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Archival description
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VIII. HA, MKB, Nr. 469 (Fiche 867 - 870) · File · 1898 - 1905
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

221 sheets, Contains: Marriages 1898 - 1905 (with name index) - Military Community Prussian Army (from 1806/07): Chief of the Army: - War Ministry - Large General Staff - Riding Corps of Field-Jaegers, 1899 - 1905 - Castle Guard Company (until 1861 Guard NCO Company), 1904 Army Division: - Gouvernement Berlin, 1905 Army Inspection No. 1 Gdansk: Army corps no. 1 Königsberg/ East Prussia: - Artillery depot Pillau, 1901 - Grenadier regiment no. 1 (1st East Prussian) Crown Prince, 1901, 1903 - Grenadier regiment no. 3 (2nd East Prussian) King Friedrich Wilhelm I., 1902, 1905 - Grenadier Regiment No. 4 (3rd East Prussian) King Frederick the Great, 1901 - 1902 - Füsilier Regiment No. 33 (East Prussian) Count Roon, 1898, 1902 - Infantry Regiment No. 43 (6th East Prussian) Duke Karl von Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 1903, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 45 (8th East Prussian), 1903 - 1904 - Cuirassier Regiment No. 3 (East Prussian) Count Wrangel, 1903 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 1 (1st Lithuanian) Prince August of Prussia, 1899 - 1900 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 16 (1st East Prussian), 1900 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 37 (2nd Lithuanian), 1901 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 1 (East Prussian) by Linger, 1898, 1903 - Pioneer Battalion No. 1 (East Prussian) Prince Radziwill, 1899, 1903 - 1905 - Halfinvalidenabteilung, 1900, 1904 Army Corps No. 17 Gdansk: - Intendantur, 1905 - Artillery Depot Gdansk, 1902 - Artillery Depot Thorn, 1905 - Grenadier Regiment No. 5 (4th East Prussian) King Frederick I., 1901 - Infantry Regiment No. 21 (4th Pomeranian) of Borcke, 1898 - Infantry Regiment No. 61 (8th Pomeranian) of Marwitz, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 128 (Danziger), 1902 - 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 129 (3rd West Prussian), 1898 - 1902 - Infantry Regiment No. 141 (Kulmer), 1900 - Infantry Regiment No. 176 (9th Pomeranian) of Borcke, 1898 - Infantry Regiment No. 61 (8th Pomeranian) of Marwitz, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 129 (3rd West Prussian), 1898 - 1902 - Infantry Regiment No. 141 (Kulmer), 1900 - Infantry Regiment No. 176 (9th Pomeran) of Marwitz, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 129 (Kulmer) West Prussian), 1900 - 1904 - 1st Leibhusaren Regiment No. 1, 1900 - 2nd Leibhusaren Regiment No. 2 Queen Victoria of Prussia, 1900, 1903 - Husaren Regiment No. 5 (Pomerersches) Fürst Blücher von Wahlstatt, 1905 - Feldartillerie Regiment No. 36 (2nd Westpreußisches), 1898, 1904 - Feldartillerie Regiment No. 71 (Groß-Komtur), 1902 - Feldartillerie Regiment No. 71 (Groß-Komtur), 1902 - Feldartillerie Regiment No. 2 (Pomerersches), 1902 - Feldartillerie Regiment No. 5 (Feldartillerie). 72 (Grand Master), 1902 - 1903 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 11 (1st West Prussian), 1899 - 1905 - Pioneer Battalion No. 17 (1st West Prussian), 1900, 1902 Army Corps No. 20 Allenstein: - Infantry Regiment No. 18 (1. Posensches) by Grolman, 1903, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 59 (4. Posensches) Freiherr Hiller von Gärtringen, 1900 - Infantry Regiment No. 146 (1st Masurian), 1902, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 147 (2nd Masurian), 1899 - 1902 - Infantry Regiment No. 150 (1st Ermländisches), 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 151 (2nd Ermländisches), 1902 - 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 152 (German Order), 1898 - Dragoon Regiment No. 10 (East Prussian) King Albert of Saxony, 1898 - Dragoon Regiment No. 11 (Pommersches) by Wedel, 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 35 (1st West Prussian), 1899 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 73 (Masurian), 1901 Army Inspection No. 2 Berlin: Guard Corps Berlin: - General Command, 1905 - Guard Cavalry Division, 1905 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 1, 1898 - 1902, 1905 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 2, 1898, 1902 - 1905 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 2, 1898, 1902 - 1905 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 1, 1898 - 1902 - 1902 - 1905 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 1, 1905 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 2, 1898 - 1905 3, 1898, 1902 - 1905 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 4, 1900, 1905 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 5, 1898, 1900 - 1904 - Guard Fuesilier Regiment, 1898 - 1899, 1902 - 1904 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 4, 1900, 1905 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 5, 1898, 1900 - 1904 - Guard Fuesilier Regiment, 1898 - 1899, 1902 - 1904 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 4, 1900 - 1904 1 Emperor Alexander - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 3 Queen Elisabeth - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 4 Queen Augusta, 1898, 1903 - 1905 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 3 Queen Augusta, 1898, 1903 - 1905 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 3 5, 1898 - 1904 - Guard Rifleman Battalion, 1901, 1903 - Cuirassier Regiment Gardes du Corps, 1901 - 1905 - Guard Cuirassier Regiment, 1904 - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 1 Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, 1903 - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 2 Empress Alexandra of Russia, 1901, 1903 - Guard Hussars Regiment (Leib-Garde Hussars Regiment), 1898 - 1899, 1903 - Guard Ulanen Regiment No. 1, 1903 - 1905 - Guard Ulanen Regiment No. 2, 1903 - 1905 - Guard Ulanen Regiment No. 3, 1905 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 1, 1901 - 1904 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 2, 1898, 1901 - 1905 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 3, 1901, 1903 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 2, 1898, 1901 - 1905 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 3, 1901, 1903 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 4, 1901, 1905 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment, 1899 - 1905 - Guard Pioneer Battalion, 1905 - Railroad Regiment No. 1, 1902 - Telegraph Battalion No. 1, 1899 - 1905 - Cavalry Telegraph School, 1901, 1905 - Guard Train Battalion, 1903 - 1904 - Clothing Office, 1904 - Half Invalids Department, 1898, 1904 - 1905 - Garrison Hospital Berlin, 1898, 1903 Army Corps No. 12 (1. Saxon) Dresden: - Grenadier Regiment No. 101 (2nd Saxon) Emperor Wilhelm, King of Prussia, 1899 - Infantry Regiment No. 103 (4th Saxon) Grand Duke Friedrich II of Baden, 1902 - Guard-Rider Regiment (1st Heavy Regiment), 1905 Army Corps No. 19 (2nd Saxon) Leipzig: - Infantry Regiment No. 139 (11th Saxon), 1901 - Hussar Regiment No. 19 (2 2nd Saxon) Leipzig: - Infantry Regiment No. 139 (11th Saxon), 1901 - Hussar Regiment No. 19 (2 2nd Saxon) Saxon) Crown Prince Wilhelm of the German Reich and of Prussia, 1900 Army Inspection No. 3 Hanover: Army Corps No. 7 Münster: - Infantry Regiment No. 15 (2nd Westphalian) Prince Friedrich of the Netherlands, 1901 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 16 (3rd Westphalian) Baron von Sparr, 1905 - Füsilier Regiment No. 39 (Lower Rhineland) General Ludendorff, 1903 - Infantry Regiment No. 56 (7th Westphalian) Bird of Falckenstein, 1901 - Cuirassier Regiment No. 4 (Westphalian) of Driesen, 1905 - Hussar Regiment No. 11 (2nd Westphalian), 1900 - 1901 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 22 (2nd Westphalian), 1904 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 7 (Westphalian), 1898, 1901 - District Command Gelsenkirchen, 1902 - Halfinvalid Section, 1901 Army Corps No. 9 Hamburg-Altona: - Infantry Brigade No. 35, 1901 - Infantry Regiment No. 31 (1st Thuringian) Graf Bose, 1901 - Infantry Regiment No. 75 (1st Hanseatic) Bremen, 1899, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 162 (3rd Hanseatic) Lübeck, 1898 - Hussar Regiment No. 15 (Hannoversches) Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, 1902 - Hussar Regiment No. 16 (Schleswig-Holstein) Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria, King of Hungary, 1898 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 9 (Schleswigsches) General Field Marshal Graf Waldersee, 1903 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 24 (Holsteinic), 1902 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 45 (Lauenburgic), 1904 - Pioneer Battalion No. 9 (Schleswig-Holsteinic), 1904 - District Command Schwerin, 1901 - Sanitätsamt Army Corps No. 10 Hanover: - Füsilier Regiment No. 73 (Hannoversches) Prince Albrecht of Prussia, 1901, 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 74 (1st Hannoversches), 1902 - Infantry Regiment No. 79 (3rd Hannoversches) of Voigts-Rhetz, 1900 - Infantry Regiment No. 91 (Oldenburg), 1903 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 92 (Braunschweig), 1899, 1905 - Ulan Regiment No. 13 (1st Hannoversches) King, 1899 - 1903 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 10 (1st Hannoversches) of Scharnhorst, 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 26 (2nd Hannoversches), 1900 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 62 (East Frisian), 1900 - Pioneer Battalion No. 10 (Hannoversches), 1901 Army Inspection No. 4 Munich: Army Corps No. 3 Berlin: - Directorate, 1903 - Artillery Depot Berlin - Artillery Depot Berlin Spandau, 1898 - Artillery Depot Brandenburg/Havel, 1902, 1904 - Artillery Depot Jüterbog, 1903 - Artillery Depot Küstrin, 1905 - Grenadier Regiment No. 12 (2nd Brandenburg) Prince Carl of Prussia, 1898 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 24 (4th Brandenburg) Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II. von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1903 - Füsilier Regiment No. 35 (Brandenburg) Prince Heinrich of Prussia, 1898 - 1901 - Infantry Regiment No. 48 (5th Brandenburg) Stülpnagel, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 52 (6th Brandenburg) Alvensleben, 1900, 1902 - Infantry Regiment No. 64 (8th Brandenburg) Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia, 1898, 1901, 1904 - Jäger-Bataillon No. 3 (Brandenburg), 1901 - Dragoon Regiment No. 2 (1st Brandenburg), 1898, 1903 - 1904 - Hussar Regiment No. 3 (Brandenburg) of Zieten, 1898, 1901 - 1902 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 3 (1st Brandenburg) General Field Artillery Master, 1899 - 1902 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 18 (2nd Brandenburg) General Field Artillery Master, 1903 - 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 39 (Kurmärkisches), 1901 - 1905 - Pioneer Battalion No. 3 (1. Brandenburgisches) by Rauch, 1898, 1903 - Telegraph Battalion No. 2, 1902, 1904 - Train Battalion No. 3 (Brandenburgisches), 1898 - 1903 - Halfinvalidenabteilung, 1898 - 1901 Army Corps No. 1 (Bayerisches) Munich: - Ulanen Regiment No. 1 Kaiser Wilhelm II, King of Prussia, 1898 - 1900 Army Inspection No. 5 Karlsruhe: Army Corps No. 8 Koblenz: - Infantry Regiment No. 25 (1st Rhenish) of Lützow, 1903 - Infantry Regiment No. 29 (3rd Rhenish) of Horn, 1899 - Infantry Regiment No. 68 (6th Rhineland), 1902 - Infantry Regiment No. 69 (7th Rhineland), 1902 - Cuirassier Regiment No. 8 (Rhenish) Count