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Archival description
Grimme, Adolf (population)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Grimme, A. · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

1st Curriculum Vitae Adolf Grimmes 1889 Born on 31 December 1889 in Goslar im Harz as second child of the railway official Georg August Adolf Grimme and his wife Auguste Luise nee. Sander 1896-1900 attended elementary school in Weferlingen 1900-1904 attended secondary school in Hildesheim 1904-1906 attended secondary school in Sangerhausen (1906 death of father) 1906-1908 (again) attended the Andreanum in Hildesheim 1908 Abitur 1908-1914 studied German and philosophy at the Universities of Halle, Munich (pupil of the philosopher Max Scheler) and Göttingen (pupil of the Germanist Edward Schröder and the philosopher Edmund Husserl) In 1914 he passed the teacher examination in philosophy, German studies, French, religion; Note "Gut" 1914-1915 Trainee at the Royal Grammar School in Göttingen July 1915 Recruit training in Strasbourg, after a long illness he meets his later wife, the painter Maria (Mascha) Brachvogel, in the hospital in Strasbourg (3 children were born to the marriage, son Eckard died in an accident in 1931 when he was fourteen) Nov. 1915 Dismissed as "unfit for service" 1916-1919 Assessor at the Realschulgymnasium in Leer/Ostfriesland 1918 Joined the German Democratic Party 1919 Head of the Leer local group of the DDP, in the same year resigned from this party 1919-1923 Student council and senior student council at secondary schools in Hanover Following the movement of decisive school reformers (Paul Östereich, Berthold Otto) 1922 Joined the SPD 1923-1924 Provinzialschulkollegium Hannover 1925-1927 Ministerialrat in Magdeburg 1928-1929 Ministerialrat im Preußischen Kultusministerium, personal adviser to the Minister of Culture Carl Heinrich Becker 1929-1930 Vice-President of the Provinzialschulkollegium Berlin/Brandenburg 1930-1932 Prussian Minister for Science, Art and Education in the Otto Braun Cabinet (appointed in January 1930) 20. July 1932 deposition as minister with the entire Prussian government by Reich Chancellor von Papen Grimme works illegally as a proofreader (publishing house Walter de Gruyter, Berlin), until 1942 theological and literary studies (work on the Gospel of John) 1935 pension payment as Vice-President of the Provinzialschulkollegium 11.10,1942 Arrested, charged, among others, with his fellow student Dr. Adam Kuckhoff, writer, for suspected anti-fascist resistance ("Red Chapel") Febr. 1943 Conviction for not reporting a project of high treason to three years in prison 1942-1945 Prisoner in the prison buildings Spandau, Luckau and Hamburg/Fuhlsbüttel May 1945 Exemption by the English occupying power 1945-1946 Provisional government director, from 15.12.1945 senior government director of the culture department of the upper presidium in Hanover 1946-1948 education minister of the state of Hanover and Lower Saxony (appointed on 27 November 1945).1946) Febr. 1947 Separation from Mascha Grimme End of 1947 Marriage to Josefine née v. Behr, divorced head (born 1907) 1948-1956 General Director of Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk, Hamburg, until its dissolution on 1. January 1956 (assumption of office: 15.11.1948) 1956-1963 Retired in Brannenburg/Degerndorf am Inn 1963 Died on 27 August in Brannenburg/Inn Awards 1932 Goethe - Medal for Art and Science 1948 Honorary doctorate (Dr. phil.) by the Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen 1949 Goethe plaque of the City of Frankfurt am Main 1954 Grand Federal Cross of Merit with Star 1962 Grand Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of Lower Saxony and State Medal 1961 German Adult Education Association endows Adolf Grimme Prize as television prize of the German Adult Education Association Honorary Offices (Year of Acceptance) 1946 (1958) Chairman of the Barlach Society (honorary member since 1956) 1946 (-1957) Member of the Board of the German Shakespeare Society 1948 President of the German National Academic Foundation and Senator of the Max Planck Society 1948 (-1956) Member of the Board of the German Theatre Society 1948 (-1962) Chairman of the Board of the German Theatre Society 1948 (-1962). Member of the Board of the Stiftung Deutsche Landerziehungsheim, Hermann Lietz-Schule 1949 Full Member of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, Darmstadt 1949 Honorary Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehung und Unterricht, Munich 1950 Member of the German Committee for UNESCO Work 1951 Member of the German UNESCO Commission 1953 Honorary Member of the Fernseh-Technische Gesellschaft, Darmstadt 1954 Corresponding Member of the German Council of the European Movement 1957 Advisory Board Member of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, Darmstadt 1959 Member of the P.E.N. Veröffentlichungen Grimmes (in selection) - The religious man - An objective for the new school. Berlin 1922; - "Selbstbesinnung" - Speeches and essays from the first year of reconstruction. Braunschweig 1947; - On the essence of Romanticism. Heidelberg 1947; - Dieter Sauberzweig (ed.): Adolf Grimme - Letters. Heidelberg 1967; - Eberhard Avé - Lallemant (ed.): Adolf Grimme - Sinn und Widersinn des Christentums. Heidelberg 1969 Journals published by Grimme - Monatsschrift für höhere Schulen, Berlin 1930-1933 - Die Schule (from H. 3/1950 Our School), Monatsschrift für geistige Ordnung. Hanover 1945 - 1955 - Thinking people, leaves for self-education. Braunschweig 1947-1949 2nd history of the stock and remarks on the use of the stock. Literature references to Adolf Grimme's estate papers, which largely reflect his entire life's path, reached the Secret State Archives in several stages. A first very small part (approx. 