ów), 7 cm x 7,5 cm; p. 269r 182) K[irche] to Kl[ein] Kreidel (Kreidel / Krzydlina), 7 cm x 7,5 cm; p. 269r 183) Closter Leubus from the rear side (Leubus / Lubi??), 17.8 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 269v 184) Leubus visible from afar (Leubus / Lubi??), 17.5 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 269v 185) [bird's eye view of] Wohlau (Wohlau / Wo?ów), 34.7 cm x 27.2 cm; p. 269v 270v-271r 186) Mappa circulorum Wohlau et Steinau eiusdem principatus Silesiae Wolani [ !; Map of the districts Wohlau and Steinau of the Silesian Principality Wohlau] (Wohlau / Where?ów), 35.3 cm x 26.6 cm; p. 272v-273r 187) Closter Leubus (Leubus / Lubi??), 37 cm x 29.2 cm; p. 274v-275r 188) Ground plan of Steinau (Steinau / ?cinawa), 17.7 cm x 14.4 cm; p. 278v 189) Prospect of Steinau (Steinau / ?cinawa), 17.4 cm x 6.3 cm; p. 279r 190) Kirch [zu Steinau] (Steinau / ?cinawa ), 8.6 cm x 9 cm; p. 278v 189) 279v 191) Town hall [at Steinau] (Steinau / ?cinawa), 8 cm x 9 cm; p. 279v 192) Castle at Zedlitz (Zedlitz / Siedlec), 16.4 cm x 7.3 cm; p. 279v 193) Prospect of Bielwies [Bielwiese] to be seen from Occident (Bielwiese / Wielowie?), 16.4 cm x 8 cm; p. 280r 194) Kirch zu Bielwies [Bielwiese] (Bielwiese / Wielowie?), 7 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 280r 195) Church at Borschwitz [Porschwitz] (Porschwitz / Parszowice), 8.8 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 280r 196) Church at Zedlitz (Zedlitz / Siedlec), 7.5 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 280r 197) Church of Diebahn [Dieban] (Dieban / Dziewin), 8.4 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 280r 198) Catholic chapel of Tiemendorf [Thiemendorf] (Thiemendorf / Tymowa), 5.7 cm x 6.7 cm; p. 280r 7) 280v 199) L[utheric] church at Tiemendorf [Thiemendorf] (Thiemendorf / Tymowa), 9 cm x 6.7 cm; p. 280v 200) Tabula specialis circuli Raudens[is special map of the Raudten district] (Raudten / Rudna), 17 cm x 15.2 cm; p. 280v 201) Prospect by Stadtl Rauden [Raudten] (Raudten / Rudna), 17 cm x 5.8 cm; p. 280v 202) Kirch zu Gimmel im Wintziger [Winziger] Cr[eis] (Gimmel / Jemielno), 5.4 cm x 6.2 cm; p. 281v 203) [Church to] Gros Schmograu (Large Schmograu / Smogorzów Wielki), 5.3 cm x 6.2 cm; p. 281v 204) [Church to] Geischen im Hernstädti[schen Herrstädtichen] (Geischen / Gi?yn), 5.4 cm x 6.2 cm; p. 281v 205) Mappa specialis dynastiae Trachenberg[ensis] et status minoris Zulau [Special map of the class rule Trachenberg and the minority rule Sulau] (Trachenberg / ?migród), 27.3 cm x 24.5 cm; p. 282v-283r 206) Mappa specialis geographica circuli Wintzig [Special Geographical Map of the Tiny County] (Winzig / Wi?sko), 17.3 cm x 17 cm; p. 286r 207) Prospect of Wintzig [Tiny City] (Winzig / Wi?sko), 17.3 cm x 8.7 cm; p. 286r 208) Mappa specialis circuli Hernstadiens [special map of the district of Herrstadt] (Herrstadt / W?sosz), 15.6 cm x 17 cm; p. 286v 209) Prospect of Herrstadt (Herrstadt / W?sosz), 17 cm x 8.3 cm; p. 287r 210) Burialisk[irche] zu Gr[oß] Wiersewitz (Groß Wiersewitz / Wierzowice Wielkie), 6.1 cm x 7.4 cm; p. 288r 211) Church zu Gr[oß] Saul (Saul / Sulow), 7 cm x 7.4 cm; p. 287r 288r 212) [Special map of] Rützner Creis[es] [Kreis Rützen] (Rützen, Kreis / Rycze?), 16 cm x 10 cm; p. 288v 213) [Castle