Geßler, 1905 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 59 (Bergish), 1904 - Telegraph Battalion No. 3, 1901 Army Corps No. 14 Karlsruhe: - Infantry Regiment No. 111 (3rd Baden) Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm, 1901 - Infantry Regiment No. 112 (4th Baden) Prince Wilhelm, 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 142 (7th Baden), 1902 - Leib-Dragoner-Regiment No. 20 (1st Baden) Badisches), 1899 - Dragoner Regiment No. 22 (3rd Badisches) Prince Karl, 1898 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 30 (2nd Badisches), 1903 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 14 (Badisches), 1902 Army Corps No. 15 Strasbourg i. Alsace: - Infantry Regiment No. 99 (2nd Upper Rhine), 1903 - Infantry Regiment No. 132 (1st Lower Alsatian), 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 136 (4th Lorraine), 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 143 (4th Lower Alsatian), 1902, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 172 (3rd Upper Alsace), 1898 - Hunter Battalion No. 14 (Grand-Ducal-Mecklenburg), 1901 - Dragoon Regiment No. 15 (3rd Silesian), 1905 - Hussar Regiment No. 9 (2nd Rhineland), 1901 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 10 (Lower Saxon), 1900 - Pioneer Battalion No. 15 (1st Alsatian), 1900 - 1901 Army Inspection No. 6 Stuttgart: Army Corps No. 4 Magdeburg: - Provisions Office Wittenberg, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 26 (1st Alsatian), 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 26 (1st Alsatian), 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 26 (1st German) Magdeburgian) Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau, 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 27 (2nd Magdeburgian) Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia, 1902 - Füsilier Regiment No. 36 (Magdeburgian) Field Marshal Count Blumenthal, 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 66 (3rd Magdeburg), 1905 - infantry regiment no. 72 (4th Thuringian), 1904 - cuirassier regiment no. 7 (Magdeburg) of Seydlitz, 1898, 1905 - hussar regiment no. 10 (Magdeburg), 1898, 1901 - hussar regiment no. 72 (4th Thuringian), 1898, 1901 - hussar regiment no. 7 (Magdeburg) of Seydlitz, 1898, 1901 - hussar regiment no. 10 (Magdeburg) 12 (Thuringian), 1901 - Ulan Regiment No. 16 (Altmärkisches) Hennigs von Treffenfeld, 1903 - 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 4 (Magdeburg) Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, 1898 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 16 (Altmärkisches) Hennigs von Treffenfeld, 1903 - 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 4 (Magdeburgisches) Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, 1898 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 16 (Altmärkisches) 40 (Altmärkisches), 1905 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 74 (Torgauer), 1903 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 75 (Mansfelder), 1903, 1905 - Pioneer Battalion No. 4 (Magdeburgisches), 1898, 1904 - Train Battalion No. 4 (Magdeburg), 1904 - Department of Half Invalids, 1899 Army Corps No. 11 Kassel: - Infantry Brigade No. 83, 1898 - Infantry Regiment No. 32 (2nd Thuringian), 1900 - Infantry Regiment No. 71 (3rd Thuringian), 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 83 (3rd Thuringian), 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 83 (3rd Thuringian), 1899 - Infantry Regiment No. 32 (2nd Thuringian), 1900 - Infantry Regiment No. 71 (3rd Thuringian), 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 83 (3rd Thuringian), 1899 - Infantry Regiment No. 83 (3rd Thuringian), 1900 - Infan Regiment No. 71 (3rd Thuringian), 1905 Kurhessisches) by Wittich, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 94 (5th Thuringian) Grand Duke of Saxony, 1903 - Infantry Regiment No. 95 (6th Thuringian), 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 96 (7th Thuringian), 1905 - Hussar Regiment No. 14 (2nd Kurhessian) Landgrave Friedrich II. of Hessen-Homburg, 1905 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 11 (1st Kurhessian), 1898, 1902 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 19 (1st Thuringian), 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 55 (2nd Thuringian) Thüringisches), 1903 - Sanitätsamt, 1902 Armeekorps Nr. 13 (Württembergisches) Stuttgart: - Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 119 (1st Württembergisches) Queen Olga, 1900, 1903 - Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 123 (5th Württembergisches) Württemberg) King Karl, 1901 - Infantry Regiment No. 126 (8. Württemberg) Grand Duke Friedrich of Baden, 1901, 1903 - Infantry Regiment No. 127 (9. Württemberg), 1898 - Ulan Regiment No. 20 (2. Württemberg) King Wilhelm I., 1903 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 29 (2nd Württemberg) Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, 1902 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 65 (4th Württemberg), 1903 - Pioneer Battalion No. 13 (Württemberg), 1899 Army Inspection No. 7 Saarbrücken: Army Corps No. 16 Metz: - General Command, 1901 - Artillery Depot Metz, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 30 (4th Rheinisches) Count Werder, 1901 - Infantry Regiment No. 67 (4th Magdeburg), 1901, 1903 - Infantry Regiment No. 144 (5th Magdeburg) Lorraine), 1899 - Infantry Regiment No. 145 (6th King of Lorraine), 1900 - Ulan Regiment No. 14 (2nd Hannoversches), 1898 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 33 (1st Lorraine), 1899 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 34 (2nd Lorraine), 1901 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 8 (Rhineland), 1901, 1904 - 1905 Army Corps No. 18 Frankfurt/Main: - General Staff, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 87 (1st Nassau), 1899, 1903 - Infantry Regiment No. 88 (2nd Nassau), 1903 - Infantry (Life Guard) Regiment No. 115 (1st Nassau), 1903 - Infantry (Life Guard) Regiment No. 115 (3rd Nassau), 1903 - Infantry (Life Guard) Regiment No. 115 (Life Guard) Großherzoglich-Hessisches), 1902 - Infantry Body Regiment No. 117 (3. Großherzoglich-Hessisches) Grand Duchess, 1898 - Infantry Regiment No. 118 (4. Großherzoglich-Hessisches) Prince Carl, 1904 - Dragoner Regiment No. 6 (Magdeburg), 1898, 1901 - Dragoner Regiment No. 117 (3. Großherzoglich-Hessisches) 23 (Garde-Dragoner Regiment 1st Grand Ducal Hessian), 1902 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 25 (1st Grand Ducal Hessian), 1899, 1901 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 63 (2nd Nassauian), 1903 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 3 (Brandenburg) General Field Commander, 1900, 1902 - Pioneer Battalion No. 21 (1st Nassau), 1904 - District Command Darmstadt, 1902 - Railway Regiment No. 2, 1903 - Railway Regiment No. 3, 1902 Army Corps No. 21 Saarbrücken: - Infantry Regiment No. 97 (1st Nassau), 1902 - Infantry Regiment No. 97 (1st Nassau), 1902 - Railway Regiment No. 2, 1903 - Railway Regiment No. 3, 1902 Army Corps No. 21 Saarbrücken: - Infantry Regiment No. 97 (1st Nassau) Upper Rhine), 1899 - Infantry Regiment No. 131 (2nd Lorraine), 1898 - 1899, 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 138 (3rd Lower Alsace), 1898 - Ulan Regiment No. 7 (Rhenish) Grand Duke Friedrich von Baden, 1903 - Ulan Regiment No. 11 (2nd Lorraine), 1898 - 1899, 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 138 (3rd Lower Alsace), 1898 - Ulan Regiment No. 7 (Rhenish) Grand Duke Friedrich von Baden, 1903 - Ulan Regiment No. 11 (2nd Lorraine), 1898 - Ulan Regiment No. 11 (2nd Lorraine), 1898 - Ulan Regiment No. 11 (Ulanen Regiment No. 11) Brandenburgisches) Count Haeseler, 1898 - 1900 - Ulanen Regiment No. 15 (Schleswig-Holstein), 1905 Army Inspection No. 8 Berlin: Army Corps No. 2 Stettin: - Provision Office Kolberg, 1903 - General Staff, 1898 - Grenadier Regiment No. 2 (1st Pomeranian) King Friedrich Wilhelm IV.., 1901, 1904 - 1905 - Grenadier Regiment No. 9 (2nd Pommersches/Kolbergsches) Graf Gneisenau, 1901, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 14 (3rd Pommersches) Graf Schwerin, 1901 - Fusilier Regiment No. 34 (Pommersches), 1900 - Infantry Regiment No. 42 (5th Pommersches/Kolbergsches) Pommersches) Prince Moritz of Anhalt-Dessau, 1902 - Infantry Regiment No. 49 (6th Pommersches), 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 54 (7th Pommersches) of the Goltz, 1900, 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 140 (4th West Prussian), 1903 - 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 149 (6th West Prussian), 1905 - Dragoon Regiment No. 3 (Grenadier regiment on horseback Neumärkisches) Freiherr von Derfflingerr, 1903 - Dragoner regiment no. 12 (2nd Brandenburgisches) von Arnim, 1903 - Ulanen regiment no. 9 (2nd Pommersches), 1904 - Feldartillerie regiment no. 2 (1st Pommersches), 1898 - Feldartillerie regiment no. 17 (2nd Pommersches), 1898 - Feldartillerie regiment no. 17 (2nd Pommersches), 1903 - Ulanen regiment no. 9 (2nd Pommersches), 1904 - Feldartillerie regiment no. 2 (1st Pommersches), 1898 - Feldartillerie regiment no. 17 (2nd Pommersches), 1903 - Feldartillerie regiment no. 17 (2nd Pommersches), 1898 - Feldartillerie regiment no. 17 (2nd Pommersches) Pommersches), 1898, 1903 - field artillery regiment no. 38 (Vorpommersches), 1903 - field artillery regiment no. 53 (Hinterpommersches), 1899 - foot artillery regiment no. 2 (1. Pommersches) of Hindersin, 1898, 1902 - 1905 - foot artillery regiment no. 15 (2. Westpreußisches, from 1910 2. Pomerersches), 1900 - 1904 - Pioneer Battalion No. 2 (Pomerersches), 1902, 1905 - Train Battalion No. 2 (Pomerersches), 1902 - Half Battalion, 1902 - 1903 Army Corps No. 5 Poznan: - Intendantur, 1905 - Grenadier Regiment No. 6 (1st West Prussian) Count Kleist von Nollendorf, 1900 - 1902 - Füsilier Regiment No. 37 (West Prussian) by Steinmetz, 1898, 1901, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 46 (1st Lower Silesian) Graf Kirchbach, 1898, 1903 - 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 47 (2nd Lower Silesian) King Ludwig III of Bavaria, 1899, 1904 - 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 50 (3rd Lower Silesian), 1901 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 58 (3rd Posensches), 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 155 (7th West Prussian), 1899, 1902 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 20 (1st Posensches), 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 41 (2nd Lower Silesian), 1902, 1905 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 56 (2nd Poznan), 1901 - 1902 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 5 (Lower Silesian), 1898 - 1900 - Pioneer Battalion No. 5 (Lower Silesian), 1899 - District Command Jauer, 1904 Army Corps No. 6 Wroclaw: - Grenadier Regiment No. 11 (2nd Silesian) King Frederick III.., 1899, 1903 - Infantry Regiment No. 22 (1st Upper Silesian) Keith, 1905 - Infantry Regiment No. 23 (2nd Upper Silesian) von Winterfeldt, 1902 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 21 (1st Upper Silesian) von Clausewitz, 1905 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 6 (Silesian) von Dieskau, 1899 - 1900, 1904 - Pioneer Battalion No. 6 (Silesian), 1904 - Train Battalion No. 6 (Silesian), 1905 - Apparel Office, 1900 General Inspection of the Cavalry, 1901, 1904 Inspection of the Field Artillery Berlin, 1899 General Inspection of the Foot Artillery Berlin, 1899 - 1900 General Inspection of the Corps of Engineers and Pioneers and the Fortresses Berlin: - Engineering Inspection No. 