0.10 running metres) was already handed over by the Federal Archives in 1969 (according to a letter from the archive dated 26.1.1976), further parts were taken over directly by Mrs. Josefine Grimme from 1974. The last parts of the estate listed were initially deposited in the archives (Depositalvertrag of 20 June 1974). This deposit was converted into a gift by Mrs. Josefine in June 1981. The autograph collection created by Grimmes was sold to the GStA in 1981 (also by Mrs Josefine). The entire holdings have thus become the property of the archive. Sabine Preuß, then Heidemarie Nowak, under the guidance of Dr. Cécile Lowenthal-Hensel, took charge of the holdings in the Secret State Archives. Josefine Grimme herself also carried out the orderly work once again. In addition, she identified signatures and put together correspondence in elaborate work. The distortion was finished by Inge Lärmer and Ute Dietsch. The initial decision to waive the inclusion of notes in correspondence was reversed when the titles were entered into the database in consultation with the head of unit, Dr. Iselin Gundermann. All files which had to be checked again in this context, especially for technical reasons, were checked for the necessity of containing notes in the interest of use and supplemented accordingly. This applies in particular to correspondence with artists or with very high-ranking personalities - personalities of contemporary history - or files with contents that are valuable for scientific analysis. Josefine Grimme stressed in her letters (including a letter of 27 July 1980) that the files were "essentially still as my husband had seen them". The Grimme couple deliberately designed Adolf Grimme's own registry and archive. After the sources were taken over by the archive, the aim was therefore not to destroy the order laid down by Adolf and Josefine Grimme. When using the holdings, it should therefore be noted that - if available - the inscriptions on master folders, the inscription of folders or fascicles or inserted notes with a summary of the contents of the respective folders (i.e. "file titles" issued by Grimme[s]) should be retained as far as possible and set in quotation marks in the reference book, if necessary - as an offer to the user - explained by "Contains note". The Josefine Grimme collections (group 1.1.3) were started by Adolf Grimme and therefore also left in context. It was agreed between Josefine Grimme and the archive that "the files blocked by her husband at the time and all personnel files after 1945" would not yet be made accessible for use (letter of the GStA of 13 March 1975 to Ms Grimme). In principle, these blocks have been maintained until 2010, even in compliance with data protection regulations (in particular groups 2.5.4 to 2.5.6). In the find-book, especially in the Correspondence group, the number of pieces (not the number of sheets) of existing documents can be seen in the file titles. "K" means that (mostly partially) there are only copies in the correspondence (the originals are then mainly in the autograph collection, which contains almost exclusively letters to Grimme - group 6.4). Reference files that Grimme kept from his time as Prussian Minister of Culture until his time as Lower Saxony Minister of Culture were not separated; they are classified in the time of the beginning of file formation (Prussian Ministry). The possible overlaps between the individual groups must also be taken into account during use. Since Josefine Grimme formed the files for the correspondence herself (with her own portfolio, counting of pieces and often also sheet counting, as can still be seen from the portfolio captions), it was decided that later or in other contexts letters from the respective correspondence partner would be listed in the archive as an extra volume and would not be incorporated into the existing portfolios. This explains, for example, overlaps in the runtimes of the individual volumes with the letters of a correspondence partner. Grimmes also retained the grouping of letters from some of his correspondence partners with the same initial letter into the subgroup "Individuals", in some cases supplemented by the note "Insignificant", since the latter documents were of no importance to Grimmes in the context in which they were written. The authors of the letters may well be historically important personalities. No cassations were made in the archive. Tapes of Adolf Grimme's speeches and performances were given to the Adolf Grimme Institute in Marl by Mrs Grimme in 1979. Waltraud Wehnau did some of the technical writing work (correspondence partner). Literature about Grimme (in selection) - Walter Oschilewski (ed.): Wirkendes, sorgendes Dasein - Begegnungen mit Adolf Grimme. Berlin 1959; - Julius Seiters: Adolf Grimme - an education politician from Lower Saxony. Hanover 1990; - Kurt Meissner: Between Politics and Religion. Adolf Grimme. Life, work and spiritual form. Berlin 1993 Accessions: 39/1974; 142/76; 88/81; 78/83; 81/84; 84/84; 65/93 The holdings are to be quoted: GStA PK, VI. HA Familienarchive und Nachlässe, Nl Adolf Grimme, Nr.# Berlin, May 2000 (Ute Dietsch, Inge Lärmer) Description of holdings: Biographical data: 1889 - 1963 Resource: Database; Reference book, 3 vol.