to] Lübichen [Lübchen] (Lübchen / Lubów), 14.6 cm x 7.3 cm; p. 288v 214) Rützen under the Reichsfreyh[err]n Johann Fridrich von Roth (Rützen / Rycze?), 36 cm x 27 cm; p. 291v-292r 215) Steinau in Wohlauisch[en] (Steinau / ?cinawa), 37 cm x 24.5 cm; p. 293v-294r 216) [Weak pencil drawing by Steinau] (Steinau / ?cinawa), 18 cm x 15.5 cm; p. 294v 217) Castle and town of Trachenberg (Trachenberg / ?migród), 18 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 296v 218) Bielwiese in the Wohlau, Mr. Landrath von Kröckwitz (Bielwiese / Wielowie?), 25.4 cm x 24 cm; p. 297v-298r 219) [Weak pencil drawing of a village] (--- / ---), 17.3 cm x 17 cm; p. 300r 220) Sitta [Sitten] in the Trebnitzer Creis, Herr von Köckritz (Sitten / Zytno), 27.6 cm x 12.2 cm; p. 300v-301r 221) Closter Strentz [Strenz], 1 1/2 meil von Trachenberg (Strenz / Trzcinica), 27.6 cm x 13.7 cm; p. 300v-301r 222) [Weak pencil drawing of a castle] (--- / ---), 16.5 cm x 31.5 cm; p. 301v 223) [bird's-eye view of] Prausnitz (Prausnitz / Prusice), 33.1 cm x 23.3 cm; p. 302v-303r 224) [Schloss zu] Lesewitz [Lehsewitz], 1/2 meil unter Steinau, Mr. Stusche gehörig (Lehsewitz / Lasowice), 27.6 cm x 15.4 cm; p. 305v-306r 225) [Weak pencil drawing of a village] (--- / ---), 15,3 cm x 16 cm; sheets 306v 226) Ground plan of Prausnitz (Prausnitz / Prusice), 18.3 cm x 26 cm; p. 307r 227) Prospect of Prausnitz (Prausnitz / Prusice), 17 cm x 7.8 cm; p. 307r 227) 308r 228) Church of Great Barges, 6.3 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 308v 229) Prayer house, school, preacher's house of Great Barges, 10.4 cm x 7.7 cm; p. 308v 229) 308v 230) Kirch zu Beuchau [Beichau] (Beichau / Bychowo), 7.4 cm x 7.4 cm; p. 309r 231) Kirch zu Corsentz [Korsenz] (Korsenz / Korze?sko), 7.8 cm x 7.4 cm; p. 309r 231; p. 309r 7.8 cm x 7.4 cm 309r 232) Town hall including the prayer house in Prausnitz (Prausnitz / Prusice), 14.3 cm x 7.8 cm; p. 309v 233) Church in Prausnitz (Prausnitz / Prusice), 8 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 309v 234) Kirch zu] Radziuntz [Radziuntz] (Radungen / Radzi?dz), 7.5 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 309v 235) Prospect of Rützen and the Gegendt (Rützen / Rycze?), 31.3 cm x 20.5 cm; p. 309v 235; p. 309v 235; p. 309v 335; p. 309v 335; p. 309v 335; p. 309v 235; p. 309v 235). 310v 236) Closter Strentz [Strenz] (Strenz / Trzcinica), 16.5 cm x 9.6 cm; p. 311r 237) Adel[iger] Sitz zu Klein Peterwitz (Klein Peterwitz / Pietrowice Male), 9.3 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 311r 237; in German only. 311r 238) [manor house of] Caschnieve [Kaschnewe/Herrnhofen] (Kaschnewe/Herrnhofen / Pietrowice Male), 7.7 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 311r 239) Plan of the high-ranking dwelling house of Czeczerin [near Loslau or near Pitschen], same courtyard, village and district (Czeczerin / ???), 69 cm x 30 cm; p. 313r; 13/1959

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, XVII. HA, Rep. 135, Nr. 526-5 · File · 1758