1 Berlin, 1898 - 1901 - Festung Boyen, 1898 - Ingenieur-Inspektion Nr. 2 Berlin, 1900, 1902 Feldzeugmeisterei: - Artillery depot inspection Berlin, 1898, 1900 Other Army: - Artillery depot, Friedrichsort, 1901 - Artillery examination commission - Artillery shooting school, 1901 - 1904 - First sailor division Kiel - First shipyard division Kiel, 1900 - 1905 - Eskadron Jäger zu Pferde Nr. 15, 1902 - Berlin Spandau Fortress Prison, 1898, 1902 - Berlin Spandau Fireworks Laboratory, 1901 - Siegburg Fireworks Laboratory, 1903 - Gendarmerie Brigade No. 3 Berlin, 1905 - Generalmilitärkasse, 1904 - Gun Foundry Berlin Spandau, 1901 - 1902 - Rifle Factory Erfurt, 1898 - Rifle Examination Commission, 1898 - 1900 - Main Cadet Institute Berlin, 1899 - Inspection of Infantry Schools, 1899 - 1903 - Inspection of war schools, 1903 - Inspection of telegraph troops, 1902 - Directorate of traffic troops, 1901 - Kadettenhaus Köslin, 1901 - Kadettenkorps, 1905 - Kaiserliche Schutztruppen, Oberkommando, 1905 - Kaiser-Wilhelms-Akademie für das militärztliche Bildungswesen (before 1895 Medizinisch-Chirurgisches Friedrich-Wilhelms-Institut [Pépinière]), 1899 - 1905 - Kriegsakademie - Kriegsschule Hannover, 1905 - Landgendarmerie, 1905 - Marine, Admiralstab, 1899 - Marineakademie, 1902 - Marine, Oberkommando, 1898 - Marinestation der Ostsee Kiel, 1902 - Marinestation der Ostsee Kiel, Bekleidungsamt, 1901 - Marine-Infanterie, 1898 - Militär-Turnanstalt (until 1881 Zentral-Turnanstalt), 1899, 1902 - 1904 - Ostasiatisches Expeditionskorps, 1902 - 1905 - Ostasiatisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 3, 1900 - Pulverfabrik Berlin Spandau, 1903 - 1904 - Reichsmarineamt, 1904 - 1905 - Sanitätsamt Berlin, 1905 - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1903 - 1905 - Schutztruppe für Kamerun, 1900 - Schutztruppe für Südwestafrika, 1902, 1905 - See-Bataillon Nr. 1 Kiel, 1905 - NCO School Potsdam, 1898 - 1903 - Traindepot Königsberg/ East Prussia (I. Army Corps), 1901 - Second Sailor Division Wilhelmshaven, 1901, 1905 - Second Shipyard Division Wilhelmshaven, 1898 - 1899, 1903..;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VIII. HA, MKB, Nr. 510 (Fiche 998 - 1002) · File · 1885 - 1895
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

237 sheets, Contains: Dead November 1885 - April 1895 (name index see GStA PK, VIII. HA, MKB, No. 490) - Military Community - Retired Officers - Invalids Prussian Army (from 1806/07): Chief of the Army: - Military Cabinet, 1888, 1891 - Ministry of War, 1886 - 1895 - Large General Staff, 1886 - 1895 - Life Police, 1889 - Castle Guard Company (until 1861 Guard NCO Company), 1885 - 1894 Army Division: Army Inspection No. 1 Gdansk: Army Corps No. 1 Königsberg/ East Prussia: - Grenadier Regiment No. 4 (3rd East Prussian) King Frederick the Great, 1891 - Füsilier Regiment No. 33 (East Prussian) Count Roon, 1892 - Infantry Regiment No. 41 (5th East Prussian) East Prussian) of Boyen, 1890 - Infantry Regiment No. 45 (8. East Prussian), 1887, 1891 - Cuirassier Regiment No. 3 (East Prussian) Count Wrangel, 1889 - Dragoon Regiment No. 1 (Lithuanian) Prince Albrecht of Prussia, 1887 - Ulan Regiment No. 12 (Lithuanian), 1889 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 1 (1. Lithuanian) Prince August of Prussia, 1891 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 1 (East Prussian) of Linger, 1892 Army Corps No. 17 of Gdansk: - Infantry Regiment No. 128 (Gdansk), 1888 - Infantry Regiment No. 129 (3rd West Prussian), 1889 - Infantry Regiment No. 141 (Kulmer), 1891 - 2nd Life Hussar Regiment No. 2 Queen Victoria of Prussia, 1892 - Hussar Regiment No. 141 (Kulmer), 1891 - 2nd Life Hussar Regiment No. 2 Queen Victoria of Prussia, 1892 - Hussar Regiment No. 141 (Kulmer), 1889 - Hussar Regiment No. 2 Queen Victoria of Prussia, 1892 - Hussar Regiment No. 2 Queen Victoria of Prussia, 1891 - Hussar Regiment No. 2 Hussar Regiment No. 2 5 (Pomeranian) Prince Blücher of Wahlstatt, 1888 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 11 (1st West Prussian), 1886 Army Corps No. 20 Allenstein: - Infantry Regiment No. 59 (4th Poznan) Freiherr Hiller von Gärtringen, 1889 - Ulan Regiment No. 4 (1st Pomeranian) of Schmidt, 1888, 1890 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 35 (1st West Prussian), 1892 - 1893 Army Inspectorate No. 2 Berlin: Guard Corps Berlin: - General Command, 1886, 1890, 1892 - Directorate, 1887 - 1893 - Garrison Administration Berlin, 1887, 1890 - 1895 - Guard Division No. 1, 1894 - Guard Infantry Brigade No. 2, 1892 - Guard Division No. 2, 1887, 1890, 1894 - Guard Cavalry Division, 1891, 1893 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 1, 1886 - 1890, 1894 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 2 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 3 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 4, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Füsilier Regiment, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 1 Emperor Alexander - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 2 Emperor Franz, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 3 Queen Elisabeth, 1887, 1890 - 1893 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 4 Queen Augusta, 1892 - 1893 - Guard Hunter Battalion, 1890 - Guard Sagittarius Battalion, 1886 - 1892 - Cuirassier Regiment Gardes du Corps, 1886 - 1888 - Guard Cuirassier Regiment, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 3 Queen Elisabeth, 1887, 1890 - 1893 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 4 Queen Augusta, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 4 Queen Augusta, 1886 - 1893 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 4 Queen Augusta, 1889 - 1892 - Guard Grenadier Battalion, 1893 - Guard Grenadier Grenadier Regiment, 1886 - 1888 - Guard Grenadier 1 Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 2 Empress Alexandra of Russia, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Hussars Regiment (Leib-Garde-Hussars Regiment), 1888 - Guard Ulanen Regiment No. 1, 1886 - Guard Ulanen Regiment No. 2, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Ulanen Regiment No. 2, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Ulanen Regiment No. 1 3, 1886 - 1887 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 1, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 2, 1886 - 1894 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment, 1887 - 1892 - Guard Pioneer Battalion, 1886 - 1895 - Railway Regiment No. 1, 1886 - 1895 - Airship Battalion (Department) No. 1, 1886 - 1895 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 2, 1886 - 1894 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment, 1887 - 1892 - Guard Pioneer Battalion, 1886 - 1895 - Railway Regiment No. 1, 1886 - 1895 - Airship Battalion (Department) No. 1, 1886 - 1895 - Airship Battalion (Department) No. 1 1, 1887 - 1895 - Guard Train Battalion, 1886 - 1895 - Apparel Office, 1892, 1895 - Halfinvalidenabteilung,1887 - 1893 - Garrison Hospital Berlin, 1890 - 1893 Army Corps No. 12 (1st Saxon) Dresden: - Jäger Battalion No. 13 (2nd Saxon), 1892 Army Corps No. 19 (2nd Saxon) Leipzig: - Infantry Regiment No. 105 (6th Saxon) Saxon) King Wilhelm II of Württemberg, 1886 - Infantry Regiment No. 133 (9th Saxon), 1889 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 12 (1st Saxon), 1890 - 1891 Army Inspection No. 3 Hanover: Army Corps No. 7 Münster: - Füsilier Regiment No. 39 (Lower Rhineland) General Ludendorff, 1891 - Infantry Regiment No. 53 (5th Westphalian), 1890 - Infantry Regiment No. 56 (7th Westphalian) Bird of Falckenstein, 1889 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 7 (1st Westphalian), 1891 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 7 (Westphalian), 1889, 1895 Army Corps No. 9 Hamburg-Altona: - Infantry Regiment No. 85 (Holstein) Duke of Holstein, 1893 - Grenadier-Regiment No. 89 (Grand-Ducal-Mecklenburg), 1887 - Füsilier-Regiment No. 90 (Grand-Ducal-Mecklenburg), 1886 - Hunter-Battalion No. 9 (Lauenburg), 1890 - Dragoner-Regiment No. 17 (1st Grand-Ducal-Mecklenburg), 1887 - Hussar-Regiment No. 16 (Schleswig-Holstein) Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria, King of Hungary, 1895 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 9 (Schleswigsches) Field Marshal Count Waldersee, 1891 - Train Battalion No. 9 (Schleswig-Holstein), 1887, 1889 Army Corps No. 10 Hanover: - Intendantur, 1893 - Infantry Regiment No. 74 (1st Hannoversches), 1889 - Infantry Regiment No. 78 (East Frisian) Duke Friedrich Wilhelm von Braunschweig, 1895 - Infantry Regiment No. 91 (Oldenburg), 1892 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 26 (2nd Hannoversches), 1886, 1888 Army Inspection No. 4 Munich: Army Corps No. 3 Berlin: - General Staff, 1888 - Intendantur, 1886 - 1895 - Artillery Depot Berlin, 1889 - 1893 - Leib-Grenadier-Regiment No. 8 (1st Brandenburg Regiment) King Friedrich Wilhelm III.., 1886, 1892 - 1894 - Grenadier Regiment No. 12 (2nd Brandenburg) Prince Carl of Prussia, 1888 - 1893 - Infantry Regiment No. 20 (3rd Brandenburg) Count Tauentzien von Wittenberg, 1891 - Infantry Regiment No. 24 (4th Brandenburg) Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1888 - 1891, 1895 - Füsilier Regiment No. 35 (Brandenburg) Prince Heinrich of Prussia, 1891 - 1892 - Infantry Regiment No. 52 (6th Brandenburg) of Alvensleben, 1888, 1890, 1893 - Infantry Regiment No. 64 (8th Brandenburg) Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia, 1891 - Dragoon Regiment No. 2 (1st Brandenburg), 1888 - Hussar Regiment No. 3 (Brandenburg) of Zieten, 1894 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 3 (1st Brandenburg) of Alvensleben, 1891 - Infantry Regiment No. 52 (6th Brandenburg) of Alvensleben, 1890, 1893 - Infantry Regiment No. 64 (8th Brandenburg) Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia, 1891 - Dragon Regiment No. 2 (1st Brandenburg), 1888 - Hussar Regiment No. 3 (Brandenburg) of Zieten, 1894 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 3 (1st Brandenburg) Brandenburgisches) Generalfeldzeugmeister, 1889, 1892 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 18 (2nd Brandenburgisches) Generalfeldzeugmeister, 1889, 1890 - Pioneer Battalion No. 3 (1st Brandenburgisches) von Rauch, 1889 - District Command Berlin, 1889 - 1895 - Train Battalion No. 3 (Brandenburgisches), 1885, 1889 - Halbinvalidenabteilung, 1894 Army Corps No. 1 (Bavarian) Munich: - Heavy Rider Regiment No. 1892 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 18 (2nd Brandenburgisches) Generalfeldzeugmeister, 1889, 1890 - Pioneer Battalion No. 3 (1st Brandenburgisches) von Rauch, 1889 - District Command Berlin, 1889 - 1895 - Train Battalion No. 3 (Brandenburgisches), 1885, 1889 - Halbinvalidenabteilung, 1894 Army Corps No. 1 (Bavarian) Munich: - Heavy Rider Regiment No. 2 Archduke Franz-Ferdinand of Austria-Este, 1889 Army Inspectorate No. 5 Karlsruhe: Army Corps No. 8 Koblenz: - Infantry Regiment No. 25 (1st Rheinisches) of Lützow, 1890 - Infantry Regiment No. 65 (5th Rhenish), 1889 - Infantry Regiment No. 68 (6th Rhenish), 1889 - 1890 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 9 (Schleswig-Holstein), 1886, 1890 - Pioneer Battalion No. 8 (1st Rhenish), 1889 - 1890 - Pioneer Battalion No. 8 (1st Rhenish), 1889 - 1890 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 9 (Schleswig-Holstein), 1886, 1890 - Pioneer Battalion No. 8 (1st Rhenish) Rheinisches), 1889 Army Corps No. 14 Karlsruhe: - General Staff, 1888 - Infantry Regiment No. 113 (5. Badisches), 1887 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 