Ministry of Public Works
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 93 B · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Responsibility for construction has changed several times since the introduction of the Ministerial Constitution in Prussia in 1808. Since 1808 building matters were dealt with in the 2nd Section for Trade Police in the Ministry of the Interior, in 1814 they were transferred to the Ministry of Finance. In 1817 an independent Ministry for Trade, Commerce and Construction was formed from the corresponding section, which was dissolved again in 1825. After the dissolution of this ministry, the building cases were successively assigned to different ministries and were returned to the Ministry of Finance in 1837, where they remained until the creation of the Ministry of Public Works in 1878. The newly created Ministry was also responsible for railways (see: I. HA Rep. 93 E). As the central authority for building construction, railways, roads and hydraulic engineering, the Ministry and its subordinate authorities and bodies were responsible for planning, designing and supervising the execution of the works carried out by the State in these areas. The Ministry cooperated with the military building authorities in the construction of military buildings. When the Ministry of Public Works was dissolved in 1921, the railway administration and part of the hydraulic and road works were transferred to the Reich. The rest of the portfolio was divided among the Prussian Ministries of Trade and Industry, Agriculture, Domains and Forests, and Finance. The building construction was transferred to the Ministry of Finance and formed its own department there. Heinrich Waldmann has conducted a detailed investigation into the history of the ministry (including the previous authorities). Annex V of the paper also contains an overview of the periodicals published by the Ministry. The indexing and organization of the building department of the Ministry of Public Works was carried out in 1968 by the archivist Maria Lehmann under the guidance of the lecturer Heinrich Waldmann. At the same time, the files that had accumulated at other ministries before the creation of the Ministry of Public Works were brought together in this inventory. This also applies to files of the building construction department of the Ministry of Finance, in so far as they were proven to be assigned to the Ministry of Public Works. The stock Ministry of Public Works is divided into four departments: 1 Administration 2 Building construction 3 Road and bridge construction 4 Hydraulic engineering In the years 1995/96, the part of the stock remaining in Dahlem Ministry of Public Works (208 VE) was dissolved and for the most part included in the stock I. HA Rep. 93 B Ministry of Public Works incorporated. 61 file volumes were assigned to the Railway Department (I. HA Rep. 93 E). The production of a finding aid book was all the more necessary, since so far as finding aids only the finding aid card index provided in the year 1968, meanwhile badly readable, partly damaged and not yet finally edited was present. Some title recordings were checked for questionable spelling of individual place and person names or questionable dating on the basis of the tape in the outdoor magazine. In the stock Rep. 93 B the former stock Rep. 93 C was already incorporated in Merseburg. In the literature a part of the files of the Ministry of Public Works are still cited with the inventory designation Rep. 93 C and old file number. A corresponding concordance was therefore compiled in a separate volume. In 1992, 12 linear metres (405 units) of files from the Prussian Ministry of Public Works were transferred from the Bundesarchiv Potsdam to the Geheime Staatsarchiv PK. In November 1990, the files had been transferred to the Federal Archives under the provenance of the Reich Ministry from the Military Interim Archive Potsdam, into which they had entered in 1971 from the Administrative Archive of the National People's Army. These files, which have been valid since the Second World War for lost files, concern lighthouse and nautical marker matters on the Prussian coasts of the Baltic and North Seas in the period from 1800 to 1932. A large number of the volumes contain maps, site plans, technical drawings with scale specifications, construction sketches as well as blueprints of lighthouses and lighthouse parts or other inventions in nautical marker matters. About 100 files form the file group "Handakten des Seezeichenausschusses" . Most of these files were recorded by Dr Meyer-Gebel, Dr Strecke and the undersigned in the period 1992 to 1993. The incorporation of these archival documents and the technical processing of the magazine into the hydraulic engineering department took place in 1996. Furthermore, from the end of 1996 to 1998, 110 packages (905 units; approx. 