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains the following coloured hand drawings: 1) Principatus Glogoviensis [map] (Glogau, Principality / Glogów), 36.5 cm x 28.1 cm; sheets 3v-4r 2) Special map of the Glogauschen soft image or circle [map] (Glogau, Circle / Glogów), 17.2 cm x 27.6 cm; sheets 20r 3) [Glogau] (Glogau / Glogów), 36 cm x 29.4 cm; sheets 25v-26r 4) The town hall in Glogau together with others situated thereon (Glogau / Glogów), 15.7 cm x 9.4 cm; p. 29r 5) Parish church in Glogau (Glogau / Glogów), 13.2 cm x 11.6 cm; p. 34r 6) Jesuit church, Collegium and school in Glogau (Glogau / Glogów), 14.3 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 34v 7) Dominican monastery in Glogau (Glogau / Glogów), 14.2 cm x 8.4 cm; p. 35r 8) Franciscan Closter in Glogau (Glogau / Glogów), 16 cm x 8.3 cm; p. 36r 9) Domkirch in Glogau (Glogau / Glogów), 13.1 cm x 9.4 cm; p. 39r 10) Clarisse Jungfern Closter ad S[anctum] Crucem [to Glogau] (Glogau / Glogów), 14.2 cm x 8.6 cm; p. 14r 2) Cloister ad S[anctum] Crucem [to Glogau] (Glogau / Glogów), 14.2 cm x 8.6 cm; p. 14r 6) 40v 11) Castle in Gros Glogau (Glogau / Glogów), 16.2 cm x 10.5 cm; p. 48v 12) Prospect of Glogau from the Fall [West] on to see (Glogau / Glogów), 26.5 cm x 10.4 cm; p. 51r 13) Gros Glogau seen from midnight [north] (Glogau / Glogów), 27.2 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 54r 14) Friedenskirch zur Krippen Christi vor Glogau (Glogau / Glogów), 15 cm x 11.3 cm; p. 61r 15) The castle Saepau (Saepau / ---), 18.5 cm x 13.9 cm; p. 63r 16) [Castle] Schönau in the prospect (Schönau / Kromolin), 12.3 cm x 18.4 cm; p. 63r 17) [House of the] Herr Kriegs- und Domainenrat Machnitzky in Glogau, which the same builds from scratch. Prospect from the garden against the rear part of the house [with the] parish church (Glogau / Glogów), 18.1 cm x 16.9 cm; p. 64r 18) [[House of the] Herr Kriegs- und Domainenrat Machnitzky in Glogau, which the same builds from scratch. The sides against the parish church and [the] churchyard (Glogau / Glogów), 12.5 cm x 16.6 cm; p. 64r 19) Liebentzig. Grünberg[] in the Glog[auischen] circle. Herr von Zedlitz (Liebenzig / Lubiecin), 29.1 cm x 12.6 cm; p. 66v-67r 20) Wilckau in Schwiebusischen, the Trebnitz Abbey (Wilkau / Wilków), 29 cm x 11.4 cm; p. 66v-67r 21) Schlava, in the Principality of Glogau, Count Fernemont (Schlawa / Slawa), 32.5 cm x 15.2 cm; p. 70v-71r 22) Tschepplau, under one of Posidowski (Tschepplau / Krzepielów), 24.5 cm x 13.5 cm; p. 70v-71r 23) Castle Schlave. Castle and town parish church of Schlava (Schlawa / Slawa), 17.1 cm x 12.4 cm; p. 72r 24) Prayer house in Schlava (Schlawa / Slawa), 6.6 cm x 8.9 cm; p. 72r 25) Herrhof zu Schwusen (Schwusen / Wyszanów), 9.6 cm x 8.9 cm; p. 72r 26) Kirch und Bethaus zu Libentzig (Liebenzig / Lubiecin), 15.1 cm x 9.5 cm; p. 73v 27) Kirch zu Struntz. Prayer house at Struntz (Strunz / Alt Strunz / Stare Stracze), 16 cm x 10.4 cm; p. 74r 28) Hochkirch (Hochkirch / Wysoka Cerekiew), 10.6 cm x 14.2 cm; p. 75v 29) Kuntzendorf. Hernhof with the Prayer House (Kunzendorf / Sieroszowice), 14.4 cm x 8.6 cm; p. 76r 30) Prayer House at Dalkau (Dalkau / Dalków), 14.8 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 78v 31) Church and Prayer House at Quaritz (Quaritz / Gaworzyce), 15.3 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 76r 30) 78v 32) Thamm situated in the Glogau circle, Nostitz gehörig (Buchwald [belongs to] / Bukowiec), 26.8 cm x 12.7 cm; p. 79v-80r 33) Niebusch under the Count Schweinitz (Niebusch / Niwiska), 26.8 cm x 12.2 cm; p. 79v-80r 