30 (2. Badisches), 1893 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 14 (Baden), 1892 Army Corps No. 15 Strasbourg i. Alsace: - Infantry Regiment No. 132 (1st Lower Alsace), 1891 - Dragoon Regiment No. 14 (Kurmärkisches), 1886 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 10 (Lower Saxony), 1890 Army Inspection No. 6 Stuttgart: Army Corps No. 4 Magdeburg: - General Staff, 1888 - Infantry Regiment No. 26 (1st Magdeburg) Prince Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau, 1894 - Infantry Regiment No. 27 (2nd Magdeburg) Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia, 1892 - Infantry Regiment No. 93 (Anhaltinisches), 1891 Army Corps No. 11 Kassel: - Infantry Regiment No. 32 (2nd Thuringian), 1886 - Infantry Regiment No. 71 (3rd Thuringian), 1887 - Infantry Regiment No. 83 (3rd Kurhessian) by Wittich, 1886 - Infantry Regiment No. 96 (7th Thuringian), 1887 - Infantry Regiment No. 83 (3rd Kurhessian) by Wittich, 1886 - Infantry Regiment No. 96 (7th Thuringian), 1886 - Infantry Regiment No. 83 (7th Thuringian) by Wittich Thuringian), 1886, 1891 - Jäger-Bataillon No. 11 (Kurhessisches), 1891 - Dragoner-Regiment No. 5 (Rheinisches) Freiherr von Manteuffel, 1889, 1893 - Feldartillerie-Regiment No. 11 (1. Kurhessisches), 1892 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 19 (1st Thuringian), 1890 - Pioneer Battalion No. 11 (Kurhessisches), 1890 Army Corps No. 13 (Württembergisches) Stuttgart: - Field Artillery Regiment No. 13 (1st Württemberg) King Charles, 1894 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 29 (2nd Württemberg) Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, 1892 - 1893 Army Inspection No. 7 Saarbrücken: Army Corps No. 16 Metz: - Infantry Regiment No. 98 (Metzer), 1886 - Infantry Regiment No. 144 (5th Lorraine), 1892 - Dragoon Regiment No. 13 (Schleswig-Holstein), 1890 - Ulanen Regiment No. 14 (2nd Hannoversches), 1888 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 8 (Rhineland), 1886 Army Corps No. 18 Frankfurt/Main: - Infantry Regiment No. 81 (1st Kurhessian) Landgrave Friedrich I. of Hesse-Kassel, 1888 - Infantry Regiment No. 87 (1st Nassau), 1887 - Infantry Regiment No. 88 (2nd Nassau), 1889 - Infantry Regiment No. 81 (1st Kurhessian) Landgrave Friedrich I. of Hesse-Kassel, 1888 - Infantry Regiment No. 87 (1st Nassau), 1887 - Infantry Regiment No. 88 (2nd Nassau), 1889 - Infantry Regiment No. 81 (1st Kurhessi) 116 (2nd Grand-Ducal-Hessian) Kaiser Wilhelm, 1894 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 27 (1st Nassauian) Orania, 1890 - Railway Regiment No. 2, 1890 - 1895 - Railway Regiment No. 3, 1894 Army Corps No. 21 Saarbrücken: - Infantry Regiment No. 17 (4th Nassau) Saarbrücken: - Infantry Regiment No. 17 (2nd Nassau) Saarbrücken: - Infantry Regiment No. 17 (4th Nassau) Saarbrücken: - Infantry Regiment No. 17 (1st Nassau) Saarbrücken: - Railway Regiment No. 2, 1890 - 1895 - Railway Regiment No. 3, 1894 Army Corps No. 21 Saarbrücken: - Infantry Regiment No. 17 (4th Nassau) Westphalian) Count Barfuß, 1891 - Infantry Regiment No. 131 (2nd Lorraine), 1886 - Ulan Regiment No. 15 (Schleswig-Holstein), 1889 Army Inspection No. 8 Berlin: Army Corps No. 2 Stettin: - Grenadier Regiment No. 2 (1st Pomerania) King Friedrich Wilhelm IV.., 1894 - Dragoner Regiment No. 12 (2nd Brandenburg) of Arnim, 1892 - Ulan Regiment No. 9 (2nd Pomeranian), 1892 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 2 (1st Pomeranian), 1886, 1890 Army Corps No. 5 Poznan: - Füsilier Regiment No. 37 (West Prussian) of Steinmetz, 1891 - Infantry Regiment No. 46 (1st Lower Silesian) Count Kirchbach, 1892 - Infantry Regiment No. 47 (2nd Lower Silesian) King Ludwig III. of Bavaria, 1891 - 1894 - Infantry Regiment No. 50 (3rd Lower Silesian), 1892 - 1893 - Infantry Regiment No. 58 (3rd Posensches), 1886 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 20 (1st Posensches), 1888, 1894 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 5 (Lower Silesian), 1892 - Pioneer Battalion No. 5 (Lower Silesian), 1887, 1889 Army Corps No. 6 Wroclaw: - Division No. 12, 1885 - Grenadier Regiment No. 10 (1st Silesian) King Frederick William II, 6 (Schlesisches), 1887 General Inspection of the Foot Artillery Berlin: - Rear Fireworks School, 1887 - 1894 General Inspection of the Corps of Engineers and Pioneers and the Fortresses Berlin, 1886 - 1887 - Engineer Inspection No. 2 Berlin, 1894 - Fortifikation Berlin Spandau, 1891 - Engineer Inspection No. 3 Strasbourg i. Alsace, 1893 - Engineer Inspection No. 4 Metz, 1888 - Fortress Building School Berlin Charlottenburg, 1890 General War Department: - Militär-Turnanstalt (until 1881 Zentral-Turnanstalt), 1894 - NCO School Potsdam, 1888 - NCO School Weißenfels, 1887 - 1888 - Weapon Examination Commission, 1891 - Artillery Examination Commission - Zeughaus Berlin, 1888 - Military Training Forge Berlin, 1891 - Gun Factory Danzig, 1890 - Fireworks Laboratory Berlin Spandau, 1889 - War Academy, 1889 - 1893 Other Army: - Artillery Shooting School Berlin, 1886 - 1890 - District Command Bernau, 1887 - First Sailor Division Kiel, 1893 - First Shipyard Division Kiel, 1893 - Fortress Inspection No. 4, 1892 - Gendarmerie Brigade No. 3 Berlin, 1887 - 1889 - Main Cadet Institute Berlin, 1887 - 1891 - Engineering Committee, 1888 - 1889, 1895 - Inspection of Rifle Factories, 1892, 1895 - Inspection of Military Telegraphy, 1892 - Kadettenhaus Oranienstein, 1894 - Kadettenhaus Wahlstatt, 1888 - Landwehr-Bezirkskommando Bernau, 1892 - Landwehr-Bezirkommando Dramburg, 1889 - Landgendarmerie Berlin, Korpsstab, 1887 - 1895 - Landwehr-Regiment Nr. 87 (1. Nassauisches), 1888 - Navy, Supreme Command, 1889 - 1893 - Naval Station of the North Sea Wilhelmshaven, 1891 - Medical-Surgical Friedrich-Wilhelms-Institute (Pépinière), 1888 - 1890 - Military-Rossarztschule Berlin, 1887 - 1889 - Military Telegraph School, 1888, 1890 - Upper Military Examination Commission, 1886, 1893 - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1891 - See-Bataillon Nr. 1 Kiel, 1892 - Sea Battalion No. 2 Wilhelmshaven, 1894 - United Artillery and Engineering School, 1890 - 1892 - Second Sailor Division Wilhelmshaven, 1892 Foreign troops: Austrian Army: - Ulan Regiment No. 5, 1892..;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VIII. HA, MKB, Nr. 466 (Fiche 855 - 858) · File · 1891 - 1904
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

188 Shells, Contains: Weddings June 1891 - December 1904 (with name index) - military community - invalids - retired officers Prussian army (from 1806/07): Chief of the army: - military cabinet, 1899 - 1904 - ministry of war - personal gendarmerie, 1898 - 1904 army division: - Gouvernement Berlin army inspection No. 1 Gdansk: army corps No. 1 Königsberg/ East Prussia: - Grenadier regiment No. 3 (2. East Prussian) King Friedrich Wilhelm I... - Grenadier regiment No. 3 (2. East Prussian) King Friedrich Wilhelm I.., 1903 - 1904 - Grenadier Regiment No. 4 (3rd East Prussian) King Frederick the Great - Infantry Regiment No. 44 (7th East Prussian) Count Dönhoff, 1901 - 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 1 (1. East Prussian) Lithuanian) Prince August of Prussia - Field Artillery Regiment No. 37 (2nd Lithuanian), 1901 - 1904 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 1 (East Prussian) of Linger - Train Battalion No. 1 (East Prussian), 1901 - 1904 Army Corps No. 17 Gdansk: - Intendantur - Artillery depot Thorn, 1901 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 21 (4th Pomerersches) of Borcke, 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 129 (3rd West Prussian), 1898 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 141 (Kulmer) - 1st Life Artillery Regiment No. 1 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 36 (2nd West Prussian), 1903 - 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 72 (Hochmeister), 1900 - 1904 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 11 (1st West Prussian), 1903 - 1904 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 11 (1st West Prussian), 1900 - 1904 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 11 (1st West Prussian), 1900 - 1904 West Prussian), 1899 - 1904 - Pioneer Battalion No. 17 (1st West Prussian), 1902 - 1904 - District Command Thorn Army Corps No. 20 Allenstein: - Infantry Brigade No. 75, 1897 - 1904 - Arys/East Prussia Training Area, 1903 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 147 (2nd Masurian), 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 148 (5th West Prussian), 1898 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 151 (2nd Ermländisches), 1903 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 152 (German Order), 1901 - 1904 Army Inspection No. 2 Berlin: Guard Corps Berlin: - General Command, 1899 - 1904 - General Staff, 1899 - 1904 - Intendantur - Proviantamt Potsdam - Guard Division No. 1, 1899 - 1904 - Guard Infantry Brigade No. 2, 1902 - 1904 - Guard Division No. 2, 1902 - 1904 - Guard Infantry Brigade No. 3, 1899 - 1904 - Guard Cavalry Division - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 1 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 2 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 2 3, 1899 - 1904 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 4, 1897 - 1904 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 5, 1897 - 1904 - Guard Füsilier Regiment - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 1 Kaiser Alexander - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 2 Kaiser Franz, 1899 - 1904 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 3 Queen Elisabeth - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 4 Queen Augusta - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 5, 1897-1904 - Cuirassier Regiment Gardes du Corps - Guard Cuirassier Regiment, 1902 - 1904 - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 1 Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, 1899 - 1904 - Guard Ulan Regiment No. 2 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 1 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 1 2 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment, 1898 - 1904 - Guard Pioneer Battalion, 1904 - Airship Battalion (Division) No. 1, 1903 -1904 - Guard Train Battalion, 1902 - 1904 - Apparel Office, 1897 - 1904 - Half Invalids Division, 1898 - 1904 Army Corps No. 19 (2nd Saxon) Leipzig: - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 12 (1st Saxon) Army Inspection No. 3 Hanover: Army Corps No. 7 Münster: - Füsilier Regiment No. 39 (Lower Rhine) General Ludendorff - Infantry Regiment No. 55 (6th Westphalian) Count Bülow von Dennewitz - Infantry Regiment No. 56 (7th Westphalian) Bird von Falckenstein, 1903 - 1904 - Hussar Regiment No. 11 (2nd Westphalian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 7 (1st Westphalian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 58 (Mindensches), 1903 - 1904 Army Corps No. 9 Hamburg-Altona: - Hussar Regiment No. 15 (Hannoversches) Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, 1899 - 1904 - Pioneer Battalion No. 9 (Schleswig-Holstein), 1897 - 1904 Army Corps No. 10 Hanover: - Artillery Depot Hanover - Dragoon Regiment No. 19 (Oldenburg) Army Inspection No. 4 Munich: Army Corps No. 3 Berlin: - General Command, 1899 - 1904 - Intendantur - Leib Grenadier Regiment No. 8 (1st Brandenburg) King Friedrich Wilhelm III, 1897 - 1904 - Grenadier Regiment No. 12 (2nd Brandenburg) Prince Carl of Prussia, 1897 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 20 (3rd Brandenburg) Count Tauentzien von Wittenberg, 1899 