15 linear metres) with the designation "Rep. 93 unprocessed access Magdeburg" were recorded, which were stored at the end of the inventory. The origin of the name "Zugang Magdeburg" is not comprehensible. In the inventory file "Economy and Transport" from the period from 1959 to 1974 no such information could be found. In contrast, in the file "Aktenzugänge, 1965-1974" (Access to Files, 1965-1974), it was possible to ascertain a case of a larger file transfer from the German Central Archive Potsdam in 1970. The archives mainly consist of hydraulic engineering documents, including river regulations, harbour, dune, bank and lock constructions, as well as memorandums, calculations, maps and plans (some coloured) on the construction and extension of waterways. These include 29 volumes from the Planning Chamber of the Ministry of Public Works, including an inventory extract of the maps and town plans available in the Planning Chamber. Oversized maps or plans as well as drawings were taken from the holdings and assigned to the XI HA General Map Collection. 211 file volumes, mainly journals and index volumes, have been incorporated into the Railway Department (I. HA Rep. 93 E) of the Ministry of Public Works inventory. When the files were entered into the Oracle database of the Secret State Archives, the data records of the holdings already entered under the old IT system were corrected or standardised. In February 1999 the magazine-technical processing took place. The Department of Hydraulic Engineering is now the most comprehensive collection of the Rep. 93 B Ministry of Public Works. Due to the frequent change of responsibility for the building industry, the holdings of the I. Main Department Rep. 77 Ministry of the Interior, Rep. 87 Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests, Rep. 120 Ministry of Trade and Industry and Rep. 151 Ministry of Finance are to be consulted in addition to the holdings listed below. As part of the preparation of an inventory of the Prussian building administration until 1848, files from the Ministry of Public Works, among other things, were made accessible in detail. Berlin, January 2000. signed Constanze Krause Find resources: database; table of contents, 1 vol.; find book, 3 vol.; concordance, 1 vol;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T. · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Life data of Heinrich Christian Karl Theodor Schiemann 5/17.7.1847 geb. in Grobin (Kurland) Father: Theodor, City Secretary in Mitau Mother: Nadeda (Nadine) Rodde 1858-1867 Gouvernementsgymnasium Mitau 1867-1872 History studies at the University of Dorpat 1871-1872 House teacher in Jensel/Livonia 1872-1873 Work at the Ducal Archives in Mitau and at the City Archive of Gdansk 1873/74 History studies at the University of Göttingen 1874 Doctorate 1874 PhD thesis "Salomon Hennings Livonian-Curonian Chronicle" 1874-1875 worked at the Main State Archives Dresden and at the House, Court and State Archives Vienna 1875-1883 head teacher for history at the State Grammar School in Fellin 1883-1887 city archivist in Reval; thereafter moved to Berlin 1887-1892 Privatdozent für nord. History and teacher at the War Academy 1889-1892 archivist at the Hanover State Archives: Deputation to the Secret State Archive in Berlin 1892-1902 Associate Professor at the Philosophical Faculty of Humboldt University 1902 Director and Ordinarius of the Seminar for Eastern European History and Regional Studies 1906 Full Honorary Professor at Humboldt University Full Professor at Humboldt University (until 1920) 1910 Appointment as Privy Government Councillor 1918 Curator of the German University Dorpat 1919 Retirement 26.1.1921 died in Berlin Theodor Schiemann was married since 29.6.1875 to Caroline née v. Mulert (1849-1937). They had five children: Edith (born 1876), Agnes (1878-1922, piano player), Theodor (born 1880, major, landowner), Elisabeth (1881-1972, plant geneticist) and Gertrud (born 1883, musician). The details of the curriculum vitae were taken from the publications listed under Literature. Preliminary note: The majority of the estate was deposited in 1959 (exc. 41/1959 > no. 1-245) by a daughter of Schiemann, Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann, representing her siblings in the Secret State Archives. The estate was already in the Secret State Archives before the Second World War, but was incompletely returned to the family after the outsourcing due to the war, which then