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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Radowitz, J. M. v., d. J., B III Nr. 9 Bd. 2 · File · 1898 - 1908
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Adam, F., Pensioner in Braunschweig (pp. 241, 154) - Arco-Valley, E. Graf von und zu, German Minister in Brazil (pp. 217, 239) - Bartsch, D. Dr. von, Ministerial Director in the Ministry of Culture (pp. 152) - Below-Schlatau, Paul von, First Legation Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris (pp. 168) - Bender, G. H., German Vice Consul for the Province of Gerona (Spain) (p. 238) - Berndt, Freiherr von, Stift Neuburg (p. 184, 201) - (Bersel, von), Berlin (p. 248) - Blenck, C., Berlin (p. 145) - Castell-Rüdenhausen, Hereditary Count zu, 1st Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 155, 205) - Deville, Susanne (p. 266) - Drummond-Wolff, Sir H., English Ambassador at the Gate (p. 213) - Eckardt, von, Legation Secretary at the German Embassy in Tehran (p. 246) - Gies, Dr.., Dragoman at the German Embassy in Constantinople (p. 143) - Hecht, Dr. Felix (p. 151) - Hertel, Prof. Albert, Landscape Painter (p. 172) - Hoppe, Carlos, German Consul in Santander (p. 221) - Izzet Pasha, Turkish Ambassador in Madrid (p. 262, 269) - Keppler, Prof., Freiburg (p. 186) - Kleinschmidt, J., Painter (p. 149) - Krosigk, von, Kiel (p. 197) - Kusserow, von (p. 225) - Limburg-Stirum, Count zu, Minister (p. 215, 219, 264) - Marcko, E., Hamburg (p. 282) - Meiningen, Bernhard Erbprinz von (p. 140) - Meißner, Dr. phil Rudolf, Privatdozent at the University of Göttingen (p. 202) - Mentzingen, Freiherr von, 1st Legation Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 211) - Mumm, von Schwarzenstein, Dr. A.., German envoy in Luxembourg (pp. 226, 250) - Mutzenbecher, von, Berlin (pp. 229) - Nedscheb-Pascha, Turkish envoy in Spain (pp. 188) - Perl, Dr.., German consul in Madrid (p. 234) - Prussia, William II of Prussia (p. 281) - Puttkammer, Jesco of, Governor of Cameroon (p. 203) - Samosch, Siegfried, editor of the "National-Zeitung" (p. 165, 190) - Shevich, D., Russian envoy in Madrid (p. 260) - Schilling, G. (p. 276) - Schmidt, Gustl und Hugo, Berlin (p. 231) - Schweinitz, Graf, Prussian envoy in Vienna (p. 147) - Seefried auf Buttenheim, E. Freiherr von, 1st Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 192) - Silvela, Franzisco, President of the Spanish Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs (p. 222) - Storch, A., Chancellery Secretary of the Austrian Embassy in Madrid (p. 228) - Suhle, P., Pastor in Constantinople (p. 157) - Thiel, Dr. H., Director, Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of State and State Secretary, Reichsmarineamt (p. 257) - Versmann, Hamburg (p. 163) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz (p. 175) - Wedel, B. (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of State and State Secretary, Reichsmarineamt (p. 257) - Wedel, B. (p. 173) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz (p. 175) - B. (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (p. 173) - Versmann, Hamburg (p. 163) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz, Wedel, B. (p. 174) 159, 166, 170, 199) - Werckmeister, Wilhelm, Kunstverlag der Photographischen Gesellschaft in Berlin (p. 182) - Werthauer, Dr. Paul, lawyer in Leipzig (p. 237) - Wertheimer, Emanuel, writer (p. 196) - Wilhelm, Paul, bishop (p. 255) - Zedlitz (p. 277) - Zimmermann, Dr. F. W. R., Finanzrat, Head of the Brunswick Statistical Office (p. 154) - Zimmern, Dr. Sigm. Jos., cathedral vicar and seminar professor in Speyer (p. 141) - Zumpe, Hermann, Schwerin (p. 242).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 20491 · File · 1900 - 1909
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

233 sheets, Contains and others: - Award of the 4th Class Crown Order to the former teacher at the Kriegsschule and at the Zentral-Kadettenanstalt in Tokyo Fritz Ellon in Berlin, 1901 - Award of the 4th Class Red Eagle Order to the explorer Willi Rickmer Rickmers from Bremen, 1902 - Award of the 2nd Class Crown Order to the former teacher at the Kriegsschule and at the Zentral-Kadettenanstalt in Tokyo Fritz Ellon, 1901 - Award of the 4th Class Red Eagle Order to the explorer Willi Rickmer Rickmers from Bremen, 1902 - Award of the 2nd Class Crown Order to the former teacher at the Kriegsschule and at the Zentral-Kadettenanstalt in Tokyo Fritz Ellon, 1901 - Award of the 2nd Class Crown Order to the explorer Willi Rickmer from Bremen, 1902 - Award of the 2nd Class Crown Order to the former teacher at the Kriegsschule and at the Zentral-Kadettenanstalt in Tokyo Fritz Ellon, 1901 - Award of the 4th Class Red Eagle Order to the explorer Willi Rickmers from Bremen Class to the Grand Ducal Badischer Hofrat Dr. Fritz Noetling in Rupprechtstegen, 1902 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the Assistant Director at the Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin Dr. Fritz Noetling, a member of the Grand Duchy of Baden's court in Rupprechtstegen. Friedrich Müller, 1903 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 2nd Class to the Royal Saxon Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Arthur Bäßler (Baessler) in Berlin, 1904 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th Class to the merchant Dr. Hermann Strebel in Hamburg, 1904 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th Class to the Department Director at the Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin Prof. Dr. Karl von den Steinen, 1906 - Award of the Crown Order 3rd Class to the Royal Saxon Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Arthur Bäßler (Baessler) in Berlin, 1904 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th Class to the merchant Dr. Hermann Strebel in Hamburg, 1904 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th Class to the Department Director at the Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin Prof. Dr. Karl von den Steinen, 1906 - Award of the Crown Order 3rd Class to the Royal Eagle Order Class with swords on the ring to the captain and company commander in the Schutztruppe für Kamerun [Hans] Glauning, 1906 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the publisher bookseller Dr. Hermann Meyer in Leipzig, 1907 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the captain and company commander in the Schutztruppe für Kamerun [Hans] Glauning, 1906 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the publisher bookseller Dr. Hermann Meyer in Leipzig, 1907 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the captain and company commander in the Schutztruppe für Kamerun [Hans] Glauning, 1906 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the publisher bookseller Dr. Hermann Meyer in Leipzig, 1907 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the publisher bookse Dr. Hermann Meyer in Leipzig. Class to the mine director Willy Busch in Johannesburg (Transvaal), 1907 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the reindeer Wilhelm Gretzer in Hanover, 1907 - Award of the Crown Order 4th class to the reindeer Wilhelm Gretzer in Hanover, 1907 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the reindeer Wilhelm Gretzer in Hanover, 1907 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the reindeer Wilhelm Gretzer in Hanover, 1907 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the reindeer Wilhelm Gretzer in Han. Class to the merchant Theodor Glücksmann in Breslau, 1907 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the factory owner Johannes Kahlbaum in Berlin as well as award of the Crown Order 3rd class to the Naval Surgeon Prof. Dr. Augustin Krämer in Kiel, 1908 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the extraordinary professor of ethnology at the University of Freiburg Dr. [...] Grosse, 1908 - Award of the Crown Order 4th class to the merchant and co-owner of the company Hernsheim