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 24 (4th Brandenburg) Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II. von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1904 - Füsilier Regiment No. 35 (Brandenburg) Prince Heinrich von Preußen - Infantry Regiment No. 48 (5th Brandenburg) von Stülpnagel, 1900 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 52 (6th Brandenburg) von Alvensleben, 1901 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 64 (8th Brandenburg) Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia, 1904 - cuirassier regiment no. 6 (Brandenburg) Emperor Nikolaus I. of Russia, 1900 - 1904 - dragoon regiment no. 2 (1st Brandenburg) - field artillery regiment no. 3 (1st Brandenburg) field artillery master general - field artillery regiment no. 18 (2nd Brandenburg) Field Artillery Master General, 1898 - 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 39 (Kurmärkisches), 1899 - 1904 - Berlin District Command - Jüterbog District Command - Train Battalion No. 3 (Brandenburg), 1901 - 1904 Army Inspection No. 5 Karlsruhe: Army Corps No. 8 Koblenz: - Infantry Regiment No. 25 (1st Rheinisches) of Lützow - Pioneer Battalion No. 8 (1st Rheinisches), 1902 - 1904 Army Corps No. 14 Karlsruhe: - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 14 (Badisches), 1893 - 1904 Army Corps No. 15 Strasbourg i. Alsace: - Dragoon Regiment No. 25 (1st Rheinisches) of Lützow 15 (3rd Schlesisches) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 10 (Lower Saxony) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 13 (Hohenzollernsches), 1902 - 1904 - Pioneer Battalion No. 19 (2nd Alsace), 1901 - 1904 Army Inspection No. 6 Stuttgart: Army Corps No. 4 Magdeburg: - Infantry Regiment No. 72 (4th Thuringian), 1899 - 1904 - Hussar Regiment No. 12 (Thuringian), 1904 - Pioneer Battalion No. 4 (Magdeburg), 1899 - 1904 Army Corps No. 11 Kassel: - Infantry Regiment No. 94 (5th Thuringian) Grand Duke of Saxony, 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 95 (6th Thuringian) Thuringian) - Infantry Regiment No. 96 (7th Thuringian), 1903 - 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 11 (1st Kurhessian), 1902 - 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 19 (1st Thuringian) Army Corps No. 13 (Württemberg) Stuttgart: - Medical Corps Army Inspection No. 7 Saarbrücken: Army Corps No. 16 Metz: - Artillery Depot Metz - Infantry Regiment No. 98 (Metzer) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 8 (Rhine), 1899 - 1904 - Pioneer Battalion No. 16 (1st Lorraine), 1899 - 1904 - Pioneer Battalion No. 20 (2nd Lorraine) Lorraine), 1902 - 1904 Army Corps No. 18 Frankfurt/Main: - Artillery Depot Darmstadt, 1901 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 87 (1st Nassauisches), 1901 - 1904 - Railway Regiment No. 3, 1902 - 1904 - District Command Erbach, 1899 - 1904 Army Corps No. 18 Frankfurt/Main: - Artillery Depot Darmstadt, 1901 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 87 (1st Nassauisches), 1901 - 1904 - Railway Regiment No. 3, 1902 - 1904 - District Command Erbach, 1899 - 1904 Army Corps No. 1802 - 1904 21 Saarbrücken: - Infantry Regiment No. 137 (2nd Lower Alsatian), 1903 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 138 (3rd Lower Alsatian) - Infantry Regiment No. 174 (10th Lorraine), 1904 - Ulan Regiment No. 11 (2nd Lower Alsatian), 1903 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 138 (3rd Lower Alsatian), 1904 - Ulan Regiment No. 11 (2nd Lower Alsatian) Brandenburgisches) Count Haeseler - Field Artillery Regiment No. 8 (1st Rheinisches) von Holtzendorff - Field Artillery Regiment No. 67 (2nd Unterelsässisches), 1901 - 1904 Army Inspection No. 8 Berlin: Army Corps No. 2 Stettin: - Artillery Depot Stettin - Grenadier Regiment No. 9 (2nd Pommersches/Kolbergsches) Graf Gneisenau, 1904 - infantry regiment no. 14 (3rd Pommersches) Graf Schwerin - fusilier regiment no. 34 (Pommersches), 1902 - 1904 - infantry regiment no. 42 (5th Pommersches) Pommersches) Prince Moritz von Anhalt-Dessau, 1898 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 49 (6th Pommersches), 1899 - 1904 - Infantry Regiment No. 54 (7th Pommersches) of the Goltz - Infantry Regiment No. 140 (4th West Prussian), 1903 - 1904 - Cuirassier Regiment No. 2 (Pomeranian) Queen, 1899 - 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 2 (1st Pomeranian), 1898 - 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 17 (2nd Pomeranian) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 2 (1st Pomeranian) of Hindersin, 1897 - 1904 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 15 (2nd West Prussian, from 1910 2nd Pomeranian), 1893 - 1904 - Pioneer Battalion No. 2 (Pomeranian), 1902 - 1904 - District Command Bydgoszcz Army Corps No. 5 Poznan: - Grenadier Regiment No. 7 (2nd West Prussian) King Wilhelm I., 1904 - Füsilier Regiment No. 37 (West Prussian) by Steinmetz - Infantry Regiment No. 46 (1st Lower Silesian) Graf Kirchbach - Infantry Regiment No. 58 (3rd Posensches) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 20 (1st Posensches) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 5 (Lower Silesian), 1897 - 1904 - Train Battalion No. 5 (Lower Silesian) Army Corps No. 6 Wroclaw: - Neisse Artillery Depot - Infantry Regiment No. 63 (4th Upper Silesian) - Infantry Regiment No. 157 (4th Silesian), 1904 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 21 (1st Upper Silesian) by Clausewitz, 1899 - 1904 - Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 6 (Schlesisches) Inspektion der Feldartillerie Berlin: - Feldartillerie-Schießschule Jüterbog, 1897 - 1904 Generalinspektion der Fußartillerie Berlin: - Oberfeuerwerkerschule Generalinspektion des Ingenieur- und Pionierkorps und der Festungen Berlin: - Fortifikation Friedrichsort - Fortifikation Strasbourg i. Alsace - Fortress Building School Berlin Charlottenburg, 1898 - 1904 General War Department: - NCO School Treptow a. d. Rega, 1903 - 1904 - Artillery Examination Commission, 1901 - 1904 - Shooting range Kummersdorf, 1901 - 1904 - Military Riding Institute Hanover - Artillery Workshop Berlin Spandau, 1904 - Artillery Foundry Berlin Spandau - Geschoßfabrik Siegburg - Fireworks Laboratory Berlin Spandau - Powder Factory Hanau - Powder Factory Berlin Spandau, 1903 - 1904 Replacement, Supply and Justice Department: - Fortress prison Berlin Spandau, 1901 - 1904 - Kaiser-Wilhelms-Akademie für das militärärztliche Bildungswesen (before 1895 Medizinisch-Chirurgisches Friedrich-Wilhelms-Institut [Pépinière]) - Sanitätsamt Berlin Other Army: - Direction of the workshop depots - Eisenbahn-Brigade, 1903 - 1904 - Erste Matrosen-Division Kiel - Erste Werft-Division Kiel - Gendarmerie-Brigade Nr. 3 Berlin - Intendantur der Eisenbahntruppen, 1898 - 1904 - Reichsmarineamt - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika - Torpedo Workshop Friedrichsort, 1902 -1904 - United Artillery and Engineering School, 1898 - 1904 - Second Sailor Division Wilhelmshaven, 1899 - 1904 - Second Shipyard Division Wilhelmshaven, 1902 - 1904;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VIII. HA, MKB, Nr. 479 (Fiche 890 - 894) · File · 1917 - 1923
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

216 sheets, Contains: Weddings 1917 - 1923 (with name index) - Military Community - Retired Officers - Guard Regiment Berlin, 1921 Prussian Army (from 1806/07): Chief of the Army: - War Ministry, 1917 - 1920 - Large General Staff, 1917 - 1920 - Castle Guard Company, 1919 Army Division: High Command in the Marches, 1918 Army Inspection No. 1 Gdansk: Army corps no. 1 Königsberg/East Prussia: - Artillery depot Königsberg/East Prussia, 1919 - Hunter regiment on horse no. 9, 1918 - Füsilier Regiment No. 33 (East Prussian) Graf Roon, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 44 (7th East Prussian) Graf Dönhoff, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 45 (8th East Prussian), 1917 Army Corps No. 17 Gdansk: - Infantry Regiment No. 61 (8. Pommersches) of Marwitz, 1920 - Infantry Regiment No. 141 (Kulmer), 1918 - 1919 - Infantry Regiment No. 175 (8. Westpreußisches), 1918 - 1. Leibhusaren-Regiment Nr. 1, 1917 - Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 72 (Hochmeister), 1918 - Bekleidungsamt Gdansk, 1920 Armeekorps Nr. 20 Allenstein: - Intendantur, 1917, 1919 - Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 146 (1. Masurian), 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 150 (1st Armed Forces), 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 79 (3rd East Prussian), 1917 - Pioneer Battalion No. 23 (2nd West Prussian), 1917 Army Inspection No. 2 Berlin: Guard Corps Berlin: - Intendantur, 1918 - 1919 - Abwicklungsamt, 1919 - Guard Division No. 2, 1918 - 1919 - Guard Infantry Division No. 4, 1917 - Guard Cavalry Brigade No. 3, 1917 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 2, 1918 - 1919 - Guard Cavalry Brigade No. 3, 1917 - Guard Cavalry Brigade No. 3, 1917 - Guard Cavalry No. 3, 1917 - Guard Cavalry No. 3, 1917 - Guard Cavalry Brigade No. 3, 1917 2, 1919 - 1920 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 4, 1918 - 1919 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 5, 1917 - 1919 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 1 Emperor Alexander, 1918 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 2 Emperor Franz, 1918 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 3 Queen Elisabeth, 1917 - 1919 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 5, 1918 - Guard Hunter Battalion, 1918 - Guard Machine Rifle Division No. 2, 1918 - Guard Shooter Battalion, 1918 - Training Infantry Regiment, 1917 - 1918 - Cuirassier Regiment Gardes du Corps, 1917 - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 5, 1918 - Guard Hunter Battalion, 1918 - Guard Machine Rifle Division No. 2, 1918 - Guard Rifleman Battalion, 1918 - Training Infantry Regiment, 1917 - 1918 - Cuirassier Regiment Gardes du Corps, 1917 - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 1 Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, 1918 - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 2 Empress Alexandra of Russia, 1918 - 1919 - Guard Ulan Regiment No. 2, 1917 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 1, 1917 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 3, 1917 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 4, 1918 - Railway Regiment No. 1, 1917 - Kriegsbekleidungsamt, 1918 - Hauptsanitätsdepot Berlin, 1918 - 1919 Army Corps No. 19 (2nd Saxon) Leipzig: - Field Artillery Regiment No. 68 (6th Saxon), 1918 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 77 (7th Saxon), 1918 Army Inspection No. 3 Hanover: Army Corps No. 7 Münster: - Infantry Regiment No. 13 (1st Westphalian) Herwarth von Bittenfeld, 1918 - Füsilier Regiment No. 39 (Lower Rhine) General Ludendorff, 1917, 1919 - Infantry Regiment No. 53 (5th Westphalian), 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 56 (7th Westphalian) Bird of Falckenstein, 1918 - Hussar Regiment No. 11 (2nd Westphalian), 1918 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 7 (Westphalian), 1917 - Pioneer Battalion No. 24 (2nd Westphalian), 1917 Army Corps No. 9 Hamburg-Altona: - Infantry Brigade No. 81, 1917 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 20 (Lauenburgish), 1918 - Train Battalion No. 9 (Schleswig-Holstein), 1919 Army Corps No. 10 Hanover: - Füsilier Regiment No. 73 (Hannoversches) Prince Albrecht of Prussia, 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 74 (1. Hannoversches), 1917 Army Inspection No. 4 Munich: Army Corps No. 3 Berlin: - General Command, 1917 - 1919 - Intendantur, 1917 - 1919 - Intendantur, Settlement Office, 1920 - Kommandantur Berlin, 1917 - 1920 - Kommandantur Jüterbog, 1919 - Artillery Depot Berlin Spandau, 1917 - 1918 - Artillery Depot Berlin, 1917 - 1920 - Artillery Depot Jüterbog, 1917 - Leib-Grenadier-Regiment No. 8 (1st Brandenburg) King Friedrich Wilhelm III, 1917 - 1919 - Grenadier Regiment No. 12 (2nd Brandenburg) Prince Carl of Prussia, 1917 - 1919 - Infantry Regiment No. 20 (3rd Brandenburg) Count Tauentzien von Wittenberg, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 24 (4th Brandenburg) Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II. von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1917 - 1919 - Füsilier Regiment No. 35 (Brandenburg) Prince Henry of Prussia, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 48 (5th Brandenburg) of Stülpnagel, 1919 - Infantry Regiment No. 52 (6th Brandenburg) of Alvensleben, 1917 - 1918 - Hunter Battalion No. 3 (Brandenburg), 1918 - Cuirassier Regiment No. 6 (Brandenburg) Emperor Nicholas I. of Russia, 1919 - Ulan Regiment No. 3 (1st Brandenburg) Emperor Alexander II of Russia, 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 54 (Neumärk), 1917 - Pioneer Battalion No. 3 (1st Brandenburg), 1917 - Pioneer Battalion No. 3 (1st Brandenburg) of Russia, 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 54 (Neumärk), 1917 - Pioneer Battalion No. 3 (1st Brandenburg), 1917 - Pioneer Battalion No. 3 (1st Brandenburg) Brandenburgisches) von Rauch, 1917 - Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 28 (2nd Brandenburgisches), 1917, 1919 - Bezirkskommando Berlin, 1919 - Bezirkskommando Calau, 1917 - Bekleidungsamt, 1918 Armee-Inspektion Nr. 5 Karlsruhe: Army Corps No. 8 Koblenz: - Hunter Regiment on Horse No. 7, 1917 - Hunter Regiment on Horse No. 8, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 28 (2nd Rheinisches) of Groeben, 1917 - 1918 Army Corps No. 14 Karlsruhe: - Generalkommando, 1918 - Artillery Depot Rastatt, 1917 - Hunter Regiment on Horse No. 7, 1917 - Hunter Regiment on Horse No. 8, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 28 (2nd Rheinisches) of Groeben, 1917 - 1918 Army Corps No. 14 Karlsruhe: - Generalkommando, 1918 - Artillery Depot Rastatt, 1917 - Hunter Regiment on Horse No. 7, 1917 - Artillery Depot Rastatt, 1917 - Hunter Regiment No. 7, 1917 - Hunter Regiment No. 1917 5, 1920 - Leib-Grenadier Regiment No. 109 (1st Baden), 1917 Army Corps No. 15 Strasbourg i. Alsace: - Infantry Regiment No. 99 (2nd Upper Rhine), 1919 - Infantry Regiment No. 136 (4th Lorraine), 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 143 (4th Lower Alsace), 1919 - Infantry Regiment No. 172 (3rd Lower Alsace), 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 172 (2nd Lower Alsace), 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 143 (4th Lower Alsace), 1919 - Infantry Regiment No. 172 (3rd Lower Alsace), 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 143 (4th Lower Alsace), 1919 - Infantry Regiment No. 172 (3rd Lower Alsace) Oberelsässisches), 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 51 (2nd Oberelsässisches), 1920 Army Inspection No. 6 Stuttgart: Army Corps No. 4 Magdeburg: - Artillery Depot Halle/Saale, 1918 - Division No. 8, Military Court of War, 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 26 (1st Magdeburgisches) Fürst Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 27 (2nd Magdeburgisches), 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 27 (2nd Magdeburgisches), 1918 - Division No. 8, Military Court of War, 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 26 (1st Magdeburgisches) Fürst Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 27 (2nd Magdeburgisches), 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 27 (2nd Magdeburgisches) Magdeburg) Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia, Settlement Office, 1920 - Füsilier Regiment No. 36 (Magdeburg) General Field Marshal Count Blumenthal, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 72 (4th Thuringian), 1917, 1919 - Hussar Regiment No. 10 (Magdeburg), 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 40 (Altmärkisches), 1919 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 75 (Mansfelder), 1917 Army Corps No. 11 Kassel: - Hunter Regiment on Horse No. 2, Motor Car Telephone Construction Train No. 2906, 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 71 (3rd Thuringian), 1917 Army Corps No. 13 (Württemberg) Stuttgart: - Field Artillery Regiment No. 13 (1st Württemberg) King Karl, 1917 Army Inspection No. 7 Saarbrücken: Army Corps No. 18 Frankfurt/Main: - General Command, 1917 - Infantry Brigade No. 49, 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 81 (1st Kurhessian) Landgrave Friedrich I. von Hessen-Kassel, 1918 - 1919 - Infantry (Life Guard) Regiment No. 115 (1st Grand Ducal Hessian), 1918 - Life Dragon Regiment No. 24 (2nd Grand Ducal Hessian), 1919 - Pioneer Battalion No. 21 (1st Nassau), 1917 - Railway Regiment No. 2, 1917, 1919 Army Corps No. 21 Saarbrücken: - Infantry Regiment No. 70 (8th Rhineland), 1918 Army Inspection No. 8 Berlin: Army Corps No. 2 Szczecin: - General Command, 1918 - Division No. 3, 1920 - Grenadier Regiment No. 2 (1st Pomerania) King Friedrich Wilhelm IV.., 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 140 (4th West Prussian), 1918 - Cuirassier Regiment No. 2 (Pomeranian) Queen, 1917 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 15 (2nd Pomeranian, 2nd West Prussian until 1910), 1917 - Pioneer Battalion No. 2 (Pomerania), 1917 Army Corps No. 5 Posen: - Directorate, 1919 - Grenadier Regiment No. 6 (1st West Prussian) Count Kleist von Nollendorf, 1918 - Grenadier Regiment No. 7 (2nd West Prussian) King Wilhelm I., 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 46 (1st Lower Silesian) Graf Kirchbach, 1917 - 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 50 (3rd Lower Silesian), 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 58 (3rd Poznan), 1919 - Infantry Regiment No. 154 (5th Lower Silesian), 1918 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 5 (1st Lower Silesian) by Podbielski, 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 20 (1st Posensches), 1917 Army Corps No. 6 Breslau: - Hussar Regiment No. 6 (2nd Silesian) Graf Goetzen, 1918 - Ulan Regiment No. 2 (Silesian) by Katzler, 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 42 (2nd Lower Silesian) by Katzler, 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 42 (2nd Lower Silesian) by Breslau: - Hussar Regiment No. 6 (2nd Silesian) Graf Goetzen, 1918 - Ulan Regiment No. 2 (2nd Lower Silesian) by Katzler, 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 42 (2nd Lower Silesian) by Breslau Schlesisches), 1918 Inspection of Hunters and Archers Berlin: - Reitendens Feldjägerkorps, 1918 - 1919 General Inspection of the Engineering and Pioneer Corps and the Fortresses of Berlin, 1917 General Inspection of the Engineering and Pioneer Corps and the Fortresses of Berlin, Liquidation Office, 1919 Feldzeugmeisterei: - Artillery Depot Inspection Berlin, 1918 Other Army: - Artillery Examination Commission, 1917 - 1919 - Artillery Workshop Berlin Spandau, 1917 - Artillery Workshop Gdansk, 1920 - Clothing Examination Commission, 1919 - First Sailor Division Kiel, 1917 - First Shipyard Division Kiel, 1917 - 1919 - Gendarmerie Brigade No. 3 Berlin, 1917 - 1918 - Generalkriegskasse, 1918 - 1919 - Generalmilitärkasse, 1918 - 1919 - Gewehrfabrik Berlin Spandau, liquidation agency, 1920 - Gouvernement Libau/Latvia, 1918 - Hauptkadettenanstalt Berlin, 1917 - Ingenieurkomitee, 1918 - 1919 - Inspection of the railway troops, 1918 - Inspection of the field artillery shooting schools, 1919 - Inspection of the air force troops, 1917 - 1919 - Inspection of the airship troops, 1917 - 1918 - Inspection of the infantry schools, 1918 - Inspection of the military penal institutions, 1918 - Inspection of the intelligence troops, 1917 - 1918 - Directorate General of the air forces, 1919 - Director of Military Transport, 1918 - 1919 - Kaiserliche Schutztruppen, Oberkommando, 1917 - 1918 - Kaiserliche Werft Wilhelmshaven, 1918 - Kaiser-Wilhelms-Akademie für das militärztliche Bildungswesen (before 1895 Medizinisch-Chirurgisches Friedrich-Wilhelms-Institut [Pépinière]), 1919 - Kommandanturgericht Berlin, 1920 - Navy, Admiral Staff, 1917 - 1920 - Naval Station of the North Sea Wilhelmshaven, 1917 - Military Railway Directorate, Disbanding Command, 1919 - Military Telegraph Department Berlin, 1918 - Military Gymnasium (until 1881 Central Gymnasium), 1917 - News Review Commission, 1919 - Pioneer Battalion No. 25 (2. Nassauisches), 1920 - Reichsmarineamt, 1917 - 1919 - Schießplatz Berlin Tegel, 1920 - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1918 - 1920 - Schutztruppe für Kamerun, 1918 - 1919 - Schutztruppe für Südwestafrika, 1918 - 1920 - prison Berlin Tegel, 1917 - NCO school Ettlingen, 1917 - NCO pre-school Annaburg, 1919 - NCO pre-school Sigmaringen, 1918 - Traindepot-Direktion Nr. 1, 1917 - 1918 - Traininspektion, 1919 - Training area Kummersdorf, 1920 - Second shipyard division Wilhelmshaven, 1917 - 1919 Foreign troops: Austrian Army: - S.M.S. Donau (escort ship), 1918 Turkey: - Ministry of War, 1918 Troops 1st World War: - Army No. 2, Provision Column No. 3, 1917 - Army No. 3, Radio Operator Small Division 3, 1917 - Army Medical High Command von Mackensen, 1918 - Army Telephone Department No. 8, 1917 - Army Telephone Department No. 17, 1917 - Army Telephone Park No. 8, 1917 - Army Telephone Park No. 13, 1917 - Army Telephone Park No. 22, 1917 - Army Air Base No. 11, 1917 - Army Corps No. 2, Landwehr Pioneer Company No. 2, 1918 - Army Corps No. 3, Replacement Machine Gun Company No. 1, 1919 - Army Corps No. 4, Artillery Ammunition Column No. 5, 1917 - Army Corps No. 5, Replacement Machine Gun Company No. 4, 1918 - Reinforcement Battalion No. 32, 1918 - Armierungs-Bataillon Nr. 43, 1918 - Armierungs-Bataillon Nr. 102, 1918 - Armierungs-Bataillon Nr. 193, 1917 - Artillerie-Meßschule Wahn, 1918 - German Military Mission, 1918 - German Red Cross, Lazarett, 1917 - Division Commander Nr. 6, 1918 - Replacement Field Artillery Regiment Zossen, 1918 - Replacement Pioneer Battalion No. 5, 1917 - Replacement Lake Battalion No. 1, 1918 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 241, 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 249, 1919 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 273, 1917 - Field Pilot Department No. 267, 1917 - 1918 - Field Army, General Staff, 1917 - Field Gendarmerie, Staff No. 160, 1917 - Field Hospital No. 217, 1917 - Field Hospital No. 313 (Saxon), 1918 - Field Hospital No. 377, 1917 - Field Airship Department No. 12, 1917 - Telephone Department No. 225, 1917 - Telephone Department No. 621, 1917 - Telephone Replacement Department No. 6, 1917 - Telephone Replacement Department No. 603, 1917 - Telephone Train No. 1539, 1918 - Aircraft Replacement Department No. 621, 1917 - Telephone Replacement Department No. 621, 1917 - Telephone Replacement Department No. 603, 1917 - Telephone Train No. 1539, 1918 - Aircraft Replacement Department No. 1539, 1918 - Aircraft Replacement Department No. 1539, 1917 - Aircraft Replacement Department No. 603, 1917 - Telephone Replacement Department No. 617, 1917 - Telephone Replacement Department No. 1917, 1917 - Telephone Replacement Department No. 6, 1917 - Telephone Rep. 87, 1918 - Foot Artillery Battalion No. 93, 1917 - Foot Artillery Battalion No. 108, 1918 - Foot Artillery Battalion No. 406, 1918 - Guard Replacement Division, Field