34) Prospect of Polkwitz (Polkwitz / Polkowice), 16.9 cm x 8.9 cm; p. 81r 35) Prayer house at Herrndorf (Herrndorf / Zukowice), 15.9 cm x 7.6 cm; p. 81r 36) Church and prayer house at Schönau (Schönau / Kromolin), 16.6 cm x 9.2 cm; p. 81v 37) Meskau, Herr von Briese (Meskau / Mieszków ), 27 cm x 13.4 cm; p. 81r 13) 82v-83r 38) Mülckau of the P.P. Jesuits (Milkau / Milaków), 27 cm x 10.7 cm; p. 82v-83r 39) Plan of Polckwitz (Polkwitz / Polkowice), 28.2 cm x 15.9 cm; p. 84v-85r 40) Prayer house and town hall of Polckwitz (Polkwitz / Polkowice), 12.5 cm x 10.4 cm; p. 84v-85r 41) City parish church in Polckwitz (Polkwitz / Polkowice), 11.3 cm x 10.4 cm; p. 84v-85r 42) Freye Standsherrschaft Nied[er]Beuthen, den Carolathen [map] (Beuthen, Herrschaft / Bytom Odrzanski), 14.7 cm x 13.5 cm; p. 87r 43) Parish church in Beuthen (Beuthen / Bytom Odrzanski), 7.5 cm x 10 cm; p. 87r 44) Prayer house in Beuthen (Beuthen / Bytom Odrzanski), 7 cm x 10 cm; p. 87r 45) Church or prayer house in Alt Grochwitz (Grochwitz / Grochowice), 16.2 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 87r 2) Church or prayer house in Alt Grochwitz (Grochwitz / Grochowice), 16.2 cm x 9.3 cm; p. 87r 4) 90v 46) Freystadt (Freystadt / Kozuchów), 17.8 cm x 9.6 cm; p. 90v 47) Carolaten Castle, to be seen from noon [south] (Carolath / Siedlisko), 31 cm x 13.8 cm; p. 91v-92r 48) Carolat from Occident [west] to be seen (Carolath / Siedlisko), 31 cm x 14.6 cm; p. 91v-92r 49) Special plan of the Freystädtischer Creis [map] (Freystadt, district / Kozuchów), 16,7 cm x 14,3 cm; p. 93r 50) Church and castle of Milkau [no drawing executed!] (Milkau / Milaków), --- cm x --- cm; p. 100r 51) Church and prayer house at Niebus (Niebusch / Niwiska), 15.8 cm x 7.8 cm; p. 100v 52) Neusaltz (Neusalz / Nowa Sól), 37.6 cm x 24.5 cm; p. 101v-102r 53) Neustadtel im Freystädtischen Creis (Neustädtel / Nowe Miasteczko), 27.5 cm x 18.3 cm; p. 103v-104r 54) Evangelical Lutheran Church of Grace off Freystadt (Freystadt / Kozuchów), 15.4 cm x 8.6 cm; p. 103v 55) Prayer house at Neustadtel (Neustädtel / Nowe Miasteczko), 10.5 cm x 8.6 cm; p. 104r 56) Special map of the Guhrau Circle [map] (Guhrau, Kreis / Góra), 15.8 cm x 18.9 cm; p. 15) 105r 57) City parish church in Guhrau (Guhrau / Góra), 14.6 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 109r 58) Calvarieberg auser Guhrau (Guhrau / Góra), 17 cm x 9.6 cm; p. 109r 59) Prayer house in Guhrau (Guhrau / Góra), 15.4 cm x 10 cm; p. 109v 60) Church in Krasch[.(Kraschen / Chróscina), 5.9 cm x 8 cm; p. 110r 61) Herrhof zu Heintzendorfe (Heinzendorf / Witoszyce), 10.1 cm x 8.1 cm; p. 110r 62) Castle, church and prayer house at Tschürne (Tschirnau / Czernina), 17.2 cm x 9.9 cm; p. 110r 2) 110v 63) Prospect of Guhrau (Guhrau / Góra), 17 cm x 7,6 cm; p. 111v 64) Castle in Nieder Tschürne (Nieder Tschirnau / Czernina Dolna), 16,5 cm x 8,4 cm; p. 111v 65) Sprottauische Weichbild oder Creis (Sprottau, Kreis / Szprotawa), 16,1 cm x 14,7 cm; p. 111v 112r 66) Prospect of Sprottau (Sprottau / Szprotawa), 16.6 cm x 11.1 cm; p. 112v 67) Prayer house in Sprottau (Sprottau / Szprotawa), 14.7 cm x 9 cm; p. 115r 68) Mallmitz in the Sprottauischer Creis (Mallmitz / Malomice), 31.3 cm x 24.2 cm; p. 116v-117r 69) Primkenau in the Sprottauischer Creis (Primkenau / Przemków), 