Affichage de 4 résultats

Description archivistique
Correspondence A - K
Best. 614, A 651 · Dossier · 1938-1943
Fait partie de Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Scope: 3.00 cm. Includes: Albertuswerke, Chemische Fabrik/Maschinenfabrik, Hanover Purchase of floor care products, 1939; Auslandsbrief-Prüfstelle Köln-Riehl Bank transfer of prey mail (Reisewerk von Le Vaillant) to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1941; Auslands-Zeitungshandel G.m.b.H., Cologne Purchase of foreign newspapers and magazines, 1944; Bauer, H.W., 1940 - 1942 Letterhead: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Hauptdienststelle München Ankauf der Zeitschrift "Deutscher Kolonial-Dienst", 1940; Discussion of ethnological problems; Behrens, Josef Potsdam Ankauf von optische zeichengerät, Prospekt, 1938; Benzinger, Theodor, Stuttgart Ankauf von Fotoalben über außereuropäische Völker, 1941; Berthold, Karl Borromäus, Köln (Meisterschule des Deutschen Handwerks) Congratulation on Bs. 50. birthday 21.12.1939; C

Der Young-Plan
Best. 1070, A 127 · Dossier · 1924-1930
Fait partie de Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

1924 Febr. 20 - Paris: Schacht reports about a conversation with Young. This one has a good impression of the German jobs. The committee of experts doesn't want any politics from Dtschld. Setting traps. Young's wish is to clear the Ruhr and reintegrate the railways into the German network. He developed a plan for Schacht to finance the German supplies of goods for the period of the moratorium with the help of the monetary bank. Pirelli has estimated the minimum amount for deliveries of goods at 600 million marks. Schacht didn't have a monetary policy. Objections to the project. For the railways, Young developed their transformation into an operating company managed according to purely commercial principles; a controller is to be political and military. Switch off influences. Young also made suggestions about the tactical approach against Frkr. in order to get it to accept the report. He wants to giveSchacht an insight into the main features of the report in 8-10 days. Poincares polit. Situation gets weaker every day after Young. Young kept Franqui's door very clever or better yet door very smart; if he can't get away with a project, he'll back off.31/2 p., Vervielf., Note: Confidential[1927, after Nov. 18]: Aide-memoire of the Reichsverband der Dt. Industrie on the correspondence between the General Agent for Repair Payments and the Reich Minister of Finance.6 p., copy v. Masch.-Schreiben.1929 June - Berlin: Der Präs. d. Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, Gouverneur a. D. Seitz, with regard to the Hilton Young Report, Marx points out that England has introduced a kind of self-government in the form of a council of governors in East Africa and has appointed only Englishmen. The exclusion of the Germans is a violation of the League of Nations Statute. This would also be the case if the fact were true that all Germans there have to report to the authorities from time to time. After an italian. Ztgs.-Meldung should contain the secret English-French colonial agreement:1) England and Frkr. want a possible German or Italian. Demand that the mandate over Cameroon be given to another colonial region in need of power, oppose the desire to design the mandates as a permanent institution, or tie Cameroon definitively to Frkr. in some other way. 2) Mutual control of the American. Penetration policy in Africa. 3) Isolation and monopolization of the black population to the detriment and that of the economy! The interest of the other powers, which will no longer be able to trade directly with the natives in the future. A separate RT debate on this matter would be appropriate. Eh. Signature.21/4 p., copy. Head bow, head bow D. (probably 1929 Dec.): Manuscript of a speech by Marx to the Verhdlgn. about the Youngplan and domestic politics. Lage.9 S., masch.-schriftl. The approximate date of origin from the Zeitababababeauf S. 7 erschlossen.o. D.: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Interessenvertretungen für den Ersatz von Kriegs- und Verdrängungsschäden, Bund der Auslandsdt., Dt.Ostbund, Freie Interessenvertretung der im Ausland Schadenigten Inlandsdt.., Hilfsbund für die Elsaß-Lothringer im Reich, Reichsverbandder Kolonialdt. und Kolonialinterestedenten, Vereinigte Verbände heimattreuer Oberschlesier, Verein 'Wiederaufbau im Auslande' telegraph Scheidemann as chairman of the committee against the retention of surpluses from the liquidation of German private property abroad in favor of the annual payments for the Youngplan.1 1929 Jan. 13 - Chicago: Laurence P. Thul writes to Marx - quite confused - about his plans for an advantageous solution to the reparations problem for Dtschld. and his support by high-ranking personalities in the USA. Eh. Signature.10 p., independent Ausf., head bow 'National Decorating Company'.o. D.: The Annuities of the Youngplan 1929--1988 as well as the unique achievements.4 p., Vervielf.1930 Febr. 11 - Berlin: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Reichsbahnorganisationen, Allgemeiner Eisenbahner-Verband, Zentral-Gewerkschaftsbund Dt. Reichsbahnbeamten und -anwärter send copies of letters to the Chairman of the Budget Committee and to the RT because of the adaptation of the ReidJ. Railway Act to the Youngplan to the members of the Budget Committee and the Committee of the RT. Facsimile signatures: Wieg, Ruhlmann.1, 1 und 2 S., Vervielf.1930 Febr. 12 - Berlin: The Koloniale Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft presents itself to the RT-Abg. for reparation plan and colonial question. facsimile signature: Seitz, Gouverneur a. D.1 S., Druck.1930 March 8 - Altenburg (Thuringia): The Deutschbund community 'Osterland' asks Marx to submit the new tribute plan with the rest of Thuringia. RT-Abg. to disagree. Eh. Signature: Schubert, Deutschmeister.t S., copy with original of address.o. D. (1930, probably March 6-19): Record: If the other powers join e(iner) Kl(age) Frkrs. at the cour ni c h t, then the e(ine) won battle is! - The desire to punish malicious injured(un)persons for reprisals is nonsense! The all unanimous approach of Frkrs. k(önn)te e(ine) "hostile H(an)dl(un)g - e.g. seizure of German property in Frkr., decision of the claims! - who can give (un)g cause (un)g for the c(age) to the peoples (un)d! (Gegen?)Dtschld. k(önn)te(n) from it claims were asserted! We have only acknowledged the legitimacy of freedom! - Nothing has been said or agreed about the conduct of the dispute! - Art. 3 and (nd) Art. 6 of the Locarno contract are completely different! There is even in Art. 6 everything kept up! Teachers of international law now also need the word Sankt(ionen) for reprisals. - One may speak of san(ions) only if reprisals(aliens) must be recognized as justified from the outset. Henderson didn't show himself at all in the Hague! The Z has been critical of the Young plan until the end; the resolution will be very difficult! be responsible!Eh. on RT postcard. The proposed date after the 2nd and 3rd consultations of the Young Plan in the RT.o.D.: Notes from Marx on the advantages of the Young Plan.6 Half Pages, Independent.

