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Archival description
Bachem, Charles
Best. 1006 · Fonds · 1557-1933, (1938-1944)
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Description: Bachem, Karl (1858 Sept. 22 -1945 Dec. 11), lawyer in Cologne, political-historical writer, member of the Reichstag 1889-1906, member of the Prussian Landtag (center) 1889-1905, partner of the publishing company J. P. Bachem. on June 9, 1926, Secretary General Thomann of the Stadtbibliothek on behalf of Mr. Geheimen Justizrat Dr. jur. Carl Bachem, Cologne, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 13, the Historical Archive as a deposit in addition to several copy books and bundled files, seven small cupboards filled with archival documents, which were previously put together with other (undelivered) cupboards to form a cupboard. The only condition attached to the use of this deposit was that the files lying after 1870 may not be made accessible before 1940.numbers 40-50 have not been assigned.the photos (cartes de visite) in order 7356 [old: ZSB 6], originally from order 1006 (estate of Dr. Carl Bachem), were taken out of the estate in the seventies and placed in the Bild Contemporary History Collection (ZSB). At that time the processing was limited to the allocation of signatures and the laborious (and not always successful) deciphering of the autographs on the front or back sides of the photos. 1993 duplicate negatives and photo reproductions were made in order to secure the valuable originals within the scope of a job creation measure. Now that the photographs have been distorted, the originals have been blocked for general use for conservation reasons and will be stored separately together with the duplicate negatives. Users are presented only with the reproductions classified in order 7356, i.e. the signatures order 7356, Fo 2402, Fo 2403 and Fo 2405 - Fo 2410/34. Contains among other things: material collection: Zentrumspartei, Zentrumsfraktionen im Reichstag und Preußischen Abgeordnetenhaus, Christian trade unions, church and cultural policy, Zentrumpolitik im Raum KrefeldLiteraturangaben: Kiefer, Rolf, Karl Bachem (1858-1945). Politicians and historians of the Centre (publications of the Commission for Contemporary History Series B Vol. 49), Mainz 1989Soderini, Edoardo, Leo XIII and the German Cultural War. German adaptation by Richard Bauersfeld, Innsbruck 1935Weber, Christoph, Kirchliche Politik zwifschen Rom, Berlin und Trier. Die Beilegung des prußischen Kulturkampfes (Publications of the Commission for Contemporary History Series B Vol. 7), Mainz 1970Schubert, Werner, Materialien zur Entstehungsgeschichte des BGB. Introduction, Biographies, Materials, Berlin, New York 1978Neubach, Helmut, Zum deutsch-polnischen Nationitätenverhältnis in Oberschlesien um das Jahrbuch der Schlesischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Breslau 25 (1984), pp. 235-247, Letter pp. 240-246Rivinius, Karl Josef. Mission and Politics. An unpublished correspondence between members of the "Steyler Missionsgesellschaft" and the center politician Carl Bachem, St. Augustin in 1977 (publications of the missionary seminary St. Augustin near Bonn 28)Wolters, Michael, Die Zentrumspartei und die Entstehung des BGB (Fundamenta Juridica Bd. 39), Baden-Baden 2001Czitrich-Stahl, Arthur Stadthagen - advocate of the poor and legal teacher of the labour movement. Political biography of an almost forgotten social democratic jurist and member of the Reichstag, Diss. phil. FernUniversität Hagen, 2014 [] (Bachem's statements on Stadthagen in No. A 7 are not included in the paper)Bendix, Ludwig, Die deutsche Rechtseinheit und das zukünftige bürgerliche Gesetzbuch für das Deutsche Reich, Mainz 1896Hollweck, Joseph, Das Civileherecht des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches. Shown in the Light of Canon Marriage Law, Mainz 1900Lowry, John S., Big Swords, Jesuits, and Bondelswarts. Wilhelmine Imperialism, Overseas Resistance, Germann Political Catholicism, 1897-1906 (Studies in Central European Histories), Leiden 2015Rossi, Robert, Léo Taxil [1854-1907]. Du journalisme anticlérical à al mystification transcendante, Marseille 2014Hacks, Charles, Le Geste. Illustration de Henri Lanos, Paris 1892Hübner, Christoph, Die Rechtskatholiken, die Zentrumspartei und die katholische Kirche in Deutschland bis zum Reichskonkordat von 1933 A contribution to the history of the failure of the Weimar Republic (contributions to theology, church and society in the 20th century). Jahrhundert vol. 24), Berlin 2014Arning, Holger/ Wolf, Hubert, Hundred Catholic Days from Mainz 1848 to Leipzig 2016, Darmstadt 2016Kim, Phil-young, A German Empire on Catholic Foundation. Attitudes to the German Nation in the Strict Catholic Press 1848-1850 (European University Publications. Series III: History and its Auxiliary Sciences Vol. 1079), Frankfurt am Main 2010Requate, Jörg, Journalism as a Profession. Origin and Development of the Journalistic Profession in the 19th Century.Germany in International Comparison (Critical Studies on Historical Science 109), Göttingen 1995Vobbe, Joachim, Theodor Stumpf from Koblenz - a Cusanus admirer at the Cradle of the Old Catholic Synodal and Parish Order, in: Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift. New episode of the Revue internationale de théologie 93 (2003), 65-82