25.5 cm x 15.2 cm; p. 118v-119r 70) Stad Pfarkirch in Primkenau (Primkenau / Przemków), 12.7 cm x 12 cm; p. 118v 71) Prospect of Primkenau (Primkenau / Przemków), 11.6 cm x 11.912 cm; p. 11) 119r 72) Tschirna (Tschirnau / Czernina), 35.6 cm x 25.6 cm; pp. 120v-121r 73) Seitsch, a Cistercian probstey, belonging to Leubus, in the Guhrauischer Creis (Seitsch / Siciny), 28.1 cm x 19.8 cm; pp. 122v-123r 74) Kontop im Grünebergischen Creis (Kontopp / Konotop), 34.4 cm x 16.6 cm; p. 124v-125r 75) Boyadele (Boyadel / Bojadla), 30.5 cm x 11.5 cm; p. 124v-125r 76) Waltersdorf (Waltersdorf / Niegoslawice), 6 cm x 8 cm; p. 124v-125r 6) 126r 77) Prayer house at Primkenau (Primkenau / Przemków), 9.6 cm x 8 cm; p. 126r 78) Church and prayer house at Giismansdorf (Gießmannsdorf / Gosciszowice), 13.9 cm x 8.7 cm; p. 126v 79) Prospect of Grünberg (Grünberg / Zielona Góra), 17 cm x 8.1 cm; p. 126r 8) 127v 80) Grünberg soft picture [map] (Grünberg, Kreis / Zielona Góra), 17 cm x 15 cm; p. 128r 81) Prayer house in Grünberg (Grünberg / Zielona Góra), 13.7 cm x 8.1 cm; p. 128r 82) Prayer house at Ochelhermsdorf (Ochelhermsdorf / Ochla), 8.9 cm x 8.1 cm; p. 128r 8) 131v 83) Prayer house in Schweinitz (Schweinitz / Swidnica), 8.4 cm x 8.1 cm; p. 131v 84) Ochelhermsdorf in the Grünberg district (Ochelhermsdorf / Ochla), 28.9 cm x 14.4 cm; p. 133v-134r 85) Prayer house in Saabor (Saabor / Zabór), 13 cm x 8.6 cm; p. 131v 84) Prayer house in Saabor (Saabor / Zabór), 13 cm x 8.6 cm; p. 131v 84) 133v 86) Prayer house at Kontop (Kontopp / Konotop), 13.6 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 134r 87) Guhrau (Guhrau / Góra), 33.8 cm x 28 cm; p. 135v-136r 88) Kuntzendorf in the Sagan (Kunzendorf / Chichy), 27.8 cm x 14.4 cm; p. 137v-138r 89) Old Castle of Kuntzendorf (Kunzendorf / Chichy), 27.8 cm x 13.7 cm; p. 137v-138r 90) Köben (Köben / Chobienia), 32.8 cm x 24 cm; p. 139v-140r 91) Beuthen (Beuthen / Bytom), 34 cm x 24.5 cm; sheets 141v-142r 92) [castle] Lötnitz (Lättnitz / Letnica), 28.2 cm x 13.8 cm; sheets 143v-144r 93) Schweinitz (Schweinitz / Swidnica), 30,2 cm x 11,8 cm; p. 143v-144r 94) Saber, Sabor (Saabor / Zabór), 28,6 cm x 24,4 cm; p. 145v-146r 95) Closter Paradeis in Prospect - Paradeis lies true in Pohlen, most villages however in Schwiebusischen (Paradies / Paradyz), 27 cm x 20,5 cm; p. 147v-148r 96) Adjoining part of the Glogau [district / principality] [map] (Glogau / Glogów), 22.5 cm x 31 cm; p. 155v 97) Schwibuser Creis [map] (Schwiebus / Swiebodzin), 15.7 cm x 15.3 cm; p. 156v 98) Schwibus (Schwiebus / Swiebodzin), 31 cm x 27 cm; p. 160v-161r 99) Stadtkirch in Schwibussen (Schwiebus / Swiebodzin), 9 cm x 7.6 cm; p. 164r 100) Prayer house in Schwibus (Schwiebus / Swiebodzin), 6.3 cm x 7.6 cm; p. 664r 100) Prayer house in Schwibus (Schwiebus / Swiebodzin), 6.3 cm x 7.6 cm; p. 6) 164r 101) Birckholtz (birchwood / Borów), 6.6 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 164v 102) Prayer house at Mühlbock (Mühlbock / Olobok), 7.7 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 164v 103) Prayer house at Liebenau (Liebenau / Lubrza), 8.5 cm x 6.3 cm; p. 164v 104) Church at Mertzdorf (Merzdorf / Lubinicko), 7.1 cm x 6.46.3 cm; p. 164v 105) Church at Ogersitz (Oggerschütz / Ojerzyce), 8.8 cm x 6.4 cm; p. 165r 106) Church at