Recruit Depot, 1917 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 5, Replacement Division, 1917 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 6, Replacement Section, 1917 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment No. 1, 1917, 1919 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment No. 1, Operations Office, 1919 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment No. 2 Jüterbog, 1918 - Guard Grenadier Replacement Battalion, 1919 - Guard Infantry Division No. 1, 1917, 1919 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment No. 1, Operations Office, 1919 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment No. 2 Jüterbog, 1918 - Guard Grenadier Replacement Battalion, 1919 - Guard Infantry Division No. 1, 1917, 1919 4, Field Recruit Depot, 1917 - Guard Infantry Regiment No. 6, 1918 - Guard Mine Launcher Company No. 1, 1917 - Guard Corps, Replacement Machine Gun Company No. 3, 1917 - Guard Corps, Replacement Machine Gun Company No. 5, 1918 - Guard News Replacement Department, 1917 - 1918 - Guard Reserve Pioneer Battalion, 1918 - Guard Reserve Regiment No. 2, 1917 - 1918 - Guard Train Battalion, 1919 - Guard Train Replacement Department No. 1, 1918 - Garrison Pioneer Company No. 381 Berlin, 1917 - 1919 - General Command for Special Use No. 65, 1918 - Group Radio Operator Department No. 507, 1918 - Group Radio Operator Department Lüttnitz/Saxony, 1919 - Port Command No. 520, 1917 - Army Group German Crown Prince - Immobile Motor Vehicle Depot No. 8, 1918 - Infantry Division No. 1, Field Hospital No. 13, 1918 - Infantry Division No. 240, Field Recruit Depot, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 202, 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 335, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 336, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 357, 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 396, 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 408, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 426, 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 443, 1917 - 1918 - Infantry Regiment No. 451, 1917 - Inspection of the Minenwerferpark- und Beschusstruppen, 1917 - Jäger-Ersatz-Bataillon No. 3 Lübben, 1918 - Hunting Squadron No. 10, 1917 - Cavalry News Division No. 3, 1917 - Kraftfahr-Ersatz-Abteilung I, 1917 - War Office, 1917 - War Hospital No. 123, 1917 - War Hospital Virton/Belgium, 1918 - Landsturm Infantry Battalion Guben (III.10), 1917 - 1918 - Landstorm-Infanterie-Bataillon Lingen (X/4), 1917 - Landstorm-Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon (III/24), 1917 - Landstorm-Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon, Freienwalde (III/30), 1917 - Landwehr-Fußartillerie-Bataillon Nr. 21, Battery Nr. 1, 1918 - Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 24, 1917 - Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment No. 47, 1917 - Light Ammunition Column No. 1078, 1918 - Light Ammunition Column No. 1402, 1918 - Light Measuring Troop 61, 1918 - Naval Pioneer Battalion No. 1, 1917 - Machine Rifle Sniper Department No. 4, 1917 - Military Mission for Turkey, 1919 - Military Economic Group 13, District Office Kiejdany/Lithuania, 1918 - Military Telegraph Department Berlin, 1917 - Military Telegraph Department Heim, 1918 - Minenwerfer-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 7, 1918 - Minenwerfer-Ersatz-Regiment Nr. 1 Markendorf, 1918 - Ober-Etappen-Inspektion Aleppo/Türkei, 1918 - Pferdedepot Nr. 47, 1917 - Reserve-Dragoner (Schützen)-Regiment Nr. 12, 1917 - 1918 - Reserve-Fußartillerie-Regiment Nr. 11, 1917 - Reserve-Garnison-Lazarett II Berlin, 1917 - Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 20, 1917 - Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 53, 1918 - Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 59, 1918 - Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 64, 1917 - 1918 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 80, 1918 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 90, 1918 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 91, 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 93, 1917 - 1918 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 203, 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 205, 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 261, 1917 - Reserve Corps No. 3, General Command, 1918 - Reserve Corps No. 23, Field Directorate, 1917 - 1918 - Reserve Landwehr Infantry Regiment No. 46, 1917 - Sanitätsamt Berlin, 1918 - 1919 - Sanitäts-Kompanie No. 2, 1918 - Sanitäts-Kompanie No. 237, 1917 - Scheinwerfer-Ersatz-Bataillon Berlin Spandau, 1918 - Heavy 15 cm Cannon Battery No. 12, 1917 - Heavy Coastal Mortar Battery No. 7, 1917 - Torpedo Division No. 1 Kiel, 1918 - 1919 - Torpedo Division No. 1 Wilhelmshaven, 1918 - Torpedoboot S.M.S. No. 122, 1917 - Torpedoboot S.M.S. No. 172, 1917 - Truppen-und Trainfeldgerät, 1918 - Submarine No. 88, 1917 - Untersee-Bootsflottille No. 1, 1917 - Untersee-Bootsflottile Mittelmeer, 1918 - Waffen- und Munitionsbeschaffungsamt, 1917 - 1918 Temporary Reichswehr 1919/1920: - Processing Office of the General Directorate of the Army Workshops Berlin, 1919 - Army Command Southern Border Guard, 1919 - Procurement Office for News Equipment Berlin Schöneberg, 1919 - Brigade News Department No. 110, 1919 - Flugzeugmeisterei Adlershof, 1919 - Freikorps Lützow, 1919 - Freiwilliges-Regiment Reinhardt Berlin, 1919 - Garde-Kavallerie-Schützen-Division, 1919 - Heeresabwicklungsamt Preußen, 1920 - Infanterie-Geschütz-Batterie Nr. 29, 1919 - Kriegsabwicklungsamt für das Feldeisenbahnwesen, 1919 - Landesschützen-Abteilung Nr. 9 Berlin, 1919 - Lazarett Charlottenburg Castle, 1920 - Naval Brigade No. 2 Wilhelmshaven, Regiment No. 3, 1920 - Naval Regiment No. 2, 1919 - Reichswehr Artillery Regiment No. 15, 1919 - 1920 - Reichswehr Emergency Office Prussia, 1919 - Reichswehr Brigade No. 3, 1920 - Reichswehr Brigade No. 15, 1920 - Reichswehr Brigade No. 15 Berlin, telephone department no. 115, 1919 - 1920 - Reichswehr-Brigade no. 30, 1919 - Reichswehr-Gruppenkommando, Gruppen-Funker-Abteilung, 1919 - Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment no. 5, 1920 - Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment no. 30, 1919 - Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment no. 33, 1920 - Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment no. 37, 1919 - Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 115, 1920 - Reichswehr-Kavallerie-Regiment Nr. 15, 1920 - Reichswehr-Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 5, 1920 - Reichswehr-Regiment Nr. 59, 1920 - Reichswehr-Schützen-Regiment Nr. 4, 1920 - Republikanische Soldatenwehr (Polizei), Kompanie Nr. 1, 1919 - Scharfschützenkorps Prey, Maschinengewehr-Abteilung Nr. 103, 1920 - Protection Regiment Greater Berlin, 1920 Reichswehr 1921 - 1935: - Artillery Regiment No. 3 (Prussian), 1922 - Artillery School Jüterbog, 1921 - Division No. 3 Berlin, 1921 - 1923 - Group Medical Depot Berlin, 1922 - Infantry Regiment No. 5 (Prussian), 1921 - 1922 - Infantry Regiment No. 9 (Prussian), 1921, 1923 - Infantry Regiment No. 18 Paderborn, 1921 - Inspection for weapons and equipment, 1920 - 1923 - Kraftfahr-Abteilung Nr. 3 (Preußische), 1921, 1923 - Kommandantur Berlin, 1921 - 1923 - Nachrichten-Abteilung Nr. 3 (Preußische), 1921 - 1922 - Marineleitung Berlin, 1921 - 1923 - Minensuch-Halbflottille Nr. 8, 1921 - Pionierwerkstatt Klausdorf, 1923 - Reichswehr-Gruppenkommando I Berlin, 1919 - 1923 - Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 29 Berlin, 1919 - 1921 - Reichswehrministerium, 1919 - 1923 - Reiter-Regiment Nr. 8 (Prussian), 1920 - Reiter-Regiment Nr. 10 (Prussian), 1921 - Sanitäts-Abteilung Nr. 3 (Prussian), 1920 - 1923 - Wehrkreis-Kommando III Berlin, 1920 - 1922;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VIII. HA, MKB, Nr. 381 (Fiche 617 - 620) · File · 1903 - 1907
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

215 sheets, Contains: Baptisms 1903 - 1907 (with name index) - Military Community - Invalids - Retired Officers Prussian Army (from 1806/07): Chief of the Army: - Military Cabinet - Ministry of War - Large General Staff - Riding Military Corps - Castle Guard Company (until 1861 Guard NCO Company) Army Division: - Gouvernement Berlin Army Inspection No. 1 Gdansk: Army Corps No. 1 Königsberg/East Prussia: - Grenadier Regiment No. 1 (1st East Prussian) Crown Prince - Grenadier Regiment No. 3 (2nd East Prussian) King Frederick William I - Grenadier Regiment No. 4 (3rd East Prussian) King Frederick the Great - Füsilier Regiment No. 33 (East Prussian) Count Roon - Infantry Regiment No. 43 (6th East Prussian) Duke Karl von Mecklenburg-Strelitz - Infantry Regiment No. 44 (7th East Prussian) Count Dönhoff - Infantry Regiment No. 45 (8th East Prussian) - Cuirassier Regiment No. 3 (East Prussian) Count Wrangel - Field Artillery Regiment No. 37 (2nd Lithuanian) - Pioneer Battalion No. 1 (East Prussian) Prince Radziwill Army Corps No. 17 Gdansk: - Infantry Regiment No. 21 (4th Pomeranian) of Borcke - Infantry Regiment No. 128 (Gdansk) - Infantry Regiment No. 129 (3rd West Prussian) - Fighter Battalion No. 1 (East Prussian) - Infantry Regiment No. 129 (3rd West Prussian) - Jäger Battalion No. 1 (East Prussian) 2 (Pomeranian) Prince Bismarck - Hussar Regiment No. 5 (Pomeranian) Prince Blücher of Wahlstatt - Field Artillery Regiment No. 36 (2nd West Prussian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 71 (Great Commander) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 72 (Grand Master) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 11 (1st West Prussian) - Pioneer Battalion No. 17 (1. West Prussian) Army Corps No. 20 Allenstein: - Infantry Regiment No. 18 (1. Posensches) of Grolman - Infantry Regiment No. 146 (1. Masurian) - Infantry Regiment No. 148 (5. West Prussian) - Infantry Regiment No. 150 (1. Ermländisches) - Infantry Regiment No. 151 (2. West Prussian) Field Artillery Regiment No. 35 (1st West Prussian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 73 (Masurian) Army Inspection No. 2 Berlin: Guard Corps Berlin: - General Command - Intendantur - Provisions Office Berlin - Guard Division No. 1 - Guard Division No. 2 - Guard Cavalry Division - Guard Cavalry Brigade No. 1 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 1 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 2 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 3 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 4 - Guard Fusilier Regiment - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 1 Emperor Alexander - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 2 Emperor Franz - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 3 Queen Elizabeth - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 4 Queen Augusta - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 5 - Guard Sagittarius Battalion - Guard Cuirassier Regiment - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 1 Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 2 Empress Alexandra of Russia - Guard Ulan Regiment No. 2 - Guard Ulan Regiment No. 3 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 1 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 2 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 3 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 4 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment - Guard Pioneer Battalion - Telegraph Battalion No. 1 - Cavalry Telegraph School - Guard Train Battalion - Half Battalion Division - Lazarett Berlin