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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 32508 · Akt(e) · 1904 - 1919
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

122 sheets, Contains and others: - Foundation of a high altar for the St. Joseph Church built by the St. Benedictus Mission Society St. Ottilien in Dar es Salaam by Wilhelm II, 1904/1905 - Relocation of the headquarters of the Protestant Mission Society for German East Africa from Berlin to Bethel near Bielefeld, 1906 - Appointment of the Governor of German East Africa, Albrecht von Rechenberg, as representative of Wilhelm II at the solemn consecration of the high altar of St. Wilhelm's Church in Berlin. Josephskirche in Daressalam, 1908 - Approval of a support for the education of the children of the missionaries of the Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1909 - Approval of the donation contract concluded between the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen and the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika for a property located in Lüderitzbucht as well as approval of the acquisition of a property in Windhoek by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen, 1909 - The first edition of the newspaper "Rafifki yangu" ("My Friend"), published by the Catholic Mission Dar es Salaam in January 1910, is sent with the editorial for Wilhelm II's birthday. by the Bishop and Apostolic Vicar of Dar es Salaam Thomas Spreiter OSB [with explanations on the Kiswahili language and the translation of the editorial], 1910 - Approval of the acquisition by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen of the farm "Gaub" located in German Southwest Africa, 1910 - Approval of the acquisition of the farms "Omburo" in the district of Omaruru and "Ouises" in the district of Rehoboth, situated in German Southwest Africa, as well as of land in Usakos by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen, 1910 - Approval of the acquisition of the farm "Korab-Ost" by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen, 1910 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4. Class to the Director of the North German Mission Society in Bremen August Wilhelm Schreiber and award of the Crown Order 4th Class to the missionaries Jakob Spieth and Gottlob Däuble in Togo, 1911 - Approval of the acquisition of a property of the Berlin Mission Society in Berlin situated in Dar es Salaam by the Mission Institute of the Protestant Brotherhood in Herrnhut, 1911 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 3rd Class to the Apostolic Provicar and Vicar General (ret.) Stephan Baur in Zanzibar, 1912 - Approval of the proposals of the Protestant and Catholic committees for the distribution of the national donation for the Christian missions in the German colonies and protectorates (Kaiser Wilhelm donation for the Christian missions in the German colonies and protectorates), 1913 - Assumption of the protectorate via the foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe" and delegation of a member to the board of the foundation, 1913 - Draft of the constitution of the foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe". Berlin] [1913] (print) - Constitution of the Foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe" of 6 December 1913. [Berlin] [1913] (print) - List of members of the Administrative Council of the Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe. Berlin [1913] (print) - permission of the foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe" as well as appointment of the Oberhofprediger D. Ernst Dryander as member of the board, 1913 - permission of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen to acquire pasture land at the southwest border of the farm "Ghaub" and the farm "S 37" in the district Grootfontein, 1914; archives closed for conservation reasons! Digitalization available!