Rissen (Rissen / Rosin), 5.5 cm x 6.4 cm; p. 165r 107) Church at Nidewitz (Niedewitz / Niedzwiedz), 6.2 cm x 6.2 cm; p. 165r 108) Schlössel und Bethaus zu Schmarss (Schmarse / Smarzdewo), 6.2 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 165r 107) 165r 109) Rake (Rackau / Raków), 6.7 cm x 7 cm; p. 165v 110) Prayer house at Stentsch (Stentsch / Szczaniec), 8.6 cm x 7 cm; p. 165v; p. 6.7 cm x 7 cm 165v 111) Lübenau in the Schwibusser Creis (Liebenau / Lubrza), 31.3 cm x 14.7 cm; p. 166v-167r 112) Mühlbock in the Schwibussischer Creis (Mühlbock / Olobok), 31.3 cm x 15.7 cm; p. 166v-167r 113) Probstey bey Naumburg [at the Bober], allwo vorhero the Closter of the Canonicorum Regularium S. Augustini before it was transferred to Sagan (Naumburg / Nowogród Bobrzanski), 15.7 cm x 8.8 cm; p. 175r 114) Principatus Silesiae Saganensis in suos circulos Sagan, Pribus et Naumburg divisi [?Map] (Sagan, Principality / Zagan), 27.5 cm x 20.5 cm; pp. 177v-178r 115) Old monasteries stitched in Sagan (Sagan / Zagan), 17.5 cm x 14.7 cm; pp. 179r 116) Plan of the cemetery near the Saganic Stiffts and City Church (Sagan / Zagan), 25 cm x 31.3 cm; pp. 180v-181r 117) [Jesuit Church and College of Sagan] (Sagan / Zagan), 27.2 cm x 17.3 cm; p. 182v 118) [Jesuit Church and College of Sagan] (Sagan / Zagan), 30 cm x 17.5 cm; p. 183v 119) Lutheran Church of Grace in front of the city of Sagan (Sagan / Zagan), 16.3 cm x 9.4 cm; p. 169; p. 182v 193r 120) Hertwigswalde in Sagan, the magistrate in Sprottau (Hertwigswalde / Doboszowice), 29.7 cm x 14.9 cm; p. 205v-206r 121) Prospect of the city of Sagan (Sagan / Zagan), 29.7 cm x 12.8 cm; p. 205v-206r 122) Geographical Special Plan of the Saganic Circle or Soft Picture [Map] (Sagan, Circle / Zagan), 15.8 cm x 23.3 cm; p. 208r 123) Church [? in] Rückersdorf (Rückersdorf / Siecieborzyce), 6.8 cm x 8 cm; p. 209v 124) Prayer House in Rückersdorf (Rückersdorf / Siecieborzyce), 9.4 cm x 8 cm; p. 209v 209v 125) Church and prayer house at Wittgendorf (Wittgendorf / Witków), 15.4 cm x 7.6 cm; p. 209v 126) Geographical plan specialis Circuli Pribusiensis [map] (Pribus, district / Przewóz), 17.4 cm x 11.6 cm; p. 210r 127) Special geographical plan of the Naumburg Creisses [map] (Naumburg, Kreis / Nowogród Bobrzanski), 14.4 cm x 12.4 cm; p. 211r 128) Prayer house in Naumburg [am Bober] (Naumburg / Nowogród Bobrzanski), 14.3 cm x 6.9 cm; p. 6) 211v 129) Prayer house at Kottwitz (Kottwitz / Kotowice), 14.2 cm x 7.5 cm; p. 212r 130) [Church at] Grafenhayn (Gräfenhain / Grotów), 7.4 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 212v 131) K[irche] at Kunau (Kunau / Konin Zaganski), 6.4 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 212r 4) [Church at] Grafenhayn (Gräfenhain / Grotów), 6.4 cm x 8.5 cm; p. 212v 229) 212v 132) Size Peterswalde (Peterswaldau / Skibice), 6.9 cm x 6.8 cm; p. 212v 133) K[irche] zu Buhrau (Burau / Borowe ), 7 cm x 7 cm; p. 212v 134) Naumburg am Bober and Christianstatt (Naumburg / Nowogród Bobrzanski), 31 cm x 24.5 cm; p. 212v 213v-214r 135) Castle at Rückersdorf (Rückersdorf / Siecieborzyce), 31 cm x 14.5 cm; p. 215v-216r 136) Neuwalde in Saganic and the Closter at Sagan (Neuwaldau / Dragowina), 31 cm x 13.8 cm; p. 215v-216r 137) Peterwitz in Jaurischer Creis (Peterwitz / Piotrowice), 24.2 cm x 