Army Corps No. 12 (1st Saxon) Dresden: - (Leib-) Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 100 (1st Saxon) - Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 102 (3rd Saxon) King Ludwig III of Bavaria - Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 48 (4th Saxon) - Bezirkskommando Borna Armeekorps Nr. 19 (2nd Saxon) Leipzig: - Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 107 (8th Saxon) Prince Johann Georg - Field Artillery Regiment No. 32 (3rd Saxon) Army Inspection No. 3 Hanover: Army Corps No. 7 Münster: - Infantry Regiment No. 15 (2nd Westphalian) Prince Friedrich of the Netherlands - Infantry Regiment No. 16 (3rd Westphalian) Westphalian) Baron von Sparr - Infantry Regiment No. 53 (5th Westphalian) - Infantry Regiment No. 159 (8th Lorraine) - Hussar Regiment No. 11 (2nd Westphalian) Army Corps No. 9 Hamburg-Altona: - Infantry Regiment No. 76 (2nd Hanseatic) Hamburg - Infantry Regiment No. 162 (3rd Hanseatic) Hanseatisches) Lübeck - Infantry Regiment No. 163 (Schleswig-Holstein) - Dragoon Regiment No. 17 (1st Grand-Ducal-Mecklenburg) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 9 (Schleswigsches) General Field Marshal Graf Waldersee - Field Artillery Regiment No. 45 (Lauenburg) - Semi-Binvalid Section Army Corps No. 10 Hanover: - Intendantur - Füsilier Regiment No. 73 (Hannoversches) Prince Albrecht of Prussia - Infantry Regiment No. 78 (Ostfriesisches) Duke Friedrich Wilhelm von Braunschweig - Infantry Regiment No. 79 (3. Hannoversches) of Voigts-Rhetz - Infantry Regiment No. 91 (Oldenburg) - Infantry Regiment No. 92 (Braunschweig) - Hussar Regiment No. 17 (Braunschweig) - Ulan Regiment No. 13 (1. Hannoversches) King - Field Artillery Regiment No. 10 (1. Hannoversches) of Scharnhorst - Field Artillery Regiment No. 62 (East Frisian) - Pioneer Battalion No. 10 (Hannoversches) Army Inspection No. 4 Munich: Army Corps No. 3 Berlin: - General Command - Intendantur - Commandantur Berlin - Artillery Depot Berlin - Leib-Grenadier-Regiment No. 8 (1st Brandenburg) King Friedrich Wilhelm III - Grenadier-Regiment No. 12 (2nd Brandenburg) - Grenadier-Regiment No. 12 (2nd Berlin) - Generalkommando Berlin - Generalkommando Berlin - Generaldantur - Commandantur Berlin - Artillery Depot Berlin - Leib-Grenadier-Regiment No. 8 (1st Brandenburg) King Friedrich Wilhelm III - Grenadier-Regiment No. 12 (2nd Berlin) Brandenburgisches) Prince Carl of Prussia - Infantry Regiment No. 24 (4th Brandenburgisches) Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II. of Mecklenburg-Schwerin - Füsilier Regiment No. 35 (Brandenburgisches) Prince Heinrich of Prussia - Infantry Regiment No. 48 (5th Brandenburgisches) - Infanterie-Regiment No. 48 (5th Prussian) Brandenburgisches) von Stülpnagel - Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 52 (6. Brandenburgisches) von Alvensleben - Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 64 (8. Brandenburgisches) Prinz Friedrich Karl von Preußen - Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 2 (1. Brandenburgisches) - Husaren-Regiment Nr. 3 (Brandenburgisches) von Zieten - Field Artillery Regiment No. 3 (1st Brandenburgisches) General Field Artillery Master - Field Artillery Regiment No. 18 (2nd Brandenburgisches) General Field Artillery Master - Bezirkskommando Berlin - Telegraphen-Bataillon Nr. 2 - Semi-invalid Division Army Corps No. 1 (Bavarian) Munich: - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 2 Army Inspection No. 5 Karlsruhe: Army Corps No. 8 Koblenz: - Infantry Regiment No. 28 (2nd Rheinisches) von Groeben - Infantry Regiment No. 29 (3rd Rhenish) of Horn - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 9 (Schleswig-Holstein) - Pioneer Battalion No. 8 (1st Rhenish) - Telegraph Battalion No. 3 Army Corps No. 14 Karlsruhe: - General Staff - Infantry Brigade No. 57 - Grenadier Regiment No. 110 (2nd Baden) Kaiser Wilhelm I. - Infantry Regiment No. 112 (4th Baden) Prince Wilhelm - Field Artillery Regiment No. 76 (5th Baden) - Pioneer Battalion No. 14 (Baden) Army Corps No. 15 Strasbourg i. Alsace: - Infantry Regiment No. 99 (2nd Upper Rhine) - Infantry Regiment No. 143 (4th Lower Alsatian) - Infantry Regiment No. 171 (2nd Upper Alsatian) - Infantry Regiment No. 172 (3rd Upper Alsatian) Upper Alsace) - Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 14 (Großherzoglich-Mecklenburgisches) - Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 15 (3. Schlesisches) - Fußartillerie-Regiment Nr. 10 (Niedersächsisches) Army-Inspktion Nr. 6 Stuttgart: IArmeekorps Nr. 4 Magdeburg: - Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 26 (1st Magdeburg) Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau - Infantry Regiment No. 27 (2nd Magdeburg) Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia - Füsilier Regiment No. 36 (Magdeburg) General Field Marshal Count Blumenthal - Infantry Regiment No. 93 (Anhaltinian) - Hussar Regiment No. 10 (Magdeburg) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 4 (Magdeburg) Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria - Field Artillery Regiment No. 40 (Altmärk) - Pioneer Battalion No. 4 (Magdeburg) Army Corps No. 11 Kassel: - Infantry Regiment No. 32 (2nd Thuringian) - Infantry Regiment No. 71 (3rd Thuringian) - Infantry Regiment No. 82 (2nd Kurhessian) - Infantry Regiment No. 83 (3rd Kurhessisches) von Wittich - Infantry Regiment No. 94 (5th Thuringian) Grand Duke of Saxony - Infantry Regiment No. 167 (1st Oberelsässisches) - Dragoon Regiment No. 5 (Rheinisches) Freiherr von Manteuffel - Field Artillery Regiment No. 11 (1st Kurhessisches) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 19 (1st Thuringia) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 55 (2nd Thuringia) Army Corps No. 13 (Württembergisches) Stuttgart: - Grenadier Regiment No. 119 (1st Thuringia) - Grenadier Regiment No. 119 (1st Thuringia) - Grenadier Regiment No. 119 (2nd Thuringia) Württemberg) Queen Olga - Infantry Regiment No. 121 (3rd Württemberg) Alt-Württemberg - Grenadier Regiment No. 123 (5th Württemberg) King Karl - Infantry Regiment No. 126 (8th Württemberg) Württemberg) Grand Duke Friedrich of Baden - Dragoon Regiment No. 25 (1st Württemberg) Queen Olga - Ulanen Regiment No. 20 (2nd Württemberg) King Wilhelm I - Field Artillery Regiment No. 65 (4th Württemberg) Army Inspection No. 7 Saarbrücken: Army Corps No. 16 Metz: - Intendantur - Infantry Regiment No. 30 (4th Rhineland) Graf Werder - Infantry Regiment No. 144 (5th Lorraine) - Ulan Regiment No. 14 (2nd Hannoversches) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 34 (2nd Lorraine) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 69 (3rd Lorraine) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 8 (Rheinisches) Armeekorps Nr. 18 Frankfurt/Main: - Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 80 (Kurhessisches) von Gersdorff - Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 81 (1st Kurhessisches) Landgrave Friedrich I. von Hessen-Kassel - Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 88 (2nd Nassauisches) - Infanterie-(Leibgarde)-Regiment Nr. 115 (1st Grand Ducal Hessian) - Infantry Body Regiment No. 117 (3rd Grand Ducal Hessian) Grand Duchess - Leib-Dragoner Regiment No. 24 (2nd Grand Ducal Hessian) - Ulanen Regiment No. 6 (Thuringian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 25 (1st Grand Ducal Hessian) - Ulanen Regiment No. 25 (2nd Grand Ducal Hessian) - Ulanen Regiment No. 6 (Thuringian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 25 (1st Grand Ducal Hessian) - Infantry Body Regiment No. 117 (3rd Grand Ducal Hessian) - Ulanen Regiment No. 6 (Thuringian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 25 (1st Grand Ducal Hessian) - Ulanen Regiment No. 6 (U. Thuringian) Grand-Ducal-Hessian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 27 (1st Nassau) Orange - Field Artillery Regiment No. 63 (2nd Nassau) - Pioneer Battalion No. 21 (1st Nassau) - Railway Regiment No. 2 - Railway Regiment No. 3 Army Corps No. 21 Saarbrücken: - Infantry Regiment No. 70 (8th Nassau) Rhenish) - Infantry Regiment No. 131 (2nd Lorraine) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 15 (1st Upper Alsace) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 31 (1st Lower Alsace) - Army Inspection No. 8 Berlin: Army Corps No. 2 Szczecin: - Grenadier Regiment No. 9 (2nd Pomerania/Colberg) Graf Gneisenau - Infantry Regiment No. 14 (3rd Pomeranian) Graf Schwerin - Füsilier Regiment No. 34 (Pomeranian) - Infantry Regiment No. 42 (5th Pomeranian) Prince Moritz von Anhalt-Dessau - Infantry Regiment No. 49 (6th Pomeranian) - Ulan Regiment No. 9 (2nd Pomeranian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 17 (2nd Pomeranians) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 2 (1st Pomeranians) of Hindersin - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 15 (2nd West Prussian, from 1910 2nd Pomeranians) - Pioneer Battalion No. 2 (Pomeranians) - Train Battalion No. 2 (Pomeranians) - Army Corps No. 2 (1st Pomeranians) - Half Battalion Department 5 Poznan: - Infantry Regiment No. 46 (1st Lower Silesian) Count Kirchbach - Infantry Regiment No. 47 (2nd Lower Silesian) King Ludwig III of Bavaria - Infantry Regiment No. 50 (3rd Lower Silesian) - Infantry Regiment No. 154 (5th Lower Silesian) - Infantry Regiment No. 155 (7th West Prussian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 5 (1st Lower Silesian) of Podbielski - Field Artillery Regiment No. 41 (2nd Lower Silesian) Army Corps No. 6 Wroclaw: - Grenadier Regiment No. 10 (1st Silesian) King Frederick William II. - Grenadier Regiment No. 11 (2nd Silesian) King Friedrich III - Infantry Regiment No. 23 (2nd Upper Silesian) von Winterfeldt - Infantry Regiment No. 51 (4th Lower Silesian) - Infantry Regiment No. 63 (4th Lower Silesian) Upper Silesian) - Dragoner Regiment No. 8 (2nd Silesian) King Frederick III - Field Artillery Regiment No. 6 (1st Silesian) of Peucker - Field Artillery Regiment No. 21 (1st Upper Silesian) of Clausewitz - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 6 (Schlesisches) von Dieskau Generalinspektion der Fußartillerie Berlin, 1903 - 1907 - Rear fireworks school Generalinspektion des Ingenieur- und Pionierkorps und der Festungen Berlin: - Ingenieur-Inspektion Nr. 1 Berlin - Festung Danzig - Ingenieur-Inspektion Nr. 2 Berlin General War Department: - Unteroffiziersschule Biebrich - Artillery Examination Commission - Gewehrfabrik Berlin Spandau - Feuerwerkslaboratorium BerlinTegel Ersatz-, Versorgungs- und Justizdepartement: - Inspection of Military Penitentiaries - Kaiser Wilhelm Academy for Military Medical Education (before 1895 Friedrich Wilhelm Medical-Surgical Institute [Pépinière]) - Kriegsakademie - Sanitätsamt Berlin Feldzeugmeisterei: - Artillerie-Direktion Nr. 1 Berlin Spandau Other Army: - Artillery Shooting School Berlin - First Sailor Division Kiel - Eskadron Hunter on Horseback No. 15 - Gendarmerie Brigade No. 15 3 Berlin - General Inspectorate of Military Education and Training - General Inspectorate of Cavalry - Engineering Committee - Inspection of Rifle Factories - Inspection of War Schools - Inspection of Military Telegraphy - Inspection of Transport Troops - Cadet Corps - Imperial Protection Forces, High Command - Combined Hunter Regiment on Horseback (Regiment on Horseback No. 2) - Landgendarmerie, Korpsstab - Marine, Admiralstab - Marine, Oberkommando - Obermilitär-Examinationskommission (Obermilitär-Prüfungskommission) - Pionierinspektion Nr. 1 - Reichsmarineamt - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika - Schutztruppe für Südwestafrika - Traindirektion Nr. 2..;