German Colonies, German Colonial Society
Best. 903, A 237 · Dossier · 1930-1933
Fait partie de Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Newspaper article concerning Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Abteilung Köln, Kolonialfragen (Afrika. u.a. Eisenbahn, Deutsch-Südwestafrika), Kolonialtag des Deutschen Kolonial-Kriegerbundes in Essen (1931), popular colonial advertising, rally in Gürzenich and incident by Reichsbank president Schacht, mandataries and mandated territories, 50 years Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft (1932).old signatures: 237.

Martin Heydrich's correspondence with:
Best. 614, A 217 · Dossier · 1939-1948
Fait partie de Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Includes: Körner, Theo Editing of the Japan Bibliography for the Ethnologische Anzeiger, 1941; Dammann, Ernst Lecture at the University of Cologne on Languages of Communication in Tropical Africa, 1942; Editing of a Bibliography of Bantus Languages, 1942; Draws-Tychsen, Hellmut Publication of his article "Gedenkblatt für Hjalmar Stolpe" in the Ethnologische Anzeiger, 1941; Eberhard, W., Ankara Mangelahfte Form of the publication of his China bibliography; editing of a Turkey bibliography; 1940 - 1943; Grau, Rudolf, Leipzig, Feldpostbriefe u. Herne Delivery of the manuscripts for the bibliography "Allgemeine Völkerkunde"; vacant custodian post at the Museums for Animal and Ethnology in Dresden, 1941; destruction of his ethnological documents, books, card indexes and the manuscript of the bibliography "Allgemeine Völkerkunde" by a bomb hit on his flat in Leipzig, 1944; compensation for the loss by the Reichskriegsschädenamt, 1944; release from American war captivity, job search, 1945; arrest of Gs. 25.9.1945 in Herne and imprisonment in an internment camp; imprisonment of Eugen Fischer and Otto Reche, 1946; foundation of an interim editorial committee for the Ethnological Anzeiger zur Erhaltung der Lizenz, 1946; work at the Volkshochschule in Herne, 1948; exhibition of references, 1948; recruitment to the Volksschuldienst, 1948; 1939 - 1948; Helbig, Karl, Hamburg Free provision of 3 copies of the Ethnological Anzeiger (Eth.A.) Collaboration on the bibliography of the Eth.A.; 1941; Hilgers-Hesse, Irene, Köln-Braunsfeld Termination of her position at the Auslandsbrief-Prüfstelle Köln, 1942; Application for an assistant position at the Ethnological Institute of the University of Cologne; Collaboration on the Eth.A.; 1942 - 1948; Kroll, Hubert, Essen Mrs. Kroll Participation in seminar exercises with Julius Lips, 1928; Obituary for Kr. in the Eth.A.., 1941, submission of manuscripts for publication in the Eth.A., 1941; Meyer, Emmi, Hamburg Lectures at the University of Cologne; collaboration on the bibliography for the Eth.A.; possibility of re-habilitation to Cologne; bomb damage at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, at the Institute for Ethnology at the University of Cologne, at Heydrich's apartment, 1943; processing of her Bali grammar, missing report about Dammann in Tunisia, 1943, capture and transport of Damann to the USA, Texas, 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald on 10. September 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald on 10. September 1944; possibility of re-habilitation to Cologne; bomb damage at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, at the Institute for Ethnology at the University of Cologne, at Heydrich's apartment, 1943; work on her Bali grammar, missing report about Dammann in Tunisia, capture and transport of Dammann to the USA, Texas, 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald.2.1944; 1942 - 1946; Reichskolonialbund, Berlin 1939 - 1948 Subscription to the periodical "Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung" and acquisition of other periodicals; takeover of an ethnographic collection from Knechtsteden by the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum; 1932 - 1943; Schilde, W., Feldpostbriefe und Plauen Erforschung des Nilgebiets im Auftrag des kolonial-politischen Amtes, 1941; habilitation project with Otto Reche and his topic "Orakel und Gottesurteile in Afrika, 1941; application for the custodian position at the Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde in Dresden (Nachfolge Heydrich), 1941; collaboration on the bibliography for the Eth.A.; Tod Schildes 1942; wife Charlotte S., Plauen, purchase of the scientific library of her husband; 1940 - 1944; von Stackelberg, Maria, Baroness, Vienna, editing of the bibliography on Japan and Korea for the Eth.A.; 1942 - 1944; Waehner, Siegfried, Dresden, publication of the results of his research trip to the Tikuna and Katukino, 1941; 1941.old signatures: 217.