26.8 cm; p. 215v-216r 226v-227r 138) Seichau [in] Jaurischer Creis (Seichau / Sichów), 31.8 cm x 23 cm; p. 228v-229r 139) The old noble house at Prausnitz, in it the prayer house (Prausnitz / Prusice), 16 cm x 7.2 cm; p. 231r 140) Leipe (Leipe / Lipa), 25 cm x 11.5 cm; p. 228v-229r 25) Leipe (Leipe / Lipa), 25 cm x 11.5 cm; p. 231r 11) 232v-233r 141) [Hirschberg] (Hirschberg / Jelenia Góra), 38.5 cm x 27.5 cm; p. 234v-235r 142) Upper courtyard of Berbisdorf (Berbisdorf / Dziwiszów), 26 cm x 10.5 cm; p. 236v-237r 143) Bober-Röhrsdorf (Boberröhrsdorf / Siedlecin), 25 cm x 11 cm; p. 234v-235r 253) 236v-237r 144) [castle] Schildau, 5 virtelmeil à Hirschberg (Schildau / Wojanów), 28 cm x 16 cm; p. 238v-239r 145) Berbisdorf or Bernsdorff (Berbisdorf / Dziwiszów), 28 cm x 13 cm; p. 236v-237r 146) Falckenhain im Hirschbergischen Creis (Falkenhain / Sokolowiec), 25 cm x 23 cm; p. 236v-237r 240v-240a r 147) Schönwaldau (Schönwaldau / Rzasnik), 34 cm x 23.5 cm; p. 241v-242r 148) Fischbach Castle (Fischbach / Karpniki), 28.2 cm x 20 cm; p. 243v-244r 149) Evangelical Lutheran Church of Grace in front of Hirschberg (Hirschberg / Jelenia Góra), 17.3 cm x 12.8 cm; p. 241v-244r 179) 247r 150) New Town Hall in Hirschberg (Hirschberg / Jelenia Góra), 16.2 cm x 9.8 cm; p. 247v 151) Warmbrunn in Hirschberg Circle (Warmbrunn / Cieplice Slaskie), 38.8 cm x 26.8 cm; p. 255v-256r 152) [Old fortress] Kynast [above the village Hermsdorf] (Hermsdorf unterm Kynast / Jelenia Góra-Sobieszów (Chojnik )), 37 cm x 24,5 cm; p. 257v-258r 153) Conradswald[au] in the Hirschbergischen Creis (Konradswaldau / Kondratów), 35,5 cm x 26 cm; p. 259v260r 154) [Old fortress] Kynast [above the village Hermsdorf] (Hermsdorf unterm Kynast / Jelenia Góra-Sobieszów), 23 cm x 16,5 cm; p. 260a r 155) Plan of Statel Schönau [with the old castle Alt-Schönau] (Schönau / Swierzawa), 37,5 cm x 20,2 cm; p. 265v-266r 156) Kupferberg (Kupferberg / Miedziana Gora), 34.8 cm x 24.5 cm; p. 267v-268r 157) Maywalde Castle in the Hirschberg region (Maiwaldau / Maciejowa), 27.5 cm x 22.5 cm; p. 269v-270r 158) Hohen Liebethal (Hohenliebenthal / Lubiechowo), 23 cm x 12.4 cm; p. 267v-266r 236); p. 267v-270r 22.5 cm; p. 265v-270r 228) Hohen Liebethal (Hohenliebenthal / Lubiechowo), 23 cm x 12.4 cm; p. 267v-268r 228) 271v-272r 159) Kauffingen, upper courtyard (Kauffung / Wojcieszów), 23 cm x 13.2 cm; p. 271v-272r 160) Giersdorf unterm Kynast (Giersdorf / Gierszowice (Chojnik )), 34.3 cm x 28.8 cm; p. 273v-274r 161) Kemnitz, count Schierotinisches [Zierotin] Schlos im Hirschbergischen (Altkemnitz / Stara Kamienica), 32.7 cm x 19.5 cm; pp. 275v-276r 162) [castle] Seitendorf (Seitendorf / Myslow), 26 cm x 13.6 cm; pp. 277v-278r 163) Castle of Janowitz not far from Kupferberg (Jannowitz / Janowice Wielkie), 26.2 cm x 12.8 cm; p. 277v-278r 164) Lomnitz the Fr[au?Mentzlin in Hirschbergischen (Lomnitz / Lomnica), 29.5 cm x 14.6 cm; p. 282v-283r 165) Buchwald (Buchwald / Bukowiec), 29.5 cm x 13.8 cm; p. 282v-283r 166) reed salmon to the Lord of Borwitz (reed salmon / Trzcinsko), 30 cm x 14 cm; p. 284v-285r 167) [Old castle] Boberstein, the Fathers Jesuvit(orum) in Hirschberg (Boberstein / Bobrów), 30.4 cm x 10.8 cm; p. 284v-285r 168) Specialplan des Hirschbergischen Creises [Map] (Hirschberg, Kreis / Jelenia Góra), 27,5 