deposited the estate again in the Secret State Archives in 1959. According to the Depositalvertrag, after the death of the siblings, the property passed to the Secret State Archives PK. The following additions to the estate were subsequently acquired: 1967 Submission from the Federal Archives from the estate of Prof. Frauendienst (exc. 40/1967 > in No. 79 pp. 15-21) 1969 Depositum of Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann (exc. 56/1969 > No. 246-251) 1977 Depositum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V. (Acc. 71/1977 > Appendix No. 261 - 268) 1982 Delivery of Dr. Gert v. Pistohlkors (Acc. 61/1982 > No. 255-259) 2006 Gift from Prof. Klaus Meyer: Papers were found in the estate of Prof. Torke and were handed over in 1967 by Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann to the Seminar for Eastern European History in Berlin (Acc. 51/2006 > incorporated in No. 42, 50, 54, 172, 250 and 258 and formed new No. 252-254). In the current processing of the estate, the former Appendix No. 9-13 has been re-signed to the serial numbers No. 255-259. The deposit of the Max Planck Society, initially referred to as Appendix (Depositum) No. 1 - 8, was subsequently re-signed with sequential numbering No. 261 - 268. (Change Jan. 2011 Wiss. Ang. Rita Klauschenz) The original find book probably came from the years 1959/60 and was created by Johannes Krüger. The old distortion was partly revised during the incorporation of this year's accession, specified in case of ambiguities and entered into the distortion database. In addition, the classification was modified, the appendix listed in more detail and an index of persons was compiled. The index of persons contains all the names of persons appearing in the reference book: mainly correspondence partners ejected, but also author names and persons treated in titles of publications. When searching for specific correspondence partners, the index should be checked, since the same correspondence partner can be found in different archives due to the different acquisitions. There are also numerous correspondence folders under the classification point 01.03, which should still be included in searches for safety reasons. The estate consists mainly of numerous correspondence and publications with predominantly political content, reflecting the political views and commitment of Theodor Schiemann and his contemporaries (colleagues, friends and acquaintances). The individual letters under item 01.03 are either individual letters or only a few letters from one sender. The content of these letters is often similar, as it is always a matter of political issues and current affairs. As item 06, the estate was further enriched with documents from a daughter of Schiemann, Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann, which relate to the estate. Due to the late maturities, numbers 180, 258, 148 and Annex No. 3 probably also belong to this group, but have been left under points 03 and 04.02 in favour of the old order. There is a concordance at the search booker, with the help of which one can find a certain order number in the search book under the jumping numbers. With the introduction of the new tectonics in the Secret State Archives in January 2001, the estate of Schiemann, formerly known as I. HA Rep. 92 Schiemann, was incorporated into the newly founded VI. Family archives and estates department. Duration: 1825/26, 1835, 1862 - 1972 Volume: 2.4 running metres To order: VI HA, Nl Schiemann, T., No... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Theodor Schiemann, No... Berlin, May 2006 ( Sylvia Rose) Literature on Theodor Schiemann: o Erich Seuberlich, Stammtafel deutsch-baltischer Geschlechter, II. Reihe, Leipzig 1927 (see Appendix No. 3) o K. Meyer, Theodor Schiemann as political publicist, Frankfurt/Main 1956 o W. Leesch, Die deutschen Archivare 1500-1945, Vol. 2, Munich, New York et al. 1992 o G. Voigt, Russia in German historiography 1843-1945, Berlin 1994 o Th. Bohn, Theodor Schiemann. Historian and publicist. In: Ostdeutsche Gedenktage 1997, Personalities and Historical Events, Bonn 1996, pp. 141-146 o K. Meyer, Russia, Theodor Schiemann and Victor Hehn. In: Baltic Sea Provinces, Baltic States and the National. Studies in honour of Gert von Pistohlkors on his 70th birthday. Edited by Norbert Angermann, Michael Garleff, Wilhelm Lenz, Münster 2005, pp. 251-277 (Schriften der Baltischen Historischen Kommission, vol. 14) o New German Biography, published by the Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, vol. 22, Berlin 2005. inventory description: Biographical data: 1847 - 1921 finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.