cm x 26 cm; p. 288v-289r 169) Hirschberg in Prospect (Hirschberg / Jelenia Góra), 15 cm x 5,7 cm; p. 288v 170) Warmbrunn (Warmbrunn / Cieplice Slaskie), 11,6 cm x 4,2 cm; p. 11,6 cm x 4,2 cm; p. 288v-289r 169) 288v 171) Schmiedeberg in Prospect (Schmiedeberg / Kowary), 16.5 cm x 3.3 cm; p. 288v 172) Rohrlacher Hof (Rohrlach / Trzcinsko), 11 cm x 3.3 cm; p. 288v 173) Kupferberg in Prospect (Kupferberg / Miedziana Gora), 9.6 cm x 6 cm; p. 288v 173) 289r 174) Castle of Buchwald (Buchwald / Bukowiec), 9.6 cm x 6 cm; p. 289r 175) Castle of Kemnitz (Kemnitz / Stara Kamienica), 9.6 cm x 5.6 cm; p. 289r 176) Castle of Lomnitz (Lomnitz / Lomnica), 9.6 cm x 5.8 cm; p. 289r 177) Old castle at Biberstein [Boberstein] (Boberstein / Bobrów), 9.6 cm x 5.6 cm; p. 289r 178) Tiefhartmansdorf (Tiefhartmannsdorf / Podgórki), 28.2 cm x 14.2 cm; p. 290v-291r 179) Lauspeltz near Reimnitz (Lausepelz / ---), 28.2 cm x 10.9 cm; p. 289r 271r 179) 290v-291r 180) [castle] Arnsdorf (Arnsdorf / Milków), 33 cm x 23 cm; p. 292v-293r 181) Schmiedeberg, royal Immediatstadt (Schmiedeberg / Kowary), 54 cm x 26.5 cm; p. 294v-295r 182) Old Maltheser Comende in Löwenberg (Löwenberg / Lwówek Slaski), 17.8 cm x 9 cm; p. 292v-293r 182) 300v 183) Löwenberg, vulgo Lemberg (Löwenberg / Lwówek Slaski), 37 cm x 25 cm; p. 301v-302r 184) Greiffenberg (Greiffenberg / Gryfów Slaski), 35.5 cm x 25.6 cm; p. 303v-304r 185) Greiffenstein, to be seen from noon [south] (Greiffenstein / Gryfów), 35.5 cm x 15.3 cm; p. 301v-304r 305v-306r 186) Greiffenstein, to be seen from morning [east] (Greiffenstein / Gryfów), 35.5 cm x 12.5; p. 305v-306r; 187) Friedenberg am Queis (Friedeberg am Queis / Mirsk), 27.3 cm x 23 cm; p. 307v-308r 188) Topographical design of the 2 manors Ober- und Nieder Wiesental (Nieder-Wiesenthal / Ober-Wiesenthal / ---), 36 cm x 26 cm; p. 309v-310r 189) Das Zünnbergwerck zu Giehren (Giehren / Gierczyn), 27.5 cm x 22.5 cm; p. 309v-310r 189) 311v-312r 190) Liebenthal (Liebenthal / Lubomierz), 26,6 cm x 33 cm; p. 313v-314r 191) Langen Oels (Langenöls / Oleszna), 32,8 cm x 26,6 cm; p. 315v-316r 192) [castle ruin] Lähn (Lähn / Wlen), 31 cm x 22 cm; p. 322v-323r 193) Waltersdorf (Waltersdorf / Nielestno), 30 cm x 22 cm; p. 324v-325r 194) Castle, church and prayer house at Langenau (Langenau / Czernica), 32.8 cm x 23.6 cm; p. 327v-328r 195) Holstein castle (Hohlstein / scale), 32.2 cm x 15 cm; p. 323v-325r 329v-330r 196) Güsmansdorf Castle (Gießmannsdorf / Gosciszowice), 23.5 cm x 16.7 cm; p. 329v-330r 197) Welckersdorfer Hof (Welkersdorf / Rzasiny), 30.1 cm x 14.3 cm; p. 331v-332r 198) Plagwitz (Plagwitz / Plakowice), 30.3 cm x 14.7 cm; p. 331v-332r 331v-332r 199) Naumburg am Queis (Naumburg am Queis / Nowogrodziec), 35.5 cm x 28.5 cm; p. 337v-338r 200) Thomaswaldau (Thomaswaldau (Górny / Dolny) / Tomaszow), 31.5 cm x 24 cm; p. 347v-348r 201) Ottendorf im Buntzlauischen Creis (Ottendorf / Ocice), 35.5 cm x 21 cm; p. 347v-348r 201) Ottendorf im Buntzlauischen Creis (Ottendorf / Ocice), 35.5 cm x 21 cm; p. 35.5 cm x 21 cm; p. 35.5 cm x 21 cm; p. 35.5 cm x 28.5 cm 341v-342r 202) Mertzdorf in the Buntzlau Circle (Märzdorf am Bober (?) / Marczów (?)), 27.5 cm x 20.5 cm; p. 345v-346r 203) Kittlitz Castle Treben (Kittlitztreben / Trzebien), 31.5 cm x 24.5 cm; p. 347v-348r; 6/1979; StA Breslau